Chapter 5
She woke up by the sound of the alarm. She groaned and realized that she was still on the floor. She got up and stretched her arms, she sighed in satisfaction when she heard cracking sound. She made her way towards the annoy alarm and shut it off. she made her way towards the bathroom and did the hygiene. she stared herself in the mirror, 'her hair like a bird nest, tears stains visible on her flawless skin. Her swollen red eyes. All messed up just because of one guy. He. King Vincent. He is all set to ruin my life, my dream of marriage with the one I love.' She sighed and start getting ready for university. She made her way downstairs and found Amanda in the kitchen and James was sitting on the breakfast table reading newspaper without any greeting, she silently made her way towards the door.
"Emily, come and eat your breakfast.", Amanda called out while drinking her coffee.
" I am not hungry", Emily stated and grabbed her jacket from the rack.
" you didn't eat dinner too kid, eat something or you get ill", James said.
"Why you care if I get ill or die? The last time I checked that you only care about your self", Emily said coldly .
He rolled his eyes at her emotional drama.
" I wanna talk to you about something, come here", James said motioning her towards the chair with his finger. She silently made her way towards the chair and sat down. As much as she wanted to deny, she can't She knew better not to angry him.
"Yes, speak"
"Emily, we want the best for you. Everything we did, do and will do is for your best. We want to see you happy and safe in your life. If anything happen to you. Amanda and I will never forgive ourselves."
Emily cut him off by saying,
"Stop beating around the bush and speak clearly"
He sighed and continue,
"Now you are unveil to the Mafia world and you don't know how dangerous this Mafia World is. Full of gory and massacres and to live in this world, we have to be powerful, Amanda is safe because she is Mafia boss's wife. Noone dare to hurt her because I am protecting her. So just like this we want you to get married with someone who is not just only in Mafia but someone who is powerful, strong, the one who put the fear of god in enemy's heart, the one who knows how to protect a family, and all of these qualities are in one person, My best friend King Verl Vincent. You understand what I mean?", James explained
She closed her eyes for a moment tried to control her tears. She opened them and whispered,
" why should I understand all things, at least you guys can try to understand me too. I am not in love with him nor I like him. So, what if he is handsome hunk, I don't go for looks, person's nature, and personality matters to me and his nature is cold and his personality screams danger, He is ruthless man who kill with the blink of his eyes. Why you guys wants me to marry him. Why i don't have any choice just because I belongs to a Mafia family and my safety is on risk? then, I don't want any safety. I can protect myself. Besides, noone will hurt me because i will never give them any reason. I will live my life like good citizen. Is it too hard? no it's not? its damn easy..."
"If you think that the Mafia will let you live in peace after knowing that you belongs to the Mafia Family then you are wrong kid, they won't. They are looking for a chance to get their dirty hands on you so they can use you for us because they know you are our weakness. And if you marry a civilian then you become a easy prey for them maybe your stupid husband too what would you do if they kill him. Who protect you? Noone?...",
"Leave it and tell me do you have any guy in your life, who you want to marry. Does he have these qualities?", Amanda asked softly.
She stayed silent and shook her head in 'no'
"then king is the right choice for you", Amanda stated looking away.
" I am shock Amanda, how can you say that. He is manipulative monster! first he manipulate Bro and he manipulate you!!! None cared about me, what I feel or what I want", Emily interjected through gritted teeth.
"We care about you Emily that's why we are doing this, No guy can protect you like He can. Besides there is no guy in your life too... This is what why we call this whole drama and chaos, the life. Not everything happen what we want. Accept it and Accept Him.", Amanda said.
Hot tears streamed down her cheeks,
" you are right but i can't.. I just can't...Please don't force me...", she whispered choking back her tears,
He stared her silently, and thought,
'He don't like to see his baby sister crying because of him ...'
He sighed out,
"I give you time Emily, think with clear and neutral mind and then, after dinner give us your answer... What ever your answer would be. We will accept it...", James suggested.
She pressed her lips in a thin line, nodded and rushed out of the house leaving shocked Amanda behind.
When she left, Amanda walked towards James who was reading newspaper. She snatched it from his hand, placed it on the table, she crossed her arms. he gave her questioning look.
" What are you trying to do James?", Amanda asked,
"What did I do?"
"First you say convince her and then you gave her time to think about the decision, I don't get it, when you know that she will say no then, whats the point of giving her time", Amanda asked,
"Darling, Do you trust me?...", James askex,
Amanda frowned,
" what type of question is that huh ofcourse I trust you with my life"
James smiled
"Then leave it to me", James replied.
she huffed and nodded.
Emily was sitting at the table with her crew everyone chatting with each other while she was silently staring at the distance lost in her thoughts.
Tyler noticed her, he hit her shoulder gently to got her attention which she gave.
"What happened?", He asked,
" Nothing", she replied and gave him tight smile
Ashley noticing both of them, Emily looked so sad and lost. she didn't find the courage on how to talk to her after the brother meeting incident. King explained Ashley everything. She was worried for Emily. Lots of thoughts nagging her
'what if Emily don't talk to her? Break their friendship because of her brother, or what if she blamed me for the chao , deep down I am happy that Bro, choose Emily as his life partner. Emily have everything a guy wants; looks, personality mind everything. Not like Armie who choose Victoria witch as his life partner. But she is worried for Emily too, Bro have some anger issues and his cold, vicious self already scared her. how she handle him after marriage?", Ashley thought and cleared her throat to got her attention too. Emily looked at her,
"Emily are you upset with me",
Ashley asked.
Rose and Peter stopped talking,
" No, why would I be?", Emily replied confused
"Because of my brother"
"No it's not your fault... You did nothing... The only culprit is King Vincent who unfortunately happen to be your brother..." Emily stated truthfully
Ashley sadly smiled at the soft hearted girl sitting besides her.
"What happen Emily?", Peter asked.
" I asked her the same. She is not telling?", Tyler said.
She sighed and told them everything from the start,
"And now brother gave me time to think about the purposal. I have to give him my answer after dinner", she said rubbing her temple trying to ease the migraine raising due to heavy crying and thinking in the car.
" How can he do that? This is so cruel", Rose shrieked distraught.
Tyler looked so pissed off like ready to kill but he controlled himself
"You will say no, Emily you can't do that. he is not right guy for you", Tyler said through gritted teeth.
" Oh really then who is right for her?", Ashley interjected
"Some psychotic idiot..." she grumbled under breath.
"You-" He was about to say but Rose cut them off by scolding,
"Would you two stay quiet!!!"
Tyler galred Ashley,
she rolled her eyes at him
Emily ignored them,
" And what is your answer?", Peter asked gently giving her brotherly warmth in his chocolate brown eyes.
'She is missing Zac so badly at the moment'
"I don't know as much as I don't want to disappoint or see brother and Amanda sad but i can't be with him i don't love him, he is ruthless i don't want him...", Emily wavered at the end and broke down. Ashley who sat besides her quickly hugged her. Ross got up too and sat besides her and hugged her too they rubbed her back softly patted her
" It's going to be fine Em, stay strong please don't cry", they whispered trying to consoled her with their words.
"You will give them your answer with your heart Emily if your heart say no then it will be a 'No' they would be hurt by your decision, but remember it would temporary... But just because of their happiness if you say yes. Then your regret would be permanent...", Peter said and squeezed her hand in a reassuring way
" We are with you no matter what. This is what friends do", Rose whispered, Ashley nodded. She looked at Tyler who hesitated a bit first but nodded. She proudly smiled at them
"I am so lucky to have such greatest friends... I love you guys thanks for all the support. Now it's easy for me to make a decission now", She said.
" I am not on my brother side Emily, promise me that you will never think of me wrong", Ashley said.
"I know and Promise"...
" then, You will denied right ", Tyler asked curiously, wanted to clear his doubts.
They all rolled their eyes at him
She chuckled and nodded before saying more like to herself,
"My answer would be a big No...."
Emily was sitting at the dining table after dinner.
"James, calling you in his office", Amanda said as she picked last plate from the table. Emily caught her hand.
"Amanda I am scared", Emily whispered worriedly,
" It's fine Em. Whatever your answer is just go and tell him", Amanda said, and gave her motherly smile.
"You don't want to know my answer", She asked.
"your nervy look easily tells... It's a no right? ", Amanda said.
" yeah but you are not upset with me?", Emily asked
"No. I am not... Now go, you know James don't like to wait"
She nodded and made her way towards the No Go area of the house James office. She knocked on the door
"Come in"
she entered and found James working on his laptop. With out looking up he ordered,
She nodded and timidly sat on the chair.
After a longest moment of silence she ever experianced in life ended, He turned his full attention after closing his laptop,
"So, do you think?", He asked.
She start fidgeting with her finger and nodded,
He hummed,
" then, what is your answer?", He asked.
She took a deep breath gathered her little courage,
"It's a No from me", she blurted out
He stayed silent for a second.
" You will learn in a hard way kid...", he thought to himself,
" Nothing. Whatever you want. then...Okay you can go now", He stated. opened his laptop and start working again
She stared him surprised.
He stopped and arched an eyebrow at her.
"Brother, you are not upset with me? I mean with my decision?", She asked
" No"
"But why!!?"
He sighed at her preplexed form,
"Because it's your life my kid, if we have to be upset with you then we won't give you choice", He explained.
" then why didn't you give me choice first... Why we fought", She asked bewildered.
"Because I thought I can convince you but I was wrong... You have feelings too we should respect that ", he answered in a matter of factly tone.
She smiled, got up and walked towards the door. She stopped at the door and turned to him,
" Thank you brother for everything. And whatever I say in past days, I really didn't mean it. I was just angry... you know."
"But in anger, we often speak truth", he said trying to keep a straight face not wanting to show her that he was joking.
She felt a pang in her heart by his words.
"No brother, trust me I didn't mean those weren't giving me any reaction that's why i barked those harsh words", She babbled raking a hand in her hair.
He chuckled at her
" what?", she asked dumbfounded.
"I was joking Emily.!", He said smirking.
"Brother you are crazy!!!", she groaned and shook her head in a fake anger.
She giggled. he smiled and said,
" we just want see you happy Remember that..."
She gave him her heart warming smile and nodded,
"Good night brother..."
" Good night Kid..."
She made her way upstair smilingly, she saw Amanda who was smoothing lotion in her hand.
"Someone is so happy huh. so you tell him", she asked
" yeah and he also accept my decision", she replied and grinned ear to ear.
"Wow that amazing so are you happy now" Amanda complemented.
She surprised Amanda by a sudden hug
"Yeah and thank you so much guys for everything for respecting my decision for understanding my feelings...i love you guys"... She whispered as tears slipped from her eyes. Amanda rubbed her back tenderly caressed her hair just like her mom used to do when she was alive.
" Honey its fine you are so special to us we can't see you sad...", Amanda said. They softly broke apart.
"Now go and sleep you look like a ghost with those blood red eyes", Amanda scolded, came back to her normal 'mama' state.
Emily chuckled and made her way towards room she changed her into her night clothes and dropped on the don't mattress. She lay on her back facing the ceiling.
'This big ass problem finally solved. Thank gosh.... Now, I dont have to deal with the monster... I can leave in peace but deep down it nagged me that how can Amy? No. No Amy but brother. He agree with my decision so easily. How? His easy-breezy behaviour nagged me its sounds so fishy fishy?
No no I shouldn't doubt his faithfulness and love for me.these stupid suspicious thoughts are only preplexed me. its nothing I can't think so low about them. Leave it...' she thought and closed her eyes trying to stopped her never- ending thoughts and lulled to deep slumber....
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