chapter 24
{After two months}
Ashley, Rose smiled when they saw Emily making her way towards the table. They invited her to the cafe for the meetup.
''I know you will come!" Ashley beamed,
"Absolutely right. She can't say no to us", Rose agreed. Emily chuckled at their excitement and hugged them, "I missed you guys a lot", they sat down.
"So guys tell me what happened when I was not here? Have you made any boyfriend or not?", Emily asked taking a sip of the cream latte Ashley ordered for her.
"Nothing was fine. Everyone was stressed out worried about you. Brother went insane. He forgot to sleep, was alive on cigars and alcohol. Our rivals were becoming active as soon as you went missing. He burnt the midnight oil to find your whereabouts-",
Emily cut her off coldly, "so he could hurt me all by himself."
"No, it's not like that. He is actually worried about you."
Emily rolled her eyes, " I don't want to talk about him, Ash."
"No Em, you have to listen. My brother is not what everyone thinks of him. when our rivals got to know that you ran away and didn't have any security with you, they tried their best to harm you. But did you know what kept you safe? His name-" Ashley confessed,
Rose interrupted, "would you guys please stop."
"Don't forget what he did to me and about my protection, I didn't ask for it. Did I? I can take care of myself. I didn't need him back there nor I need him now!" Emily fumed,
"You haven't even think about how comfortably you were living there all protected and secured from the rival mafia although you belong to the mafia family who has deadly enemies. Think Emily think! The necklace you are wearing right now. It keeps you safe. It's not just an ordinary necklace. Our family symbol is carved on it. It shows that you are his family, so no one can harm you."
Emily got up frustrated, "Enough with his praising Ashley! that's why I didn't want to come. I don't want to talk about him."
Ashley saw Emily wore her jacket ready to leave,
"I know what he did is wrong but you can't deny the fact that he is always there for you in your hard times."
She stopped and turned to her,
"You are mistaken, He gave me the hard time.", she left.
Ashley sighed and turned to Rose, " I didn't want to hurt her. I only said those things for her to realize as well. His way was wrong but He loves her, Rose. I can see in his eyes."
Rose squeezed her shoulder, "She went through a lot Ash, she will be fine. Let me see her.
Emily strode towards her car, furious. She was about to open the door but saw Rose made her way towards her. She stopped. "What happened, Rose?"
"Are you ok, Emily? Everything happened there please don't be upset with her. He is her brother."
Emily sighed, " I know. I am not upset with her. She will never understand what I am going through. I haven't seen King since the incident. Maybe he understood that it's over between us. I belong to someone else. I belong to Oscar. I don't know where is he? What is he doing?"
'Can't wait for the day, he come and take me far away from here, Her heartache remembering him.
"Have you contacted him?" Rose asked,
"Yes. I have been trying to contact him since the day I arrived here but his phone is switched off. I even contacted his mother and my colleagues but they all blocked me.", She paused and whispered,
"After everything happened at the school, I think I deserve this."
Rose pulled her in a warm hug, "don't say that... Everything will be fine, Em, you are a strong girl."
Emily nodded and gently pulled apart, "I should go home now." She opened the door, surprised by the bouquet of white roses on the seat. "Oh Gosh, They are so pretty...'' she gently lifted them, amazed by their beauty. "But Who placed them inside?"
"There is a card on it. See", Rose pointed at the card placed between the roses. Emily took it out and read it loud,
"Dear Emily,
I heard these are your favourite flowers. Mine too because They remind me of you... Delicate and pure like your heart... May these bring a smile to your gorgeous face."
A soft blush scattered her cheeks. She flipped the card to see the sender name, and her smiley expression changed into a gloomy one.
King Vincent.
'it was from none other than the King'. Anger stirred within her as she crumpled the note and threw the bouquet in the garbage near her.
"What does he think of himself? That I will forgive him if he creepily surprised me with flowers!" Emily seethed.
"Maybe he wants another chance if you consider..."
"Never! I will never do that!" Emily cut him off," I don't want him near me. Suggest me what should I do?"
"Fine then ignore him. Whatever he is doing just ignore it. Sooner or later he will realize that it will not work out.", Rose suggested. She nodded, bud her bye and left.
. ----
Ashley watched Emily threw away the bouquet and left. Her phone rang, she received it and heard his deep voice,"to my office right now.", She got into her car too and left for King's Office.
She entered his cabin. The eerie silence and a cloud of smoke filled the room. She coughed a little, made her way to the man near the window. He was smoking near the giant window, looking out. He opened it, and soon all the smoke cleared out. "Report.", He commanded without a single glance in her way.
"As you said, I invited her for the meetup, we talked but soon we had a little argument and she left from there.", She answered,
"What kind of argument?", He asked turning around.
"I tried to convince her that she always think of your wrong and justify your doings."
He puffed out the last smoke before smashing the cigar into an ashtray and said, I didn't send you to advocate me. Did I? My lawyers can do better."
"But brother, I only said those things for you", she defended,
He gave her an icy glare which made her backup some steps,
"I gave you a fucking single task which was to invite her for the meet up so she could have a good time, but you used your thick head and upset my girl."
"My apology but my intention were kind. I will be careful next time", Ashley muttered, looking down.
"You better be... Apology accepted however Don't play smart with me next time or I will not hesitate to punish you", he warned, glaring dagger at her,
She gulped and nodded. After some moment, she spoke up, "Brother, May I say something?"
"Unless it is important", he advised,
she hesitated, and he sighed,
"Are you still hopeful that everything will be fine? I mean She threw away your bouquet. she doesn't want to see you", She asked,
"Better things take time."
"but she changes a lot. She become aggressive."
He chuckled,
"I can handle that spice." He paused as his steely demeanour was back. "Anything else?"
She whispered," no."
"Leave now."
She nodded and left.
I hope you all are doing great!
so here is an update.
do tell me you like it or not.
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see ya.. take care of yourself... bye.. <3
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