Chapter #10
Emily was eating her fries with her friends at their usual spot, the Cafeteria.
Whole group mood faltered when one person came today. Unfortunately, Tyler was here siting beside Peter, when Peter asked where he was and he said, he was ill. She didn't talk or even answered his hello, ignoring him as much as she could. Because she didn't want another drama...
Two days ago, she went on a date with King, Which didn't went well. She passed out from fear.
She told them how their date went.
From the corner of her eyes, she saw Tyler, clenching, unclenching his fist.
Like he wanted to smash something but she ignored him.
They all groaned in frustration and schooled her on not to controlled her anger on small thing!!
How can they think of it small?. It's not small it's a very big deal!! Its about my marriage dammit!!
And advised her to used a soft way to persuaded him next time. And not to go all crazy and yelled at the Don... It will worsen the situation more...
'Everyone on his side, the world is against me!
'I was never been yelled by anyone in my entire life before. His anger scared the life out of me. He has some serious anger issue, besides I am angrily disappointed on how both families are busy planning our marriage. Not even ask once to the bride herself, that when she wanted to got married or if she wanted to get married at all?',
Emily was playing with her locket, Lost in thoughts.
Rose voice startled her,
"Em, what are you wearing?"
Rose rolled her eyes,
"I know it's a locket, I never see this before. From where you bought it?"
"It's a gift... From King", she whispered ignoring Tyler's burning gaze on her.
" Wow, its look ancient ", Peter complemented,
"Yeah, this was his mother's"
"Aww, that so sweet", Rose purred.
She smiled and whispered,
"Yes it i-"
"Fuck him and his mother's gift", He mumbled,
" Watch your words, Tyler Hunt, He is my fiance!", Emily rebuked glaring dagger at him,
"Why it angers you huh? You don't love him... I will say as much as I can"
She crossed her arms over her chest, arched an eyebrow,
"Who say I don't? Maybe I do or Maybe not but it's not something for you to know, the only thing for you to know that, nor I like you, nor I love you..."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" They jumped when Tyler yelled out of blue.
Everyone's eyes turned to their table.
"Are you crazy Man!! Why are you yelling!", Peter shouted in a whispered,
" he is not the one who is barking, you are barking and I don't wanna talk to you!", Emily hissed.
FOR YOU AND THEN DITCH ME!! WHY YOU DID THAT!!!", he fisted on table. They all abruptly got up. Make a distance from the lunatic,
she was fuming in anger at his rubbish, but controlled it,
"Listen, Tyler get lost from here... No need to create drama here... You know I didn't do anything... And it's not love it's your fucking pathetic obsession!!!"
"IT'S NOT PATHETIC, BITCH! YOU ARE FUCKING PATHETIC WHORE!!! AND TAKE THIS GARBAGE OF-" He bawled his reached out to her chest where the necklace hanging and about to pulled it off,
a reverberating sound heard as Emily's hand connected with his cheek.
they all gasped at them,
He slowly placed his hand where she slapped him, shocked by her move.
'She slapped me because of him!', He thought angrily. he looked around embarrased without another second he stormed out form the cafeteria.
She ignored the twitching pain in her palm and sat back on the chair. They followed her movement and sat down too.
"Are you alright?", Ashley asked worriedly,
She nodded and put her head in her hands,
Whore??? Dad used to call Mom...
"You served him right!", Rose said patting her back.
She whispered blinking away fresh tears,
" My heads hurting badly guys, i should go home"
"Are you alright, i can drop you home if you want", Peter suggested,
She shook her head in no and said,
"No it's fine... I can go by myself"
He nodded she got up ignoring everyone's stares and walked out,
"I think we shouldn't left her alone? I am going to her", Ashley said getting up,
" your concern is right but she is going home... She needs sometime alone", Peter replied,
"I know at least I can drop her... I am having a bad feeling in my stomach... What if Tyler is still out there and bully her again?"
" Right... we are also coming"
"No no I am going if something happen I will tell you guys..."
They nodded,
Emily was walking towards her car and about to get inside but someone slammed the car door shut she startled jumped back. Tyler was standing in front of her, fingerprint on his left cheek was angry and swollen. His eyes were burning with rage.
He looked so scary...
"Where do you think you are going?", he asked with a clenched jaw,
She glared him,
"Get Off My Way"
"Not so easily, Emily Whiteley", he snarled,
She gulped and looked everywhere for help but found no one. the area was all deserted... Everyone was either in the class or in cafeteria...
"What happen? Scared? Hit me like you did back there..." he said shoving her shoulder hard,
"Stop it Tyler!"
she stumbled, lost her balance, she grunted when her back came in contact with the floor.
She glared him and got up.
"Because everyone were present there, so you felt brave... What happened now?!!", he yelled,
She pushed him and tried to ran past him but he grabbed her wrist, twisted it, she yelped in pain, he kept on twisting, re-twisting it teasing more pain in it as she was crying out in pain with every bend.
"Leave me Tyler it's hurting please!!"
"Leave you? never!!! Now you will see what I am going to do to you bitch!!",
with this, he let go of her hand, she gasped in horror when he can cuffed them, dragged her towards her car threw her in the trunk she wiggled shouted for help and fought back but all in vain. He was much stronger than her. She heard Ashley's fainted voice as he shut the trunk. Ashley saw, Tyler threw Emily in the Trunk, she was running and shouting at him telling him to stopped because she was at far distance from them. he got in the car and drove away in the lightning speed...
The trunk opened by Tyler, she wiggled as he took her out she screamed for help but stopped when she realized where they were... It was an abandoned university's underground parking lot far away from the university itself. It was built for evening students... Years ago, Only they can parked their cars here... Stayed protected from car thefts at night time...
But not used anymore because of the distance problem... And the rumors that, it was haunted.
She shrieked when he shoved her on the ground And cuffed both hands on the attached hook on the pillar above her head. she jerked them trying to freed herself but cried out whenever she moved it. the cuffs were tight cutting her already sore wrist.
" P-Please, Tyler leave me?"
He laughed,
Mimicked her shaking his head looking like a psycho,
"P-Please, Tyler leave me?....Really!, so you'll go and tell everyone that I kidnapped you."
"I-I won't tell anyone please", she begged,
"Nah" he said and sat in front of her, criss cross, placed his chin on his hand watching her with a wide grin,
She stared him worry plastered on her face,
" W-Why are you doing this, Tyler, you are not like this?"
"Because, I am not weird, I am not pussy I also want to prove him that I am a man of business right? I can handle dirty works all alone... I am Normal, Smart!...", he looked away mumbling to himself.
" To who?", She asked suspicious,
"Stop call me pussy!!", He yelled,
"But I-"
"I am not talking to you!!" he clutched his head, like it was a out to explode at any moment.
'Oh my lord, he is mentally ill!'
" T-Tyler, you need serious help please", she stammered.
"Are you implying that I am a psycho!!", he hissed,
" I do-"
she flinched, whimpering furiously shaking her head in Negative.
He gripped her chin.
"What about if we make a psycho baby together?!"
He stared her up and down with Lusty eyes, she looked at him scared when he wiped drool with his hand from the corner of his mouth,
His hand touched her cheek,
"Don't touch me, you Monster!!!
Stay away from me!!!", she cried out wiggling, trying to scooted away from him more in the pillar.
He glared her,
" Really, stop me now", with that he cupped her cheeks in a tight hold, was about to kissed her but she spat mouthful of saliva on his face...
He back away shocked, stared at her with rage molten in his eyes,
He wiped it off from his sleeve.
He raised his hand to strike her cheek,
She squinted her eyes shut in fright not ready for the blow,
but it never came.
She slowly opened them unsure,
"King...", she breath out in relief when when she saw King was standing there gripping Tyler's raised hand in a deadly grip. His Men surrounded them.
King fisted his hair, dragged him towards the car like some slaughtered animal, Tyler thrashed his legs but all in vain, his six pack body strength was nothing against King's. He lift him by his collar in the air and smashed him on the car windshield by immense force. The glass busted into shattering piece.
Tyler screamed, when his back collided with the hard glass,
King walked towards his love who was watching him without blinking, wide eye.
"Are you alright, Beauty", he asked in a soft tone, bent on his knee quickly untied her. she hissed as the pain shot through her wrist. he frowned and lift it in his hand to examined it.
A growl escaped his throat,
"Stay here..." he warned got up and stride towards his prey who tried to get out from the car. King dragged him out of it. Tyler stood there limped. He was watching King with
half-open eyes, blood oozing from his wound at the side of his head, King curled his hand in fist and connected it straight with His nose, a satisfying crack was heard, he grunted in numbing pain, stumbled backward, blood trickled down from his cracked nose,
King gave him another blow, but this time down towards the jaw sending him far away from him on the floor.
Tyler groaned, taste metallic in his mouth. And tried to scooted away from angry bull but King kicked him in the stomach with full strength. Tyler howled in agony clutching his stomach, tried to protect himself from King's constant kicks on the chest and on stomach, King was roaring After each Kick,
"You Dare To Harm My Girl! The Love My Life. Huh! What Did You Just Think,Kid? You can abduct her, Hurt Her and No one Saved her!!!?"
"P-Please, D-Don have mercy on me...I am sorry. I won't do it again please",Tyler begged holding his hands in begging form, crying.
King chuckled darkly, and bent to his level
" Mercy?... thats sound so foreign"
Emily was watching King in pure horror, she was more afraid of King than she was with Tyler before.
She gasped when she saw Tyler coughing blood,
'I know, he hurt me but I can't let him die! King will Kill him! ',
she thought and got up with great efforts she ran towards King.
she sat on her knees besides him and placed her healthy hand on his shoulder, King looked at her,
"K-King, leave him please"
He shook his head in denial,
"No My Sweet Love, he has to suffer... No one can harm My Love ones... Then, how can he did that"
King turned to him, and grabbed his limpy hand,
"What did you do to her hand?"
She knew where he was going
"P-Please King, Leave it. I am f-fin-e"
He ignored her,
Tyler gulped,
King back handed him,
"I asked what did you do to her hand?"
"I-I twisted it-t" Tyler whispered shaking,
"But I didn't break it! I swear... I only t-tease her"
"Tease Huh. Your bad."
"Give me a hammer!", King growled.
Emily's eye widened, she grabbed his face,
" King, Look at me, please No, leave it. I-I forgive him. Don't do this"
He stared in her eyes, filled with worries,
He smirked,
She gave him suspicious look,
Her eyes widened,
Tyler wailed in agony, as King twisted his fully backward. Breaking it.
She watched him with jaw dropped, froze on her spot,
"Take him to the cellar.Patch him up. Beat him. Repeat this process until further orders and cleared this scene." King ordered.
His men nodded and took wailing Tyler with them
"King, you don't have to do that"
King wiped tears from her cheeks,
"It's fine sweet love... He deserve this"
"But sti-"
"Shhh...Come lets get you patch up"
He lifted her in his arms and walked out from parking lot. Bright sunny rays hit her face.
Finally the nightmare is over... But my worries never fades...
Black cars parked outside. His men opened the car door he gently puts her in the back passenger seat.
"Get me a first aid and water bottle",King ordered, his man left and came with the supplies. He took them and sat inside.
" please King, let him-"
"Stop speaking for him... If I loose my temper, I will kill him right away. Got it", he warned,
She nodded shuddered at his words,
He noticed her shaking,
" Come her-", he placed his hand on her cheek, she placed it away, averted her eyes, blinking to stop new flow of tears,
He sighed, and placed his finger under her chin, lifted it to met her eyes,
"Sorry, Love I don't mean to be harsh"
He wiped away single drop that left her eye,
She nodded, bitten down her bottom lips to suppressing her crying,
"Come here"
He pulled her in a warm tight hug, which she needed the most, without another instinct, she hugged him back tightly, cried out loud in his arms,
"I was so scared King!... He was crazy!!"
He kissed her hair, caressed her back hold her in a tight embrace, absorbing her miseries... Pain in him...
"I know My Love... It's fine, you are fine... Calm down Now, You are a brave girl, who handled everything so well...", he whispered,
His words worked and and her cries died down eventually, she slowly pulled apart.
She felt light, calmed, More at ease...
Sometimes, A tight hug from the right person is all you need...
She noticed his pale blue shirt all stained in tears,
"Your shirt? it gets dirty because of me", her voice came out hoarse.
"Here drink some water"
He opened the seal and handed her. She thanked him and drunk eagerly, she handed him back when she finished. He put it aside,
"Show me your hand, Love"
She did what he asked, he examined her bruised, swelling wrist, moved it gently, she hissed,
"Does it feel warm", he asked pointing at the swelled side,
"It just a wrist sprain. We can fix it"
He took out ointment from the box, gently applied all over the area,
She was watching him as he busied bandaging her,
Why he care for me so much? Why so much concern, protective and love for a girl like me? I am not special... I am even lesser then average... I am nothing... I never believe in arrange marriages... Because of my haunting past... Just because of Mom and Dad failed marriage... Because of Dad's abusive nature towards Mom... It lifted my believe in arrange... Or I say in marriage... I want marriage where both hearts are ready... Happy. That's one of the reason I never dated... That's why I have trust issue towards King...Just because of his cold, ruthless nature and mafia thing I excepted him to be like Dad or more worse... so what if Dad was not a mafia guy, but he was still abusive... But King why he keep proving me wrong... One second he is all soft and gentle, other second he is cold, merciless...But, why I found care in his cold side and love in his soft one... It's frustrati-
She came back to reality, her eyes caught the sight of his knuckles all bruised and bloody,
she gasped,
"What happened to your hand!?"
"It's Nothing"
" You say its Nothing! It's hell bloody! You need a bandage!" she snatched box from him and tried to opened it with one hand but it won't budge,
She looked at him who already watching her with amused, expression,
She averted her gaze embarrassed by useless attempt,
"J-Just open it. I w-will do it by myself", she stammered,
" Its fine, Love... I will do it at home"
"I-I am sorry, you know my ha-"
"I know, sweet love... You show concern thats what all matters..."
He called the driver. He sat inside inside, and started to drive,
The silence was comfortable but Emily choose to broke it,
She turned to him,
"King... I don't know how to thank you of all the thing you do for him... I troubled you a lot..."
He placed his finger on her lips,
"Sshh... Don't ever thank me again... You are my fiance, My future wife... You are mine to protect, mine to cherish..."
Her heart skipped a beat....
Why my heart whispered, he is the one
but my mind screamed he is just like rest. No No I would not listen to heart... I can't trust him... I don't want to suffer like Mom....
The car stopped as they arrived at their destination.
He took her bandage hand in his and planted a gentle kiss on it.
She shivered at the contact.
"Remember one thing, Emily, no matter what happen I always protect you. Never ever think of yourself alone... All I want is your trust. Let's not talk about Love... Just trust me... And I never let you down..."
He seems so determined...
No stop it... Don't think about it... Its a trap...
She looked down and whispered, unsure of herself,
"I'll t-try..."
He sighed, detecting hesitation in her tone.
"We are home", she whispered tried to filled awkward silence.
" I don't think so..." he murmured,
Her eyes snapped at his. She averted her gaze,
"Can I asked you something?"
"What will you do to him?"
They heard voices outside,
"It's nothing for you to concern about"
"Please, King, Don't hurt him, he is not mentally stable... Leave him", she pleaded,
"Your sister is waiting for you outside. Go meet her, she must be worried", he said, changing the topic.
she looked out and saw her, his men opened the door, she got out, King got out too.
Emily tackled by Amanda in a hug,
" I am Alive Alive Okay!" Emily laughed,
" Thanks Lord!!"
"Thanks King, I guess"
She gently pulled apart, and frowned when she saw Emily's hand,
"What ha-"
"Just a wrist sprain... I am hell fine!In one piece"
Amanda shook her head.
"King saved me"
Amanda walked towards him,
"Thanks Don, I am so so thankful of yours I don't have words... You know James and Zac went on a business trip. Her responsibility is all on me. And this mess happened, I am sorry you get disturb because of us"
"How many times I told you Amanda, to call me King, you are James's wife and Emily's sister, now my Sister in Law. Don is for others... For My Family it's King... and about Emily, she is now my responsibility... And if it's about Emily, I prefer to be disturbed"
'James was right, He is honorable' She nodded, smilling, impressed,
King walked towards his Emily, whose watching him, surprised mouth slightly opened, he smiled, became back to her sensens when he slightly closed it by his hand,
"Take care of yourself, Love"he placed his lips on her forehead, and whispered,
her eyes closed on her own... He leaned back, she opened them and nodded, with a smile. he nod back, wore his tinted shades and walked back to his car, his men opened the door. He got in. the engine roared and drove away leaving dirt behind...
Amanda rolled her eyes when she noticed Emily still smiling,
"Stop smiling he is long gone..."
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