chapter #1
Emily was sitting in a university hall waiting for the course class to get started.
She received her M.A degree in Humanities last month, now some special teaching course were left to attend as a formality. Afterward, she would be able to teach at any school.
She wanted to be a teacher.
James and Amanda never let her did any job because they were fully capable of taking care of her, after the death of her parents at young age, Amanda Whiteley Davis her elder sister, businesswomen, Ceo of a beauty brand and also a Hollywood fashion designer.
and James Davis her brother-in-law, 'lost twin of christian grey' if this was what she called him, Amanda's husband, successful Ceo of a well knowned Company 'Davis's Inc'.
They both became her legal guardian. since then, she lived with them. She also had a younger brother Zac Whiteley, who was also in a business line but lived in Uk. She had a perfect family, friends, which meant a perfect life and she always grateful for all those blessings.
She boredly was looking around while suppressing a yawn. She looked beside her and saw a boy of her age quietly playing with the pencil. 'He had brown hair and hazel eyes with height of six ft something,hmmm quite handsome' she silently checked him out.
"New here?" she asked,
"Are you talking to me?",He turned to her and asked.
"No to the window", she answered sassily.
" No, I studied Humanities from here too. We shared the same class... You never notice". He said laughing nervously,
She mentally cringed at the awkward silence between them
"Sorry... You never stood ou- I mean are you anti - social?" she asked trying to filled the awkward silence between them.
"It's fine... No I am not anti-social. Just a bit introvert" he replied shrugging.
"You should make will boost your confidence." she suggested.
"I never had a friend before nor I have now. The problem is that i never speak first. So everyone thinks of me arrogant", He wisphered staring at a distance.
" No, you are not. I can be your friend if you want... You can hang out with me and my two friends Rose and Peter. I know they will like you.." she offered pointing at her two idiot friends sitting at a far corner in the hall.
"You didn't sit with them?", he asked.
" i always sit with them but today i arrived here late and all seats were filled except this one.." she explained.
"Hmmm... Well myself Tyler... Tyler Hunt!", He extended his hand and introduced himself.
She smiled back and and shook his hand.
"and myself... Emi-"
"Emily whiteley!!" He blurted smilingly.
She laughed lightly and shook her head at his cuteness,
"Cool!! Now Friends", she gave him high five. he chuckled and whispered,
After the boring session ended. Emily was walking towards her range rover with Rose beside her,
"Babe, give me his no." Rose said out of blue,
"Whose?", She asked while unlocking her car.
" James... I will ask him out " Rose replied inspecting her 'bitten nails' in a girly manners.
"Calm your horses Lady!!... Emily adviced.
" Why?? He is handsome hunk. And i want to befriended with him." Rose said.
" befriended or boyfriended?", Emily inquired with raised eyebrow.
"Okay. yeah! you are right. The plan is so simple, first i'll message him then, asked him out and then,we start dating and then, it will end of me being his girlfriend...", Rose stated lost in thoughts.
She rolled her eyes at her stupid friend,
"Hold on Sheikh Chilli", Emily mocked,
"what did i do?" Rose asked,
"Girl, listen i know he is a nice guy but you seems so... Desperate! I'll give you his no. But don't ask him out with the first message he is a intovert, make him comfortable first. He needs time to come out of his shell, understand each other then asked him out at the end. Got it..." Emily advised.
"Okay i will. but what about you? You exchanged numbers so fast. Elaborate it please?"
Emily gasped in disbelieve and hit Rose on the arm.
"Bitch! You are so rude!!! I didn't asked his number. he gave me by himself!"
Realiztion hit her hard. She tightly hugged Emily as an silent apology. She rolled her eyes and hugged her back.
She sat in and started her range rover. But it won't start.
'Shit! shit! How can I go home now' she groaned inwardly.
Rose chuckled and said," come on I'll give you lift". She sighed followed her.
"I forgot to tell you that, a group of girls in our class made an outing plan and you will come with me". Rose said.
"Are you talking about the pink group?", Emily asked as they both sat inside the car.
Rose nodded,
Her lips tugged in a distasteful pout,
" No, I don't want to go, the pink group is so girlish. I mean they are so fake barbies. I don't like them"
"Please girl, just come with me. We will only sit together. you don't need to talk to them. Just talk to me," Rose insisted.
Emily was about to protest but Rose cut her off,
"We are going to MC- fucking-Donalds! Still a no".
Emily huffed,
" Fine! If it is not about McDonald's I will never go..."
"Finally!", Rose fist pumped in the air,
Emily chuckled,
You know my weakness too well bitch!"
Rose shrugged and dropped her off.
She entered in the empty house, 'they both at work' she thought and made her way towards her room. She texted Rose 'you will pick me up.... I don't have a car'. After a few minutes she received message from Rose 'sure my boss bitch!' she chuckled and plopped on the bed for a cat nap...
She wore her shoes and got ready. she heard the Rose's car horn.
"COMING!", she yelled out from the window quickly grabbed her bag, phone made her way downstairs.
She greeted Amanda and James and said,
"Guys, I am going out with Rose and some girls. Don't wait for me on dinner"
"Fine, but where is your jacket?" Amanda asked,
"It's quiet sunny outside", Emily replied,
"Never trust the weather Emily, go wear it." Mehar ordered,
"For God Sake its upstairs Am-", she cut by the continuous car's honking,
" I'll be super fine!"
bye!", with that she sprinted of the house not wanting to heard lecture on being lazy....
They both entered at Mcdonald's. Warm and cozy feeling welcomed her.she easily spotted 'pink girls' table. They dressed in shimmiring obviously pink preppy shorts and tops with heavy makeup and thick layer of gloss. They walked towards them. She formally greeted them and sat down. while, Rose hugged all girls like they were her kindergarten friends' after a hugging session end, she sat down beside Emily.
Waiter came for the order, some girls chuckled when Emily gave ordered. She ordered Mega Mac Meal with a.....ummh. Diet coke.
Rose turned to the girls,
"You all wearing pink don't tell me its wednesday", they all laughed out loud,
" All days are wednesday for them then, " Emily muttered. Rose heard what she said and hit her under the table.
"Actually pink is our spirit color so we wear it more often". One of the girl explained.
" and I hate pink", Emily commented again.
Rose gave her pleading look asking her to stopped her ranting. She rolled her eyes.
The food arrived and she start digging.
The door opened and some tattoed men with black glasses entered. Everyone stopped talking,
"Led us towards the VIP AREA" the Man with the scorpion tattoo ordered in a cold tone.
"Sir, I am sorry but the VIP area is under construction", waiter apologised.
He glared at him then glanced at the watch, he cursed and turned to his men.
" It is an important meeting. We can't change our location. Mr.Vincent will grill me alive if i do. Let's sits here".
They noded and followed him
towards the 'Big family table',in front of the girls.
Rose was craking her lame jokes entertaining everyone, surprisingly, even the tattoed guys were chuckling time to time.
Emily, the bored wallflower, was silently eating her food while aimlessly looking around the busy restaurant, an old couple eating side by side. A women in her forties sitting all alone reading a book, a family with teenage kids were eating and planning a picnic next weekend.
While the pink girls were talking and collapsing with helpless giggles and laughing, Trying to flirt with the guys with their 'winks and kinks'.
Slow music was playing in the background, the noise level was high as she was trying to focus on the song, timidly ignoring 'flirtatious winks' tattoed guys sending her way. Suddenly a luxury strong scent filled in the restaurant dominating all smells.
The voices,noises stopped. silent.dead silent. 'What happened?' she thought and turned around to find five dangerously handsome guys were standing at the entrance. One of the man at the back flipped the open sign to closed....
King Vincent sat in the car with his younger brother 'Armie' who was his right hand in both businesses; A Ceo for the outer world and Soon to be a Don in the Mafia World. 'Being on the top of the ruthless Mafia and Ceo list is never an easy task. Most people don't know about me being the Soon to be a Don, but still fear me and I love the fear in their eyes. I wonder when they will know how they are going to react. Those days are not away.... When the whole world will know that Who is the elected Lord of New York' King thought and turned to his brother,
"Where is our next meeting?"
Armie kept the serious face before replying,
"At McDonald's."
" Have you lost your mind, check again!!!", King growled, glaring him,
" I am serious Brother, he held the next meeting at McDonald's, I also tracked his location it showed the same." Armie reported.
"But the meeting was at the hotel? Right?"
"Yeah but he change the location at the last moment"
King raved a hand in his hair,
"I am going to have words with him", King said and took a long and drew of his Cuban Cigar before disposing it.
They entered in the noisy resturant, one of his men flipped the opened sign to 'closed'. All heads turned to them,
except the brown head,
he frowned and soon his frown turned into a surprise as the girl whirled around. He lost his breath at the angelic beauty His chaotic world stopped as his cold blue eyes met the soft green one.
I never saw this angel before
She quickly looked away as Roberto approached them. King came back to his cold state. Roberto bowed down and kissed his hand in respect. King nodded. As Roberto got up, he was pinned on the far wall by King.
"Why the fuck you changed our location!!?", King hissed in angered not wanting anyone to heared their conversation.
"I deeply apologise for the inconvenience Mr.Vincent, we set our meeting at the chariot hotel but due to serious reports of spying, i had to changed it and this place is nearer and less expected for the spies so..." he explained.
King glared and roughly let go of him. Robert sighed out in relief. King ordered while walking towards the 'VIP AREA'
"Don't let anyone,enter there"
"Mr.Vincent..... The VIP area is under construction. We have to sit there" Roberto whispered in fear. King clenched his jaw, turned and gave Roberto bone crunching punch.
"Our Next meeting held at my place" King advised in calmed manner. He was grunting in pain but still noded. once he recovered, he showed King and his men their table. King's cold eyes was again caught her and instantly softened. She seemed lost in his eyes They both were staring and suddenly he winked at her.
Her eyes widened, she looked away flushing hard.
The hard atmosphere again disappeared in a thin air as everyone got back to their business,
loud chattering of girls, whispering of peoples was interrupting the Meeting many times but they were ignoring it.
"Mr.Vincent, we want the side excess of yo- " Roberto was cut by the loud laughing of girls, King took a deep breath to calm himself. he didn't want to lashed out especially on girls. Armie understood King's sign. he turned to the girls, because they were loudest one in the whole resturant.
"Listen Ladies, this is third time We are requesting you please, speak in a low voice just for a few minutes. We will not taking long. trust me. So please, cordinate", Armie requested in a polite tone.
"Ummm and what you will give us in return, human Doritos", the blond girl teased.
All girls laughed out loud.
He clenched his jaw
"I will appreciate your efforts", he said softly.
the girls made 'aww' sound. He sighed in relieved and turned back to his crew as they were starts talking in low tone.
Rose said grabbing girls attention,
"Listen this one guys,
" A student is taking his final exams.
He takes his seat in the exam hall and stares at the Question and then in a fit of inspiration takes his shoes off then removes his shirt and pant and socks. The teacher, alarmed approached him and asked,
"What is going on?"
"I am only following the instruction:
The test paper states, Answer the Question in BRIEF"....
They all stared at Rose for few second with straight face and then burst in fits of laughters. Emily chuckled too.
" I will give you twenty percent of excess on my road territory and in return I want the Land near s-" King interrupted by the loud laughter of girls, Rage flooded in his veins he got up walked towards their table and kicked it across the floor.
They screamed in horror and abruptly got up. They watched the broken table in fright.
"ENOUGH WITH THE NONESENSE!!! If any of you utter one more word! I swear...... You will deeply regret UNDERSTAND???!!!" he snapped at them. They all noded fearfully, still except the brown head who was staring all the food on the floor.her anger sparked,
she grabbed the tray from the table quickly picked all the food and put it aside, when she was done she straighten up.
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND HOW CAN YOU JUST THROW ALL THE FOOD!!!" she yelled at him. His back was facing her.
"Hey I am talking to you maybe you are some crazy rich but that doesn't mean, you can disrespect such blessing like food!!", Emily added.
King turned around and faced her,
Her stomach dropped when she saw his expression turned dark, he was stalking towards her slowly, she was walking backward, her back hit the wall. He stopped few inches away from her, put both hands on either side of her caging her
" Are you talking to me, Madam?", he asked in deep husky voice.
She gulped and bite down her lips in nervousness,
All the confidence and anger flew away in thin air.
He leaned down to her ear and whispered,
"What happened? Cat got your tongue?"
she shivered when he smelled her,
he leaned back, she wet her lips, closed her eyes took a deep breath trying to calmed her nervousness, opened her eyes softly and said,
"Listen Mister I was just sayin-"
"My name is King. Call me"
Armie watched his brother in surprise who was busy in flirting
'He never talks with girls and now, he is flirting.',Armie thought and even more surprised 'no one dared to call King Vincent by his first name only some close people can say his name'
"Okay what ever your name is-"
"KING" he again interrupted her.
He was watching her in amusement noticing all her nervous movements , as she was adorably trying so hard not to intimidate by him but was failing miserably,
'Green eyes like forest in spring, cute straight nose, pulpy plumy red lips, milky flawless skin, brown hair, small frame fits perfectly in his arms, true perfection... Damn this girl took my heart away. Too innocent too soft for this harsh world... I will make her MIN-' his train of thoughts broke when 'his beauty' finally able to speak, he listened instensely as she said,
"King, okay! So I was just saying that... Don't You know that food is a great blessing you can't just throw it just because you are angry. this is the merciless act. Go and asked those who suffered with malnutrition..."
he smirked at her lecture, and said,
"Hmmm...Are you done with your lecture? Becau-"
"I am not lecturin-"
he put his finger on her lips and said in a dead serious tone, all the amusement gone.
"Sshhhh..First thing my beauty, never interrupt me when I am talking I hate interruptions. And second, apologise, for speaking to me in a low manner"
she stared at him stunt at first and laughed sarcastically while pointing at her self,
"Really? I mean... I don't know who you are? but the think I know is that you are so arrogant and second its your fault you behaved in low manner. And last but not least get away from my way I need to go" with that she tried to move by pushing him a little but he won't budge just stared her with raised eyebrow
All the humor and confidence dropped when he didn't move.
"I-I sa-id Mov-e" she stuttered, scared,
He chuckled darkly frightened her more,
"Do you really think you can easily get away from me without an apology hmm?.... Mistake... I won't let you go until you apologise and if you don't you will be punish." He commanded, she gulped and stood on her tip toes trying to look someone for help but his tall and quiet build demeanour wasn't letting her. she flinched when he ordered in a booming voice without turning away from her, starting deep in her eyes,
"The restaurant is closed now Everyone get out!! and about our meeting, Roberto, I'll give 24 hour to think; agree with the deal or loose your stock which is on my territory"
she watched in horror as everyone hurried out from the restaurant, she tried to called out Rose, but she ignored her and walked out. Cars engines roared and sped off, 'How can she left me all alone in trouble' Tears welled up in her eyes, took a deep breath and looked at him with pleading eyes who already was staring her emotionless. She gulped and whispered,
"I am sincerely sorry for talking to you in that manner, I didn't mean it Sir...."
she looked everywhere except his cold eyes,
His cold eyes softened,
"Is it that much hard?... Apology accepted.",she stood there timid too scared to move. he took steps back. turned and left leaving her. She sighed in relieved, found her lost energy, she grabbed her bag and walked out.
A cold crisp air hit her as she stepped out. It's was raining heavily she shivered.
'Where is my jacke- damn it !!! I didn't brought my jacket with me Amy told me but me being me.. lazy and stubborn' she thought and was about to got back inside but they already locked the door from inside. She knocked on the glass door numerous times but the heavy rain dominated the thumping sound on the glass, she took out her phone and groaned in frustration when it showed no signals due to heavy rain. No cab sign either. 'Maybe I should walk home?' she thought and about to stepped away from the small shelter, her clothes reminded her about the fucked up situation; she was wearing thin t shirt and jeans if they got wet, they stick to her body and the sight would be uncomfortable 'The only thing I can do is wait until the rain stop then I can go home.' she thought and wait impatiently waiting.
'How easily Rose ditched her, she knew that I don't have a car I can't go home just left me with the monster and not even checked on me if I got home or not. or a big question is that if I am fine or not... This is what friends do. It was getting dark outside, brother and Amanda must be worried. Please God send help!' she thought and mentally prayed.
Few minutes passed. Nothing happened tears welled up in her eyes, she wiped them off. A jet black Lamborghini stopped near the shelter, windows pitch black, the door opened in a upward direction and King Vincent stepped out. their eyes met she looked away 'its all happen because of this devil'. he stopped in front of her.
"Don't You wanna go home?, beauty" He asked.
She looked up and said while glaring him,
"It's none of your business"
He suddenly pulled her to him by her arm, she wiggled under his grip,
"You haven't learn your lesson yet, have you?... Want a review again huh??" he hissed in anger.
She fliched from his hard stare,
"I-I do-n't ha-vve a car" she stuttered. He softly let her go and ordered her,
"Come, I'll drop you off"
"Thanks but no".
"I don't ask you, I give an order and if you deny, i will throw you on my shoulder and take you home "he warned
" but I can walk home by myself please" she insisted,
He gazed her up and down, she pulled her shirt down trying covered herself from his dark stare. She cleared her throat in order to grabbed his attention and muttered 'pervert'.
he looked down leaned closer and whisphered huskily while smirking,"oh honey, you are in no condition of walking home in this rain, I will lose patience, if I saw you wet trust me!"
her cheeks heated up at his remark. He took off of his coat and handed her,
"wear it and come" he walked towards his car and opened the door for her. she sighed in defeat wore his coat 'strong dominant scent enveloped her' she sat inside he shut the door and sat inside too. She gave him direction of her house. she told him to stopped the car few houses away from her actual mansion. Rain stopped too before getting out she turned to him and asked,
"Can I ask you something?"
"No, honey"
"But I still ask...but first remember one thing my name is not honey, sugar beauty whatever got it?"
He chuckled,
"Then what it is?" he asked.
"None of your the way tell me what are you doing back there? I mean, why you came back?" she looked at him anxiously,
He raised his eyebrow, made thinking face and said,
"Actually the thing is.... That......
its none of you business Honey"
She gasped at his cockiness and,
"Whatever and thanks for the ride" she got out, closed the door and about to leave but knocked on the window, he rolled it down she asked while leaning down on door,
"What about Your coat?"
"keep it"
"But it's yours. what would you do without it?"
"I swear, I can survive without it."
She nodded straightened a bit the glass rolled back to its original place. Without another second he sped off in the lightning speed. She sighed and jogged towards her home. One she got inside, she faced worried Amanda and Angrily worried James who was talking to someone on phone, he stopped talking and turned to her
" where the heck you were the whole time Kid, Your Sister and I were sick worried" James asked angrily,
"Brother, brother, please calm down listen to me first..." she told him everything but not the Mcdonald scene because if I tell him about the bulky guy I forget his name Dammit!! He scared me and made me apologised to him even if it was not my fault, troubled me a lot, he could be in deep shit and I don't want that I don't like fight and mayhem, besides he helped me but I still don't like him' she thought
"Next time take your jacket with you and don't trust anyone not everytime someone gave you safe drive and if your car broke down you took another car why didn't you take it and trust your useless friend who ditched you" He asked sternly
" brother you know I always comfortable with my car but next time I will" she said looking down
"Now go to your room", he said softly
She noted made her way towards her room on the way she glanced at her sister who gave her stern look, she meekly whispered sorry and pout sadly as her silent apology Amanda shook her head and mouthed 'grow up' and rolled her eyes. Emily smiled and ran upstair. she took off her shoes and without wasting another second dropped on the bed and went in a deep slumber.....
"A girl with green eyes,
A guy with cold vibes
She helps peoples with her might,
He kills people in the blink of his eyes
Now, his eyes sets on her,
The girl who sits at McDonald's eating burger"......
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