Chapter 5
,,I didn't want them to follow you, so I stayed here and tried to lead them away."
,,No, Tommy. They're looking for me, not you. Me." Newt looked around. ,,Jorge stopped the car. Run there and go with them."
,,No! I'm not leaving you!"
,,No, Newt!"
Thomas was suprised. His eyes were full of worrying and caring.
,,You have to go." Newt pushed Thomas away. ,,Go."
,,Bloody hell, just go!"
Thomas winced. ,,Don't let them catch yourself." He said and then, he ran away.
When his shadow was gone too, Newt wanted to cry. He was sad. He knew how much he meant to Thomas. The boy didn't want to leave but Newt asked him to. He was definitely worrying himself sick right now.
Then he heard sounds. Helicopters.
Newt didn't know what he was doing but he wanted to lead WICKED away from the others. No matter what the cost.
He runned behind one small house and peeked what happened.
WICKED's helicopters landed and men came out. They were armed.
,,Search everywhere! They can't be far away!"
Men furcate and Newt pressed himself against the wall; he heard their footsteps. The boy didn't have any idea what to do.
Should I show myself to them? Should I be here and wait until they leave or ran to others...? No, I can't put them in danger.
The guards came very close to him. Newt heard their breathing.
,,Come out!" Someone yelled.
Newt winced.
,,Come out right now and we won't hurt you!"
Newt pressed himself more stronger against the wall and hoped that the guard didn't meant him.
,,For the last time, come out!"
I'm sorry, Tommy.
Newt came out behind the wall, holding his hands up.
,,Who are you?" The guard asked.
,,Newt." His voice didn't tremble.
,,I don't care what's your name. What subject are you?"
,,A-5. The Glue."
,,You...Lea's been looking for you." The head guard turned to others. ,,We have A-5 here!"
The other guards turned around and came to Newt.
,,Take him to the helicopter!"
The guards bended his hands behind him. It hurt but Newt didn't show it out.
Then, he heard gunshots and all guards shouted that they have to hide. They started running and dragged Newt with them.
In front of them, few people started shooting.
,,You're coming with me." The head guard said and pulled Newt with himself. The other guards covered them.
The head guard dragged him by shirt and Newt tried not to fall.
,,Where are you taking me?" He asked and tried to get free.
,,Be still."
,,Where are you taking me?" Newt asked again, angrily.
,,Just be still or I'll shoot you!"
,,If you're gonna hurt him, I'll kill you."
The guard turned around and Newt saw Thomas.
,,Release him, or I'll pull the trigger." Thomas' voice was sure. He wanted to save Newt and stepped closer to them.
The guard pulled Newt closer and pressed the gun against his head.
Thomas winced.
The guard smiled his evil smile. ,,Now, put the gun down!" He said to Thomas.
Thomas didn't move.
,,Put the gun down or I'll shoot him!"
Thomas dropped the gun.
,,Get down on your knees and hold your hands up!"
Thomas did that too.
,,Now release him." He said to guard.
Thomas was suprised. ,,I did what you wanted!"
,,I don't care."
Then, the other guards grabbed Thomas, pulled him up and stared to drag him away.
Newt punched the guard into face. The guard screamed, Newt punched him again in the stomach and the guard backed and Newt escaped. The boy quickly grabbed the gun and took it with him.
,,You morons! Stop him!" The head guard yelled to others.
Newt ran to Thomas, targeted the guards with the gun and said them to release Thomas. But the guards only smirked, pushed Thomas to the other guards and came closer to Newt.
,,Don't you even think about it."
Jorge made the guards turn around. Brenda and Harriet were with him. They held the guns tightly and targeted the guards with these.
,,Nice to see you again, Newt." Brenda said. But Newt didn't have time to answer, he had to save Thomas. He pressed himself trough friends and saw that Thomas was gone. The other gladers and people from the homeplace fought with the guards. At the moment, they were leading.
But still, Newt didn't saw Thomas nowhere.
He looked around.
He saw helicopters and-
Newt ran quickly to the helicopter and pressed himself against it so the guards wouldn't see him.
,,Let me go!"
It was Thomas' voice.
,,Be still!" On guard yelled back.
Newt heard coughing; he began to anger quake when he imagined that someone made Thomas hurt.
,,Don't move." Someone said and Newt felt how cold metal was pressed against his head.
,,Easy. Drop the gun." The voice continued. It sounded like a woman's voice.
Newt did like it said.
,,Don't try to do nothing or I'll pull the trigger." The voice was still calm. Newt was pulled closer to this person. He couldn't escape.
,,Get in there Thomas!" The person yelled. Thomas winced. They came out from behind the helicopter and Newt saw how Thomas' eyes went big and he immediately stopped fighting.
,,Get in the helicopter or I'll pull the trigger." The person said everything very clearly. The voice was still calm.
Then Thomas opened his mouth.
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