Chapter 1
Newt opened his eyes but closed them quickly because the light was too bright.
Where am I? Shouldn't I be dead? Am I in the heaven?
He covered his eyes with hands and opened them slowly. Then he turned his head away from the light, stood up and sat on the bed. He looked around. Room was small; there was only one bed where he sat, door to the bathroom and one iron door. No windows.
Newt looked down to see what he wore. White long-sleeved shirt, dark blue pants, and black boots.
Like Scorch Trials, he thought. The exact same clothes.
He stood up and walked to the door. There was one little window on the door where Newt saw white corridors and few people moving. They looked like doctors.
WICKED? Newt thought. Can it be WICKED? can't be.
Then he saw few men coming towards him. Guards. With guns.
Newt back down when one guard opened the door.
,,You're coming with us," he said and started coming towards him.
,, No I'm not." Newt's voice trembled. ,, I don't even know who you are!"
,, You don't have to. Now come!" The guard took him from his hand and dragged him to the door. Newt punched guard into face and got free. Two angry guards walked to him and bent his arms behind him.
Newt pushed against but the guards were too strong.
,, Stop and be still!" The guard yelled and punched Newt in the stomach. The boy brought a scarred pain.
,, Move!" Guards drove him to the door and slammed it behind him.
They walked through white and long halls. Everything was white, even coats that people wore.
It's definitely WICKED, Newt thought.
They made it to the one big door; white one. Guard opened it, they pushed Newt in there and closed it. The boy turned around and slammed the door but no one didn't open it.
Then he heard footsteps. Newt turned around and saw a woman with brown hair, white coat and shoes. She walked next to a white table and sat behind it.
,, Have a seat," she said to Newt. The boy moved carefully to the table and sat on a chair.
,, My name is Lea Paige. My sister is Ava Paige who was the head of WICKED. She backed off 'cause she 'understand that there is no cure'. Well, I took her place over and I believe that there is a cure."
So this is WICKED.
Newt raised his eyebrows. ,, Why should I care about it?"
,, Well...including your backstory, the cure should be very important to you."
,, I don't even know how I'm still alive. Tommy shot me. I don't care that I wanted him to. He shot me. I should be dead. So..."
,, Oh, I forgot this little thing. Let me explain this to you." She stood up and started walking around the room.
,, We knew that we are gonna kill you, it was part of a plan. Part of a test. When we found out, that Thomas is the cure, we wanted to test him one last time to be sure about that. So we infected you."
,, Infected? What the hell does that mean?"
But the woman ignored his question.
,, Finally, Thomas didn't have a chance. He had to shoot you. But the bullets weren't usual. We made them and switched with usual ones. They go into your body, soluble and make you feel...sleepy. They aren't dangerous. Then, when you...sleep, they make it look like you're dead."
She controlled that Newt was listening to her. ,, And when your friends left you, we picked you up and brought here. One bullet works for six hours. Amazing, isn't it?"
Newt crossed his hands. ,, My friends didn't leave me, they thought that I'm dead! And they still do!"
,, Let them think. That's part of a test!"
,, What the hell does that mean? That I have to hide here and let my friends think that I'm dead?" By this moment Newt was already standing.
,, Yes," the woman nodded.
,, No bloody way. I'm not doing this."
,, You can try, but there's no way to escape from here."
,, I'll find a way. I will. You'll see."
The woman didn't answer to him and they stood in a deep silence for few minutes.
Then Newt asked:
,, Is Teresa somewhere here too? Or Chuck? Or Winston? Or maybe Alby and Zart too?"
,, No. Killing them wasn't part of a plan. Just a few small sacrifices."
,, Small?" Newt asked suprisely. ,, Those were do you even call them...sacrifices?"
,, You don't understand. You are just a subject."
,, My name is Newt. And you'll better remind that."
He thought a little bit and then asked again:
,, You said that you infected me. What does that mean?"
,, In the beginning, when we started with Maze Trials, we injected you with one little chip that had Flare virus in it. When it was time, we released it and it made you sick and turned you into a crank. But when the bullet was in your head, it destroyed the virus in there and you were healed. We can't infect Thomas 'cause his blood defeats this virus immediately, but you are just like others. Get sick only then when someone infects you on purpose."
Newt was confused. Like everyone else? What...?
,, Are you tryin' to say that..."
,, Haven't you already understand? Newt, you are immune."
Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote! Sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, I'm not very good at English. Chapter 2 is on its way! Thanks again! #bringingnewtback
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