The brothers waited at the gate.
"How's your back Tom?" asked Edward.
"It's alright. I can still feel it sting sometimes," Thomas confessed reaching behind him. "But it's not too bad," the next thing he did was cross his arms. "Okay what are you hiding?"
Edward frowned. "Hiding what?"
"Ed...whatever it is...just tell me. You're my brother. I promise I won't tell anyone,"
Edward sighed. "It's about the girl. I promise you I don't know who she is...but I did see her in my dreams. I didn't want to tell anyone else because I was afraid of raising suspicions. Especially with Gally,"
Thomas knew about much Edward despised Gally.
"There's also something else,"
"What is it?" Thomas asked.
"It's about last night. When I looked for you and Alby and Minho, I was cornered by a Griever,"
HIs words drastically worried Thomas. "What happened?"
Edward was very nervous. He wanted to speak. Before he could, Minho came rushing up to them with Frypan, Zart and Winston.
"Here we are. We're ready to go," Minho said. He noticed that there was something going on between the brothers. "Am I interrupting something?"
"It's nothing," said Edward quickly. "Let's go,"
"Where are you guys off to?!" Chuck came sprinting over to them.
"We're going to check out the dead Griever," Edward said. "But don't worry. We'll be back soon Chuck,"
"Could you do us a favour Chuck?" Thomas asked.
"Sure," Chuck answered. "What do you want me to do?"
"We need you to make sure no one knows we're gone,"
"Okay," he nodded.
"Don't worry Chuckie," Edward bent down and clasped his shoulder. "We'll be back soon. Okay?" he gave off an encouraging smile.
Chuck gave him a smile back.
"See you later buddy," he patted his shoulder. Together the group shot off into the maze turning corners everywhere. They made it to closed passageway where parts of a Griever were sticking out.
"That's disgusting," Zart grimaced.
"Try having its fluids splashed all over you," said Thomas, grimacing over last night's events.
Edward peered a little closer. "There's something in there,"
"You mean besides a Griever pancake?" quipped Frypan.
"Let's take a look," Edward bent forwards and reached forward a hand.
Suddenly the leg of the dead Griever moved and he fell back in shock. Minho and Thomas caught him.
"I thought you said it was dead!" Frypan exclaimed.
"Was it a reflex?" asked Zart.
"Let's hope it was," Winston prayed.
"Let's pull out the leg," said Edward. He took a grip. "Come on everyone,"
His brother joined in and so did their friends.
"Three. Two..." Thomas counted down. "One!"
They gave the leg a hefty pull. The leg got detecthed from the wall and they fell to the floor. They stood up, Thomas give Frypan a lift up. Organs was splashed everywhere. "Yuck!" he grimaced.
Minho walked forward and picked up an organ. There was a strange device inside it. He pulled the organ off it much to the disgust of everyone. They gagged as they watched him drop the organ and swipe the slime off his hands. He looked at the device carefully. It had wires sticking out of the end, a square with the number 7 programmed on it and the letters WICKED stamped underneath.
"What the hell is that?" Thomas asked.
"Whatever it is, it could be a clue," Edward tried to sound encouraging.
"Whatever it is can we look at it back in the Glade?" requested Frypan, looking a little scared. "Cause I don't want to meet this guy's friends,"
"He's right. It's getting late," Minho said. "Let's go,"
They jogged back the way they came dodging corners. They were almost a few turns away from the entrance when suddenly the walls shook. They stopped.
"What was that?" asked Winston.
"Oh no," murmured Minho.
"What is it?" demanded Zart.
"This happened last night. The walls were..."
Right before he could finished, walls started moving in and out, blocks started stretching out of walls...all the blocks around them were moving.
"What's going on?" Winston demanded.
"The Maze is changing. But that's impossible. It's doesn't happen unless it's night," Minho said.
"You mean like yesterday when I climbed up the wall and I add to jump down towers?" asked Edward.
"Forget about that! We have to get out of here!" Winston screamed.
"Okay everyone! Follow me!" Minho started leading them away. They jumped over rocks, dodged passageways and slid under slots of stone. When it all seemed like they were getting closer to the entrance, they seemed to be getting further and further away.
"It seems like we're getting no closer to the Glade," Zart complained.
"We have to keep going!" Thomas shouted. "We can't give up!"
"Why is the Maze changing during the day time?" Winston demanded an answer.
"We'll figure this out when we get back!" Minho complained. Just then he saw a passageway. "There's a passage that leads left. It should take us back to the Glade,"
"That's what you said the last time!" complained Zart.
"Just keep running!" Edward shouted. The passageway was closing fast. "Faster! Faster!"
His shouts exclaimed motivated everyone to sprint faster and faster. They were going to make it.
Suddenly Frypan tripped over. Everyone slowed down.
"Go on! Save yourselves!" he exclaimed.
But Thomas turned back and rushed back to him and hauled him up onto his feet. "Come on!" he pulled him.
Edward tried to run back but Zart grabbed him and pulled him through. "Come on!" he screamed to his brother and the Glade's cook.
But they didn't make it in time. The passage closed and Edward and Frypan were trapped behind.
"No!" Edward banged on the closed walls with his hands. "Come on! There's gotta be something we can do!"
"There's nothing you can do!" Winston said pitifully.
"Wait a minute," Edward decided. "That's it! Thomas! Frypan! Can you guys hear me?!"
Behind the wall, Thomas pressed his ear against the gap. "Yes!"
"Look you guys are goanna think this is crazy're goanna have to climb up those stone slabs to the top!"
"Are you crazy?!" Frypan retorted.
"It's how I was able to get around the maze last night! Just trust me! Climb up the slabs to the top and you can find a way down from there! You could even guide the rest of us safely through the Glade!"
Frypan remained rather stubborn. "Is he serious?" he asked Thomas.
"You know my brother," Thomas shrugged his shoulder. "We're goanna have to trust him on this,"
"Okay," Frypan nodded.
Together They climbed up the stone slabs until they found some vines to climb up to the top. They finally made it to the top.
"So, where do we go from there?" Frypan asked.
"Ed!" Thomas cried out. "Ed! Where are you?! Are you down there?!" he peered down. Down below, he and the cook saw his brother and their friends.
Zart gave Edward a congratulating pat.
"Okay. Let's go left," Minho guided everyone both above and on the same level with him.
Thomas and Frypan took it extra carefully and went a slower pace.
"I can see the Glade!" Thomas screamed out excitedly. "We're getting closer!"
Everyone took the news very well.
Their luck suddenly died down when Thomas and Frypan realised there was a gap between them and the wall they needed to follow in order to reach the entrance.
"We're going to have to jump," Thomas said.
"Are you insane?" Frypan exclaimed.
"It's the only way," Thomas stood back a bit. Then with a leap of faith, he sprinted and leapt over the over side.
"Good job Tom!" his brother cheered for him from below.
"Your turn Frypan!" Winston tried to encourage him.
Frypan was so petrified.
"It'll be okay Frypan!" Thomas encouraged.
"You've just got to do a running start!" Edward shouted up.
"Okay," Frypan stood back a bit. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered to himself. He steadied himself, took in a deep breath, sprinted and jumped. He made it to the other side. Just then he almost lost his balance and almost fell backwards until Thomas grabbed his collar and pulled him back up.
"Thanks you," he breathed.
"Well done guys!" Minho praised from below. Together they all made it to the gates. Frypan and Thomas still needed a way down.
"Try climbing down the vines!" Edward encouraged. Together Thomas and Frypan found the walls of ivy which Thomas's little brother and climbed up the other night. Together they abseiled downwards and were greeted by their friends who came in through the entrance.
Edward gave his brother a quick hug.
"Well done Edward. Your plan worked," Frypan praised.
"Oh please...Thomas was the one who helped you cross the wall tops safely,"
"Guys! Guys!" Chuck came sprinting up to them.
"Chuck! Are you alright?!" Edward bent down to him. He clasped his shoulder. "That's it. Deep breaths," he took in deep breathes which the youngest Glader mimicked.
Once he calmed down, Chuck asked, "What took you all so long?"
"The Maze started changing and we got a little trapped," Thomas said.
"Gally's called a meeting in the hall,"
"Without us?" Minho snapped in irritation. "Come on guys,"
Together everyone rushed to the Hall where they were met by Gally and Newt.
"What the hell Gally? Do you think you can call a Keeper meeting without us?" Minho demanded.
"Where the hell were you all?" GAlly demanded. "And what took you so long?"
"The Maze started changing," Minho said.
"In the day time?" Newt breathed in surprise.
"We got trapped a bit and Frypan and I had to scale the top of the walls," Thomas explained.
"Bad enough Greenie 1 and 2 disobey the rules but leading a group of Keepers out and putting them in danger? They need a severe punishment.
"How were we supposed to know?!" screamed Thomas. "We've only been here a few days!"
"We were just trying to help out!" Edward face's was becoming red. "You know for someone's who's been longer than seem to take great joy in bullying newcomers,"
Gally stepped up at him. "Listen here Greenie..."
"That - is - enough!" Newt snapped. "Enough Gally. It wasn't Thomas and Edward's fault,"
Gally stood back.
"Now we have to make a discussion about Alby," he announced.
"You're goanna banish him?" Thomas asked in horror.
"We don't have a choice. He's been stung," Newt looked real hurt at the idea. "I don't want to do it but..."
"You don't have to," Thomas sympathised, knowing full well how much Ably meant to Newt. "Not when we have a chance of getting out of here,"
"How do you know that?"
"We found this on our field trip," Thomas took the device from Minho's hand and gave it to Newt. "This was inside the Griever Ed and I killed last night,"
Newt looked carefully at the letters. "These are the same letters we get in our supplies,"
"Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers. Now Minho, this is the first real clue you've found in three years right?"
Minho nodded.
"Newt, we've got to go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us," For some reason, Thomas's words inspired Newt, as if they were bringing hope.
"This could our chance to finally get out of this prison," Edward spoke.
Gally scoffed. "You see what they're trying to do right. First they break our rules and now they're trying to convince us to abandon them totally?"
Edward huffed. "Not this again," he muttered loudly.
"Shut up," Gally flared up again. "The rules are the only thing that have held us together. Why are we questioning that? You know if Alby was here, you'd know he would agree with me. These Shanks need to be punished,"
Edward just dropped his eyelids in anger.
Thomas looked to Newt wondering what he would do.
"You're right," Newt gave in. "Thomas and Edward both broke the rules. A night in the pit tomorrow and no food,"
"That - seems fair," Edward agreed.
Gally was still not amused. "One night in the pit. You think that's goanna stop them from going into the maze?"
"No! And we can't have non-runners running around the maze whenever they feel like it," announced Newt. "So let's make this official," he turned to the brothers. "Starting from tomorrow, you two are Runners,"
His news made the brothers look at one another in surprise.
Minho nodded.
"Wow," Gally scoffed and stalked away, elbowing Edward in the side.
"Gally..." Frypan try to say something to calm him down but he just stomped outside the door. He followed after him.
Thomas turned to Newt. "Thanks Newt,"
Newt just simply nodded.
"Thanks," Edward said.
Newt turned to Minho. "Show them everything they need to know,"
Another chapter done. What did you all think of that extra bit with the maze walls moving and changing? Just wanted to add a bit of element from the story. Please send reviews and let me know what you all thought.
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