Ch. 9
The group had decided to follow the flyer to an old western styled town attraction. Corania was glad that Alice had found something to be excited about during the trip since it seemed like half the time she was just going along with whatever the rest of them wanted to do. Written on the flyer where the directions and the good thing was that the attraction was only a couple of hours away from the bar.
Jace was in the back seat sleeping off all the beer he had consumed while Alice stared out the window. Grant fiddled with the radio and tried to find a music station but the radio was just giving out static.
"My phone isn't working." Alice said from the back. Lifting her phone in the air in every direction.
Corania pulled out hers and checked as well, her phone was fully charged but there were no signal bars.
"Yeah me too" she responded.
"It's probably because we're so far into the dessert" Grant responded while gliding the car down the road.
Corania had been reading and stopped when she noticed the car slowing down.
"Shit." Grant said while banging on the wheel. With a loud splutter the van started to blow black smoke.
"What the hell man, what's up with the car?" Jace groaned from the back his hands gripping his skull.
"Man do I look like a mechanic?" Grant said the car was still moving but Corania could tell that the car wasn't going to be getting them home.
Past the smoke she could just make out the city.
"It's okay I can see the place a little further down. Well get into town they might know how to fix whatever's wrong or well use their phones, simple." she said.
Everyone agreed and crossed their fingers because it was hot and they didn't want to have to push the car if it decided to fully stop on them.
The car stopped right on the outskirts of town so they could walk into town and get help from them.
Stepping out they started into town, glancing around Coraania thought that it looked abandoned. No lights were on in the building and it was dead silence. Where was everyone?
"It doesn't look like anyone has been here in years." Alice Said while walking up to a building and glancing inside.
"Yeah and I don't even see anyone its a fucking ghost town here." Jace whined while wiping the sweat off his brow.
"Does anyone have cell service?" Grant asked
Everyone pulled out their phones and checked, no one had a signal. They were stuck here.
"What are we going to do? There are snakes and cougars out there. Plus it's getting dark outside." Corania said
"In two hours the sun is going to go down and we can't stay here. We have some blankets in the back and water and food. Well camp in the van tonight and in the morning we will walk back to the biker bar and get some cell phone service." Grant said the group walked back to the van.
Setting up sleeping spaces they all settled down to get some sleep. They had been up all day and the excitement of the day had worn off.
Corania closed her eyes and hoped that in the morning they could get some help and get home. The fun of the trip was over and she just wanted to go home and see her mother. Closing her eyes she decided to get a little rest.
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