Ch. 3
Corania laughed as Jace tried to do a cartwheel. So far, he was failing miserably. He kept falling onto his back with a hard thud.
"Come on, Jace. You're going to bruise if you don't cut it out."
"Alright, mom. Just one more try. I know I can get it this time." He attempted to land the stand again. Luck being on his side, he accomplished it. Jace did a silly dance, dragging Alice into it. She groaned in annoyance but also gave a small smile.
They were waiting in front of their apartment building for Grant who was getting the van. They'd packed enough clothes for about a week, and were pretty excited to be heading out. The honk of the horn signaled Grant's arrival; the bright yellow Volkswagen coming down the road like the sun dawning on a new and limitless day.
Grant pulled up to the curb and rolled down the windows. "Get in, losers! We're going shopping!"
"Wow, dude, where the hell did you get this time machine from," Jace asked as he began shoving their bags into the back.
"It's my dad's. He had it stored away. He's glad we're using it. Old man hates to waste." He punctuated the words by slapping the fuzzy purple dice hanging from the rear view mirror.
Alice rolled her eyes. "Well, don't all wealthy people like to shop for sales and save old cars from the '70s?" It was well known that Grant came from money; he didn't want for anything. But Corania knew better. She knew that Grant didn't accept anything for free and worked hard. He wanted to be known for his hard work, not his dad's.
"Well, I think it's actually a cool car. It reminds me of the movies. I like it," Corania said, admiring the Volkswagen.
Grant ignored the others and smiled at Corania. He knew she would like it. Grant always knew what she would like. Corania was special and different. She was beautiful, inside and out.
"Well let's get a move on then," Grant announced, shaking away his wayward thoughts. Anytime he got around Corania it was always the same. His pulse would race. His palms would sweat. His mind would run rampant with thoughts he never could quite keep straight, let alone voice.
Corania took the front while Alice sat in the second row, and Jace the very back. Jace took advantage and stretched out across the seat. . The ride was actually going pretty well. They were all joking and laughing about past experiences, enjoying the view. The sun was high. The sky was blue.. It was perfect.
"This is really great," Corania said, tone wistful. Her eyes turned to linger on Gant as he steered the car. A blush racing up her cheeks. He looked handsome today.
"Yeah, this is. I'm glad we're doing it." Grant turned the wheel slightly as the highway curved. They were dancing with the coast, swaying to the rhythm of the blacktop as the highway wound endlessly in front of them. They were headed to the beach along the coast as a stop in the journey and would stop at other attractions along the way.
Corania was excited about the beach, but even more excited about the carnival located beside it. She hadn't been to one since she was a kid. She remembered being placed on her father's shoulders and being able to see every ride in the park. They ate so much junk food that her stomach ached all night. But it was all worth it.
"Ali... aliiii." Jace repeatedly poked at Alice's still form. She'd fallen asleep maybe an hour before. Jace must have grown bored with his game and now decided to annoy everyone else.
Alice whipped her head toward him and frowned. "What do you want, man child?" She straightened in her seat.
"I'm bored, entertain me, do a spell or something," he said." Are you serious? What are you talking about?" Alice gave Corania a look. A—why did we bring Jace—look. "Come on, goth girl," Jace continued, either not noticing or unconcerned that Alice appeared ready to turn him into a toad. " Don't y'all do magic or something?"
Alice looked like she wanted to punch him in his face. She didn't like people making fun of her because she wore dark colors and practiced Wicca. Corania understood that and Grant respected that and didn't make fun of her. They weren't jerks. But unlike them Jace was. And no matter what Corania told him she didn't find it funny Jace didn't seem to grasp that. Alice had explained many times that being a Wiccan wasn't anything like Harry Potter. She didn't have a wand and it was a spiritual religion.
Corania thought Jace had a crush, and that was the reason he couldn't seem to behave around Alice, but she kept that to herself.
"Alright, cut it out, Jace. You're being annoying," Grant said while glancing into the rearview mirror.
Jace's shoulders slumped. "You guys are no fun. I'm just playing with her. It's not like she takes it seriously."
Alice put her headphones in , music so loud everyone else could make out the lyrics.
Seeing that she didn't want to entertain him, Jace laid his head on the windshield and closed his eyes.
Corania shook her head.
"I swear, it's like their kids or something," Grant murmured.
Corania laughed softly. "Yeah, and we're the parents who have to break up the fights."
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