When Corania was as far as her legs could take her. Closing her eyes and screamed until her voice gave out. Her legs buckled as she fell to her knees. Bringing her fist to her chest she tried to breathe as gasping breath escaped her lungs. Her face streaked with tears. Sobbing and choking she couldn't breathe. She couldn't cope.
Throwing her head towards the sky she stared blankly at the blue sky and cursed her existence. Slamming her hands on the grounds until her hands felt numb.
Get up. Get up. She screamed to herself she couldn't just lay here she needed to get somewhere safe. Dragging herself up she started to walk.
He was gone. Grant was dead and he had died saving her. Why didn't he just leave her? At least she could go on knowing that he was free. That her mother would know she was well. But now she had blood on her hands. All her friends were dead. Jace was murdered at the hands of his lover. Alice betrayal and Grant's sacrifice.
The sun settled high in the sky, its rays stabbing her drained and damaged body. Harsh desert winds blew a loosely formed ball of vines across the isolated strip of road. Through the blur of heatwaves, her figure stumbled forward.
Her shoulder throbbed in agony as warm and sticky blood dripped down her shoulder onto her arm. Squinting her eyes she tried to make out the structure that was ahead. A church! Running she spirited into the church and was so glad that it still stood. The sign of the cross making an invisible line that forbids the dead from crossing.
Pushing the heavy wood doors open she made her way inside and was happy to see that the building was still intact. She could rest here and then figure out her next plans.
Sitting on a wooden bench she pulled up the top of her shirt and hissed as the fabric pulled at the torn flesh. Thankfully it wasn't too deep and wouldn't need stitches. Pulling the shirt back down she closed her eyes and rested.
Gosh was she tired? She needed to get home. Home. she thought as she slipped into sleep.
Corania jumped up as she heard a harsh creak. It sounded like rusted metal being pushed open. Rolling to the floor she looked over to the side of the bench. In front of the church where a podium once stood seemed to be a hatch. Looking around she grabbed a piece of damaged wood and gripped it in her hand.
She was going to go down swinging if she had to!
Ahead of dark brown locks poked up from the hatch and started to climb out; corania didn't even give them a full chance to emerge as she brought the wood down.
"Uhg what the hell!" a deep voice called out in pain
Stepping back and taking a deep breath she raised the wood again. Corania doubted that it was a vampire since he hadn't moved fast to get out of the tunnel. So who was he?
"Who are you and what are you doing down there?" she practically screamed
"Woah Woah shouldn't I be asking you that? I was here first. I come up to see what that noise was and I get hit over the head?" he cried out and finished lifting himself out of the hole. The metal hatch slamming shut.
"... My name is Corania, do you have a vehicle or phone?" she questioned not losing her grip on the piece of wood.
The man in question was taller than her and dressed and all black the clothing was dusty and looked dirty. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. His skin was tanned and his cheekbones were high. What stood out the most to her was that he had the S.F.B.I logo on his clothing.
"Are you here to help me?" she questioned again. She was praying that he was.
"My name is Huru and I can help you." walking over to a bench he sat down his shoulders slumping in weariness.
"I was a part of a team and we were sent here to infiltrate and stop the vampires that were located here. We had a prominent lead that showed us that a vampire coven was settled here. With correlation to the missing people reported here. Our entail was wrong, we were significantly outnumbered."
Corania felt bad as she watched him choke on his words.
"I... I tried to help, but it was so many of them it was like they were coming from the walls. And they were ruthless, we never stood a chance."
"How many of you were there?" she asked her voice was light
"There were twelve of us. Everyone else is dead, only I got away. I made it to this church and have been here for weeks. Under the church there are tunnels and they led back and forth through the town." he explained
Corania felt her frustration grow. If a trained agent had failed to leave here, how did she expect to getaway?
"If we just get back into town we could sneak in during day time and steal a car. That way we can get out of her. Without a car as soon as sundown hits they will come looking for us. By foot, we are too slow."
Corania agreed and sat down as well and her body was so tired. But they needed to create a plan and get out there. The sun was still high and by guessing the time it probably was around 4 or 5 pm. The sun would set around 6 or 7 o'clock.
"Do you know the time?" she asked
"Yeah, it's 4:30, if we hurry we could get the car and get out of here before the sunsets.
"How long does it take to get to town through the tunnels?"
"About thirty minutes if we walk fast enough."
"Okay... let's go and well plan as we walk."
They both looked at each other and Corania could see the doubt and fear that swirled in his eyes. Corania felt her heart clench. She was afraid she didn't want to face Clay again. But Her need for freedom overshadowed her fear.
Climbing down into the hole she looked around and saw that there were dim string lights running along the tunnel.
"These tunnels were made when the original settlers were looking for gold. I guess the Vamps never realized that they were still down here."
"So why doesn't the human population know that there are vampires roaming around?"
"Well, that's a good question. I would say is because they don't want to know. Wait before you say anything. Think about it this way. No one actually said vampires weren't real. Yeah, we see them in movies and books. But where did those ideas come from? Shit doesn't just pop up. Humans always deny something that's bigger and better than them and if they cant nuke it to death than they say it doesn't exist. Nothing is as it seems."
"And how did you come to get this job? I doubt you just found it in the papers."
"Haha, your right I didn't. I would say that the job found me actually. I came from a small town and didn't have any plans for the future but it just so happens that my town is filled with ghosts."
"wait .. what?"
"Ghost, spirits... um, whatever else you want to call them. But anyway a young girl in town who had a more solid connection with one actually was kidnapped by one. The thing was obsessed with her. Her name was Adalie... She was a close friend. I couldn't stop it from taking her. So I searched the internet looking for anything that could help me. And I accidentally hacked into the agency servers and boom I got a job. They were impressed with my skills. I didn't even want to come here. But I thought that maybe I would find a lead... anything to see her again."
"I'm sorry to hear that...' Corania assumed that he wasn't saying everything, but who was she to pry?
"Don't be... I plan on seeing her again." He responded
"So how did you end up here, all by yourself?" he questioned
Corania explained everything that happened and how she got to where she was.
"Well that sucks ass," he said
Corania gave a dry laugh and nodded.
"When we get back to town we go to the garage, steal a set of keys and get the hell out of here. You just keep watch and I'll get the keys okay," he asked
"Yeah okay."
"Shit let's hurry. Sunset in thirty minutes."
A/N: Don't forget to vote and Comment.
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