Corania stretches her limbs as she rests inside of the tub. She is sore but pleasantly so as Clay didn't stop at one round. He told her in that deep southern drawl that they had to make up for the lost time. Oh, and they sure did. She smiled to herself and brought the rag to her neck wiping along with it and dabbing at the tender section. The bite marked was tender but also felt nice. She couldn't explain it.
Clay had made sure she drank some orange juice and had made her a delicious breakfast that she actually finished in its entirety since she was so hungry. Leaning back she closed her eyes and relaxed. Her body and mind felt she was living on cloud nine.
Stepping out of the tub she drained the water and lotioned up her body. Sitting at her vanity she bruised through her damp hair and left it free. Looking in the mirror she realized that she looked happy, healthy.
Before this trip, she lived off ramen and burgers. She would admit that they were the best burger she had ever eaten but still. She didn't live the best life. She was a struggling college graduate who still isn't over the loss of her father. She suffered through depression and tried to live her best life but it didn't seem like her life was amounting to much but debt.
But here she didn't have to worry about anything. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Straightening the bed she pulled open the shades and took in the warmth of the sun. Clay had returned to his resting spot and had gone to sleep. Going downstairs she decided that maybe she could watch some tv and just relax. Skipping down the stairs she sat on the sofa and turned to a movie not really caring what it was about. Before she knew it she was starting to fall asleep but a faint thudding sound had woke her up.
Getting up from the couch she walked to the foyer and listened for the sound again. "I must be hearing things," she said to herself and shrugged, turning to go back to the couch.
"Thump... Thump." she heard it again walking around she stopped when she came to the basement.
Looking at the door she brought her hand to the handle and stopped. Stepping back she hesitated. Walking away she slipped on her sneakers and went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
Taking a deep breath she headed back to the door and nodded. She had to know! Grant could be down there or it could be some vampires but this was a risk she was willing to take. Twisting the knob she frowned when it didn't open.
"Dammit!, I need to get this door open." looking around she didn't see anything that would help her so she jammed the knife into the slot through the opening on the side and slashed at the wood there.
After ten minutes the wood was finally splinted enough that the door was loose. Setting the knife down she grabbed the handle with both hands and yanked. Yanking again she felt the door give flying open.
Picking the knife back up she squinted at the darkness and stepped in. Taking the stairs one at a time she went slowly and gagged at the stench. She jumped as she felt something run over her feet. Walking more she could make out what looked to be cells.
Her hands shook as she held the knife out in front of her. Looking into the first one she yanked back in disgust. A woman's body was thrown in the corner. Her body is sickly thin and a ghastly grey. Corania felt tears come to her eyes. She yelled when a rat pushed through her stomach covered in blood. Pieces of flesh stuck to its whiskers.
"C.cora?" a weak voice called out to her.
"Grant! Is that you?" she called turning towards the last cell and running towards it.
A sob escaped from her lips as she saw Grant. He had lost a lot of weight and was covered in filth. But besides that, he looked okay.Reaching her fingers through they held each other and cried. With shaking fingers she grasped his face and rubbed the dirt away.
"Your alive!" she exclaimed and pushed herself closer to the bars. She didn't care that her pants were getting dirtier.
"God, I never thought I would see you again. I.. I love you so much. Thank god you're okay. We need to leave before they come back." he said fear coating his words Grant was frantic.
"Grant calms down were getting the fuck out of here okay. I promise.." getting up she looked around stumbling in the dark until she touched a table of some sort and reached inside the draws pulling out a ring of keys.
Her heart was beating so fast, grabbing the keys she checked every key into finally she was able to unlock the door.Grant practically flew into her arms and sobbed his frame shaking. Corania held him tightly and shushed him. Grant looked up at her and pushed his lips against hers. The kiss was filled with desperation and joy. Corania kissed him back and held on to him more firmly. Pulling away they each took a deep breath.
"I wanted to do that since sophomore year." he smiled
Corania laughed lightly. "I wish you would have. I love you, Grant."
Grant smiled so brightly and hugged her again. Pulling apart they made their way up the stairs slowly. Grant kept a tight grip on her hand. Once they were back upstairs they took off for the front door.
"Fuck its locked. What kind of front door needs a fucking key to get out," he said while looking around.
"The kind that wants to keep people in," she whispered, the illusion that Clay had created earlier was crashing around her.
Corania had deluded herself into thinking that maybe she was meant to be here with him. But in reality, she was just his prisoner. Corania felt shame fill her she was a fool she had allowed herself to fall for him. And here she was forgetting about the first man she had come to love before this took place. Grant had literally been stuck in that basement for months being fed on. He didn't deserve that no one did, Clay was a monster. And she was a fool.
"Corania get back!" Grant yelled as she brought the metal fire poker against the door. Hacking away at the wood.
"I'm almost there.." he said over his shoulder his eyes widening as he looked towards the stairs,Corania turned around and gasped.
There on the steps stood Clay. His eyes were blood-red as he stood crouched. His chest moving up and down. He was enraged. Coming down the steps slowly.
"Mate! Move away from him now!" he growled spit flying from his mouth.
Fear shot up her spine but she didn't move. Grant pulled her behind him and wilded the pole.
"Stay away from us you bastard," Grant yelled
Clay didn't even answer as he never left her's "Corania... please don't do this." he spoke.And stupidly Corania felt herself crying. "You... You the reason this is happening, not me. Just let us leave."
Clay bared his fangs at her." You are mine, you're not leaving me."
"Stop talking to her monster! Where is the key." Grant yelled
Clay finally took his eyes off her and they landed on Grant. "I should have dealt with you long ago." he sneered "if you want the keys than come get them then." he mocked
Grant shook with rage and charged forward aiming the poker at his chest. Cornia screamed out when clay spun him around and sunk his fangs into his throat tearing at his flesh.
"Cora... Run," he screamed out and tried to get Clay's hands from off his neck. Blood was everywhere.
Grabbing the vase next to the window she was about to help Grant. Clay removed his fangs, blood coating his face. As he still held Grant by the neck. Grant was slumped over and looked like he was about to pass out.
"Clay! Let him go, please. I'll stay just please just let him go." she sobbed out
His face was void of any emotion as he stared at her. Gripping Grants neck tighter and tighter.
"Cora no. It's okay just go... " Grant weakly protested blood spitting from his mouth. "It's okay, I lov..."
Before he could even finish his sentence Clay twisted his neck as she heard a snap. The life drinking from his eyes.
Frozen in shock, she watched as Clay dropped his body. Corania's eyes looked into his lifeless one. Looking to Clay she watched as he started to move towards her. Not thinking any longer she gripped the vase and swung it back into the window. The glass shattering sunlight poured into the room. Sunlight covers her frame and creates a barrier between them.
Clay shielded his face and stepped back. Crying out in pain as the skin on his arm was burned off. Quickly climbing out the window Corania cried out in pain as the glass cut into her palms. But that didn't stop her, standing outside the window she looked down at Grant's lifeless body and sobbed.
"CORANIA! Stop!" Clay yelled.
With cold eyes, she turned towards Clay while tears streamed down her face. She didn't even care that he was begging her. He kept trying to go pass through the sunlight towards her but the pain was unbearable. Corania turned away and didn't care as he yelled and yelled for her.Walking through town quickly she hurried towards the exit. She knew that she couldn't stop and get a car since they were guarded. But she had the advantage of daylight and could get as far from here as she could.
Corania was almost out of town when she heard a scream. Spinning around she was just in time to dodge Alice's fist coming towards her face.
"You idiot, why won't you just don't die," Alice screamed out while pulling a blade from her pocket.
Corania brought her foot up and kicked her in her stomach sending her stumbling backward.
"How about you die first," Corania said and went to punch her.
Alice ducked and slashed her arm and laughed. Corania gripped her arm and frowned. Quickly moving to the left before she stabbed her again. Bending down Corania grabbed a fist full of dirt and threw it into her eyes. Corania Smirked as she scrambled and swiped at her eyes. Alice yelled in frustration and started to swipe the blade all over. Corania grabbed her wrist and twisted making her drop the knife. Alice yelled and brought her head forward, headbutting Corania.
Corania cursed in pain and they pushed back in forth, falling over they tussled in the dirt. Corania was on top until Alice dug her fingers into the wound on Corania's arms. Getting on top she brought her fist down punching her until Corania was dizzy.
"You think you're something special! Your nothing!" Alice yelled her eyes red from the dirt.
Corania moved her arm on the side looking for the knife and finally touched the hilt. Gripping the knife while she was distracted she brought it up and stabbed Alice in the neck. Yelling she ripped it out and did again. Alice's eyes widened as she choked on her blood. Her fingers coating in red as she tried to put pressure on the wound. Corania pushed her off of her. Looking down at her gasping for her last breath she picked the knife back up.
"You know what Alice, You were right.... We were never friends." she sneered as she plunged the blade into her chest.
Alice's lifeless eyes started up in the sky as Corania staggered out of town, her arm still bleeding and her ribs sore. Looking towards the window of the inn she knew that Roslyn was watching. Raising her hand she smirked and threw up her middle finger.
"Go to hell you dead bitch." she laughed and made her way out of town.
Author Note: Oh no! poor Grant. What do you think is going to happen next? Don't forget to vote and comment. Also if you arent following me do so because I have some good books coming soon.
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