Warning: This chapter contains blood and Violence.
Corania had danced with the handsome gentlemen for some time and wouldn't admit that he was really handsome and dark.He had this aura around her that drew her. His eyes were such a deep brown that they reminded her of the inkiness of outer space. This place had the strangest and most beautiful people she had ever seen in her life. They just seemed perfect and he smelled wonderful. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her thinking. What had gotten into her? Slowing her feet she pulled away.
"Thank you for the dance sir, it was nice." she said with a small smile.
"It was my pleasure darling, I hope you will honor me with another? Or maybe a drink?" he asked
"I'm just going to get some fresh air, thanks again.' she explained then headed towards the exit.
The mayor frowned as she watched her go and it deepened when she saw the boy follow after her. His fangs pulled out as he turned towards the three who were supposed to be distracting him.
"You three dissapoint me." he seethed anger rushing through his body. His eyes flashing a deep red.
Before they could beg for mercy he had separated their heads from their bodies. There headless bodies dropping to the floor with a thud. As their heads flew, one landing right in front of Jace. Her face locked in an open mouth scream.
"Man what the hell1 I asked for beer not a fucking head... Oh my god is this a fucking head!" he started to panic the rest of his bear tipping over and spilling to the floor. While he toppled over the bar stool. His hand clutching the back of his head that had started to bleed lightly.
Roslyn smirked as she pushed Alice towards him. "My love, why don't you take him upstairs to get some rest. He looks like he's going to faint.' she cooed at her, her hand slapping her ass to get her to move towards him.
Alice blushed harshly and nodded. "Yes. Of course I won't let you down." she said while helping Jace up and leading him upstairs. Jace stumbled with her confusion and alcohol swirling in his throbbing brain.
"Clean this up now, I don't want my mate seeing this filth." he said.
Outside Corania and Grant enjoyed the fresh air, her head laid on his shoulder. The air felt so nice against her heated cheeks.
Grant's heart was beating fastly in his chest. His mind screaming at him to just do it. Now or never.
"Cora... I need to tell you something, something that I have wanted to tell you for years." he said while turning towards her, his eyes were peering directly into her soul.
Corania had never seen him this serious.
"Okay? What is it Grant." she asked
"You're my best friend, Corania, I can always depend on you. You understand me for the real me and know my true heart. I love the way you smile and the way you bite the inside of your cheek when you're nervous. I adore you, your heart, your very being. I love you Corania." he said, his finger entwining with hers.
Tears formed in her eyes as his words washed over her.
"Grant... I never knew you felt this way about me. I love you too." she cried as she pushed her head into his neck, his strong arms encasing her in his warmth.
But before they could dive into their confessions a scream of terror shook them apart.
"What is happening." Corania asked in fear
"I don't know it sounded like Jace, come on." he said while rushing inside.
As Corania followed him she noticed that the bar was empty, like a ghost town.
And once they entered the room a scream of terror tore through her lips. Her head felt light. She feared she was going to faint.
"Ali... please don't do this" she sobbed out.
"You fucking traitor!" Grant yelled, spit flying from his mouth. His fingers clenched in a trembling fist. Corania couldn't tell if it was shaking in rage or fear.
"HA HA," Alice laughed, her shoulders shaking. Blue hair flying around like a storm of wild wind. Her eyes were wild and dark. Her mouth smeared in red.
"Alice, you're our friend don't do this to us,Let's just leave... together." Corania tried to persuade her.
"Shut up Corania! I'm not your friend! I never was." she sneered
"I'm just the quiet goth girl who you all pity! None of you ever cared about me! But not anymore."
"That's not true..."
"It is true, you bitch. Little Ms.perfect. You act like your Mother Teresa Corania. But you're just a gilded piece of trash. You're the worst, You pretended to care about me, that you were my friend."
Corania wanted to reassure her that she was her friend but she could see that Alice's mind would not be swayed.
"Don't.. you never even noticed I was cutting myself. So don't pretend that you're my friend." Alice whispered, her voice laced with hurt.
Corania felt her heart drop, she hadn't known. Alice always seemed happy. Even if she didn't notice that doesn't mean she was a bad friend. If she had known she would have done everything in her power to help her get better.That didn't make her a bad friend at all. But that didn't mean that gave her the right to murder Jace. Corania wouldn't accept her reasoning for betraying them like this. If anything she could have broken off their friendship and left it at that.
"All I have to do is Kill you and she'll make me one of them. That's all." she said talking to herself.
"One of what? You killed Jace just so you can be apart of some cult of fucking freaks." Grant yelled
Tremors shook down Corania's spine as Alice smiled. Her smile was twisted and full. Her once white teeth were now bloody. She started to chuckle. Like she was enjoying their terror.
"You haven't figured it out yet huh,rich boy? This town is not a Cult of cannibals but Vampires." She sneered
"Vampires...? No, that's not possible, Alice, they must have drugged you. That's why you're acting like this." Corania tried to reason.
Grant gripped Corania's hand tightly. Maybe because he felt it too. The fear of the unknown, trying to tear their normal lives apart.
"And I'm going to show them I belong... By killing the rest of you." she yelled while jumping towards Corania the silver scissors in her hand shone in the moonlight. Ready to land the ending strike.
But before she could reach her she fell to the floor. Her finger gripping her head as she screamed in agony.
Grant yanked Corania towards the door, so they could get away.
"You are not to harm the girl, she is for The mayor!"
A voice yelled in Alice's head. The noise so loud she felt like her brain had shifted. The pressure squeezing her brain, making her eyes water.
"O..kay, okay, I won't touch her." she yelled out loud her hands clutching her skull.
Grant pulled Corania out of the room while Alice dealt with her headache. His hands were damp with sweat and he grasped her hand so tightly his knuckles were turning white.
"We need to get the hell out of here now." He rushed out
"We don't have a car, what are we going to do?" She asked while looking around as they ran down the hall. She didn't see anyone.
"... It doesn't matter we can fucking walk if we have to. We can't stay here." Grant said.
Corania could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
They reached the bottom of the stairs and were half way down when they noticed the crowd in the inn entryway. The mayor sat on a faded plush couch. One leg crossed over the other. While his hands were folded together.
His eyes were focused solely on Corania. She watched as his eyes drifted down to their enclosed hands. Corania swore she saw them flash red.
Corania felt dread wash over her. This was bad, really bad.
With the ease of a predator he rose from the couch power and dominance radiating from him. His white button up shirt was unbuttoned at the two first buttons showing his chest. His hair was pulled back, while a few pieces fell against his forehead.
"Why don't y'all have a seat" he stated while standing before them.
Corania knew it wasn't a request but a demand.
Author Note: I was so excited to post this chapter! Corania and Grant are in some trouble. Can you believe that Alice betrayed them like this? Give your thoughts and feed back. Dont forget to vote and comment. I will be updating again next week, maybe sooner if i get enough votes and comments.
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