The Kessel Run: A Star Wars SmackDown - Round 1.3 [CLOSED]
The X-Rated Senator
We've all got our vices, and Senators of the Galactic Republic were probably no different.
Tell the story of a Senator of the Republic whose vices, whatever those vices might've been ( X-rated or otherwise!) get them into a spot of trouble!
The Fine Print
Recommended Word Count: 500
Deadline: Monday, November 6th at Midnight, Galactic Standard Time (UST, for our purposes)!
Submissions: Via this form only
Things To Consider
The recommended word count is exactly what it says; recommended. You won't be penalised for writing a story above or below that number of words, however do remember it must be a finished story.
The deadline is final, and any stories submitted beyond that will not be considered eligible for judging.
Whilst your entries must be submitted via the above form to be considered eligible for judging, do feel free to post the direct link to your story in the comments' section so your fellow Star Wars Fans might easily locate your efforts.
In this round, we are adding another element to things. The story you submit for this round must be in the form of a one-shot (not part of an existing collection). The five highest scoring entries will automatically be added to our Bounty Hunters & Other Bits reading list.
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