CLOSED: 2021 Kessel Run: Grand Finale!!!
Photosensitivity Warning: Please note, contest chapter(s) may include flashing images/gifs.
@00Argentsilver00 with The Idiot's Array
And then there were three...
We have come to the end...the Grand Finale...the Death Star exhaust port is within sight...who will have the moxie, the Force, the guts to hit the target?
Congratulations, you have survived the gauntlet and emerged as the front-runners in this year's Kessel Run: A Star Wars Smackdown. The Force has been with you, and you will need its guidance as the gloves come off in this epic jigsaw puzzle prompt.
Below, there are twelve images culled from the Imperial Archives. You are to write a story based on your choice of EIGHT images. (There is no merit gained for using more than the required eight pictures.) Mark down the numbers of the images you have chosen. You will be required to state which images you chose when you complete your entry form.
Rules of Engagement
Recommended Word Count: 8,000
Deadline: Friday, October 1st at Midnight, Galactic Standard Time (EDT). The deadline is final. Any stories submitted beyond the deadline will not be considered eligible for judging.
How to Enter: Upload the story to your Wattpad profile as normal, either as a standalone one-shot or as part of an existing collection, and submit the direct link via this FORM.
Feel free to share that link in the comments' section below, allowing your fellow SmackDown Participants to check out your work—and allowing you to check out the competition! Only those stories submitted before the deadline will be considered for judging in the contest.
Entries must be in English. Sadly, no one on the team speaks Ewok—yet.
May the Force be with you, and let the SmackDown commence!
Does my story have to adhere to the word count?
No, the recommended word count is exactly what it says; recommended. You won't be penalized for writing a story a little above or below that number of words. Judges may not read over the recommended word count, so keep this in mind. Do remember your entry must be a finished story.
How much time will be given between rounds?
The time will vary from a week to a month and everywhere in between, based on the recommended word count.
Do I need to write a single chapter only?
Adding more than one chapter is welcome, if the story is self-contained as a book. Please keep in mind the whole book must meet our recommended word limit.
What about Mature stories?
Mature stories are permitted, but please remember that it must meet in order to be accepted.
Are LGBTQ+ characters allowed?
This galaxy may be far, far away, but it is LGBTQIA+ friendly for characters, stories, and themes!
How will our stories get judged?
A team of Wookiee Ambassadors and protocol droids will use a simple and basic scoring rubric. Stories are judged on various factors, such as spelling, punctuation, grammar, originality, and creative relation to our prompt. The top three writers for the grand finale will be chosen through the Smackdown's total accumulation of points.
During the Knockout Rounds, writers with the lowest-accumulated scores will be eliminated from the contest. The number of eliminations per round depends entirely upon the number of contestants.
Can I still enter if I did not participate in previous rounds?
Of course you can! But when the Knockout Rounds begin, only those writers in the running can advance to future rounds. Advancement is based on points earned from the judges in each previous round.
How do I submit my story for this contest?
Just complete this FORM and that's it!
Contest Disclaimer:
Please note, this contest and its rules are the creation of a team of Ambassadors (volunteers) and is in no way affiliated with Wattpad or its staff. Judging of said contest is entirely run by its creators and is not the responsibility of Wattpad or its staff. We reserve the right to refuse entries to this contest, that we feel do not meet the required criteria, that are unsuitable, or potentially triggering. We are not obliged to give any feedback relating to entries, and any given is at our discretion. Please note that the decision of the judges is final, and that abusive language or behaviour directed at the Ambassadors, the profile, or the judges, will not be tolerated.
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