A/N: Kari is property of my co-writer and inspiration, karikit. Thank gummi bears for Kari!! :D Description of Kari is also hers! :D
Savannah Kent's POV
I woke up from that nightmare again. The one where my mother dies before my very eyes, and I had to escape the planet before it blew up. Kari ran over to me, as I guess I was screaming again. Same as always: "Mother! Wake up! Mother!" Then the planet explodes behind me, then I wake up on Earth in my dream, in a smoking ruin of the escape pod. Then I wake up for real, and my fear melts away as my adopted sister comforts me.
"That dream again, Savvy? Are you okay?" Kari asked. Savvy was her nickname for me. Kari Himura is 15 and she wears blue T-shirt with the Japanese sign that means "cat-kid" in bold black writing, a worn-out denim vest and denim knee length shorts. Also wears blueish black wrist bands and a black ribbon cat bell. She also wears blue finger-less gloves with blue and red riding goggles for when she flies with her platinum angel-like wings. She likes to walk with no shoes but when she is scolded long enough she puts them on. She wears blue and yellow slip on shoes when she DOES wear them… She has two fluffy white tails. Her hair is white and a little shorter than chin length and is a messy bed-head like style. Her right arm has a scar that starts at her shoulder and end a little below her elbow. Her left ear is torn at the tip. She also has a light blue crescent moon mark with black wings off to the sides of it on her neck below her cat bell. She's tom-boyish, very outgoing, curious at times, willing to risk life for her friends for others and people she cares about, she can be VERY serious at times. Kari never knew her parents, Lynx her dad and Mikomi her mom. She was always treated like a monster and an outcast by ‘humans’. Now she is living in a weird forest and surviving with the local animals that she made friends with. She is an excellent fighter in fist to fist AND with ANY weapon! She is also sort of distant about talking about her past and childhood. Other than fighting and stuff. Kari is good at singing and playing the ocarina. She's a great person, and she protects me like she's my own mother. I love her to death.
"Yeah. Kari?" I said.
"Are we going to go to the mall tomorrow?" I asked delicately.
"I don't know... just... keep it under control... Jump City mall shouldn't be too bad. I mean, the Titans go there and stuff, so..." Kari didn't finish the sentence. We both knew what she meant. Acceptance. That was a huge issue for us. We both wanted to be accepted. Maybe we could be. Kari could absorb other powers (she's a mincer (karikit word yay))
"Okay, Kari..." I trailed off and fell asleep under the moon in our little woodland. I woke up with the sun, even with my nightmares. I waited while Kari woke up.
"Can we get something at the mall?" I asked Kari when she woke up.
"Sure. I don't feel like cooking." Kari got up. We made it to the mall and walked around after we ate. We saw the Titans, and Starfire flew right up to us.
"Greetings! You are new? What are your names? Where did you come from and how did you get here?" Starfire shot a barrage of questions at us.
"Uhhh... sorta. I'm Kari and this is Savannah. We came from where we live and we walked... most of the way." Kari responded hesitantly.
"Are you a Kryptonian, Savannah?" Star asked me.
"Umm... how did you know?" I was a little weirded out.
"I am Tamaranian." Star said. Like that explains everything, I think.
"Okayyy. Yeah." I said.
"Do you wish to be my friends? Do you wish to meet my friends?" Star asked, getting hopped up again.
"Sure, and I guess." Kari answered for me. My brain was too confused. Star dragged us over to her friends.
"This is Robin, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Kid Flash, and Jinx." Star pointed to each one. (If you don't know what they look like, comment, and I'll send it via comments) They waved. Robin just stood there, and spoke up.
"Who are they, Star?" Robin asked her.
"These are my new friends, Savannah and Kari. We have met Kari before, have we not?" Star said to Robin. Robin seemed protective of Star.
"Oh, yeah. Hey. Nice to see you again, Kari." Robin said.
"Savannah is a Kryptonian!" Star said ecstatically, jumping up and down.
"Like Superman?" Robin asked.
"Yes! Like Clark Kent!" Star said, still bouncing. Robin smiled slightly at her. Whoa. Clark Kent?!
"You... know Clark? Where is he?" I asked, shocked.
"Yeah. Gotham City every once in a while, but he's usually in Metropolis." Robin said. "Why? You know him?"
"He- he's my brother." I said, choking. He's okay.
"Oh." Robin said.
"Great to meet you." Kid Flash said. "You can call me Kid." Kid reached out his hand to shake mine. I shook it numbly.
"Okay. So... you're Jinx?" Kari asked Jinx. "Former villainess, now a heroine? Changed sides because of Kid here?"
"Yes. He's my best buddy ever." Jinx said, hugging and leaning against Kid affectionately. Kid smiled happily and rested his head on hers.
Kari's POV
I walked up to Kid. He was cute, but not as serious as Robin. He looked like the guy who could keep his priorities straight and still be lots of fun. He wouldn't close up, and he wouldn't get obsessive. A great friend. And I was determined to make new friends.
"Hey. So, you're Kid Flash? This is great. Maybe we could be friends? I can run fast, too. You wanna race someday?"
"Sure. Just don't get upset if I beat you." Kid winked jokingly at me.
"Same back to you. I think you'll be surprised."
"Okay. Can't wait. How about at the track at the Tower? I'm sure the Titans would love to see two speedy-gonzallas like us race." Kid said.
"Alright. It's on." I said, turning ot Savannah, who looked lost in thought. Suddenly, as I walked towards her, she burst into a huge smile.
"My brother's okay. Kari, Kal-El is alive!! He's alive and well!" She crushed me in her excited embrace. I absorbed the crush and hugged her back with equal force. I couldn't help but get excited too.
"Can't wait! See you there, Kid!!!" I prepared to run off, but I reconsidered. Let him see me when we race. Robin grabbed my arm and I instinctively stiffened.
"Here. If you run into any trouble, call us. Kid will contact you whenever. Or you contact us or him when you're ready to race." Robin said to me. I nodded happily.
"Okay!" I smiled so largely, I'm surprised it fit on my face. "Bye!!"
~a few days later, at the Tower~
Kari's POV
Jinx and Speedy were sitting together in the stands, and Speedy was talking animately to Jinx. I saw that Kid noticed, brushing it off. He was probably thinking they were just frineds. I didn't know, but I didn't have time to wonder. Robin yelled for the race to begin.
"Go!" We shot off, Flash in the lead. I was just pacing myself. Then, I shot forward so fast, Kid spun in a circle and actually broke into a weat trying to keep up with me. I slid into the finish line and sat down, with not even a drop of sweat. Kid came up, panting.
"Kari wins!" Robin announced.
"YAY! KARI!!" Savvy cheered for me. "I knew you could do it!" I did it. I walked over and offered Kid my hand. He took it and I pulled him up.
"Good job, Kid." I said. "You did well."
"Thanks." Kid blushed the same shade as his hair, realizing he was still holding my hand. He let go quickly and muttered. "You looked good yourself." He hid his face, now blushing crimson. "I mean, you- you did really well. I mean- not that you didn't look good, but-" Kid stopped, realizing he was pulling himself in deeper. I couldn't help blushing as well.
"Kari, would you and Savannah like to join the Titans?" Robin asked. I brightened.
"Really? I would- I would LOVE to be part of the Titans!" I said happily.
Me:Thank you, karikit, for that amazing character!
Kate: No problem. It was the least I could do for you. After all, who would have thought up such an interesting twist?
Kari: Me! Me!
Kate: Yeah, right. You were blushing!
Kari: Was not!
Kate: Was too!
(arguement continues in the background)
Thanks for reading! We have an EVIL little twist in store for you in the next chapter! Mwahahaha!!!
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