Part 45
Jack sat a little slumped in the front seat of Mark's car. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed watching Mark drive. The way he let the wheel slid through his hands on the turns was strangely satisfying. His grip was tight enough to grab it in a moments notice, but loose enough to let the car naturally correct itself. Mark focused intensely on the busy roads, allowing him to simply watch Mark be. He imagined his life in the future with him and smiled to himself. He'd be happy with Mark. No one compared to him. Reaching out, Jack placed a paw gloved hand on Mark's thigh. It wasn't to indicate anything suggestive. He just wanted Mark to know he was still here with him, because in this moment... Mark was so focused on his task that he might as well of been his own world. Mark glanced at him briefly, before returning his eyes back on the road and asking a little worried. "You alright?"
Jack chuckled softly to himself, answering in a low distracted undertone. "Ya. I'm good." Mark grinned and let one of his hands release the steering wheel to hold his pawed hand. Jack's smile turned into a bright grin, causing him to bite his lower lip to try and contain it. Mark started rubbing his gloved arm soothingly from wrist to elbow, giving Jack goosebumps beneath the thin leather. He could even feel Mark's warmth seeping into the leather and moaned longingly. Mark removed his hand to ruffle Jack's irish hat out of place, chuckling out. "We are almost home." Jack retreated to the farthest point of his seat, scoffing as he tried to fix the hat without the use of his fingers. Mark put his hand back on the wheel to turn at an intersection. Jack rolled his eyes, then grumbled out to Mark playfully. "So, about my reward, Mark?" Mark flashed him a wicked smile, shaking his head as he told him stubbornly. "I'm not telling you, Jack. You'll just have to wait and see."
Jack pouted behind his mask, crossing his arms over his chest for Mark to see. Mark eventually pulled into his driveway, causing Jack to sit up properly. He had missed the place. Mark unbuckled Sean's seat belt for him, telling him sweetly. "Go and wait by the door for me. I'll get the bags." Jack hopped out, heading up to the front door. He only made it halfway though, when he glanced back at Mark. Mark had opened the trunk and was getting their bags out. Jack knew Mark told him to go to the door, but he didn't think it was fair for Mark to have to cart everything in. While Mark was distracted, Jack quickly crept over and sank into his waiting position by his backpack. When Mark grabbed the last of the bags from the trunk, he did a double take as he noticed Jack. Mark closed the trunk, looking like he was about to say something. Before he could, Jack put his paw on his bag and waited.
Whatever Mark had planned to say faded away. He looked speechless. Had he expected him to snatch it and run? A small smile tugged at Mark's lips, hefting two of the bags over his shoulders. Jack stayed still, wondering what Mark would do. Would he allow him to help or ignore him? Mark walked closer, touching the back of his hand to Jack's neck, telling him warmly. "Alright. You can help me if you want." Jack found himself leaning into Mark's touch. When Mark removed his hand, Jack looped his arm through the bags strap. Shifting the bag over his shoulder, he stood up to follow Mark to the door. Mark opened the front door, pushing in past an overly excited Chica. Mark almost tripped over her twice on his way to the bedroom. Jack helped to distract her by dropping his bag at the door, calling out to her. Chica thundered back to him and he dropped down to his knees to hug her. She knocked his hat off in her aggressive need for attention, but he simply laughed it off.
She had practically tackled him to the ground in her attempts to kiss his face, until Mark called her name in his 'daddy voice.' Chica jumped off him, racing to Mark who opened the back door for her. She raced off into the backyard and Mark closed the door with a calming sigh. Mark then walked over to him, saying happily. "I think you are a bad influence on her. You get excited and she gets all excited... I can only take so much at once." Jack chuckled, sitting up as Mark kneeled to pick up his hat. Mark draped the hat back over Jack's head, asking with a warm smile. "Do you wanna see your reward now?" Jack blushed behind his mask, nodding. Mark extended a hand to him to help him up. Jack took it and Mark pulled him to his feet, leading him toward the dungeon room. Mark opened the door, then looked over at him to ask seriously. "Safe word still Spider-man?" Jack nodded, verbally acknowledging in a cool collected voice. "Yes, Daddy."
Mark grinned, gesturing for him to enter first. Jack slowly descended the steps, taking his time. He felt no need to rush. Mark flicked on the lights and Jack found himself scanning the room for anything new or out of place. He didn't see anything... but his memory of the room was fuzzy. He did notice the bed and felt his heart skip a beat. There was so many memories around that bed that it felt like it belonged to him. Jack stopped at the bottom of the steps, waiting for Mark to tell him what to do next. Mark stepped in behind him, causing Jack to shiver at his presence. Mark's hands touched his wrists, sliding up his arms to his shoulders very slowly. Jack tried to resist the urge to lean back against Mark's chest, but found that too hard. Mark didn't seem to mind though, kissing his ear tenderly in response to him leaning back into him. Mark's fingers curled around the sequin green vest, pulling it down off his shoulders as he whispered into his ear in a deep voice. "You won't be needing any of this... As good as it looks on you."
Jack closed his eyes, letting Mark slide the vest down his arms. When it was off, Mark tossed it away and reached for his wrist. Mark slowly unbuckled the straps to Jack's paw glove, pulling it free and bringing Jack's hand up to kiss the back of his hand. The gesture made Jack blush. It made him feel so special. He didn't feel like a Slave or a Submissive... He felt more like Mark's treasure. Pampered and prized. Cared for in such a way that Mark wanted to keep him safe and all to himself. Mark lowered his hand moving around him to remove the other glove and Jack enjoyed watching him pull the glove free. Exposing his soft pale hands. Mark then started to reach for the zipper of his white and brown spotted body suit, but Jack stopped him by putting a hand on his chest. Mark raised an eyebrow, hesitating to touch him. Jack looked into his eyes, then pointed to the throne chair that Mark loved. Mark followed his hand to the chair and without question moved over to sit in it.
Mark dropped into the chair, relaxing into it as he asked him curiously. "What now, Jackaboy?" Jack stepped out, standing just out of Mark reach and turning to face away from him. Glancing over his shoulder, he made sure that Mark was watching him. Noticing that he was, Jack reached up to remove his hat and flipped it to the floor. He didn't feel nearly as nervous around Mark anymore. Unlike his fans, that were made up of many strangers with varied opinions and their own judgements on his every action. Mark was accepting and loved him enough to just go with anything he did. No matter how crazy, or silly it was. Mark leaned against the arm of his chair, his eyes locked on Jack's every move. Jack smirked wickedly, even if Mark couldn't see it. Facing forward, Jack straightened up and began to unzip his suit. When it was down, he glanced over his shoulder again and pulled the edges of his suit down to bare his shoulders.
Mark shifted in his seat, his legs spreading wide as he started to rub his fingers over his lips. Jack bit his own lip, flexing his lean muscles as he very slowly pulled the suit down his arms and exposed his pale back. Pulling his hands free from the sleeves, Jack turned slightly to stand sideways. Lifting his leg to brace on one of the toy trunks, Jack took his time sliding the suit down his hips and long legs. Mark bit his finger, no doubt annoyed that his raised leg was blocking what he really wanted to see. Jack cautiously stepped out of the suit, careful not to show Mark anything good. Staying braced on the toy trunk, Jack tilted his head back, pulling the irish flag bandana from around his neck to reveal the collar beneath. Jack turned his head to finally look at Mark as his hand lowered the bandana down his chest to his waist. Mark removed his index finger from between his teeth to lick his lips, then went back to stroking his lips.
Jack never broke eye contact with Mark as he lowered his leg from the trunk, revealing that the bandana was in the way now. A deep primal growl left Mark, his eyes narrowing on Jack with slight irritation. Jack spread his legs, adding to Mark's agony as he cupped his crotch with the bandana still in hand. Mark let out a heavy sigh, grumbling out in a husky growl. "You tease." Jack chuckled, turning his head to look away, but staying put. Jack heard Mark move, but refused to look. Mark approached him, standing only inches from him. Mark's fingers touched his hipbone, moving them up his abs to his neck. Jack shivered, a little surprised that Mark hadn't gone lower. Mark's fingers ghosted up his neck to his jawbone, following his jaw to the mask. In one gentle movement, Mark removed the mask from Jack and told him commandingly. "Look at me, Jack." Jack only turned his head enough for his eyes to comfortably look Mark in the eyes.
Mark held his gaze, even as he felt Mark's hand start to drift back down his chest. Mark watched his expressions closely. Thoroughly enjoying the way his breathing quickened and the way he resisted closing his eyes. Mark stepped closer as his hand reached his hips again, his thumb brushing over the backs of Jack's protective hands. Mark leaned in, pressing his cheek to Jack's as he whispered against his ear suggestively. "Are you ready to start begging, Jack?" Jack smirked to himself, unable to stop himself from stating smugly into Mark's ear. "I already have. Why else would you have gotten out of that chair, Daddy?" Jack felt Mark smile against his neck, while at the same time feeling Mark's fingers slip between his hands to grab the bandana. Jack closed his eyes, gasping softly into Mark's ear as Mark pulled the bandana out from under his hands. The pleasure Jack got from feeling the fabric run along his hard on was blinding. Mark kissed his shoulder passionately, muffling out to him gruffly. "Go bend over that bed for me... and I'll get started on your reward." To Be Continued...
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