Part 44
Mark let out a chuckle, hopping out around the divider to escape Jack's reach. Jack wanted to at least swat him for putting him through all this humiliation. In doing so, he had stepped out from the divider himself. Allowing Declan to see what Mark had done to him. Declan slipped a cigarette between his lips, covering the end with his hand as his flicked on his lighter to ignite the end. Jack tried to discreetly slip back behind the divider before Declan saw him. Except that Declan glanced out of the corner of his eye, telling him around his cigarette playfully. "Looking good there, паренек." Jack blushed a deep red, half hiding behind the divider as Mark told Declan with a smile. "He's cute, isn't he? He's a little self-conscious about it." Declan inhaled through his cigarette a second, letting a cloud of white smoke leave his mouth as he answered with a casual shrug. "It's not really my place to say that he is, or isn't. Even if he is."
Declan smirked then, giving Jack a little wink, before asking him curiously. "что с этим не так? You're Irish. Don't ever be ashamed of that." Jack rolled his eyes, grumbling out to him. "The jokes get old. Besides, he wants me to go out there and do a cereal ad!" Declan snorted, pulling the cigarette slowly from his mouth to say with a suggestive smile. "Jack... Who doesn't want to get lucky with an Irishmen? You practically invented the line about 'Getting lucky.' Just go out there a show them why." Jack shrank farther behind the divider wall, mumbling out. "I think I'm going to be sick..." Mark moved up beside him, asking tenderly. "You know you don't have to go out there." Declan put his cigarette back into his mouth, playfully scolding out. "Oh yes, he does! I've got fifty bucks on him that he'll beat Ben." Mark shot him a slight smile. Jack wanted to smile, but his stomach was so tied up in knots that he felt like he might hurl any second.
Jack slid down to his knees, taking deep breaths to calm himself. This was worse than the nerves he had during his first solo panel. He thought he might even pass out. Declan puffed his cigarette, pulling a flask out from his back pocket. Declan moved closer, taking a knee to hand him the flask. Jack shook his head, but Declan refused to take it away, telling him soothingly. "Just take a swig or two. It will stop ya from shaking at the least." Jack reluctantly accepted the flask carefully between his puppy paw gloves, giving the open nozzle a quick sniff. He recognized the smell almost instantly. It smelled like creamy coffee and Cookie dough vodka. Jack knew how strong the stuff was, but took a few swigs anyway. Mark glanced at Declan, curiously asking him with concern. "What is in that?" Declan wiggled his eyebrows playfully, answering. "The life blood of mother Russia. Vodka." Mark's eyes went wide and he snatched the flask from Jack's hands, telling Declan sharply. "What are you doing?! Jack is a light weight!"
Jack hiccupped from drinking it too fast and Mark looked at him horrified. Declan took the flask from Mark, taking a swig or two himself, before telling him seriously. "Relax. I watered it down a bit with some coffee liqueur." Mark's jaw dropped and he snapped out. "That isn't watering it down! How much was in there!" Declan glanced at his flask, thinking for a moment before saying softly. "Well... I had coffee liqueur in there first, but when I started to run low, I filled the rest up with vodka. Why?" Mark grabbed Declan's shirt, raising his fist to say sternly. "I'm gonna-" Kate stepped into the tent then, interrupting Mark as she bellowed out. "What is taking you guys so damn long? Declan, I told you to find them and give me their answer..." Kate stopped to take in the scene, her eyebrow slowly rising as she asked curiously. "What did I miss?" Jack hiccupped again and started to giggle. Mark released Declan, telling Kate sternly. "He may have gotten Jack drunk." Kate rushed forward to look over Jack. Jack knocked her hand away, stating out semi-blunt. "I'm fine. Honest. I feel good."
Kate turned his chin toward her to lock eyes with him, before telling the others. "He looks alright. Just don't give him anymore right now if you want him to go on." Jack pushed her hand off his face, commenting confidently. "I want to go on. I'm feeling good now." Kate glanced at Declan, then did a double take. Quickly she yanked the cigarette from his mouth, snapping out seriously. "What did I tell you? My condition on being your sub is for you to stop fucking smoking!" Declan rolled his eyes and she stomped on the cigarette out in the grass with her large gothic boot. Declan winced, probably thinking it was a waste. Jack climbed to his feet, while Mark grabbed his shoulders, asking him gently. "Jack... Are you sure you want to do this?" Jack rolled his eyes with a small smile. He had only had a few swigs. He was fine. His muscles felt loose and the majority of his nerves were gone. He felt warm and fuzzy inside. He could do this.
Kate started to gesture toward the stage, saying lightly. "You guys are up next. So, are we doing this or not?" Mark hesitated, but Jack nudged him playfully, saying sweetly. "Let's go have some fun?" Declan grabbed Mark to pull him from the tent, while Kate held Jack back. Mark stopped at the entrance and Kate told him warmly. "Go on. I just want a few seconds with him." It was only when Mark saw Jack nod that he left with Declan. Kate rubbed Jack's shoulders, asking him in a low voice. "I just wanted to tell you... You remember what I said at the Pet Show, right? You're not dancing for them. You're dancing for him. Win or lose. Just have fun together." Kate patted his shoulder, giving him a wink as she added in. "That looks cute on you by the way. Very sexy." Jack grabbed her arm before she could leave, nervously asking her. "Kate... I don't know if I can do this. Even for him. Especially for him." Kate grinned, leaning in closer to his ear to whisper lovingly. "The key to mastering any art is to love it. You love him, don't ya?" Jack nodded. So, she added in to him. "Then simply love him. The rest will come naturally."
Jack shrugged still nervous, when she leaned away to look him in the eyes and told him with a bright smile. "Remind him why he loves you." That struck a cord and Jack grinned, telling Kate confidently. "I've got an idea." Jack could only tap Kate's wrist with his paw glove as he rushed out toward the D.J.'s booth. While on the stage, Declan stood with Mark announcing out proudly. "For our next Master and Submissive couple that will be competing in our Dog contest. We have Master Mark and his Irish hound 'Lucky.' Can we give them a hand? His puppy is a bit shy to come out on stage!" The crowd cheered as Jack yelled over the noise to the D.J. to request a song for his routine. Kate gestured to Declan to keep stalling and Declan gave her a weary look, before saying into the mic. "I don't think he heard you guys. I think you've got to be a bit louder." The crowd practically screamed. The D.J. flipped through a few songs on his computer to bring it up. Leaving Declan to say aloud. "I don't think he believes you want him. So let's call him out, shall we?" Declan coaxed the crowd into chanting out 'Lucky.'
Mark had a look of worry and was starting to exit the stage, when the lights cut out. Everyone fell silent and froze. The D.J. quickly turned on the front lights to shine rainbow colors across the stage as a rainbow background appeared on the stage screen. Kate smacked Jack's ass as he raced up the steps to make it on stage before the music started. He stumbled out onto the stage, but didn't fall over. The crowd cheered at the sight of him and for a brief second Jack wanted to run back off the stage. Mark slowly approached him as the music started and Jack snapped out of it. He was doing this for Mark. The song was from his childhood and he hadn't thought about until now. It fit and he was going with it. He wanted to give Mark a show that he'd never forget. The beat dropped and the cannons above the stage went off, sending glitter into the crowd. Leaping forward toward Mark, Jack rubbed his body seductively across Mark's front, before booping his nose playfully with his paw. Spinning around, Jack playfully stalked toward Mark. Mark backed up looking a little confused by this sudden turn of events.
Jack walked back up to Mark, placing his paws on his chest and sliding them down to his belt, before dropping to his knees. Mark jumped back and the crowd laughed loudly as Jack simply started to crawl after Mark like a lovesick predator. Mark glanced at the crowd, then back at him, finally getting it. Jack was playing the act of a love sick hound that desired nothing more than 'Getting Lucky' with its Master and the crowd was eating it up. Mark got into the role by always trying to stay just out of Jack's reach, or letting him put a paw on him but nothing more. Jack strutted like a model across the stage and tried to tease Mark with the sway of his hips, or the fact that he couldn't stay away from him for very long. Mark would spin out of his approach, or would lead him on a brief moment, before playfully trying to tie him down with his own leash. To which Jack would easily slip out of to keep pursing him.
The crowd laughed and cheered. Especially, at the end when Mark tried to get away, but Jack clung to his leg. Mark faked going down and Jack quickly climbed over him. Straddling his waist and staring down into Mark's gleaming eyes. Mark sat up on his elbows, giving Jack a smile that made his cheeks burn behind the mask. Mark leaned in, pulling the white spandex suit away from his shoulder just enough to kiss his pale skin and make him shiver. Declan clapped with the crowd, approaching the mic again to say with a bright grin of his own. "A big thanks to Master Mark and Lucky for that charming performance. Shall we hear it for our next contestants?" Jack didn't hear them anymore. His whole body was focused only on Mark. Mark's lips moved up to his ear, whispering. "Follow me. Now." Jack rose off Mark, giving the crowd a wave as they left the stage in a hurry. Jack didn't know where Mark was leading him... but they seemed to be heading far enough away from the field.
Out in the parking lot, Mark popped open the door to Kate's van. Mark gestured Jack inside and then followed in quickly. Jack bit his lip as Mark closed the curtains to the windows, then pulled Jack closer to him. Mark knocked off his hat, pushed off his mask and began to push him back across the floor. Jack giggled, asking Mark coyly. "I might have over did it a little." Mark licked his dry lips, adjusting over him to grind his hips against Sean's, answering huskily. "You think?" Mark grinned, grabbing the zipper to the front of Jack's white body suit to slowly unzip it. Jack was becoming breathless as he watched his hand slowly slide down his body, following the trail of the zipper to his belly button. He put a shaky paw on Mark's shoulder, curiously asking aloud. "Um... Mark. What about the contest results? Don't you wanna know who won?" Mark's eyes looked up from the zipper, giving him a loving smile before answering. "I already won. I have you."
Jack's cheeks flushed a bright pink. They were so sore from smiling so much today, but he couldn't resist continuing to smile. He was having such a good time. Mark carefully laid over him, kissing his lips tenderly. When he broke the kiss, Mark surprised him by saying so warmly over his wanting lips. "You've made me happier than anyone has made me in a long time. I love you, Sean." Jack's body tingled at the way Mark uttered his real name. Sending goosebumps down both his arms and legs. Moving in to ghost his lips over Mark's, he replied wholeheartedly. "I love you too." Mark claimed his lips in a passionate kiss. Mark's hands then started exploring his body for sweet spots to make him moan into the kiss. When a light knock came at the van door. Mark growled into their kiss, trying to ignore it. For only a second it went quiet, then the bang came harder.
Frustrated, Mark shot up to open the door and snapped out. "What?!" Kate casually leaned against the door frame, coolly stating aloud. "First of all, don't get pissy with me, boy. I own the van your about to fuck in. Which knowing that... I'm tempted to sell it now... But that isn't why I'm here." Mark rolled his eyes, dryly asking. "Why are you here then?" Kate sighed softly, telling him rather lightly. "I thought you guys should know that you lost to Ben and Trevor. You really should have been there. They did this really interesting gender swap thing to Jessica Rabbits song. It was sexy and had lots of flash. They got the crowd involved. Either way, I'm sorry. I know you're so heartbroken over this." Mark flashed her a forced grin, stating out quickly. "Yep, heartbroken. So much so, that we need time alone. Thank you. Bye bye!" Mark tried to yank the door shut, but she kept it open with her heel, adding out with a devilish smirk. "Quick question before I go." Mark groaned and Jack chuckled.
Kate gestured to the van, asking almost reluctantly. "If I asked you what you planned in here... What would you say the damage would be?" Mark tried to close the door without answering, but at her stern look, he groaned out. "At this rate, I'll mess it up on purpose! Kate, please!" Kate chuckled, removing her foot to let him close it. Jack tried not to moan too loudly, but he couldn't help it. Mark was showing his body no mercy and he loved it. Kate had been right. The crowd wasn't why the pets loved the Pets shows... It was the mood it put the Masters in after. The crowd had reminded Mark what he had. Mark always was the possessive type when it came to him. Now Mark wanted to remind him who he belonged too and Jack was just loving the attention. After their tussle in the van, they enjoyed the rest of the Pet Park, until it came to an end. At which point, Jack said goodbye to his friends and let Mark finally drive him back home. Where his reward awaited him. To Be continued...
Translations in order: 'паренек' (Russian) = 'Boy', 'что с этим не так?' (Russian) = 'What's wrong with it?'
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