Part 42
Jack wanted to hold her all day, when Mark moved up behind him. Touching his shoulder with the backs of his fingers, Mark told him sweetly. "Jack, We've got to go." Jack reluctantly pulled away from the little girl. She gave him one last smile, before turning to look up at Mark. The girl didn't seem to recognize Mark as easily as she did him. At least, until Mark kneeled down and told her with a smug grin. "You're going to get Tim sick exposing him to that disgusting eye ball." The girl's eyes narrowed on Mark and she placed her hands on her small hips to playfully shoot back. "NO! They are friends!" Mark grinned spreading his arms wide moments before she leapt into his embrace. Slowly, Jack stood back up as the girl's mother inched closer to tell him with a small smile. "You know... The only reason she spotted you was because of your collar, hair, and tattoo."
Jack glanced down at his arm to see that nothing was covering his rune tattoo. Shaking his head, he grumbled out. "Ya... I guess, I should of tried harder." The mother laughed to herself, making Jack grin brightly. The mother looked really good compared to the last time he saw her. Not that she looked physically bad before, but there was a glow to her now that wasn't there before. They didn't get enough time to chat as much as he wanted too, because the mom called to her daughter, coaxing her away. "Come on, Amanda. We still have some shopping to get done." Amanda pried herself from Mark, dashing back to her mother to take her plushies back. Amanda waved to them one last time, before her mom escorted her away. Jack waved until she was no longer looking at them, but excitedly chatting with her mom. Mark slowly stood up beside him, reaching out with a hand to push Jack's mask back down over his face.
The gesture made Jack snap out of watching them to fix the mask properly over his face. While Mark told him in a deep loving voice. "You're still such a softy." Jack playfully shoved Mark in response. Mark only let out a small chuckle, then took ahold of his wrist to rush him back to their place in the parade. They had lingered long enough to be among the horses. One loner horse that was dressed like a brony, playfully chased after them for the crowds amusement. As they past the banner back into the dog section, the brony man whinnied loudly and trotted off to walk next to a horse pulling a cart. As they continued their walk, Jack told Mark softly. "They recognized me by my hair, collar, and tattoo. I told you this was a bad idea." Mark lifted Jack's arm to his chest, stroking his hand along the tattoo as he answered devilishly. "I had a feeling it would happen. I forgot your paw gloves at home." Jack rolled his eyes, blushing behind his mask as people watched Mark stroke his arm so intimately.
Jack's nerves were on edge now. How many others here would recognize him? He had a desperate urge to yank his arm away from Mark and hide behind him for the rest of the parade. He just couldn't bring himself to really do it. Mark's soft warm hand felt too good on his skin. Stroking his arm in such a way that his nerves were calmed down as fast as they surfaced. The song changed and Jack jumped closer to Mark as the Masters by the banners let out a high pitched whistle in unison. The bull pets slipped from their harnesses and their Master's grabbed the banners as the bulls rushed up the sides, throwing what looked like colored chalk into the air. The crowd cheered as the colored chalk dusted the parade in a colorful cloud and the more experienced pets seemed to be let loose. The sections started to mix as the pets danced, twirled, and flipped from section to section to mix the colors of dust chalk that the older pets seemed to have.
The more they mixed, the more the colors of the rainbow began to show everywhere. The master holding the banners began to pop things every few feet that caused a burst of glitter to fill the air. Jack couldn't help smiling from excitement. He hadn't expected this, but it was so cool! Mark kept him close, telling him over the blasting music and cheering crowd. "It's beautiful, isn't it?!" Jack nodded, replying back. "Did they do this on purpose to symbolize pride?! Or was that just a coincidence?!" Mark slowed him down, by taking his arms in hand and answering with a warm look. "Maybe both! Jack... You never answered me before..." Jack stopped swaying to the beat and tried to remember what Mark might of asked him in the last few minutes. He was sure he hadn't asked him a question that he hadn't answered. Mark slid his hands up Jack's arms to either side of his neck, staring at him deep in the eyes as he yelled out to him in a hesitant but loving voice. "Jack... Will you move in with me?!"
Jack was speechless. He didn't know how he wanted to answer that. He had forgotten that Mark had asked him this when he had arrived. Kate had interrupted them before he had given Mark an answer. Now as he looked into Mark's eyes, he realized that he'd have to finally tell him. Jack slowly reached up to push his mask up again, before taking a deep breath and leaning in a bit to answer over the music. "I have to go back." Mark's hands fell off his arms and his expression fell to one of disappointment. Jack quickly cupped Mark's face, adding in with a warm smile. "I have to go home to pack." Mark's eyes rose from the ground to meet his and Jack flashed him a bright grin. A smile spread over Mark's face and he wrapped his arms tightly around him to spin him around. Jack hugged Mark tightly, until Mark let his feet return to the ground. Jack started to pull away with a chuckle, when Mark looped a finger through the loop of his collar and pulled in into a kiss.
Jack wrapped his arms around Mark's neck and deepened their kiss. They forgot where they were and time shattered around them. Nothing else mattered to them than this very second. When their lips parted from each other, Mark's eyes widened and he grabbed Sean's wrist to rush him back into the parade. Dashing back into the mass of horse carts, Mark shared a hearty laugh with him. Jack couldn't remember a time when he had so much fun. They danced and laughed until their sides hurt as the parade continued on. Pride flags and buttons were handed around and Mark even snagged him a pin with a pride flag on it. Mark knew how much he loved pins and no doubt wanted him to remember this day. The parade finally strolled into the large field behind the school and Jack bounced with excitement. The smell of food filled the air from the food trucks and grills. There were slip in slides and babies pools filled with water balloons.
There was so much around that Jack wasn't sure he'd be able to do it all. The biggest thing here though was the large constructed stage. The people all gathered around it as Declan and Kate walked up to the mics. Almost everyone was covered in multicolored chalk residue, but all looked so happy to be here. Declan raised his hands to calm everyone down, before saying clear and loud. "I know everyone is probably hungry and tired from the long walk. So, we'll make this brief." Declan gestured to Kate, who smiled and chimed in happily. "Thank you all for being here and keeping this academy going. I hope that the new changes we will continue to bring in over the years will only continue to grow our family and make bright new traditions of the academy as well." Kate gestured with a hand back to Declan. Jack was listening to Declan talk about the new Master classes that would be coming in next year as well as some new changes to the building... When Mark nudged him. Jack looked to see Kate taking a bucket from a Master just off stage, trying to sneakily move in behind Declan.
Declan didn't see it coming as Kate lifted the bucket and soaked him in ice cold water. Declan's whole body tensed up in a shiver as the crowd laughed. Kate dropped the bucket, trying to innocently back away. Declan straightened up, clearing his throat before announcing with a wicked grin. "The first ones to get all the Masters that were in on this, gets a goody basket." Kate screamed and fled from the stage as the pets dashed for the water balloons and squirt guns. Jack glanced at Mark, who jerked his head in permission. Without another word, Jack took off to snatch a water gun and run after her. Masters from the school started to flee all over the place as Declan read off a list into the mic. Whether they were really in on it nobody was really sure, but everyone had fun chasing them all over the field. Jack paired up with Ben as they tried to cut off Kate. She was pretty damn fast without her heavy gothic boots.
Ben tried to throw a water balloon at her, but she leapt into a roll and changed direction on them. Jack skidded across the wet grass on his sharp turn, still on her tail as she cut through a bunch of shop tents. Among the crowd, Jack cursed. He had lost her. He stalked the area, scanning as quickly as he could for her. Ben flanked him, then split off to cover more ground. Jack stayed close to the sides of the tents, trying to peek around discreetly. When he spotted her backing up very slowly from a tent. Jack watched her a moment, until Declan came into view with a squirt gun. Kate raised her hands in surrender and Jack lowered his gun in defeat. Only to be surprised by Declan dropping the gun. Kate's eyes narrowed on him and she let out a squeal as she turned and bolted away from him. Declan only chased her for a short time, before racing off in another direction.
Jack stepped out to watch them a bit longer, feeling slightly confused. Then he got it. Just like in the gym... Declan was hunting Kate. Trying to predict where she'd run too. Jack chuckled to himself as Ben walked up beside him to say with a chuckle. "I never would have guessed that Declan liked Kate. How do you think that happened?" Jack shrugged, honestly answering. "I don't know. They look happy though." Just after saying it, a question popped into his head. Glancing at Ben, he asked him curiously. "Hey Ben... Can a person who becomes a Master... Go back to being a pet?" Ben shrugged, only to have Mark tell them both casually. "Yes. Some couples even switch who is Master and who is Submissive on and off. It is not as common, but it has happened. Some are only Masters, because they never found the right Master that they wanted to give themselves too." Ben bit his lip, seeing the way Mark was only looking at Jack.
Jack cleared his throat nervously, noting that Ben was moving away to give them some privacy. Mark walked up, wrapping his arms around Jack's shoulders to pull him against his chest. Jack snuggled into his warmth, listening to Mark purr out against his ear. "The Pet Park is going to begin soon. Is there something you wanted to do?" Jack sighed, snuggling as close as he could get to Mark, asking him curiously. "No. Why? Did you have something in mind, Daddy Mark?" To Be Continued...
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