Part 35
Declan strolled over to toss a towel to Mark and than over to Trevor. Afterward, Declan returned to Kate's side, stating aloud. "Alright, now let's get into the thick of it, shall we"? Kate bowed out, walking over to sit in her chair with her coffee. Declan cleared his throat, before telling them. "I'll be looking for how you handle your dogs now that you have them. Some dogs buckle under pressure, while others find it relaxing. Some dogs prefer it rough, while others don't. Your job is to find out and yet still keep full control of the situation. For the moment, we will start with basics. Bring your dogs to the mats and we will begin". Mark draped the towel over Jack's shoulders and helped him up. Together they walked over to the mats. Jack stood next to Ben with Mark and Trevor on the outside. Declan stood before them, gesturing to the Subs as he said. "Command them to sit". Jack almost did it without being told. It was hard not to just do something that you knew was coming.
Mark removed the towel to expose Jack's shoulders, placing his other hand on him, he asked him sweet but seriously. "Jack, sit for me". Jack lowered down into his waiting position obediently. Mark's hand was giving him chills. His touch was so powerful that it sapped his will to fight. Curiously, Jack glanced up at Ben who was waiting with eyes forward. Trevor looked so nervous, taking his time to touch his fingers to Ben's wrist. Trevor's finger tips barely touched Ben, his voice struggling to get out. "Sit... Please"? Jack snickered, before he could stop himself. He couldn't help it. Trevor was so aggressive with him... To see him suddenly so... scared was weird. Trevor shot him a dark glare, forcing Jack to look forward. Beside him, Ben sank into his waiting position, while Declan told Trevor in a warning voice. "Trevor, lock it up. Focus on what you are doing. Ben isn't going to bite you. Show some confidence in your abilities".
Ben tapped Jack's hand, mumbling out playfully to him. "I don't bite... Unless I'm told to". Jack giggled and Ben grinned. Declan clapped his hands loudly between them, causing them to flinch and lower their heads. To their actions, he told them sharply. "Hush! Or I'll have them gag you next". Jack thought about the cock gag and cringed. He hoped to avoid that. To the masters, Declan told them calmer. "Knowing your dog builds a strong connection. They have to be familiar with your touch enough to know when you are disappointed and when you are proud. This can offer comfort more than words in high stress situations. Especially, when trying new things with them. So, let's go through some technics". Jack became lost in thought as he thought about how Declan had touched him in the bedroom. It made since now why he had pet him so much. Declan had been trying to form a bond with him.
Mark's hand slide across his shoulders to the back of his neck, bringing him from his thoughts. Mark's fingers gripped the collar and pushed him forward until he was on all fours. Jack shifted to get a bit more comfortable, when Mark's hands slid over his shoulder blades and then down both his arms to his elbows. A shiver rocked Jack's body as a small moan escaped him. It had felt really good. He could feel Mark's warmth and unconsciously found himself leaning against Mark's waist. Mark's hands continued to slid over his back and sides. Declan didn't have to focus on Mark in this area as much as he had to with Trevor. Declan practically had to take Trevor's hands and slid them down Ben's back. Ben stayed very still, but his fingers kept clawing at the mat impatiently. When Declan finally got Trevor comfortable with stroking Ben, he shifted a bit to tell both Mark and Trevor. "Stroking your dog doesn't just get them familiar with your touch. It also clues you in to what they like. So, pay attention to how they breathe. How they look. Knowing what they enjoy is essential to play".
Mark's hand drifted down his side to his hip and Jack swallowed nervously. He knew Mark well enough to know what he was doing. Mark leaned in to kiss his shoulder, his hand teasingly shifting over his tailbone. Jack gritted his teeth, shifting his legs a bit closer together. Mark's fingers sliding beneath Jack's shorts to skim between his ass cheeks. Jack shifted forward, letting out a small whine. He didn't want Mark to do this... here. That is when Ben let out a sharp moan and dropped into a bow. Jack jerked to see what happened, realizing that Declan was holding Ben's hips up in order for Trevor to stoke between his exposed legs. Jack gawked at what they were doing to Ben and yet... Ben was enjoying it. It almost made him envious. In his distracted state, Mark slipped his fingers lower to slip inside him. Jack bit his lip, clawing the mat in an effort to stay up on all fours. He wouldn't let Mark take him down like that so easy.
Next to him, Jack couldn't help listening to Declan tell Trevor. "Easy now. You see his legs flexing like this? Slow down. You don't want to finish him yet. Just warm him up". Ben moaned softly into the mat, shifting restlessly in place. Mark's hand pushed Jack's shorts down a bit to let his hand drift lower to stroke his balls. Without meaning too, Jack's legs widened for him on their own. Craving more. Declan told Trevor to stop and pushed Ben's hips down to the mat. Ben gasped, between heavy pants. Declan then shifted to face Mark and Jack. Jack forced himself to ignore Declan. Mark was working him bad enough. When a new set of hands grabbed his shorts to push them down, Jack jerked forward in surprise. Mark grabbed Jack's hips to stop him from bolting, while Declan told Mark honestly. "Careful, Mark. Dogs tend to feed of the pleasure of another dog. He could be closer than you think".
Mark pet Jack's sides, asking curiously. "Really"? Declan chuckled, answering bluntly. "Yes. I've been in a few dog orgies and I'm telling you... listening to some dogs moans or watching them get pleasured can do wonders. So be careful, or you'll set him off". Jack glanced back over his shoulder to see Mark smirk and ask Declan lightly. "What do you suggest"? Declan gave Mark an evil smirk, climbing to his feet as he answered. "Do you know how I got my title, Mark"? Mark shook his head, while Kate leaned forward in her chair interested. Declan brought over his suitcase and flipped it open to remove a toy that Jack didn't recognize. Next to him, Ben groaned loudly in slight fear, mumbling out. "Oh no... Not Hell's Gates". Jack gave Ben a confused look, but Declan answered sweetly. "Hell's gates is a very good training tool for male dogs. You can't deny that". Declan handed one to Trevor and then one to Mark. Kate crossed her legs, asking just as curious as he felt. "How does it work"?
Declan gave her a smile, stating devilishly. "I'll show you". Declan moved back between Ben and himself, kneeling down to inform the Masters. "Hell's gates can come in two to seven metal rings that start from big and gradually shrink to small around a males shaft... They don't sound so bad, but think about them like this. Most cock cages keep you... soft. Cock rings want to keep you hard. So, put them on your dog". Ben reluctantly rose back up onto all fours, letting Trevor lift his leg to slide the toy on. When Mark tried to raise Jack's leg, but Jack sat down instead. He didn't want it. He hated them as much as he hated the cock gag. Mark stroked his arm to try to comfort him, but he shook his head in response. Declan glanced to Kate, who sighed heavily and slipped off her chair to join them. Declan gestured to Mark, saying firmly. "Command him, Mark". Mark placed his hand on the back of Jack's neck, trying to guide him back onto all fours as he told him. "Jack, come on now".
Declan shook his head as Jack refused again. Mark tried to be sweet and loving, but Declan raised a hand to stop him, growling out strictly. "Don't baby him. You'll spoil him". Kate crossed her arms, playfully mumbling out. "It's too late for that. Mark... Doesn't like forcing Jack to do anything". Declan gawked at Mark, making Mark blush nervously. Declan sighed, telling Mark. "Listen. He wouldn't be here, if he wasn't into this. So, show him who is boss and force him down". Jack was a bit surprised when Mark grabbed the metal loop of his collar and pulled him down to the mat. When Jack was down, Mark told him firmly. "Jack, lift your hips". Jack smirked defiantly, staying down. He hadn't seen this side of Mark in awhile. Not since he had been kidnapped by Orson. He kind of missed it. Kate chuckled, she clearly saw he was doing this on purpose. Declan shifted a bit to tell Mark seriously. "Ok. He refuses. What will you do now"? Mark thought for a moment, when Kate slipped in playfully. "Smack him".
Both Mark and Declan looked up at her perplexed. Kate crossed her arms, telling Mark again with more gusto. "Maybe it is just me... but I think your dog is trying to tell you something. Smack him like the stubborn ass he is". Mark glanced down at Jack and Jack flashed him a smug smirk. Mark took a moment to look over Jack's body, then raised his hand to give Jack's ass a quick slap. Jack flinched, but pushed up onto all fours. Declan shot Kate a perplexed look. Kate shrugged smugly, telling him a bit snarky. "What can I say? It is like you said... Some dogs just like a firm hand from their daddy every now and then". Kate turned on her heel, walking back to take her seat. Jack hated to admit it... but she was right. Mark was always sweet and caring. He trusted him not to hurt him. However, resisting always brought out a side to Mark that felt so intoxicating. He enjoyed feeling a little helpless to Mark's control.
Mark's hand slid down Jack's leg to the back of his knee. Jack cringed a little as Mark's fingers tickled him in the process of taking ahold of his leg. Mark lifted his leg, coaxing him to rest his knee on his shoulder. Jack bit his lip, trying to ignore how this looked. He was already semi-hard and feeling Mark's hands slip the toy on wasn't helping him. After a moment, Mark grumbling out to Declan. "I can't get it to stay on". Jack breathed a sigh of relief too soon. Declan took ahold of his waist, telling Mark wickedly. "How hard is he? Maybe he just needs some motivation"? Jack spotted Mark's grin, before Mark leaned in to suck on the tip of his cock. Jack yelped and would have toppled over if Declan hadn't been holding his waist up. Jack bit his lip harder, clawing at the mat. He didn't want to get hard, but like always... His body didn't care what he wanted. Mark only sucked on him for a brief few seconds. It was more than enough to force Jack's chest to the mat with heavy pants though. There was no doubt now though that he was hard and ready for more.
Mark pulled away to slip the toy on him easily now. Then Mark let Jack's leg return to the mat, kissing his back and whispering to him sweetly. "Good boy, Jack". Declan chuckled softly, releasing Jack's waist and telling Mark a bit bluntly. "Don't praise him just yet. We haven't even gotten started". To Be Continued...
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