Part 30
Jack's body was exhausted from his sexual exertions, but adrenaline was slowly rising in him. Declan had lied. For a man that claimed to keep his word... he had lied to Mark. Jack dropped the fleshlight to the bottom of the tub, half expecting Declan's grip to tighten around his chest to keep ahold of him. Although to his surprise, he was able to slip off Declan's lap without any resistance. Drifting to the far side of the tub, Jack locked cold eyes with Declan. Declan draped his arms up out along the edge of the tub, staring back at him with a neutral expression. Jack shook his head, muttering back in a hurt voice. "You're a fucking liar". Declan turned his eyes back to the livestream, stating out casually. "From your position I guess I could see it like that. However, I never said 'how' I wanted Mark to pay for you. Now did I"? Jack sank a little lower in the tub, trying to recall. He was finding it hard though... He didn't want to be distracted.
Declan gestured lazily to the livestream, continuing on bluntly. "Mark is a famous Youtuber. Do you think that he can throw a charity like this in a companies name and they not know about it? How do you think they will treat Mark if all that money he raised for them... Never made it to them? He'd be arrested for fraud. He'd lose the love of his Subscribers... Yet, none of that even crossed his mind. All because of his love for you". Jack swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. He hadn't thought about that. Declan poured himself another glass of cookie dough flavored vodka, smirking smugly as he stated aloud. "You call me a liar... People call me heartless. And yet... I just saved Mark's career. You should be grateful to me, Jack". Jack shook his head, stubbornly growling out. "You manipulated this whole thing. You're toying with us. What do you want"?!
Declan's smirk disappeared and he answered softly in Russian. "Чтобы снова найти меня". Jack shrugged, asking a bit heatedly. "What? Why can't you just tell me"! Declan sighed heavily, turning sad eyes on Jack as he answered just as softly in a pained voice. "Some things have to be discovered on your own. I wouldn't expect you to understand even if I told you". Declan's eyes drifted down to look at the bubbling water, his eyes becoming so distant. The look made Jack's heart ache. He didn't understand Declan. Was Declan trying to find something here? What did that have to do with Mark and himself? Declan downed the glass of vodka in one go, then moved closer to his iPad. Turning it off, Declan rose from the water to climb out. Jack didn't want to move from his spot. Declan didn't look alright. He looked depressed now. Declan shut off the jacuzzi, telling him numbly. "Step out, Jack. I want to dry you off and get you ready for bed".
Jack reluctantly moved to the edge of the tub, trying to sound nice and calm. Despite the fact his heart was starting to pace anxious circles in his ribcage. "Declan... I'm sure that Trevor has told you about the day that I was almost... About my treatment"? Declan set his iPad down to yank a towel off a rack, stating seriously. "He has. I told you. I'm not a rapist. My interest in you is... for other reasons". Jack rose from the water, but didn't climb out. He simply stared at Declan feeling twisted inside. He didn't know how to think of Declan. A Russian devil? A Master of Domination? A man searching for something? He just couldn't pin him down. Every time he thought he was getting close... Declan would turn things around on him. Declan opened up the towel and gestured for him to step out. Jack cautiously stepped out and flinched as Declan pressed the towel to his arm.
While Declan rubbed every inch of his arm dry, Jack's eyes looked over Declan's tattoos. He wondered if every tattoo over every scar meant something. Much like the Russian stacking doll was a symbol of his lost love and the scar he suffered to save her. Was he covering the scars with tattoos to forget... or to remember? Declan kneeled to rub his leg dry and Jack's eyes fell on Declan's large back tattoo. The longer he stared, the more he noticed that Declan's back was covered in deep prominent scars that made up the features of not just the fur of a large Grizzly Bears snarling face... but also made up the scars on the bear itself. The worst of the scars running down the bear's single eye. The bear's eye was made up of the Russian flag and even though one of its four large teeth was broken, the bear looked to be a fearless fighter. A survivor. Jack sighed, letting his fingers brush over Declan's shoulder lightly in a comforting manner.
Declan reacted to the touch, but flinching away and grabbing his wrist in a death grip to stop him. For a moment they both didn't move. Then Declan rose to his feet and released Jack's wrist without looking at him. Declan started to make his way to the bathroom door, only to stop and set the wet towel in the sink. Declan still didn't look at him, but practically whispered over his shoulder to him. "I didn't hurt you, did I"? Jack rubbed his wrist for a moment. Declan's grip had been tight, but not painful. Jack shook his head, asking Declan curiously. "Did Orson's mother give you those"? Declan looked away, answering in a deep pained voice. "Some of them. Even though the nerves are so damaged that I can't feel anything down my back... I can still feel every last one of them". Jack lowered his own eyes to the floor, saying softly. "I'm sorry".
Declan let out a light chuckle, moving into the bedroom. Jack followed listening to Declan tell him simply. "Don't be. These scars make up who I am. Like the Russian bear... I will endure and keep fighting on to my last breath". Declan pulled on a pair of boxers, sitting himself down on the edge of the bed. Jack thought about trying to find his underwear, when Declan patted the bed asking rather nicely. "Would you mind laying here"? Jack shuffled his feet uncomfortably. Declan laid out across the length of the bed, watching him with soft green eyes. Jack swallowed forcing himself to take a step forward. Declan draped his arm over his body, waiting patiently and telling him in a sweet voice. "Jack... Please"? Jack took another step, but stopped. He was fighting with himself internally. Declan surprised him, by informing him warmly. "I never wanted Mark to pay for you. I was just curious how much you meant to him. I only care about the ring I gave him".
Jack moved closer to the bed, his eyes locking with Declan's. Declan didn't sit up or move, allowing Jack to snap back. "Why should I trust you"? Declan's eyes never looked away and his voice held a strong seriousness to him. "I told you that I was taken from Russia and sold around as property from one corrupt person to the next... Why would I do that to you"? Now Jack was confused. Declan had technically bought him... How could he consider himself to be better? Declan's hand touched his and Jack jumped. Startled by Declan's tender touch. Declan moved his hand away to pat the spot next to him, saying calmly. "If I tell you another secret will you lay down with me"? Jack walked around the bed slowly. He wasn't going to crawl over Declan. Standing on the other side, he then told Declan confidently. "Tell me".
Declan rolled over to face him more comfortably, before answering innocently. "I'm afraid of being alone. It has never been a problem before... I've had Greg forever... but he finally found a really nice girl and I let him go. I wouldn't ask... but Trevor won't be back for... awhile. Please"? Jack hoped he wasn't making a huge mistake and laid down on across the bed. Laying on his side, he tried to block out the fact that Declan was behind him. At least, until he felt Declan's knuckles slide down his spine to his tailbone. Jack shivered uncontrollably, mumbling out agitated. "Do you have to touch me"? Declan's fingers slipped between his ass cheeks and Jack shifted up on his elbows. He was going to yell something fowl, but gasped as the dragon vibrator was pulled out. Declan let the vibrator fall to the floor, smiling when he said. "Better"? Jack nodded and relaxed back down on the bed.
Jack snuggled against the pillow. It was easier to relax and much more comfortable without that thing up his ass. Declan's hand stroked his back, tracing the lines he found or just warming his skin with his gentle touches. Jack didn't want to like it... but he was tired and it felt good. It was helping him drift off. Whenever he caught himself sleeping, he'd jerk awake and shift around a moment. Declan wasn't fooled though. He'd just continue to rub his back, whispering to him comfortingly. "It's ok... You're safe here". It wasn't long before Jack's body believed him and he fell asleep to the comforting idea that Mark was the one stroking his back. That even Declan and the academy was nothing more than a dream. He'd fall asleep here and wake up in Mark's arms.
Only he was awakened by the sudden shove to his ribs. Jack groaned, lifting his head to snap at Declan... but Declan was asleep. Jack noticed that Declan had fallen asleep touching him. It felt a bit weird, until he heard Declan whine in his sleep and watched his body shake. Was he having a nightmare? Jack rolled over to touch his shoulder, shaking him gently. Declan's breathing started to become rapid and his fingers dug into the sheets like he was... terrified. Jack shook him a bit harder, stating aloud. "Declan? Declan, wake up"! Declan's eyes opened and his body lurched up into the headboard with a loud 'Bang'. Jack retreated from Declan as Declan toppled to the floor with a loud groan of pain. Jack slipped off the bed, walking cautiously around to see if Declan was alright from a safe distance. Was he awake? Or still asleep? It was than that he saw a much different Declan...
Declan was huddled in between the bed and the bedside table, crying softly into his knees with his arms wrapped firmly around his head. Jack sank to his knees, asking in the softest voice he could. "Declan? Are you awake"? Declan's body stopped shaking so erratically and he stiffly put his arms down. Jack wanted to do something to help, but Declan seemed to be coming out of it now. Staggering to his feet, Declan stumbled into the bathroom. Jack watched him fetch the bottle of vodka, taking a few swigs from it until he saw his hand finally stop shaking. Declan then walked to the sink to splash his face. When he suddenly looked up at the mirror with a weird expression. Clearly, whatever Declan saw he hated, because in a split second he became angry and took the mirror from the wall to smash it across the floor. Jack jumped from the sudden reaction, hugging the bedpost with worry. Declan was clearly scarred, not just on the outside... but the inside. To Be Continued...
Translation: (Russian) "Чтобы снова найти меня" = "To find me again".
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