Part 3
Jack swallowed hard as Kate drove over a speed bump. The sensation made Jack shiver. He couldn't wait for the van to stop moving. Mark would glance back at him to check on him and it would renew Jack's stubborn pride. He was going to get through this. He just had to keep reminding himself that he was doing this for Mark. When the Van finally came to a stop, Jack wanted it to keep going. He wasn't sure he was ready to get out just yet. Kate hopped out of the van first, telling Mark excitedly. "Nothing like the Dog Park". Mark rolled his eyes, climbing out too. The doors opened and Jack's eyes went wide. They were at a large warehouse that had strobe lights going and the heavy beat of the music could be heard from outside. All around the large open parking lot, Jack saw masters of all shapes and sizes walking their... pets inside.
Mark opened the cage, extending a hand to pick up the already clipped leash. It took Jack only a moment to notice that Mark had turned off the vibrating egg. Did Kate know he had done that? Mark helped him stagger out onto his feet. His legs felt a little weak. Kate waved to a few Masters, then nudged Mark to look at something. Jack's attention drifted in the other direction as a dog passed in Dalmatian printed latex and full puppy gear. As the dog passed Jack, he jerked against his Masters leash and barked at Jack. Jack jumped behind Mark and the other Master yanked his dog closer with a hearty laugh. Mark wrapped an arm around Jack's shoulders comfortingly, shooting the other Master a dark look as he told Jack calmly. "You alright"? Jack rested his head against Mark's shoulder. He preferred the club over this 'Dog Park' so far".
Kate jerked forward to yell after the Master heatedly. "Keep that bitch on a tighter leash, motherfucker"! The Master flipped Kate the middle finger and Kate started to remove her jacket, but Mark stopped her. They slowly walked toward the large open warehouse doors and Jack swallowed nervously. The place was huge and in the corners by the door, there were pens. In one pen by the door, two Masters had put their dog in and the two were... mud wrestling to the cheers and barks from the small crowd. On the other side, a dog was lifting large weighs and Masters standing around looked impressed. Jack kept close to Mark as they moved in deeper. A few dogs were dancing on the raised platforms to loud music and Jack began to wonder why he was here. These dogs were dressed for the role and appeared to be skilled in something. He couldn't imagine this place having a gaming station.
A woman walked up to Jack and he stopped short in surprise. She was dressed like a latex cat. She even purred at him and rubbed against him as she passed by. Jack shivered and before he could get up the nerve to move again, a man jumped down off a platform. Jack jumped back to the extent of his leash as the dog growled at him menacingly and moved cautiously around him. Mark moved closer to him as Kate yelled over the loud music to Mark. "Your pup is going to get eaten alive in here if he doesn't start standing up for himself"! Mark glared at her yelling back. "He's not ready for this"! Kate rolled her eyes and yanked the leash from Mark's hand. Mark moved toward her menacingly, but she placed a hand on his chest, yelling out. "He's going to meet dogs like this at the academy, Mark! If he can't learn to defend himself, they are going to make him their bitch! Trust me"!
Mark backed up a step or two and allowed Kate to lead Jack farther in to a pen. Jack's heart began to race. Was he expected to wrestle someone? Kate climbed up onto the pens metal rails and called out loudly to everyone around. "I've got a challenger for Scotty! The pen gate opened and Mark unclipped the leash from Jack's collar. Someone shoved Jack in the pen and the gate slammed shut. Jack ran back to the gate and Mark reached through the bars to grab his hand comfortingly, yelling out to him. "It's ok! Don't worry"! Jack turned to look as a another dog climbed over the rails on the other side. His steel collar had a black tag that read Scotty in silver. Scotty was a bit bigger than him, but was still lean compared to the other dogs he had seen in here.
A Master dropped into the ring with two steel dog bowls and told everyone around. "Our champion, THE SCOTTISH HOUND! Has been challenged by this little Irish Pup! Here are the rules! You're not allowed to use your hands or make a mess! You get three bowls. First to finish wins"! Jack sighed in relief just a little. At least, he didn't have to fight him. Jack's eyes turned to the ring Master as he took the bowls over to a person with a large steaming pot. The person scooped out what looked like soup...but Jack soon felt a little sick. What he was pouring into the bowls was brown slop. When the bowls were filled to the brim, the ring Master came up to them, yelling out. "Grade A slop! Freshly cooked liver, sheep's stomach, Bull cock, lips, and vast other meats that we've chopped up into a beer beef broth"! Jack tried not to think about it. Everything in it was edible. He could do it if he didn't think about it.
Scotty dropped down onto all fours and let out a threatening growl. Jack looked back at Mark curiously. Was he still watching? He was. Mark had climbed up the rails to watch. Mark even gave him a warm smile of encouragement. Jack took a deep breath and lowered himself down onto all fours facing Scotty. Scotty continued to growl and bark at him, but Jack ignored him. Choosing instead to look up at the ring Master holding the bowls. After a moment of people placing bets, the ring Master lowered the bowls to the ground before them. Jack stared into the brown liquid. It didn't smell so bad. It just smelled like beer and beef. The ring Master then stomped his foot between them and Scotty dived into his bowl. Jack didn't realize that was the start, but followed Scotty's lead.
It took Jack a few seconds to realize how to do this. The goal was to drink down enough of the liquid to keep it from running over the rim of the bowl, but also using it to help wash down the cubed chucks as you went. Jack tried to keep his mind on anything other than what he was eating and after a bit he couldn't even tell. The taste of beer and beef was overpowering almost everything. Scotty finished his first bowl first, but Jack was close behind him. By the end of the second bowl, Jack felt more relaxed and in the zone. He wasn't sure if it had something to do with the beer, or if he just didn't want Scotty to win. All around them Masters cheered and dogs howled and barked in excitement. Jack ignored everything and chewed as fast as he could. When he finally lifted his head from his empty bowl he gawked. He had finished just a few seconds before Scotty!
The crowd cheered and Scotty sat down on his heels with a grin, lifting a paw out to Jack. Jack happily shook his leather paw with a smile in return. He hadn't expected that to be so much fun. The gate opened and Mark ran in to hug him tightly, yelling out into his ear. "I can't believe you just did that! You must have an iron stomach"! Jack turned toward Mark about to say something, when he burped loudly. Jack covered his mouth with his arm as all the people around them burst out laughing. Mark leaned away from him, yelling out in horrified disgust. "Oh my god! Your breath is...". Mark turned away and hacked loudly as Jack chuckled. Mark helped Jack back up onto his feet, leading him from the pen.
Kate jumped down from the rails to join them, when the music cut out and a voice announced over the speakers. "We are about to begin the dog show. All entered need to report to the stage now. We will be starting in four minutes". Kate nudged Jack, leaning in to whisper into his hear. "This is what I wanted you to see". To Be Continued...
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