Part 28
Declan's thumb traced along Jack's jaw, whispering inches from his lips. "Continue, Jack. You were doing so well". Jack swallowed, his eyes drifting over to look at Trevor. Trevor's eyes looked as angry as his mask. He prayed that Declan wouldn't have Trevor touch him. Declan's eyes followed Jack's to Trevor. Jack took a deep breath as Declan's jaw clenched and he stated without looking at him. "Does he make you nervous"? Jack was afraid to answer. Trevor lowered his eyes to the floor, unable to hold Declan's gaze for long. Declan sighed heavily to himself, then leaned back off Jack. Jack bit his lip as Declan brushed a hand down his inner thigh, telling him sternly. "Stay put". Declan slipped off the bed, heading straight for Trevor. Jack propped up on his elbows, watching Declan remove something from the trunk, before he made his way to Trevor.
Declan's hand skimmed over Trevor's bare shoulder, while he stated aloud. "Orson really made you into a piece of work, Trevor. All these scars... Yet, I have to wonder if you suffered them at all. You seem to enjoy inflicting pain, just about as much as receiving it". Trevor's head jerked up to meet Declan's eyes, growling out. "Don't touch me, Comrade". Declan looked so calm for a moment, then back handed Trevor so hard that his mask was knocked off. Trevor's lip started to bleed and Declan kneeled down next to him to calmly snap back. "Do you know what they used to do to dogs like you, Trevor"? Trevor lowered his eyes to the floor, while Declan's voice rose a bit louder to yell at him. "They get fixed! Keep up this attitude and I'll cut them off myself. Males are a lot easier to train when their sex drive is diminished".
Declan climbed back to his feet, adding in bitterly. "I've tried to be kind and I've tried to work around your issues, but I'm done! You can try to spread all the rumors you want about me to make yourself seem like a victim. Just remember... I didn't have to take you in. I could have let you rot in a prison cell for rape". Trevor sighed heavily, glaring up at Jack. Declan took notice and stepped into Trevor's view, snapping down at him. "I don't understand you, Trevor. Are you still trying to play the victim, or the intimidating badass? You blame Mark for your treatment... I get that. But to be so hell-bent to avenge the likes of Rodger? GET OVER IT! Or end up meeting the same end. It's your choice". Trevor spit on Declan's foot, growling out. "What would you know?! You're a beast with no soul! Just like me! Just like Rodger! Only you became a Master who buy dogs, just to sell them off again! What makes YOU any different from ORSON"!
Declan shook his head, speaking suddenly so softly. "I have never treated any of those dogs poorly. I'm paid to train dogs for Masters. It's my job. I even go out of my way to find good Masters for them. Ask Greg. I hated Orson's mother. She did things to me that make your treatment seem golden in comparison. She found out that I slept with Mistress Melanie, her best friend. She had me castrated for loving Melanie over her... and Melanie...". Declan drifted off for a moment, before stating coldly. "You know what... I told you that I am done. You wanna scare the dogs by claiming that I'll bring the old rules back... FINE"! Declan moved to the door, pressing a button on the intercom. Jack held his breath as two large horsemen stepped into the room. Declan pointed to Trevor, telling them seriously. "Send him down to Barry the butcher. Tell him that Trevor is finally going to pay for the rape of over fifty pups while he was in service to Orson".
Trevor shot to his feet as the horsemen moved in to grab his arms, shouting out in a quivering voice. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! You have no proof"! Declan moved closer to a restrained Trevor, bitterly snapping back. "How about for the rape of Sara Diamond that took place here in MY service". Trevor looked at him confused for a moment, before Declan raised up a hand with a broken jeweled collar and a thin pink leash. Jack swore he had seen that before... When Declan told Trevor very sharply. "You put his bunny in the hospital. Did you think I wouldn't find out?! I promised her Master justice. Your balls on a sliver platter. Get him out of my sight". Trevor jerked against the horsemen as Trevor shouted out to him. "You can't do this to me"! The moment they dragged Trevor from the room, Declan slammed the bedroom door and then put his forehead against it with a heavy sigh.
Jack slowly sat up, asking so softly that he wasn't sure Declan heard him. "Are you sure it was him"? Declan turned to slump his back against the door, answering sadly. "Yes... It was caught on one of the new security cameras that was installed. I was talking to her Master in the hopes to get him to sign the transfer document... When both her and Trevor went missing. I checked the cameras... We found her, but Trevor managed to run off before I got there. He's clever like that, but arrogant. I paid for her medical and promised him that for a signature... I'd punish Trevor. I had hoped to change him... Now I have no choice. I have to let him go. He'll be useless as a dog now". Jack cupped his balls protectively, asking nervously. "So... What happens now"? Declan took a deep breath and tossed the broken collar onto a table, saying lightly. "Now I need to cool off. Come with me".
Declan headed for the bathroom, grabbing an iPad out of a suitcase and Jack hesitated to move. At the bathroom door, Declan stopped to tell him sweetly. "Make this easy for me right now... Please. I'm really not in the mood to argue". Jack winced as he slid off the bed. The dragon vibrator wasn't easy to walk with. Declan took his arm tenderly to help support him and even helped him into the large jacuzzi tub. Declan turned on the bubbles, making Jack jump in surprise. He wasn't sure what Declan was planning. Declan fumbled with the iPad a moment, giving Jack time to nervously ask. "Can I ask what you are going to do to me now"? Declan smirked, stating out distractedly. "I don't know about you... but I need a moment to drink and relax after that. So... As my reward for you being good so far...". Declan finished with the iPad, popping out a stand as he turned it around and sat it on the marble shelf that surround one side of the tub.
Jack's heart leapt in his chest as he moved closer to the iPad. Mark chuckled on the other side, asking Jack in a rush. "JACK! Are you alright"?! Jack nodded, happily telling Mark. "Ya, I'm alright". Declan soon stepped into the tub with a blue bottle and a single wine glass, telling Mark cheerfully. "I've kept my word. Right now, we are just... relaxing". Mark's face looked really worried, but he told Jack sweetly. "The stream will start soon and I'll make this right. Are you sure he hasn't hurt you"? Jack thought about the dildo incident... but figured that he had instigated that. Smiling warmly, Jack told him. "I'm really alright. Declan has been... Nice". Declan snorted and cleared his throat, before pouring a bit of clear liquid into his glass. Jack shook his head, trying to brush that off, saying confidently. "So far, he has been a man of his word".
Mark grinned, replying sweetly. "Don't give him a reason to hurt you. I'll try to get this done as fast as I can". Jack smiled back at the screen, whispering lovingly to him. "I love you, Mark". Mark touched the screen, saying sweetly in return. "I love you too, Jackaboy. I have to go". The screen chat ended and Jack's heart deflated a bit. Seeing Mark was a great comfort to him. Slowly, turning to face Declan, Jack asked him hopefully. "Can I watch the stream"? Declan took a swig of the clear liquid, before asking him in return. "What do I get if I allow that"? Jack licked his lips anxiously. He didn't want to agree to something that he would regret. Declan poured himself some more of the clear liquid, chiming out in amusement. "Tell you what. Come drink with me for a second and I'll allow it". Jack exhaled softly, mumbling out. "How much are we talking about"?
Declan held up the freshly poured glass to show him only about a shots worth of the clear liquid. Declan had been drinking it, so it wasn't laced with something. Plus, it was only a shot. Cautiously, Jack moved closer to Declan. Declan spread his legs and Jack stopped moving. Now that he was closer, he noticed that hidden under beautiful tattoos along his shoulders and chest were prominent scars. Without the bright colored tattoos... Jack bet that they looked far worse, than Trevor's scars did. Declan beckoned him closer with a finger, purring out devilishly. "Come on. You said it yourself. I haven't hurt you so far". Jack inched in closer to take the glass, when Declan suddenly downed it. Jack froze, unsure what was happening. Only to have Declan cup his cheek and guide his to his lips. Now Jack understood. He had assumed that Declan wanted him to drink from the glass... but that isn't how he wanted him to drink it.
The ice cold liquid flowed from Declan's mouth into his, causing his tongue to burn from the high proofing of it. It was practically straight gasoline. Yet, beyond the burn... a sweet taste lingered. The sweet taste of cookie dough? Declan let Jack pull away an inch or two, brushing his lips against Jack's as he whispered. "Do you like it? It's my favorite". Jack swallowed, his body shivering at the burn as it trailed down into his gut. His voice coming out a bit strained as his tongue and throat both burned. "What was that"? Declan turned the blue bottle around, stating with a smile. "Cookie Dough Flavored Vodka". Jack chuckled and shook his head. Declan kissed his lips tenderly, then licked up what had leaked out of the corners of his mouth. Jack's heart raced in his chest at how gentle Declan was being with him and cringed a bit. Mark had been right... His body was betraying him for pleasure... and he hated himself for it. To Be Continued...
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