Mason's lips moved against Riley's slowly, making the man under him restless.
A strong slap against his ass caused him to push up on Riley as he groaned. Alexander's hand could be unforgiving. He loved it.
Mason continued kissing Riley. "I love it..." he said in between kisses. "When he does that," he whispered against his lips.
"Yeah?" Asked Riley.
"Fuck!" Another slap made a loud sound across the room. "Yeah," he answered.
"It was always my dream, to be fucked senseless by someone who cared about me," said Mason.
"Was? What about now?" Riley asked.
"Now...it's my dream to be fucked senseless by the people who care about me."
It wasn't just someone now, and it would never be.
"I think that can be arranged," replied Riley.
Mason laughed. "You sound like you know all the filthy things that drive me crazy."
"I'm a fast learner," said Riley.
"And I can guess a handful of them," said Alexander. He squeezed his ass tight before letting go.
"Let's plan a surprise for him darling," Riley suggested.
"I'm right here, listening," said Mason. "What kind of surprise is that?"
"Trust me, you won't see it coming," said Riley.
The Master angled Mason's head and kissed him deeply then grazed his teeth lightly down his back, nipping lightly along the way.
"So what do you like exactly?" Asked Riley.
"I love..." he moaned. "Rough treatment, I'm talking about really rough..."
Two wet fingers eased inside him and his eyes closed as he felt every inch of them.
"What else?" The Master asked while slowly moving in and out of him. Mason bit his lower lip before replying.
"Dirty talk..." he said. "Slap me hard enough to leave a bruise, bite me."
Alexander scoffed and kissed his hair, remembering how he'd once bitten his hand.
Mason fucked himself on Alexander's fingers, moving back and forth to create more friction. "Spit on me...call me a little bitch, degrade me," he said.
"Fuck, damn," said Riley. "What else?"
Mason's lips found Riley's and he tasted him, ready and waiting for him.
"Don't make it easy for me, deny me... don't let me come," he said and moaned. "Make me beg for it, make me go crazy for it... and when I'm finally there, kiss me like you'll never kiss again." Mason pushed up against the fingers then smiled. "And do it while you're choking the life out of me."
"Fuck!" Alexander pulled his fingers out and rolled him over, until his back was on the bed. He was on him before Mason could properly breath, he claimed his lips.
He groaned when they parted. "Only hearing that is driving me mad. Tonight isn't the night for it, but I'll make sure you scream till your throat is sore. You'll have a hard time talking the next day. How would you like that?"
Pierre pushed the door open and got in, stopping in his tracks as he assessed them.
Riley smirked and bit his lower lip, looking at him, then motioning for him to come closer.
He crushed their lips together before Pierre even got to the bed.
"Too many clothes on," he said, pulling off Pierre's shirt.
Riley wrapped his arms around his waist once it was off and pulled him down. Their dicks rubbed against each other and Pierre cursed while Riley smiled.
Then he rocked his hips over and over until Pierre tried to push away. "Pl...please... stop it," he said.
"Not yet," said Riley.
He eased his hand into Pierre's pants and fondled him. His hips bucked above him.
"You can touch me too," said Riley. He guided his hand to his crotch.
It was their first time, being so intimate. His body rippled with electricity.
"Mon Dieu, you're so...big." Pierre stroked him and the smirk disappeared from Riley's face as he arched his back and closed his eyes, groaning in pleasure.
Pierre thought there could be nothing sexier at that moment. He decided to tease the man beneath him.
He ran his fingers along Riley's length, still clothed in his briefs. He felt Riley's dick jerk under his touch, he smiled.
Pierre then ran his lips against the defined muscle on Riley's side and he felt him shudder and heard him hiss in a barely audible voice.
He took his hand higher, running it against Riley's skin, slowly past his navel and against his chest.
Pierre circled a nipple with his index then squeezed it between his fingers.
Riley's eyes were still tightly shut, he moaned. He felt the fingers go higher still, up against his neck, against his lips then into his hair.
Pierre leaned in and kissed his jaw. Riley opened his eyes with his body rigid as a pole, with a few parts more rigid than others. Pierre had done that, without even doing much.
"Are you some sort of expert? Fuck!" Riley drew in a breath.
Pierre blushed. "I was only using your reactions to guide me," he said. "You...liked it?"
"Did I like it? F– look at my dick," said Riley.
It looked painfully hard, the front of his briefs wet with precome leaking and wetting the underwear.
Jet walked in...actually stumbled into the room with Zel's legs wrapped around his waist.
It was a wonder they weren't knocking things over with how lost into the kiss they were. Not to mention their eyes were obviously closed.
Everyone stopped to watch them navigate the room in such an erotic manner. Until they fell against the bed and Zel laughed, breaking the link between their lips.
Mason looked back at Alexander. "I'll have whatever they are having."
"Granted," was the only response he got before his lips were claimed and he was set ablaze.
He could swear his bottom lip was nipped hard enough to tear. He didn't know what he wanted more. To breath or to keep kissing Alexander.
When Mason was sure he was going to pass out, Alexander let him go.
Mason drew in deep breaths, as much as his lungs could take in one go.
"Fuck... I can't even..." he said between breaths. "...I can't breathe."
Alexander watched him with a smirk. "You asked."
The kissing became more frantic when Jet went ahead to get the rest of Pierre's pants off as he pulled him from above Riley.
"Hi," whispered Jet as he held Pierre's gaze.
"Hey," Pierre replied shyly. But the smile on his face was so contagious Jet smiled right back before nuzzling the side of his face.
"I love you," he said as he slipped a finger inside Pierre.
"I... I love you... too, merde," replied Pierre.
Jet pulled his finger out to coat it with more lube and inserted two this time.
Pierre arched his back and moaned. "Yes! More... please," he cried.
"You're so beautiful it drives me crazy," Jet said against his lips.
Judging by the way Pierre's eyes rolled back, he knew he'd rubbed against his prostate.
"P-please..." he whined.
Jet lubed his member before slowly entering Pierre. He groaned at the pleasure that exploded in all parts of his body.
"Oh fuck... Pierre," he ground out.
Riley stroked Zel while keeping his hands pinned above him, making him squirm adorably.
"I can't wait anymore... please," he said with his cheeks red.
"Me neither," said Mason. He looked into Alexander's eyes. "Get in me now!"
"So impatient," Alexander smirked at him, then froze right before the tip of his member touched Mason's opening.
"Why are you hesitating my love?" He asked Alexander.
"No, I'm just... a bit overwhelmed," he answered.
Mason laughed a little. "Am I that sexy or what?" His fingers combed through Alexander's hair and scratched lightly while the Master buried his face in his neck.
He needed a moment to himself too, Alexander's vulnerability always caught him off guard.
"You are that sexy. But that's not it," he mumbled.
"What is it?" Asked Mason. "We've had sex before."
"This is different," he said. "We've never done it without protection before." And all these feelings he was drowning in.
Oh fuck. "And I can't wait to feel all of you," Mason said and pressed their lips together.
"I love you," Alexander blurted out.
"Mhm, I love you too," he said with his eyes closed.
Alexander pushed inside him.
"Holy fuck!" Mason cried. "You were right, this is overwhelming."
Alexander put an arm around his waist and pulled him up, bringing Mason's ass higher and causing him to get deeper into him.
"I'm not going to hold back," Alexander warned.
"That's okay," Mason said while taking in deep breaths. "I like being wrecked."
Alexander moved and Mason held his breath. He cried out when the thick cock was thrusted back inside him.
It was like a first time for every single one of them. Pierre wrapped his arms around Jet's neck and kept on kissing him as he pounded hard into him.
The little cute moans he let out with each stroke had Jet fighting for control. He was riding at the edge and trying not to fall over.
He slowed his strokes and tried to catch his breath. Jet squeezed a handful of Pierre's ass while he laid kisses on the base of his throat and trailed them lower on his body.
Pierre jerked and it affected him more than it should have. There was no fighting it anymore, he was so close it was a wonder he hadn't yet emptied his balls inside the beautiful man.
Mason had a leg thrown over Alexander's shoulder as he felt the throbbing member deeper with every thrust.
He moaned, cussed and thrashed around. And no matter what he did, Alexander's speed did not wane.
"Fuck, yes..." he cried out loud when he felt himself reaching his climax.
Next to them, Riley lay flat on his back while Zel straddled him.
Zel bent so that their chests touched while he held tight against Riley's neck.
Riley's hand was wrapped tightly against his waist as he pistoned in and out of him at an incredible speed.
"I'm... going to... come," Zel whispered into Riley's ear like he was one step away from crying.
It was enough to send Riley over the edge. He groaned as he came hard inside Zel.
Zel cried out and splashed his seed all over their chests. He shuddered as his cock twitched. He couldn't feel his limbs as he collapsed fully on top of Riley.
There had been ceaseless moaning and in the heat of the moment, it turned out that everyone had come at around the same time.
Mason chuckled. "I've never felt like this in my entire life."
He turned his head to the side and caught Riley's gaze resting on him. He had Zel's head tucked in the crook of his neck.
Running a hand through Zel's hair, he smirked at Mason without breaking eye contact.
Apparently a man that hot was somehow in love with him. "Fucking hell," he said before Alexander's mouth clamped down on his and he was lost in his feelings again.
The next morning, Jet thought he'd woken up first. Alexander's bare chest rose and fell against the side of his face.
He looked up to find him already staring at him.
"Hey creep," said Jet as he placed his head back on his chest.
He felt Alexander's laughter as he heard it. "Little cubs are known to be grouchy when they wake up you know."
"Oh and you're the expert huh?"
"I am," replied Alexander. "I happen to be in love with one after all."
It sort of just came out, the next thing Jet said.
"Will you come meet my family with me?" He blurted the question out.
Alexander linked their fingers together and he continued. "I know you gave me the address, I couldn't properly thank you at that time because I only opened the paper after I left. Thank you–"
"You didn't meet them yet?" Alexander asked in surprise.
Jet shook his head. "Not yet...I'm–I'm nervous...scared," he said.
"Aw little cub," Alexander replied and brushed his lips on the back of his knuckles.
"What if it's not them, I wanted to go with you...anyone. I just don't want to do it alone," said Jet. "I've been waiting for this moment my whole life and now that it's here, I'm stalling."
Alexander shook his head. "It's okay if you aren't ready yet."
"What if they actually left me?" Jet asked. "What if they didn't just disappear but they left me?"
"Jet!" Alexander's voice was firm. "You're freaking out, take it easy."
Jet calmed down a little.
"Look, we're here for you. We'll be there if you want us to be, your call," he said.
"You'll really come with me? I'll have to ask them first," Jet referred to the other men who were asleep. "Maybe they wouldn't want to, I don't want to force–"
"Stop right there," said Riley. "Have you gone crazy?"
He sat upright and looked at Jet. Mason stirred awake next to him. "What's wrong?" He said groggily.
Next to him, Pierre looked up at the ceiling like he was lost in thought.
"Jet wants us to go see his family with him," said Riley.
"Of course baby," Mason said and extended his hand to put it in Jet's.
"Do you hear that?" Riley asked Jet. "From the moment you said you said you loved us too, all your business became ours," he said. "So do you want us to come with you?"
Jet nodded slowly. "I do."
"Then we'll be there," Riley turned to face him. "I love you Jet, don't you ever think like that again."
Jet moved over and wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed their lips together. "I know, I'm sorry, I love you too," he said.
Jet looked to see everyone awake. Pierre crawled and settled on his lap like a little baby.
"You're worried about nothing," said Pierre. "They'll be delighted to see you, do you not know how amazing you are?"
Jet's insides did back flips.
Alexander finally felt at ease as he watched them. He knew exactly what happened. But it was something Jet needed to find out for himself.
"I can't believe we're already leaving," said Zel. "He struggled to lift his suitcase. "Why won't...this...budge?!" He said then pouted. "I swear it was lighter when I got here."
Riley lifted it with one hand and walked away with it, leaving Zel dumbfounded and open mouthed.
Mason laughed at him. "Oh poor sunshine," he pouted to mock him.
"You're going to lift it when we get back home," said Zel. "You'll see, really heavy! Ry is just strong." He complained.
"Sure, sure, I'll lift it," said Mason. "And if I do, you'll do as I say for a week."
Zel thought that was pretty easy. He'd do exactly as he said anytime. That was just how deeply in love he was. "Fine. You'll see," he said.
Mason smiled coyly. "It's cute how you have no idea what you are in for," he said.
Zel swallowed. Maybe he'd add a few rocks inside when they were back before Mason could get to it.
"Where's Pierre anyway," Mason asked.
"Rosetta's stalling him, swear she could steal him if no one was looking," said Zel.
"I'll go get him," said Mason with a light laugh.
Zel walked in the direction of the helicopter with a smile he couldn't wipe off even if he tried.
It had been weeks since everything happened, but they were finally going back home.
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