Tadashi threw on a shirt on his way to open his door. His hand went to his hair that was still a little damp from the shower he'd just taken.
On the other side stood Eden with his jacket in between his folded arms. That's right, in his rush he'd left it behind.
"May I come in?" He asked, searching his eyes.
Tadashi pulled the door wider. "Of course," he said.
"I'm returning this," Eden said and laid it on the counter when he got inside.
"Thank you," said Tadashi. "I had to leave as fast as I could." He poured Eden a drink without thinking to ask him first. "Sit," he told him.
Eden didn't hesitate. He eased himself into the chair and took the drink in his hands. "Did you resolve it? Whatever you left for, it's Pierre isn't it?"
"It's fine now. Pierre is right where he needs to be," he replied. "You were right. They weren't bad people after all."
"Told you I was never wrong about that kind of thing," he said smugly. "And you didn't tell me who Pierre was."
Tadashi glanced at him momentarily before speaking. "Talk to Alexander. I know he'll–"
"You know he won't talk to me," said Eden. There was a sad look in his eyes. Their relationship in the past was probably something strong for it to dampen his spirits so easily.
"Maybe he's changed his mind?" Tadashi offered.
Eden shook his head. "Did he say something?"
Tadashi shook his head. "Maybe you should just forcefully talk to him or something. He can be stubborn sometimes but he listens."
Eden shrugged.
After Tadashi refilled his drink, he disappeared for a while and came back with a hair dryer.
He sat on the couch and Eden followed. "Here," he said. "Let me help you with that."
"I've got it," said Tadashi after shaking his head.
Eden wasn't so easily convinced. He snatched it from his fingertips. "No you don't," he said and smiled cheekily, then motioned with a finger for Tadashi to turn around.
"Fine," he replied and turned, leaving his hair to Eden.
After about a minute, Eden spoke. "You've got nice hair."
"It's whatever," Tadashi answered and shrugged.
Eden wasn't only noticing his hair. It should have been normal, Tadashi was wearing a normal black shirt, nothing to be excited about.
But Eden had never seen him in such light clothing before. It sculpted his frame more accurately, all the muscle that was covered up by his suit were now visible with the loose black shirt.
Guys wore black shirts all the time. It was nothing. What Eden didn't understand was why Tadashi affected him so much.
He shouldn't, Tadashi already made it clear he was invested in someone else. He really shouldn't, but he was tempted to slide his hand past his shoulder and run it all over his broad chest.
Why the fuck was he so hot? Usually, Eden didn't overstep. Tadashi just made it more difficult than anyone ever had.
His hand closed around his wrist and pulled it away. "You'll give me a burn if you don't stop blowing over the same spot," said Tadashi.
"Right," said Eden. "Sorry I was just thinking about stuff."
Tadashi let out a small laugh and let his wrist go. "What has you so distracted?" He asked.
It burned where he'd touched on his wrist. "Cabbages," Eden said in a moment's panic.
Tadashi laughed again. "Cabbages..." he said and it sounded like a question. "Okay."
"Yes, that," replied Eden. He prayed Tadashi would leave it at that. Thankfully, he did.
He continued to dry the hair in silence before Tadashi spoke up again.
"Can I ask you about something?" Asked Tadashi much to Eden's surprise.
"Yeah, of course you can," he replied.
Tadashi paused like he was deciding what to say, then continued. "What would you do if you knew that helping someone would destroy whatever relationship you had with them, but might actually be what's best for them?"
Eden thought about it for a moment.
"Do they want your help?" Eden asked.
"That's exactly the problem, they don't," a frustrated Tadashi said.
"What matters more to you? Your relationship with them or their well-being?" He asked. "Because I'd say go ahead and get involved if the second option outweighs the other."
"What if it feels like both are the same?" Asked Tadashi.
Eden finished with the hair and Tadashi turned to face him. He answered. "That's when you go with your gut, or your heart or whatev–"
Eden stopped mid sentence when he heard the doorbell ring. "Are you expecting someone?" He asked Tadashi.
Tadashi got up and shook his head then pushed his hair out of the way before walking towards the door. Eden was a little stressed out.
Tadashi couldn't think of anyone who'd be coming to see him. It didn't help that it was already getting late. Alexander...but he was far away.
The moment Tadashi's eyes landed on Linder, his heart skipped a beat as his hand tightened on the door.
He'd given him everything he could for the time being. His phone number, his address, anything Linder wanted to know, he didn't have to look far.
He just didn't think he'd ever use any of them. He'd made it clear he didn't want to use any of them.
Linder held a little boy with a backpack by his hand. He seemed really shy because when Tadashi's gaze strayed to him, he seemed to hide behind Linder.
"Linder. Hi," Tadashi's voice couldn't hide his surprise. He waited for him to explain.
"I'm sorry for barging in like this–"
"You don't have to be sorry about that," said Tadashi.
Linder shook his head. "This is my brother, Mikhail."
At the mention of his name, he peeked from behind Linder and Tadashi saw the resemblance between them.
The same chin and the same lips. They almost had the same eyes but where Linder's eyes didn't give away much, his brother's just looked like they had the light blown out of them a long time ago. They were different.
Tadashi couldn't hide his surprise yet again. "You have a brother?" A little brother, fuck.
"I know you probably have better things to do but could you watch him for me? Just for the rest of the weekend?" Linder asked.
Judging by the time of day and the fact that it was Linder asking, Tadashi knew it was no small thing, and Linder was desperate.
Eden came and stood by him at the door. Tadashi watched as their eyes met and they looked at each other. Then Eden's eyes flitted to the little boy and Linder's looked back at Tadashi.
"It's just... I'm not sure where else to go. I'll pay you back for this," he said.
Tadashi thought he'd already said yes. But he was already thinking Linder paying him back could be very useful.
But why was Linder even asking in the first place? What was going on?
Tadashi nodded. "Okay," he said. "It's no problem." He took a step towards him. "Are you okay?"
He should have expected Linder's cold brush off, in fact, he did. But it still stung.
His question was completely ignored. "Thank you for doing this. I'll definitely pay you back," he said and bent to Mikhail's height.
He whispered something in his ear then dropped a kiss to his forehead and ruffled his hair. Both Tadashi and Eden watched with different expressions on their faces.
Mikhail took shy steps towards Tadashi then stopped and turned back to look at Linder.
"It's okay Mikky," said Linder. "You can trust him."
Hearing Linder say that did things to Tadashi but how did he get Linder to actually trust him?
Eden moved out of the way and Mikhail finally got in. They both disappeared out of sight.
Linder adjusted his glasses still looking at where his little brother had disappeared. "Thank you," he said to Tadashi.
"Wait," said Tadashi when Linder turned to go. He stepped away to reach Linder.
Fastening a hand on Linder's forearm, he pulled him into a hug. Linder gasped in surprise first then held his hands to his chest.
"What are you doing?" He asked. The usual venom in his voice was gone. He just sounded tired.
"It's called a hug," said Tadashi. "I heard they make people feel better."
Linder scoffed. Then he buried his face in Tadashi's chest for a while. For the first time, Linder wasn't trying to run away.
He slowly pulled away from him and created some distance between them.
They looked at each other for a while as Tadashi ached for him. He wondered how Linder felt, the thoughts that went on in his head. Why he couldn't just let him in.
"Don't do that again," said Linder. When he turned this time, Tadashi let him go.
When Tadashi got back inside, he found Eden talking to Mikhail. The boy was adorably shy, but Eden seemed to know exactly what to say to keep the conversation flowing.
He watched for a while. Eden's smile came easily enough. But he couldn't tell whether Mikhail trusted him or not.
Tadashi walked by the couch and crouched next to Eden, to look at Mikhail. "I'll fix you something to eat if you want," he said looking at Mikhail. "Are you hungry?"
Mikhail shook his head and looked down at nothing, deliberately avoiding Tadashi's gaze. "L-Lin already did t-that before we got here."
"I think he's really tired," Eden half whispered to him. "Drowsy even."
Tadashi nodded and got up. "I'll go prepare a room for him," he said before walking away.
Tadashi had many rooms, but he picked the one closest to his and got it ready for Mikhail.
When he got back, it was a sight to behold. Mikhail had already fallen asleep. Somehow he was on Eden's lap holding his hand. It was the sweetest thing ever.
Seeing Tadashi, Eden carefully placed the little boy on the couch so as not to wake him. Then he quietly walked to where Tadashi was so they could talk.
"That was him wasn't it?" Eden asked, talking about Linder.
Tadashi slowly nodded.
Eden pursed his lips and nodded. "He's so tall. Why are you all so tall? And why do you have the same hair?" He asked.
They both had similar hair to be honest. The same color, same cut and even the same length or something close. Tadashi had never even noticed that, until now. "I've been thinking of cutting mine actually," he said.
"No," said Eden. "I mean... you know what, never mind." Eden laughed. "Who am I to tell you what to do with your hair right?"
Tadashi shrugged as they walked towards the door.
"If he wakes up and misses me, you have to call me okay? I'll come see him tomorrow," said Eden.
Before he could turn, he felt tiny fingers curling around his own. Immediately, Eden looked down. Mikhail stared up at him with sleepy eyes and a bland expression on his face.
Eden looked back at Tadashi. "I spoke too soon?" He said skeptically.
Eden knew with the grip on his hand, Mikhail didn't want to let him go.
"Hey," said Eden. "You're not sleepy anymore?"
He didn't answer at first. He was holding Eden's hand, and yet he couldn't look him in the eye. "W-with you..." he said.
Eden bent down and Mikhail flinched when he raised a hand to put it on his shoulder.
Tadashi's heart broke.
"Mikhail, I don't live here, but I'll come see you tomorrow okay?" Eden said.
Mikhail nodded as his shoulders dropped and he looked down, slowly letting go of Eden's hand. Too obedient.
It didn't even take anything to convince him. He should have thrown a tantrum and screamed for not getting what he wanted or something.
Instead he walked back to the couch and stared straight ahead at nothing.
The two men watched. Tadashi looked like he could use some peace of mind. He looked tense and unable to relax. Eden couldn't take his eyes off the little boy, it was a weird feeling. He didn't just attach to random kids like he was already with this one. For some reason, his heart ached for him.
Tadashi rubbed a hand at the back of his neck and breathed out like he couldn't be more frustrated.
With the other hand on his hip, he turned to Eden.
"Listen uh... I know this is probably inappropriate and... you have every right to say no, but... would you stay the night? Please?" He asked.
The reply was immediate. "Oh thank God, I was working up the nerve to ask you myself," said Eden.
Tadashi's face lit up, just for a moment. But Eden was glad he caught it. It made him want to smile secretly.
Tadashi closed the door and Eden got back to the little guy.
"You're going to stay?" Mikhail asked Eden. There might have been excitement in his voice but his face had the same bland expression.
"Mhm," replied Eden. "Do you have what to change into?"
"In here," Mikhail pulled his backpack against his chest and didn't make any move to open it.
"I'll help you change," said Eden, already getting up.
The child stayed where he was. "Lin said I should do it on my own."
"Why?" He asked, a little concerned.
The little boy shrugged and looked back at Eden, his face giving nothing away. Eden looked at Tadashi and he nodded.
"Well Mikhail," he said. "We'll tell your brother when he gets back okay? Will you let me help you change?"
The little boy looked back down. "It...it makes me u-uncomfortable," he said.
A thousand things ran through Eden's mind upon hearing that, he felt angry for some reason. Even if he didn't know exactly what was wrong.
Mikhail looked like the most delicate thing he'd ever seen. He needed to be protected. And he'd never wanted to protect anything more.
He knew that if he insisted even once more, the little boy would just go with it. He was too obedient. That wasn't a good thing in any little boy. He wouldn't push him.
"Okay, don't worry about it," Eden said while smoothing his hair with a smile.
"Come on," said Tadashi. "I'll show you to your room and you can change there."
He nodded and got up to go with Tadashi. "Just ask if you need anything okay?"
Mikhail nodded once again then Tadashi got back to Eden.
"I understand why you asked me what you did," said Eden. "They are going through a lot, aren't they?"
Tadashi eased onto the couch and rubbed his hands all over his face. "Yeah..." he said. "But he won't let me help, I can't understand why."
"Maybe there's more to it than you think. Maybe he thinks you'd complicate it all the more," offered Eden. "I've never seen such tired eyes on someone."
"It's a little frustrating," said Tadashi. "I can't even tell what he's thinking. I have to do something, but I'm not sure what, because he wants nothing to do with me."
Eden crossed his arms in front of him and let out a breath. "He has to trust you first," he said. "Bringing his little brother here is a step but it doesn't mean it'll be that easy."
"I know. I don't think he trusts anyone apart from his siblings," said Tadashi.
"Did you say siblings?" Asked Eden.
Tadashi nodded. "He's got a sister too. My best guess is thirteen years old." Tadashi stopped. "Why am I even telling you all this? This really isn't like me."
"I'm just easy to talk to," Eden laughed his pretty laugh. "He mentioned paying you back, I'm sure you can think of something. Use that to get closer to him," said Eden.
"Yeah... I figured," said Tadashi. Why was Eden even... "Why are you even trying to help?"
"I don't know," he shrugged. "And before you draw any conclusions, I'm not trying to make a move on you while you're into someone else," he smiled. "I don't do that."
"It's not what I was thinking," said Tadashi. "I–"
"Tadishi?" Mikhail called from the room.
"Aww, that's just cute," Eden made a face. "I'll go instead."
"You're quite the bestie aren't you?" Tadashi said with a smirk.
"I won't deny it," Eden said, looking in the direction Mikhail was. "He has my whole heart."
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