Zel was already running towards them when the helicopter landed.
He jumped on Pierre the second he was in range. Both of his legs circled Pierre's waist as his hands cupped his face.
Pierre tumbled backwards and immediately a hand wrapped around Zel. Alexander caught him before they could both fall down. He couldn't help but laugh.
"Mon chérie!" Zel exclaimed. "I missed you so much."
He kissed Pierre deeply before unhooking his legs from the beautiful man and getting down.
He then wrapped his hands around Alexander. Zel had never hugged him so tight before. Had he been that worried?
He rubbed his hands up and down his back and kissed his hair several times. "You too," said Zel. "I missed you so much."
A sound from Riley caused them both to turn their heads. Zel detached from Alexander to watch.
Riley lifted Pierre up in his arms and groaned. "I couldn't even sleep," he said. "They didn't hurt you?"
"Of course not," answered Pierre. "I'm fine."
Riley buried his face into his chest like he was just breathing his scent in. "That's good," he said. "That's good, I love you so much."
"I love you too," replied Pierre while smiling.
Riley kissed Alexander and his heart skipped several beats. The last time he kissed him was like several weeks ago, this felt like the very first time.
Riley broke the kiss and looked him in the eye. "You look like you aren't really seeing me," said Riley.
Was he kidding? Alexander couldn't tell. He only saw him in that moment, and he was way too fucking in love."
"Pierre!" Jet twirled with him in his arms then set him back down and rained about a thousand kisses on his face.
Mason cried when he got to them last. "You're all okay," he said and sniveled, wiping a tear off his face.
Alexander walked to him to where he seemed frozen. It was the type of hug that said a million things in a second.
He squeezed tight before releasing him. "Mason..."
He looked up to stare at Alexander's face, as if memorizing every feature of it.
"I really want to kiss you right now," said Alexander.
Mason nodded like he couldn't wait either. The Master bent down and pulled him closer. He rubbed their noses against each other first, lightly.
Then he finally latched their lips together in a needy kiss. Mason squeezed his side then his hands travelled up his back and then up into his hair.
Everyone was kissing everyone. Like they wouldn't make it to the room if no one stopped them.
Pierre pulled his lips away from Jet as Hades barked and ran up towards them at a crazy speed. He got down and opened his hands wide. The puppy jumped into his embrace with more excitement than it usually had.
Pierre laughed as Hades licked the side of his face. He tore away to speak. "We're going to talk right? We're not waiting a week?" He asked everyone in particular.
No one seemed to have an immediate answer. Especially because it was Pierre who said it.
"Are you sure?" Asked Alexander.
"Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay with it?" Pierre asked. "We'll wait if you're not ready yet."
Everyone waited for Alexander's answer. He held Mason's waist as he looked at everyone else.
He did want to talk, but everyone had been insisting they wait on his behalf. He was ready.
He nodded. "Tomorrow. I think everyone just needs to rest easy tonight."
The bed was a little smaller than Alexander's back at the mansion, but that only meant they could be closer.
"Mason..." Pierre whined, "I'm not going anywhere okay? You're making me tingle all over."
"I know baby, but I don't think I can sleep if I don't hold you tonight," Mason said and hugged Pierre tighter.
"There you go again," said Pierre. He squirmed when lips touched his shoulders.
Mason really wasn't going to let him go, so he might as well have found another way to fall asleep.
It was hard to describe the happiness he felt inside. "I love you Pierre," he whispered in the crook of his neck.
Pierre turned around so that he was facing Mason. He rested his cheek against his chest and this time hugged Mason before he returned the gesture.
"I love you so much," Pierre said back.
Jet got onto the bed and kissed them both before lowering himself shirtless on the sheets.
"You both look so fucking good in each other's arms," said Jet. He leaned against the headboard and folded one leg up, watching the other two.
On his right was Pierre and Mason, and on his left, Zel slept while eliciting a series of very soft snores next to Alexander.
Riley was finishing up the change of plans at the resort, going over it with Rosetta.
"Stop staring at us like that, we're supposed to go to bed," said Mason.
"How am I staring at you?" Jet asked. He ran the pad of his thumb along his lower lip then bit the same thumb.
"You're doing it on purpose you fucking tease," said Mason, trying so hard not to look.
Jet smiled and lowered his hand when he saw the look on Pierre's face.
A warning. An adorable one, especially with the lust swimming in his eyes.
His smile dropped next.
"Listen to them and stop," said Riley. He caged Jet and tasted his lips with his own. "You're going to make me hard."
It took at least ten seconds for Jet to finally move. He circled his hand around Riley's waist and pulled him down. Then against his own body.
"Oouu," said Riley. "Someone's a little possessive."
"Shut up," said Jet. Despite the fact that it felt so good to hold Riley like that.
"You're so sexy, you know that?" Riley asked Jet. He traced his fingertips along his skin.
Jet didn't answer him. He just made a non committal sound and kept holding him.
Riley turned to the side. "I've never seen him sleep like that before," he said, looking at Alexander. "He looks so... not troubled."
They all turned to where Alexander was already fast asleep. He slept peacefully and silently.
"I've never even seen him sleep," said Mason. He yawned while he pulled a sleeping Pierre tighter against him. "He looks beautiful..." He settled back and closed his eyes. "Great now I want to kiss him, but I don't want to wake him up because I want him to keep resting."
Riley chuckled. "I know what you mean."
Alexander stirred awake like he could hear everybody talking about him. "Why are you guys talking so much?" He asked in a scratchy voice.
Alexander looked around, then pulled the person closest to him. He pulled Zel as close as he could be and dropped a kiss to his forehead. "There," he said before going back to sleep.
The blonde haired man made a few sleepy noises before settling back in Alexander's embrace.
Riley felt Jet stiffen when Mason turned the light out and they were shrouded in darkness.
Jet kissed him before he could say anything, he could probably guess what he was going to say. He kissed him till all Riley could do was moan. "It's nothing," he said when they broke apart.
"Nothing?" Asked Riley. He rested his head against Jet's. "It's not nothing, but I'll wait."
Jet didn't reply him. He was only grateful that Riley seemed to let it go. For now if not any other time.
They lay breathing against each other. Until Riley finally rubbed his cheek against Jet's chest. "I'm drowsy now," he said.
"Go to sleep then," said Jet. He absentmindedly put his hands in Riley's hair. "Will you cut my hair again?"
"Mm? Of course," said Riley. "I'm the only barber you're allowed to have after all."
"Okay," said Jet. "I uh... love you."
"I love you too."
When everyone was asleep, Jet turned the nightlight on then pulled Riley closer against his chest and went to sleep.
Alexander woke up with Zel in his arms. He heard voices first, then one eye peeked open before finally waking up.
He could have been dreaming because it was only the two of them in the entire room.
Zel was awake too, but he was making the cutest of faces, not to mention he was also too red faced. It wasn't even like him to be so quiet.
"Zel?" Alexander asked. "What is it?"
Zel wiggled his butt and he felt it. "Nothing," he answered in a timid voice.
How long had his dick been trying to wedge itself between his ass cheeks? He immediately released his hold on him.
"Sorry pr... I'm sorry," he said.
Zel shook his head. "No. I'm just..."
Mason had perfect timing. He saved the awkward situation by excitedly getting into the room.
"This place has everything!" He said, walking towards them.
Alexander stared like a lovestruck adolescent. He knew what he wanted for the rest of his life; them, like this, waking up together.
Mason was in a good mood. He climbed the bed and kissed Alexander, then Zel.
"I didn't even know you could sleep that much," he said to Alexander.
He chuckled sexily with his sleepy voice.
"You seem a little distracted," said Mason.
"I'm just thinking," Alexander replied.
Mason smiled at him. "You can't fool me you know.
You're worried about something," he said while going to hold Zel's hand.
"Are you hungry, sunshine?" He asked Zel who tried to reign in a smile at the word he was using to refer to him.
He nodded.
"Great. I came to get you two," said Mason. "Rosetta went all out with the breakfast, she's quite attached to Pierre." Mason sighed. "The others are waiting."
Mason went back out and left the other two in the room to get themselves ready.
Alexander fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. It could have been a while but he couldn't get himself to stop thinking.
"He really was right, you are worried," said Zel.
Alexander really was worried. What would they think after he'd told them the truth? The reasons why he created the program? They'd think he was sick.
Zel inched closer to him. "You know we're here for you right?" He asked.
"I know that Zel," he said, then brushed his lips over Zel's knuckles. "I know."
"Just say the word and we don't have to do this today," he said.
Alexander shook his head. "I want to, but thank you for saying that."
"What did I say?" Zel asked, completely oblivious.
Alexander chuckled and pulled him closer. "You're unreal," he said. "Let's go, the others are waiting."
After they'd had breakfast, in the privacy of their room, Alexander sat together with the loves of his life, and the tension that hung thickly in the air.
He'd told them that he'd fallen in love once before, and no one responded. They were waiting for him to continue.
"I lost him ten years ago," he said. Ten years and he still hated admitting the next part. "He passed away."
Alexander ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe he was actually saying it. Pierre held his hand and used his thumb to rub over his knuckles.
"I didn't admit my feelings to any of you right away because I promised him once that I'd never fall for anyone again. I told him it was impossible because he was it for me... things turned out different," Alexander said.
"I shouldn't have let any of you go," he said and shook his head. "No, I'll talk about that another time, but I just want you all to know that I'm sorry and I never should have hurt you like that."
"It's okay," said Riley. "It's clear now that you had your own reasons."
Alexander nodded and kept going.
"When my fiancé died, I didn't know he'd written me a letter. Until about a week ago," he said. "It's my fault for not even knowing. I pushed his entire family away and there was nothing they could do about it. His brother didn't give up until he gave me the letter. I just can't bring myself to read it."
"Why?" Asked Mason.
Alexander shook his head. "I don't know, maybe because that'd mean goodbye, maybe it's too much to hear his dying thoughts, or maybe I still feel a little guilty. Maybe I'm just a coward."
"Not the Alexander I know," said Jet, looking at him with a frown. "Unless you're talking about someone else."
Riley nodded. "He's right. Is that what you really think...why you can't open the letter?"
Alexander looked at the envelope in his hand. He turned it over and back again.
"We'll give you some privacy if you n–"
"No," Alexander said before Mason could finish. Anything but that. Anything but doing this without them. "Please stay... I just don't know if I'm ready to let him go just yet."
"Aw darling, we're not asking you to let him go," said Riley. "He'll always be a part of you. Whatever's in there is important because he is important to you."
Riley had said 'is' and somehow, that seemed to be the last push Alexander needed.
He thought he would hesitate when it came to opening it but he didn't. He only paused.
"Regardless of what is in here, I want you all to know, it doesn't change anything. I love you, and I'm not going to stop."
Zel laid a soft kiss to his lips. "We love you too," he said. "Go ahead Daddy."
Alexander finally did it, he opened the letter.
Dear Alexander,
How are you doing my love?
I wish I had the time to convey everything I'm feeling but I'll save that for if I finish explaining everything. So I'll cut to the chase.
(Turn this paper over when you've read it)
If you are reading this letter, then you obviously found out that I was sick, and you probably blame my family because you know I'd never keep anything from you. This time, I did.
Eden's asked me over and over, trying to convince me to tell you the truth, but never once, did I agree to it.
Mom and dad too, they said you loved me (which I know) and that it was only fair I tell you...again, I refused.
It was a bad idea through and through. But I'm the only reason you never found out so if there's anyone to blame, it's me.
I didn't tell you because no one has ever loved me the way you do. I didn't want to see the look on your face when you found out. I didn't want to see you break yourself trying to fix it.
I know you, you'd turn the world upside down first before you accepted that there was nothing you could do. And we'd never be happy. At least not as happy as we have been.
Please forgive me for keeping this part of me from you.
It started this morning, when I last saw you. You were late for your big day and you heard a sound. When you tried to get back inside, I didn't let you, I told you I'd beat your gorgeous ass if you didn't get to work. You told me you loved me and then you left. I'm sorry I lied to you, but I wasn't feeling so good. Right after you left, I started to have the first convulsions.
The thing is, as long as I took my medication, I should have been able to live like any normal person, and even have a normal, healthy life. The doctors must have made some sort of mistake, they're human too after all.
I hoped that was all there was to it but then before I knew it, I had another convulsion. I called you after, and I told you I loved you and I'm forever grateful that you gave me one of your precious chuckles. It was the last time I ever heard your voice. I called Eden after that. I couldn't stop thinking of you, so I thought I might just explain everything in a letter.
As I am writing this, you're out there celebrating because I know today, you close your biggest deal yet. But by the time you get back to me, I might be gone. That is harsh, my baby I know that but I want to be selfless for you like you've always been for me.
There was no such thing as a secret between us but this was the one thing I didn't want you to know. It was just better off that way.
Remember when we talked about ghosts? You insisted that they existed and I told you they didn't. I guess I get to find out first. If you were right and I turn into one, then I promise to watch over you, just like I promised. Don't worry, I'll always be with you.
I know I asked you to never fall for anyone else but I thought I had time on my side.
If you fall in love again, don't fight it, I want you to be happy, always have. You deserve to be, don't forget that.
Give my little brother a hug from me, that little bastard might wet your shirt with tears but tell him I love him.
This is goodbye baby. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll always love you.
Et ceteriia...
Alexander laughed sadly at the last part. It was their word, their phrase. An inside joke that always cheered either one of them up.
He was trying to cheer him up. A mixture of joy and sadness exploded inside him.
He turned the paper over before looking up.
"This part's for you," said Alexander while extending the piece of paper. "All of you."
Zel climbed his lap instead, with tears in his eyes. He pulled the hem of his shirt up and wiped Alexander's eyes.
"Seeing you cry makes me want to cry," Zel said while wiping his tears. He pouted as his own tears started falling down his cheeks.
"I'm not crying," said Alexander. He cupped Zel's cheeks. "So don't cry okay?" The tears fell against his will. "I'm just..."
"Okay," said Zel. "But here's my shoulder if you want it, okay?" Zel used the back of his hand to wipe the rest of Alexander's tears.
He laughed. "Thank you my love. Go on, read it," he said to Zel and he joined the others who had sad expressions on their faces.
"I'm okay," said Alexander. "Honestly."
Slowly they focused on the paper on Jet's hand.
This part is only for the person you fall in love with.
I know he didn't read beyond that warning, it's just how he is.
You might have already discovered that he probably holds your hand a lot, because he loves you (it felt weird to write that)... But there's more.
Just between us, instead, hold his hand randomly. It drives him crazy but he won't admit it.
He once got a nosebleed because I did. Okay well maybe that wasn't the reason why but he did get a nosebleed shortly after.
I'm sure he didn't read this part, but if he really showed it to you, then he definitely loves you. I know because he'd never share me with anyone.
I have to go now, duty calls, going bump in the dark and all.
Take care of my baby.
"I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love all over again," said Pierre.
"What does it say?" Asked Alexander.
Jet looked up. "Oh nothing much," he said. "You really didn't read it?"
Alexander shrugged.
"One thing's for sure," said Riley. "He does know you."
Zel reassumed his place on Alexander's lap. "Tell us about him," he said.
"You... you want to know?" He asked. Yet again, amazed by them and all the things they did or said.
"Of course we do," said Pierre.
Zel traced Alexander's chest with his fingers, waiting for him to speak.
"Well," the Master started. He didn't think he'd ever let it out and talk about him in detail with anyone. "His name was Noah."
It was the first step. And he found himself already wanting to tell them everything.
"Noah?" Asked Zel. His face morphed like he'd just discovered something. "Is that why Noah got disqualified?"
Alexander nodded. "Sort of. He called me a psychopath. I couldn't care less if anyone did but I couldn't stop thinking about how my Noah could never say that about me. It was a little unfair but I disqualified him for that. Although I guess he was right." He shrugged.
"You are not a psychopath," said Mason immediately.
"You say that because you don't understand. Every single rule in my little game was connected to Noah one way or another," he said.
"So what?" Asked Mason.
"You understand that every game, every task, every rule you had to follow was just so that I could see a little semblance to him, even if I couldn't admit that?" Alexander asked.
"That just means you lost something important to you. You miss him. It doesn't make you a psycho," he answered.
"I love you," he told Mason.
Mason answered almost immediately. "I love you too. Now talk about Noah."
The Master smiled before deciding where to begin.
"Okay," he began with a small laugh. "Well... Noah did the most accurate voice impressions," he started.
Not me running away to go watch Money Heist 😩
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