Everyone knew that Linder was disqualified and had already left. Some had seen him go, others hadn't.
Mason was one of the people who saw him go. He'd rushed to Linder's side trying not to let his heart break.
Linder refused to look at him, or acknowledge him until the car had actually pulled away.
Zel hugged him and refused to let go. He hugged back because if he hadn't, he just might have fallen apart.
It was too soon, he just needed to talk to Linder. He wasn't fine, he knew that deep down inside.
Nothing seemed to go right for him lately it seemed. Even now as the Master confirmed it.
They were told again, just for good measure and to clear any confusion that might come about.
"You did what?" Jet asked. He'd heard him, but it still came as a shock to him.
"Disqualified him, was I not clear?" The Master asked. A little surprised that it was Jet who seemed most affected if anything.
He wondered how Linder would've reacted to the way Jet took his news.
"Why?" He asked. He kept a bland expression on his face.
This should have been good, Linder gone should have felt like a relief. It didn't.
It was fucked up but he wanted to see him, here, with them. Together.
That couldn't just be it, they didn't even get the chance to properly talk. He didn't even know why Linder seemed really adamant about keeping him well away from Pierre, or why he seemed so scared of him that time.
So many questions.
If the Master was confused, he hid it really well. Jet tried to keep a straight face all the while.
It hurt him that Linder was gone? Was he sick?
Jet got up. Not because he was angry but because his own feelings confused him.
Even as he reached his room, he couldn't help his thoughts. They just flooded his head. Was Linder okay? He wondered over and over.
Jet's thoughts quieted at the sight of Mason. He hadn't even heard him approach or follow him.
"I know how you feel," said Mason. He folded his arms and leaned by the door.
"You don't," Jet replied quickly.
"I do. I like to think we were really close. Or if he was telling me the truth, then I imagined the whole thing."
"What did he tell you?" Jet asked, forgetting that he was supposed to be mad at him.
"I told him I had feelings for him. He said he didn't," Mason said while he closed the door and leaned against it, regardless of what Jet might have said. "Bottom line, rejection hurts like a bitch. And it doesn't mean those feelings just up and go."
Jet watched him try not to show it, but the hurt was visible on his face. "Maybe he didn't mean it?" What was he doing trying to make him feel better?
Mason smiled a little. "Aw stop it. It's too much when you are being so cute."
Jet looked down. "Whatever."
"Well," Mason started. "I can't. Can't go on like this, we're going to talk about it."
When he wasn't interrupted, Mason continued. "I'm sorry Jet," he let out a breath.
Silence followed. Jet couldn't look him in the eye, but neither did he say anything.
"God the number of times you cut me off before I could say that..." Mason sounded relieved. "Finally."
He walked up to Jet and pulled him on his feet and off the bed, tugging gently until Jet stood with him, close to him. Mason took both his hands in his.
"Please," he said. He brought the hands up to his mouth and kissed the tattooed knuckles before him. "I really didn't mean any of it."
It felt like a whole hour where they did nothing but stare at each other.
No one spoke, and with each passing second, the air buzzed with electricity.
They inched closer and closer. Mason's heart beat wildly inside his chest, and seemed to beat faster the closer they moved.
Jet suddenly pulled back and everything stopped at that moment. So much disappointment flooded Mason's face.
"Even if I believed you... then what?" Jet went to sit back down on the bed. Mason waited to see where he was getting at.
"You've never really liked me, I've always known that for a fact," said Jet. He cracked his knuckles, still not meeting his eyes.
Mason thought about the first times in the house, when he actually told himself he didn't like Jet. It was so absurd right now he couldn't even believe himself.
And to think Jet actually believed it to be the truth... it was horrific.
Mason got to Jet on the bed, but instead of sitting with him, he sat on his lap, straddling him.
Jet's eyes went wide as he wasn't expecting it. His hands went to steady him on the bed while his body tensed at the uncertainty of what Mason was going to do.
"You're going to have to change your mind about that," he said, cupping both of Jet's cheeks and framing his face. "I hope this helps."
Mason leaned in carefully, inching closer as he inhaled Jet's masculine scent.
It made him heady to just be this close, and to know that Jet wanted it too.
The brush of their lips was what sent his mind into further turmoil.
Mason reveled in the pleasure as he teased, prodding Jet's mouth open slowly enough to make it frustrating.
Several fires ignited inside him, burning his core with desire. How the fuck could something feel so good?
The kiss deepened, he felt Jet's hands roam down his back and skim just over his ass, then he was pulled closer.
He gasped into the kiss as he felt Jet's erection pressing against his own. They rubbed together until Mason was sure he'd die if he didn't get some air in his lungs.
Jet smiled against Mason's lips then they broke apart, both out of breath.
Mason realized the look on Jet's face was one he'd never seen before. "You have a really beautiful smile," he told him.
"Ugh don't say that," Jet turned away. "Makes me feel all weird inside."
Mason laughed and circled his hands around Jet's neck. "You've been making me feel weird inside since the day you tried to burn the kitchen down."
This time Jet leaned into the other male as if trying to drink his scent in. He rubbed his face all over Mason's neck and along his shoulders, making small kisses at every area of skin.
When he found a sensitive part at the base of Mason's neck right where it connected to his shoulder, Jet let his lips linger as Mason moaned and pulled his shirt away, exposing more of himself to give Jet more access.
"We'll probably get punished for this," Jet said but didn't stop.
Mason's hips bucked and he moved closer yet, the friction multiplied while they rubbed together again.
"Fuck..." said Jet.
Mason smiled. "We probably will," he agreed.
What they were trying to say hung in the air, unvoiced. What they should have said. What they should have asked. Why weren't they stopping?
With Mason straddling him, Jet tugged his shirt further down his arm and placed a kiss on his shoulder.
His fingers traveled to the back of Mason's neck, disappearing into his hair for a while before pulling him down to meet his lips until they were only a whisper away. "Fuck it," he said in a near growl.
Goosebumps broke out across Mason's skin as he got lost in Jet's lips once again.
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