The Master was back the next day. Just like he had said. He might have made the meeting briefer than it should have been. And it might or might not have been because someone missed him.
He couldn't find him.
Zel was the type of person that was going to be everywhere at the same time. He'd know if the Master was back and he'd either run to him excitedly or creep up on him adorably.
He was doing neither.
Before he realized it, the Master was walking towards Zel's room.
The sound of his ringtone halted his steps.
"We didn't want to bother you on your trip sir, hopefully it went well. Zel is ill," the voice on the other end said.
"I see," he replied then hung up.
His mood suddenly changed.
He flung Zel's door open with more aggression than was intended. He didn't like the way Zel startled.
Pierre sat on the bed while Zel rested his head on his lap.
Fuck, they looked so adorable.
"How long?" The Master asked. "Just yesterday, I saw you before I left. How long have you been sick?"
Zel got up from where he was and searched the Master's eyes. "I'm fine now."
"You didn't answer my question," the Master was close to seething.
"Since before I saw you," said Zel hesitantly.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You had important things to do Daddy!"
"And you think I can't what? Spare like an hour for you? You think I couldn't push one meeting out of the way for you?!"
"I- It was important..."
The Master didn't finish his sentence so the silence stretched awkwardly between them. Luckily, someone else spoke.
"Zel is lying," said Pierre, putting on his most sincere face. "I told him not to bother you because I could take care of him myself."
It didn't take two seconds for the Master to sniff him out.
"No you didn't. You're going to have to do better than that. I mean, you two really suck at lying," said Alexander. "The truth, now."
Pierre looked at Zel and he nodded back at him.
"Fine..." Zel started like he had any choice. "Okay... I'm sorry I kept it from you, but part of what I said is true. I fully made up my mind when you said you had to leave. But that's not all of it."
The Master's unwavering gaze told the blond haired man to get to it.
Zel fiddled with his own fingers before looking down. "I didn't want to tell you... I really didn't want tell you because then you'd take me to the hospital. I hate that place," Zel looked up at the Master. "They stick these little needles into your arm and anywhere they like... It hurts Daddy!"
Big eyes widened and looked pleadingly up at him. Fuck fuck fuck...
"Come here Zel," the Master said. And when Zel was in range, he pulled him into a hug and ran his fingers through his hair. "Next time, you tell me exactly that. You tell me truth, okay princess?"
Zel purred and nodded into his shoulder. "You're not laughing at me," he said.
"Why would I?"
"Most times I say that, they laugh and call me a baby," Zel was trying hard not to pout.
"That would be absurd wouldn't it?" The Master replied. "Imagine a five foot tall baby."
Zel giggled. "That would be silly!" And just like that, his mood was lifted.
They detangled from each other and the Master turned to Pierre. He held his out his hand to him and Pierre took it.
Being beautiful had a lot of perks, the Master thought. Like how he couldn't really stay mad just looking at him. "Pierre," he said.
"I'm sorry Daddy," said Pierre, he seemed to really mean it. "I'll accept any punishment you give me."
"No, I can't let you- I can't let you get punished because of me," Zel protested.
"It's okay Zel, I-"
The Master let their bickering go on for about ten seconds before cutting in.
"I figured it would come to this," his voice stopped them both. The solution was actually really simple. "I'm punishing you both, and that's final."
Zel tried to argue but kept it to himself when he saw the serious expression on the Master's face. He seemed to already be thinking about something else.
"In less than thirty minutes, my personal doctor will come and check up on you Zel," he said.
"But I'm feeling fine Daddy, it's all thanks to-"
"It's only to check up on you, nothing more. So don't fret."
"Okay... but only if you're here."
The Master's personal doctor looked like she'd just graduated high school. She had dark brown skin and a perfect set of white teeth that made her look even younger when she smiled.
She walked in and set her bag down beside Zel's bed.
"Hi Zel, I'm Jennifer but call me Jen," she said. She had a few freckles on her face, he noticed.
Her curly black hair was pulled back in a high ponytail that fell to one side as she looked down over him.
"I'm Zel," he replied stupidly.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what I called you," she said and Zel wanted to hide under the covers.
"Uhh... sorry. You're so pretty!"
She smiled at that. "Boy please, have you looked in the mirror? I'm even a little in love with your hair already."
"I'm sorry but how old are you?"
"Turned twenty eight last month," she smiled. "You're going to tell me I look ten years younger, I know, don't."
"You look ten years younger!"
"And you're the cutest patient I've ever come across."
"Okay, could you two focus?" The Master said.
Pierre clung to his side the entire time and now he nodded twice in agreement, not liking the interaction one bit.
"Oh my God yeah, chill," said Jen, and then she suddenly turned really professional. It was a little fascinating for Zel to watch.
She got a thermometer out and asked Zel to put it in his armpit. Zel giggled at the contact.
"How do you feel now?" Jen asked.
"A little cold," he replied.
"Seems like a mild one, it might be good for you. Have you been drinking water? Keeping hydrated?"
"Not exactly... " Zel wasn't even sure.
The thermometer beeped and she took it out. "Above normal, but you'll survive." She smiled at him.
She wrote a few things down then prescribed some medication to Zel.
Pierre nodded along with everything she said. Zel was supposed to relax for at least two days and drink a lot of fluids. Preferably cold ones.
When she was done, she turned around. "Okay now I'm going to ask you two to wait outside, I need some time alone with my patient," said Jen, looking expectantly at the Master and Pierre.
Pierre didn't think he had it in him, but he rolled his eyes before walking out with the Master.
The other two were now left alone about a minute later, and Zel was expecting some sort of doctor questions. He waited.
"How is your heart doing?" Jen asked.
He didn't really understand her question. "I mean... it's beating and stuff," he replied much to her amusement.
Jen made a face between a smirk and a smile. "I've known the Master for a few years, close to five now. I know what goes on in his house and I accept that it's none of my business. But there's something about you that makes me feel a little protective of you, even if I barely know you," she said.
"I can take care of myself," Zel pouted. "And I don't know what you are talking about anyway."
"I'm sure you can, Zel. What I'm trying to say is, don't fall for him, you'll only end up getting hurt."
She hadn't even been here for an hour.
"I'm not falling for him," replied Zel softly. He wasn't. He wasn't.
Jen smiled at him with understanding in her eyes. She nodded, ready to let the matter go.
"What if..." Zel started. "What if you can't help it? I honestly thought I was doing just fine but the truth is I'm trying really hard."
"I get it," she said. "It doesn't even help that he looks like that," she shook her head. "I'm just glad you're actually being cautious."
"I don't know," Zel looked down.
"If it's any help, you guys look really good together. Even the beauty who seemed to loathe me just for existing in the same room as you," Jen chuckled, it was rich, and contagious enough to make Zel smile.
"Pierre would never!" Zel said. "He's way too kind."
"He rolled his eyes at me when I told them to get out. I think he likes you."
Zel blushed lightly. "I think I like him too," he still couldn't look up.
"I swear to God if this was a tv show, I'd get my popcorn and call in sick just to watch it."
"I don't know why I told you that..." said Zel. "You're really easy to talk to."
"Hey, they don't call me the walking truth serum for nothing. Apparently it's really hard for people to lie to me."
"It's true. You should become a superhero! I'll be your sidekick," said Zel excitedly.
Jen chuckled again. "I'll definitely let you know. It was a pleasure to meet you Zel, I'm all finished here," she said and got her bag full of scary things ready to go.
"Really? No..." said Zel. "I like talking to you."
"Me too, but we'll meet again. See you sweets."
When she got up, Zel got up too and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I get attached to people really fast," he said.
"I have a thing for clingy guys so you're in luck," she hugged him back.
The Master stood with Pierre when Jen opened the door. There was someone else too, who looked a little pissed off, like he was trying to hide it.
He seemed to be from the room right next to Zel's. She wondered who he was. She wondered why he was angry. She wondered if Zel liked him too.
He followed the Master in as she made her way out to leave. Jen stopped when she heard a soft accented voice behind her.
"Excuse me?" Pierre said, getting her attention.
Jen turned around and noticed who it was. "Relax beautiful, Zel is exactly my type. But I didn't make any moves on him," she said. "I don't want all the trouble that comes with provoking that beast you call 'Daddy'."
"But he seems a little... wary of you," said Pierre. He hadn't seen anyone talk to him the way they felt like, apart from Tadashi. And now her.
"Let's just say we have a bit of a... history. And I might have tortured him a little the last time he was sick, a few years ago."
Pierre's eyebrows went up. That felt oddly good to hear.
"I wanted to apologize for earlier," said Pierre. "I shouldn't have been so rude."
"I wasn't really bothered by it. I get a little territorial sometimes too. I understand," she said.
"I wasn't being territorial," Pierre was blushing furiously.
"And I'm not attracted to Zel. That seem fair to you?" She asked him.
Pierre sighed. Weirdly he wanted to be himself with her. "It's a little complicated, but I'm sorry," his voice was so sincere.
It was even hard to picture him rolling his eyes now. Zel was right. He really is kind.
"It's okay beautiful, don't sweat it. Oh and your remedy, impressive." She aimed a sideways smirk at him.
"You think so?" His eyes lit up before looking down. "Thank you."
"I mean it," Jen smiled. "I gotta go, but make sure Zel gets enough rest for the next two days. You can do that for me right?"
"Yes, you can trust me," Pierre nodded.
"I know, don't hesitate to let me know if anything comes up," she said before walking out.
It was the same day that Jet took the Master on their first date. It started out well until everything took a downside.
The Master settled down as he smirked at Jet from across the table.
"I really went all out, didn't I?" Jet said sarcastically. "Please, have a seat."
"This is so romantic I'm feeling bubbly inside," the Master replied. His mood had lifted significantly after he'd seen that Zel was indeed fine. He left him resting after his worry had died down.
"I know. I'm good at these kinds of things," Jet replied.
These days it was a little harder to read him. He didn't seem as hostile as before but he wasn't really friendly either.
The Master felt the urge to fluster him. "So how did your jerk off session go?" He hid his smile.
Jet almost knocked over a cup with wine inside it. He caught it just when a few drops sloshed onto the table cloth. He tried to compose himself. The Master was beyond amused.
"That good huh?" He said to rile him up further.
Jet cleared his throat and avoided the subject altogether. "I suddenly feel so glad there is extremely charred meat and crispy scorched pizza on the menu." He then murmured. "Can't believe I almost felt bad for you."
"What do you recommend tonight little cub?"
"I recommend you stop calling me that unless you want some black crust shoved down your throat."
"Oh I wouldn't want that," he mused. "How about no?"
I know where your family is.
The more the Master spoke to Jet, the further away his mind drifted off. He hadn't known for long, but he knew where Jet's family was. He knew what happened, he knew why it happened.
He'd been so inside his own head he didn't notice the silence on the table. Jet was looking at him cautiously.
He'd worn a loose fitting vest that now exposed a lot of his arm tattoos. The Master didn't stare at them; it was a trap.
He couldn't help it sometimes, he'd stare at them when Jet was sound asleep next to him when the light came pouring into the room. Jet always hugged the pillow and buried his face in it when he was far gone and comfortable. And that's when he stared until every tattoo was burned into his mind and memory.
"Tell me about your family," he blurted out, somehow sounding like he knew what he was talking about.
He didn't expect the instant reply. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. It sounded like you gave a fuck."
Jet's hand was on the table and he noticed the other rubbing the back of it. He noticed it a lot. Enough to deduce that it wasn't nothing.
"Tell me about your family," Jet threw the question back at him.
"Fair enough," said the Master. He wanted it to end at that, more than anything. But Jet had other plans.
"You're lonely aren't you?" Jet asked.
What the fuck was he getting at?
"You don't have to answer, I know you are. Because I am too." Jet leaned back. "But unlike you, I accept it, made my peace with it to a point where I'm in love with it."
The Master tried to keep himself in check. He was getting angry. "What's your point little cub?"
Jet continued. "You on the other hand, you just can't accept it can you? Must be nice to have a lot of money," Jet chuckled. "Imagine buying company for what? Six months? Does that help you sleep at night?"
The sound of glass shattering caused Jet to flinch in the slightest. The wine dripped down the wall, staining it red as it flowed down.
"Anger issues?" Jet asked. "No wonder you're all alone."
The Master got up. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had insulted him like this.
Everything was on the table, and then everything wasn't. They were in the air, then forcefully crashing against any surface they landed on. The table was empty. The room was chaotic.
The Master grabbed Jet by his vest until they were both at eye level. "Shut the fuck up while I'm still being nice," he said. There was an edge to his voice that took all of Jet's willpower to just keep looking at him.
In that moment he somehow seemed to snap out of it, like he was finally understanding that he had crossed a line.
He still stared back defiantly at the Master. Until they both heard Riley's voice.
"I'm not sure what's going on here, but according to human standards, I'm supposed to step between the two of you."
Riley walked closer to them. "I swear to God if one of you punches me..." Riley closed his fist around the Master's hand. "Let him go Daddy."
The Master was so angry he'd completely zoned out until he felt other hands lightly squeezing his.
He dropped his hands, not quite believing that Jet had struck a nerve. He pulled hands to himself and turned around to leave.
Why the fuck was he angry? It wasn't supposed to matter. A competitor's opinion shouldn't matter, he told himself.
Maybe the confines of his room would bring him back to himself.
Not even ten minutes later, his door swung open.
"I heard all the noise downstairs, Jet's pretty upset," said Zel.
The fuck was he upset for?!
"Now is not a good time Zel," he said but Zel didn't budge. "Get out."
"No," Zel walked towards him instead, but stopped halfway there. "I'm here," he said.
"Get on your knees," the Master said.
Zel didn't question it. He did.
"Crawl the rest of your way to me," he said and again, Zel didn't question it, he just did.
He needed this more than he could admit. How the fuck could Zel even know that?
Slowly, he was coming back to himself. He looked down at Zel where he knelt just before reaching the bed. "Look at me."
Zel turned his eyes to him and bit his lip. He was always so oblivious to everything he was doing it was adorable as fuck.
"Take your shirt off."
Zel took his shirt off and looked down.
"I didn't say you could stop looking at me."
The mismatched eyes quickly found his. "Now put it back on."
As soon as Zel did, he told him to do it again. Whenever the Master got like this, it always turned brutal until he was satisfied. He wasn't letting it go there tonight.
There was no need to scare him. Especially when he'd done absolutely nothing. So he stuck to light, harmless things. It worked well enough that he felt the last shred of anger leave him.
Stroking Zel's face, he stared fondly. "That was good," he said.
He knew Zel was beaming on the inside. He was starting to know him that well. "Come here."
Zel was now on the bed with the Master, clinging to him like a leech.
"Why did you come?"
"Like I told you, I've missed you," Zel wrapped his hands around the Master and rested his head on his chest. He was basically using the Master's body as his bed. "I couldn't properly have a moment when you were angry at me for you know... lying."
The Master ran his hands up and down Zel's back. "That feels good... I'm really tired now," the small man yawned.
"You weren't tired just a few moments ago," said the Master.
"Because you needed me," Zel replied.
His hand stopped, but Zel didn't move. He seemed to tighten his arms around him before the soft snores filled the quiet of the room.
It felt like a repeat of that day ten years ago, of that moment when he got butterflies for the first time.
Ik ik. The chapter is so long! Thanks for reading it!😩
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