The Master sat in one of the most comfortable looking leather seats with a table between him and Tadashi.
He raised his cup to his lips and glanced momentarily to make a point before taking a sip of his tea.
Before Tadashi had come into his life, you could only catch him dead taking tea so casually like he didn't have things to do.
All it took was a week's time of sickness that had forced him to accept Tadashi to take over and do everything right down to spoon feeding him.
There was some sort of bond between the two of them, he wasn't going to deny it. And at that moment of his life, it had strengthened.
They weren't friends. He wasn't going to call it that. And he thanked God the other man was on board with him on such matters.
One thing he could admit though, was that sometimes, he actually looked forward to their tea drinking sessions.
"We were wrong about the number of families looking for Pierre," Tadashi said while setting his cup down. "Not so far off, they are only two and none of them are his actual family."
"Why are families other than his own looking for him?"
"I'm still not sure about the details. But one thing is for sure, Pierre didn't lie about his name, and we've got the names," he sipped once. "You might have heard of the famous Beaumont and Fontaine families."
"They both have hosted the president and his family before. Nicolas Fontaine is praised for rescuing twenty one girls from human trafficking."
"But rumors have it that it was all staged for the sake of publicity."
Alexander nodded. "The Beaumonts stood by their side until the chaos died down. Together they founded 'L'Aide'. The organization for all victims of abuse. They are national heroes."
"To some people. But we're ready, we're just waiting for them to strike."
"What would they want from Pierre?" Alexander asked.
Tadashi shrugged. "It could be anything."
"Alright then, that's that. Until we find any other information."
Tadashi finished his tea and crossed his legs.
"So they are left with about three other months... what do you plan to do if the threat comes after that—after the program, then what?"
"Then it's not my problem Tadashi, I just don't like people taking what's mine when it's mine," replied the Master.
"I know that, and its all good Alexander, as long as you know what you're doing and and it won't mean anything to you."
The words fell like stones settling under water, they settled in the Master's mind like no one was going to be able to take them out.
He pictured Pierre in his head... he took his virginity.
It didn't matter.
He called him beautiful...
It didn't matter.
Pierre was getting more comfortable around him by the day...
It definitely didn't matter.
"Alexander, are you okay?"
"It doesn't mean anything," he replied to Tadashi before his mind could drift to the others.
He got up and checked his watch. "The meeting is in three hours. I'll meet you in forty five minutes."
Alexander had somewhere to be. He was traveling for an urgent meeting and he trusted Tadashi to keep everything under control for the amount of time he would be gone.
As he had predicted, one of his companies was on the verge of collapse because of a CEO he didn't really like. All the investors were planning to pull out because of a tiny mistake he would have to fix in person. Then he was firing him ASAP.
His jet would be waiting for him. It was plenty of time to prepare. Because it was like habit or second nature, he did everything really fast.
Zel wandered into his room right when he had just finished packing.
Just then his phone rang and he picked it up.
"We're ready in 15, sir."
"Perfect," he said before hanging up and giving all his attention to Zel.
"Where are you going?" Zel hopped onto the bed.
"I've got a business meeting," answered the Master.
"Really? Why do you have to go?"
"Because some people need a good talking to."
"Call them then," Zel crossed his arms.
The Master let out a little laugh. "You're getting upset, I can tell."
"How can I not? I..." Zel's cheeks turned red. "I want to be where you are."
Alexander cursed the fact that he couldn't control time.
Sometimes Zel said things that were pretty innocent apart from the fact that they always caused a reaction within him.
Right now he wanted to grab him and fuck his brains out till he was screaming for him. It was a proper goodbye as any, and would have him remembering it till he got back.
"Don't go saying things like that if you know what's good for you."
"It's the truth." Zel suddenly got off the bed and wrapped his arms around him. "I'll miss you."
"It's just a day, I'll be back tomorrow and you won't even know I was gone. Two days tops," he said.
"Still don't like it. I'll still miss you."
The Master returned the hug, resting his chin on Zel's head. "Princess..." his voice was a little husky.
"Think of me Daddy, and..." Zel went to squeeze the Master's ass cheeks where his suit pants hugged him the perfect way. "I always wanted to tell you, you have a really nice butt," he giggled and ran away, letting his hair dance around him.
He left the Master staring after him in wonder, trying not to laugh.
Zel opened his door to an awkward looking Jet. If he felt fine he would be jumping on his feet, there was so much excitement within Zel as he watched the impossible happen.
"Jet..." it might have been the first word he ever said to him.
"Hey," Jet said awkwardly, in a brooding voice. he cleared his throat right after he said it.
Zel's hands tightened into balls trying to keep himself calm, Jet was talking to him. He couldn't even understand his own excitement.
"Hi," he said back with all the enthusiasm he had, unfortunately he was getting weaker and weaker. "Oh... please come in!" He said to Jet.
"Oh. Okay," Jet stepped inside, his hands never leaving his pockets.
"I know it's probably the messiest room you've seen so far, I'm just feeling a little lazy." Zel had clothes thrown everywhere. And he was honestly going to fix everything, he really was. Jet just came by unexpected.
Jet shrugged, "I don't know, I haven't seen the others... anyway, the books, the ones with cartoons in them? You... um, you stopped leaving them at my door."
Zel's eyes went wide as he tried to hide his smile. "You knew that was me?"
"Mm. I did. It's a bit obvious. plus, if there was any doubt left..." he pointed to Zel's shelves.
"Oh," said Zel. "You want more?" He asked very elatedly, even if he narrowed his eyes at Jet, nothing could bring him down today.
Zel lowered himself onto his own bed, it was more out of fatigue than happiness. "You can pick whatever you want, I mean it."
Jet walked towards the shelves and let his inked hand skim through a few titles before he withdrew his hand back and twisted his lower lip while looking at Zel on the bed.
Zel was a little confused but with the way Jet looked so sexy, he couldn't complain about anything.
The man shook his head and Zel's confusion got the better of him. He wanted a book and Zel was offering him one, so why did he not just pick one?
He started to frown until Jet was pulling the door open. "I uh..." he said with one foot making itself out the door. "I kinda like... I like your handwriting, so leave it at my door."
Before Zel could answer, Jet was already out the door.
Zel leaned back. It was sweet that he liked his handwriting but there was no reason. It wasn't even great.
As he was still trying to decipher the words that didn't make sense, his door swung open again.
Pierre came in with a bowl and what looked to be face towels. He locked the door behind him, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"What is that?" Zel asked.
Pierre followed Zel's eyes to the stuff he was carrying. "It's for you."
"I know you are not well," Pierre was almost whispering.
"Says who?" Zel got defensive but he knew he'd always been a bad liar. "I, I'm perfectly fine," he almost stammered.
Pierre set everything down and walked over to him, taking up his hand. "It might not be much now, the fever... but it's only going to get worse. I know you are sick," he put his hand up to his forehead to feel his temperature. "You're starting to burn up. And I find it odd that you are on your bed, usually you'd be everywhere."
Zel gasped inside his head. Pierre was paying attention to him! He might have been right anyway. "Alright, fine. I don't feel that great, but I'm going to be okay."
Pierre looked like he didn't believe him but he asked anyway. "Does anyone know? Does Daddy know?"
Zel shook his head. "No one, please don't tell him, please. I'm going to be okay before he even knows it." His eyes were pleading as he looked to Pierre who had at least four inches on him.
"It's fine, I'm just worried about you so I'm only here to keep you company."
Zel was touched, so much his heart fluttered. "Sorry I might bore the hell out you but just for clarity I'm like a little okay so you don't really have to worry, I'll be completely fine by morning."
"And I'll be here till morning," said Pierre.
He was shocked all over again. Pierre fixed his bed first, and straightened it out and then invited Zel to lie down. "Come here," he said.
Zel didn't object. It felt great. "You are really starting to burn up."
Zel had also felt like he had no energy left. "I think you are right."
"Try to get some rest," Pierre said and then he went ahead to tidy up the entire room, he went to pick up Zel's clothes and put them all in place.
"You don't have to do that Pierre, I'm really just grateful for you being here."
"No no, mon cherie, I'm doing this because I want to do it for you so just lay back and relax okay?"
"Okay... Pierre?
"What does that mean? Mom sherry?" Zel asked with his voice that kept getting weaker.
"Oh," said Pierre. "It's an endearment... I'm calling you my err.. darling? I'm sorry if–"
"Really?" Zel swallowed. "You might not tell because of this fever, but I'm blushing so hard right now."
"You are really cute," said Pierre.
It wasn't helping all the heat Zel was feeling, until a cold compress was on his forehead. "That feels heavenly."
"Mhm, it will help you feel better in a while," Pierre put a straw in a cup he had carried along. "Drink this."
Zel took a sip and settled back down. The cold water felt amazing as it ran down his throat.
"I squeezed some lemon into it," said Pierre while touching the side of Zel's neck. "My maman always said nothing helps a fever faster than some lemon. Although... I don't know if that's true."
"You have very gentle hands," said Zel. "Please hold mine?"
Pierre didn't spare a second to lace their fingers together. "You're really hot."
"Hey don't flirt with me when I'm sick," Zel giggled weakly. "I just might fall for you."
"In another time that wouldn't be so bad," said Pierre.
Zel didn't notice that he was gripping his hand just a little tighter. This felt really, really good.
It started out as nothing, and now his temperature was getting higher with every passing moment.
"I hope the fever goes down." Zel's weak eyes found Pierre's worried ones. "Are you sure I shouldn't tell him?"
Zel shook his head. Pierre's hand was cold against his, their fingers still interlaced as they looked at each other. "Don't worry," said Pierre. "I won't leave your side. You can go on and sleep."
Pierre stroked his hand and it elicited a number of emotions within, as his eyes closed.
It had him thinking of a once upon a time, when someone had made him fall so hard, and so effortlessly.
The last thing he felt was the cool fingers stroking his hand. And then nothing but sleep.
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