One of Jet's earrings was currently engulfed in a warm and wet place. Along with the lobe of his ear. The Master's tongue sucked, then let go.
He leaned over him as he pulled off Jet's shirt, sending little sparks tingling up and down his arm as his chest was then covered in quick, rough kisses.
The Master's hands fastened on his biceps and tightened, just before he nipped his shoulder lightly. Slowly, his lips trailed down to stop just below Jet's crotch.
He undid the button on Jet's pants but didn't pull it down. Not the zipper, not the pants. The pressure against the sensitive area sprang Jet's cock to life, causing it to jerk inside his pants, begging to be free.
The Master must have known, but he only got up torturously and calmly devoured Jet with his eyes as he lay sprawled on the bed.
Jet struggled to sit up and almost immediately, the Master pressed his mouth to his. His lips parted and not a second later he felt a tongue collide with his.
The Master pulled away and a hard shaft replaced his tongue, forcing Jet to stretch his lips wider than it was used to being stretched.
A hand attached to the back of Jet's head. The Master didn't move, he only pushed the other man's head to further take in his cock, leaving Jet no choice but to keep accepting more of him until he was nearly fully buried in his mouth. So very close to the hilt.
He let go of Jet's head, and the latter quickly drew back, muffled coughs around the hard member his mouth was trying to break free from. Jet's eyes were watery by the time he had pulled away, his jaw hurting in the slightest.
The Master cupped himself and pointedly held it out to Jet. He seemed expectant... really expectant.
Jet licked his lips while his eyes locked onto it. Slowly, his tongue reached out to lick the side, roaming over the hard ridges and veiny structure of it where he let his saliva gloss over it.
The Master hissed when he took in the tip, his hand rubbing against Jet's nape gently. He continued to take in more, sucking while stroking it with one hand at the same time.
Jet's second attempt to swallow the cock all the way in was a little more successful. The Master had been blessed with both girth and length no wonder he was so cocky. Pun intended.
It thrilled him to take it all, almost like he wanted to prove that he could do it. This time, the tear nearly slipped from his eye.
"Seems like you needed this," said the Master.
He caused Jet to look up at him while his chest rose and fell between them, cock still in hand. Jet licked his bottom lip. "Shut up," he replied.
He shoved the cock back into his mouth. The Master let out a deep groan that caused weird flutters in Jet's chest. He didn't stop, nor did he pause. Up until the Master gripped his hair. "You can touch yourself," he said.
Jet reached down quickly to grope himself, only to find out that he was already rock hard, a wet patch at the front of his pants.
It scared Jet when it struck him, the fact that he waited and didn't touch himself at all before the Master said so. No way. Why the fuck had he waited?
Jet stroked himself through his pants at the same speed his head bobbed around the Master's shaft.
Ever so slowly his hand reached inside his pants and skin met skin. His cock twitched in his hands as he tugged back and forth, his other hand fondling the Master's balls at the same time.
The thick, veiny member felt like it was swelling inside his mouth. That was impossible, it had to be.
He felt a hand tighten once more at the back of his head, then grabbing and gripping his hair almost painfully as the Master stiffened momentarily.
The cock didn't pull out of his mouth, and neither did he pull away from it. A thick liquid hit the back of his throat and he swallowed instantly. Then he went ahead to swallow every single drop that was released inside his wanting mouth.
His tongue reached out to swipe anything it could reach; anything that had dared to escape the inside of his mouth, where it belonged.
His own cock pulsed around his hand, coating it in a warm substance that continuously flowed out of him. Jet shivered, his eyes glazed like he was drunk.
"I think you're a good boy," the Master picked a drop that Jet's tongue missed. "Do you know why?"
Jet swirled his tongue around the finger until he'd licked it up clean, releasing it then looking up at the Master, part of him eager to learn the reason why.
"Because," the Master hooked a finger under his jaw and bent while he drew him closer until his lips were only a whisper away. "Good boys swallow."
Zel wanted his date to be like the ideal date he hoped someone would one day take him, so with that being said, he would be touchy right from the start. He watched the Master as he approached, then went ahead to hug him.
"Daddy!" It was a tight hug and he almost though he wasn't going to be hugged back. After the longest time, Zel decided to let go before it turned embarrassing.
He didn't get to, because the Master's hand wrapped around him, one hand enough to surround the entirety of his waist.
"You smell so good," Zel said.
"You look good enough to eat," the Master responded.
Zel's face colored and without thinking, he held the Master's hand and led him to the arrangement he'd made.
It nearly wasn't enough as what he wanted, although almost the whole blanket spread out was filled. Zel grew up in an environment where the more food was always better. And it was never a feast without his brownies.
They sat down together.
Zel had been to many dates before but he'd never taken anyone else instead. They always asked before he got any chance to, so he mostly got used to it. It made him excited like this, to finally take someone out. Which was technically in. Whatever.
Somehow he really didn't want to disappoint the Master in any way and so he decided honesty was going to be his best suit.
"Usually when I go on dates, it always starts with awkward talking, but that's not all of them, some people are just really easy to talk to so there's no need to feel out of place. And then we try the food and then they ask me if I like it–"
"Do you feel out of place?" The Master cut him short.
Zel was a bit surprised to realize that he didn't. "You know... I actually don't. And I've never been with anyone like you."
The Master scoffed. "Am I that cool?"
"Oh please," Zel rolled his eyes then moved to drop a kiss on the Master's forehead. "Of course you are."
The Master linked their fingers together before he could get away. He pulled Zel to sit on him like a chair, while holding him and nuzzling his neck. Zel shrunk at the contact but couldn't stop his smile. He tried to continue what he'd been saying.
"Sometimes we talk about restaurants, really anything to fill the void," Zel admitted.
"Is that so?" The Master's breath tickled his nape.
"Yes," Zel giggled and squirmed. "When I start eating I'm unstoppable. We eat, then talk a little more then leave. Well the other dates that we go to..."
"So that's how you planned it to be?" the Master asked.
"Seriously, I don't know if I want it to go like that. Let it be it's own thing or something," Zel said. "But I do plan to shove all of this in your stomach. Still, I don't want it to be awkward."
"Well then," the Master seemed comfortable. "This ought to be fun."
Zel suddenly felt like he was being put on a trial, he really wanted it to be worthwhile. "Okay here comes the awkward talk."
Zel didn't understand how it happened, but soon, he was facing the Master instead of his back. He'd prefer it if the position hadn't changed at all, because then his face wasn't on display for observation.
"Speak," the Master said, looking into his eyes.
"Daddy that's not fair what am I supposed to say now?" Zel said while averting his gaze.
The Master chuckled. "You did bring me on this date."
Zel thought about how technically, he had to bring him to this date because it was part of the rules but he didn't point that out, instead he pouted.
"No fair. For starters, when I invited you to this date I certainly didn't expect to be sitting on your lap."
"I don't do what people expect me to." Zel heard the dominance ooze out of his voice and it sent a shiver down his spine. "Are you uncomfortable?"
Zel only shook his head no. "Daddy?"
"Yes prin- "
When he didn't continue, Zel took it as a signal to go on. He asked, "Why are you so rich?"
"Because I work for it."
"No, I mean what makes you so rich? What do you do?" Zel asked, getting more comfortable in the Master's lap with every second.
"Alright," the Master said. "Have you heard of K.A?"
"Shut up. The K.A building? The skyscraper? I see it all the way from my house what are you talking about? Of course I've heard of it, it's a landmark for all I know."
The Master nodded once. "That's mine. It's the heart of all my businesses. Every one or two floors of that skyscraper handles one part of what I do. My investment firms mostly. Aside from that, there's some hotels, a bunch of resorts and–"
"I'm sorry I thought you just said 'a bunch of resorts'," Zel interrupted.
"I did."
"A bunch of resorts really?"
"What am I saying wrong?"
"I love sweaters, I've got lots of them. Now I'm allowed to call them a bunch of sweaters," Zel's eyebrows were creased as if he was trying to get the most important point across. "What you're talking about is a resort! Have you even seen one before? I really doubt they can just be bunched. Oh my God this man. Tsk."
The Master chuckled and poked his nose. "You are way too cute. And that's some of the stuff I do."
Zel was actually surprised he had told him, he had expected a brush off maybe but he was hopeful. He was always hopeful through everything, both a blessing and a curse.
"I don't think I fully understand everything you've said but I get it. Thank you for telling me," Zel hugged him.
The Master didn't reply to that, nor did he respond.
Zel asked another question. He had many questions, always did, and most of them would have been considered personal but it was just his curiosity, he had no motives whatsoever.
He decided not to ask all of them, only a few. "Do you have family?" Zel asked and the Master tensed. Zel felt his body stiffen slightly, then ease back.
Zel realized a little late that this might have been a sensitive question. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean t- "
"No," the Master said.
Zel left it at that, but he couldn't quiet the curious part of his brain. He distracted himself.
To keep things lighter, he reached out to grab a brownie with the Master's hand still wrapped around him. "Here try this," said Zel, putting it to his mouth.
"How is it?" Zel asked, watching the Master for whatever he was going to answer.
"It's really good, honestly."
"Really?!" Zel beamed. He was already picking one more. "You want another?"
"Right after you answer my question," he replied.
"Oh okay," said Zel.
"Why didn't you vote anyone?"
Zel didn't really think he'd be asked this question. From what he'd perceived, the Master didn't really show a lot of interest in trivial matters. And this was one of them.
"Uhh... that's because, if there's anyone that deserves to win this, it isn't me," Zel pushed the brownie against the Master's lips again.
"Why not?" the Master guided Zel's hand to his mouth, taking in the food along with two of his fingers.
Zel startled slightly at the wetness of the Master's tongue. It wasn't his fault for staring at the Master's lips after he'd licked them, subconsciously mimicking the action.
"Well?" The Master asked.
You can't be serious–
"Right," Zel remembered he was supposed to answer a question. "Uh... because... well that's really distracting."
"Is it?" the Master asked calmly. "Then I guess I better stop."
Zel didn't know what to say. I don't want you to stop? He couldn't say that obviously. But it didn't stop his face from expressing it he was sure. He didn't want the Master off him.
It came with the clinginess in him. It was the thing he couldn't help. Sometimes he tried so hard to keep it away but getting to know someone always meant becoming clingy. He could even feel it coming where Pierre and Riley were concerned.
I hope I don't push anyone away.
For now, the Master didn't seem to mind it but he knew how annoying it usually got for people, especially with the way most people hated clingy people. The only person who didn't really care no matter how clingy he got was his dad. No one loved him as much.
He schooled his features and tried to answer the Master. "I just came here out of lack of what to do," Zel shrugged. "I mean yes, the competition obviously appealed to me but I'm not here to win."
Zel scanned the surroundings without paying any mind. They were somewhere between the maze and the pathway that led to the woods. He'd picked it because of how peaceful it was, "I don't have that competitive streak most people do," he shrugged.
The Master continued to listen to him quietly. "I didn't even know there was money at stake, I mean can you believe this–"
The Master seized his hand and pressed their lips together, everything blurred in his mind at the sudden action. Zel couldn't remember the Master ever kissing him this tenderly.
His hand was put around the Master's neck while the Master's own tightened around his waist.
He deepened the kiss and Zel felt his hair being tugged. Not exactly. He felt it loosen as the Master's hand ran down the length of it. He was unfastening the hairband without breaking the kiss.
Zel's heart fluttered when he felt fingers running through it. When the Master broke away, Zel bit his lower lip and tucked his hair behind one ear. He was blushing so badly.
"I like your hair like this," the Master said.
Zel's condition got worse. Even now that he couldn't stop his smile. "Okay," he said.
He tried to quiet the part of his brain that was trying to convince him that wearing his hair down more often wouldn't be so bad.
The blond curls were now everywhere, just the way he liked it. Many people found his hair off putting but just the same, many people found it cute.
Without ever letting Zel go, the Master lay on his back with one hand at the back of his head, which meant that Zel was now on his torso, he crossed his legs.
"Cheese sticks or cookies?" Zel asked. He was already carrying over the cookies.
"Why'd you even ask?"
Zel leaned foward and brought a cookie to his mouth. "I think you'd really get along with my dad."
"Why do you think so?"
"I don't know, I just do," Zel lowered himself and when he sat on the ground, his hair did too.
His clinginess started to show then, he couldn't let the Master go. He hugged him every five minutes. Stuffed anything he could into his mouth, climbed on and off him every time he could.
They moved around until the Master's head was now resting on his chest as he continued to talk.
"You've got a beauty spot right here! It's really small but oh wow!" Zel said happily then suddenly dropped a kiss to the corner of the Master's eye, right where he'd discovered the spot. "Every beauty spot deserves to be kissed."
The Master stared at Zel. Really stared. His face gave nothing away, but he pinned the smaller man on the spot. Zel didn't think much of it, his eyes first raised in wonder then he smiled warmly at the man before him.
Zel yelped in surprise and burst out in giggles when the Master suddenly lined their bodies together, his back still against the ground.
"You fit perfectly against me," the Master said, tucking Zel's hair behind one ear. His hand looked big against the side of his face.
Zel braced himself, using the Master's chest for support. The hold on him tightened. Where was this going?
Zel watched the Master's face when it happened. When he rubbed them together. His hands gripped the shirt under him as his ass was squeezed.
"S-sex on the first date is inappropriate," Zel gasped.
"Don't talk to me about being inappropriate when you're hard," the Master dropped little kisses everywhere. "Besides, I'm not the second date type of guy."
"The rules–"
"Tadashi made that rule all on his own," the Master said like he was irritated. "'It's important', he said."
"He's important to you," said Zel. It was a statement more like an observation.
"He is just my assistant."
"Doesn't sound like that," Zel insisted. They'd stopped rubbing against each other by now because the conversation was getting just a little bit tense.
"Then why do you listen to him?"
"Awesome as I am, there are things that I'll admit I'm lacking in, and I trus- believe him enough to handle."
Zel then glimpsed a vulnerability in the Master's eyes. He wasn't prepared for it, so he didn't know what to do. He knew the look all too well. For the few seconds he'd looked into his eyes, he saw the immense sadness in them and it was almost overwhelming.
He really didn't know what to do so he acted on instinct. He sat up and pulled the Master to him and didn't let go. His cheek rubbed against his soft hair as his small hands run up and down his back, trying all he could to offer some sort of comfort.
It was strange. For a moment there he had forgotten to keep his walls up, and Zel had taken a peek. "It's okay, it's okay... " he said without knowing what to say.
The moment didn't last as long as it should have. The words seemed to change the Master's whole demeanor. He let go of Zel and detangled himself from him.
"Why did you say that?!" The Master demanded.
Zel pursed, then unpursed his lips. "Don't be mad... you just looked so sa–"
"You don't know anything. Don't fucking act like you know me," he rolled off the grass and crouched to Zel's level. "It's okay?" He laughed. "Bet you felt like quite the expert huh?"
Zel's eyes couldn't help it. They became glossy as the tears threatened to spill. He whimpered. "I was just–"
Zel stopped suddenly and gasped when the Master's hand went to one side of his face, sliding under his jaw, the pad of his thumb stroking his cheek just under his eye. "Tears? Are you going to cry?"
The words worked like magic, Zel couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears spilled out of his eyes. They ran down the Master's hand on the side he cupped his face.
How had such a lovely date come to this?
He felt the hand tighten then all at once leave his face. Zel sniveled.
And then just like that, the Master was gone, leaving him to pull his knees up to his chest, and watch the blurry figure disappear into the house.
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