One week later...
The room was the same, and so was the table, but the men who sat around it weren't. One was missing, which further fed the curiosity of the rest, all but the one at the head, the Master.
"It's the end of the first week," he said. "And there's six of you left."
The men tensed because of the heavy meaning behind his words. He said it like anyone else could be next, and from what it looked like, no one wanted to be next.
It was Zel, the one whom had started to form a friendship with the man, who got concerned about it. It gave him the courage to ask, even if everything was screaming for him not to.
"Whe- what happened to Noah?" his curious mismatched eyes focusing on the man at the head of the table.
"He was disqualified. Don't interrupt me," came the Master's curt reply.
Zel wanted to know, he couldn't think of a reason why. It didn't make sense, if there was someone who was probably not going to make it, it would be the guy with the tattoos. He just looked way too hostile.
"I like to believe you have been comfortable so far..." Jet scoffed. "...and have no complaints about your living quarters and your stay here."
Murmurs of agreement went around the table as the Master nodded and moved on. The men looked wary, the nervousness went without saying.
"I will not tolerate any disrespect for the people who work for me, you will not boss them around or get too close. They are my business and not yours," the dangerous undertone to his voice was gone when he continued. "You are however, permitted to form friendships with them if you like."
At least two people released a breath. Leave it to the Master to build up tension to the maximum, then clear the air himself.
"Among you, only-"
"Among us?" Zel cut in. Exclaiming in question as he looked to Riley whose eyes were twinkling with mirth. A smile on his well sculpted features.
"Third strike and you're out Zel, behave yourself," the Master cleared his throat. "There are four among you who cook. Riley, Zel, Pierre and Mason."
"I-" Zel began but the warning look on the Master's face was enough to make him change his mind. He was a chatterbox and sometimes he couldn't help it. Well most times, but he still thought it was unfair of the Master.
"Linder and Jet," he said, aiming a look at the two men he'd mentioned. "You have two options..."
Linder paid his full attention to the Master while Jet tried to look nonchalant.
"Learning how to cook isn't an option so you can either ask me, or any of the other men to teach you how to cook. I'll ask you to prepare something for me from time to time and I have to taste your improvements every time you make a meal."
"Daddy?" Zel asked.
"What is it?"
"Why is this so important? Why do we have to learn how to cook? I'm including myself because all I can do is baking and desserts and stuff."
"I know, and that's good enough." The Master told Zel. "All the meals starting from this day and on to the next six months will not be prepared by my housekeeper, she only works for the other half of the year, so all you will handle that."
It wasn't a huge responsibility, most of them thought. It sounded really reasonable to Linder and he thought it could easily be done. With no struggle whatsoever.
"You have my contact on each of your phones, do not hesitate to call me if you need anything, I'm serious about this," The Master looked at each one of them to get the point across. "I'll hang up if you call me for no reason."
For some reason, Zel was already thinking he was going to have fun with this. He smiled to himself and quickly hid it.
"The tasks and games, you'll be notified whenever there is one. These aren't an option either, I'd like you to remember that," the Master leaned back in his chair. "Well, unless I say otherwise. And winning does not mean you get the most points. I decide how that works and trust me, you need those up."
"Any questions?" He asked when he had finished.
"What sort of games are they? What kind of tasks?" Pierre asked while looking anywhere but the Master.
"They are harmless, they're nothing that would make you uncomfortable. And it's for the purpose of normalcy in the competition. You'll know when it's time to play. And if you've got a problem, you'll bring it up to me. Naturally."
Just then, a man in a uniform identical to the ones the chauffeurs that had first brought them up to the mansion wore, came in.
"We're ready Sir," he said, diverting all the attention in his direction. Thankfully.
The men noticed that he was completely comfortable when he said it, they needed half his courage in the way he had so elegantly addressed the Master.
"I have to go," the Master stood up.
"Oh and Jet? Tonight you sleep in my bed," the Master stated as a matter of fact.
Jet visibly paused everything he was doing—basically nothing—and stilled. He looked like if the circumstance had been different, he'd be sending a middle finger up the Master's face. The man clearly didn't like people telling him what to do.
"I'm not–"
Jet had started to protest but stopped short when the Master walked over and made contact with his skin.
"Sweetheart," the Master smirked but Jet didn't mistake the impatience behind his eyes. He stroked his lips, then the side of his face, watching him. "I wasn't asking for your permission."
Riley got back into his room and plopped onto his bed, it was a really big bed exactly the way he liked them. If it weren't for the papers they had filled out, he'd almost think the Master could read minds.
The first time he'd gotten in, it was a sight to behold. A wonder. The huge bed rested between wallpapers of blue and grey behind it as two lambs adorned each side beautifully.
The window was the size of at least two doors as it gave him the view of one side of the house. It was the middle floor that Tadashi had explained could only be accessed from the inside. Whoever designed it was clever, he thought.
The floorboards threatened to reflect his face as he stood over them. On the wall was a frame of the rules and it was designed in his favorite colors. He'd eyed the phone by the bed and checked it out immediately.
It looked like a regular phone, but the motion wallpaper told you the number of points you had. His were zero. As he figured was for everyone. No one had done anything yet. The only contact indeed was the Master's and then there was nothing else.
He'd been told his was a walk in closet with lots of shoes. It had turned out to be amazing, in fact he'd never owned so many clothes before.
He wasn't even about to start on the bathroom. It was to the point where he could move his bed in there and decide it was his new room.
Right below the rules were a shelves filled with volumes of comics. A big screen to the side to fill the space.
The camera resting on one of the shelves was his selling point. He loved the room. And now he sat down trying to think of what comic to flick through.
Moments later, his door creaked ajar and a figure that seemed shy peaked from the other side.
"Come on in," Riley said, mildly shocked that there was someone at his door.
"I'm Zel," the figure said as he came into view. His curly blonde hair was held in a ponytail that fell down to his lower back. It was a lot of hair, with many tendrils escaping and messing with his face.
"I know," said Riley. He paid attention, and with the way the guy had kept on interrupting the Master, he was sure everyone knew his name.
The smaller man's mismatched eyes widened in surprise. Riley had never seen anyone with such eyes up close, but they fit Zel perfectly, and when he stared directly at Riley, he decided they looked beautiful.
"I uh- I knocked but no one answered so I just peeked a little 'kay?"
"Yeah that's cool," Riley sat upright and patted an empty space on his bed. Indicating for Zel to sit there. The other seemed delighted as he walked over with what looked like a dish in his hand.
"Whoah what's that you're reading?!" Zel asked when he noticed the book on Riley's hand. "It's a- wait you read those?"
The blond haired guy was genuinely intrigued as he questioned Riley.
"Probably the reason I couldn't hear you knocking at the door," Riley smiled at Zel's shock. He was too cute to be honest, and Riley found himself staring at his features longer than was necessary from time to time.
"I've got the exact same one too, but it's already read. Ugh, I wish they could replace my books, they finish so fast," Zel made it sound like it was the biggest drag in the world.
"You'll have to show me your favorites sometime," said Riley, he winked at Zel. He could feel some sort of friendship blooming and he wasn't about to throw it away.
You just had to get one in there didn't you? He inwardly scolded himself about the wink.
"Really? You'd want that?"
"Absolutely," said Riley.
Zel beamed at him, like he'd just asked to grant him a wish. Riley started to deduce that Zel was the kind of person who displayed everything he felt on the outside. He was honest and he liked that about him. In fact, he liked him already.
There was a moment of silence as Zel kept on looking at him. He looked back too, weirdly quiet. It was weird because he always had something to say.
He noticed one of Zel's small hands on the bed, moving in a nervous motion. And he decided to look back up, only to find a happy face still staring at him.
With whatever he had brought in pushed out of the way, Zel crawled towards a confused Riley who watched him approach.
Just when he thought their faces were going to collide, Zel's hand shot past him and without thinking, he wrapped his arms around the man's waist to keep him from falling off.
"Whoah ther-" What the fuck this is so tiny.
"Sorry," said Zel while he giggled a little. "It's just, this lamp is so pretty! I don't know which is better... wait, mine is still prettier."
"I'm sure it is," Riley said, pulling him back. Before he knew it, Zel's hands were against his chest and his hands were still around his waist. Blue and brown eyes stared into his brown ones, until the two colors continuously blinked at the same time.
"Uh... yeah..." Zel agreed and disengaged himself while Riley cockily smirked at him.
Suddenly, two phones pinged with a sound they both had never heard before. Zel was the first to locate his phone.
Meet The Staff
Congratulations on making it to the first task.
All you are required to do is win at least three of the staff personnel's approval.
You have to make an impression on them and get within their good graces.
Pretty easy right?
Duration for task is limited to only a week.
Begin; Now.
Good luck, you probably need it.
"Well that can't be hard," said Zel.
"Not with all these charms," replied Riley and the blonde haired guy giggled.
With both phones tucked away, Riley studied Zel before asking the question he really wanted to ask.
"What's that over there? Smells really good." Riley was talking about the dish that Zel had left on the bed when he'd gone ahead to inspect the lamp.
The smell had been wafting its way inside his nostrils ever since the petite man had got in, it made his mouth water.
"Oh this? I..." Zel got up quickly. "I- uh- This is for you!" As if embarrassed, he shoved it into Riley's hands before holding his own together behind his back and looking down at the floor.
With no warning, Zel was already dashing to the door, ponytail bouncing with every movement he made.
Riley was left to watch him run away. He chuckled while he shook his head as the door closed behind the retreating figure.
Just way too cute. He thought to himself as he opened the lid of the dish that now rested cradled in his arms.
The task could wait a little.
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