When Tadashi got to the office, Alexander was already there.
Usually, he'd already be busy behind his computer, working harder than everyone else did.
Today, however, it seemed he had company.
Pierre sat on his lap, straddling him on his chair as they kissed passionately.
They didn't make any indication that they knew he'd entered, they just kept going at each other. Alexander's arms tightened around Pierre while he pulled him closer.
Tadashi let it go on for a while as he checked Alexander's schedule on his tab.
They showed no sign of stopping but like the back of his hand, he knew Alexander knew he was in the room.
He sighed when he realized they weren't stopping, then cleared his throat. He saw Alexander smile into the kiss right before Pierre pulled away from him.
"Since you're all finished, I'd like to talk to Alexander. How are you doing Pierre?" Tadashi asked.
Pierre's entire face turned red as he kept his gaze on Alexander's chest. "I'm... okay," he answered. "How are you?" He chewed his bottom lip.
"Not bad," Tadashi assumed a seat across from them.
"I'm great too, thanks for asking," said Alexander.
He was totally focused on Pierre, teasing him and making him blush harder.
"Of course you are," Tadashi said as Pierre squirmed and tried to get off Alexander.
Just then, the door was opened and someone else came in.
"Tadashi, how's it going?" Riley asked cheerfully as he made his way into the room.
From what he knew, Riley was probably supposed to pick Pierre up and take him to the college he'd recently enrolled in.
Tadashi shrugged because it didn't matter if he answered or not. The three were already distracted by each other.
Pierre rushed to his side and put his arms around him, looking up. "I haven't seen you all morning!"
"I left before you woke up," Riley's lips twisted into an easy smile and he wrapped his hands around Pierre more tightly than he'd intended.
He then tilted his lips towards him, and bent down to give him a full on kiss. "You're good?"
Pierre nodded before he pulled their lips back together.
Tadashi's gaze roamed back to Alexander who watched them with all the affection his eyes could display.
He looked vulnerable at that moment, like his beating heart was exposed right in front of him where anyone could hurt him.
Tadashi shook his head when Alexander's eyes briefly met his. 'Happy for you!' He silently mouthed.
He knew him well enough to know that Alexander felt like jumping out the window for being caught in such an intimate moment.
"Darling," Riley walked over to Alexander. "I hope you tried not to miss me too much."
Alexander chuckled in response as he too, closed the distance. "Aren't you going to guess?"
Riley pretended to think it over. He shook his head. "Huh, judging from the way you couldn't easily let me step out earlier today, I'm guessing... you probably didn't."
"You guys haven't seen each other in what... two hours?" Tadashi asked, getting up.
"It doesn't feel like that..." said Alexander. "What's on my schedule, how much time do I have left?"
Tadashi moved to sit on another sofa. "Your flight is scheduled for thirty five minutes from now."
"I'll drive Pierre," said Alexander. "I can make it in time."
Riley narrowed his eyes at Alexander.
"Let's go," he suddenly said to Pierre. "Before he does something stupid like miss his flight." He fastened their hands together.
"I can't miss the flight," Alexander insisted. "The jet goes when I say it goes."
"And you're not rescheduling," Riley said firmly, he briefly let go of Pierre to talk to Alexander. "So relax, I'll do it."
Alexander had that look on his face. He was going to try and convince him otherwise. "I–"
"You're not rescheduling," Riley put a finger to his lips.
He knew he'd lost. So he accepted with a nod. "Whatever."
"Have a safe trip, mon amour," said Pierre. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you more baby," said Alexander.
Riley leaned in and quickly brushed their lips together before turning to leave with Pierre.
"Just a second," said Alexander. He fastened a hand on Riley's wrist and tugged possessively.
Riley was already smirking when he turned to him, like he expected what was going to happen.
"That was barely a kiss," he complained. "Come here."
Alexander let his lips skim the back of Riley's hand before immediately cupping his face and pressing their lips together.
Riley groaned passionately as they're lips slowly moved against each other. Pierre looked like his breath was taken away.
The two moved until Riley was backed up against the desk. He braced himself against it.
"Here we go again," muttered Tadashi under his breath.
Alexander eased up and broke the kiss, looking into Riley's eyes and smiling. Leaning in again, he whispered in Riley's ear, no doubt something about when he got back.
He then licked the man's lips and kissed him again. "Alexander..." Riley whimpered.
It still came as a shock to Tadashi. It never made sense no matter how many times he saw it; seeing Riley anything but cocky as hell.
They had to be the only people who could reduce him to a puddle.
"Call me?" Alexander finally let him go and asked.
"Of course darling," Riley answered. "I love you."
"I love you too," he answered and then hugged Pierre one final time.
"If anyone asks for your number..."
"I already told you..." Pierre started.
"They won't. I'll break their fingers if they do," said Riley. He then smiled like he wasn't serious just a second ago. "I'm joking. They better not–"
"Yeah, yeah..." said Pierre.
Tadashi almost chuckled when he saw the three of them. It was clear that none of them wanted to leave the other, so they kept stalling each other with pointless things. It was really cute.
"Won't you be late or something?" Tadashi asked both Pierre and Riley. "How do any of you even manage to get anything done in the house?"
"There's six of us," said Riley. "Trust me... we get a lot of things done." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Tadashi didn't miss the double meaning behind his words, but after blowing a kiss Alexander's way, they left while holding hands.
Tadashi looked back to his boss who was still watching the door with a fond look on his face. "You're so in love."
He sighed and rubbed his face then leaned on the desk, hands under his chin. "I am." Alexander smiled stupidly. "Fuck."
Tadashi laughed. "It's not a bad look on you," he shrugged.
"Shut up," he replied. "Everything is a good look on me."
They both got up to leave. Alexander buttoned his suit with a smug look aimed at Tadashi.
"You look like a fish that's been exposed to radiation," Tadashi looked genuinely concerned for him. "Do you not see that?"
"And what does that make you?" Alexander sneered.
"The hottest guy in the room," Tadashi pushed the door open. "Come on, let's go."
Tadashi decided to tell him on the way, as he drove him to the jet.
"... for the next few days. At most the entire week." He said.
"It's no problem. I was actually thinking of giving you a week off," replied Alexander.
Tadashi was quick to answer. "Don't start buttering me up now because–"
"It's hardly what you think," Alexander said simply.
"What then?"
"I'm doing that for Linder," said Alexander. "And before you ask why... it's because he needs you, and you know it."
Tadashi kept his eyes on the road as if still contemplating.
Alexander continued. "My little cub won't stop worrying about him either, so that's my problem too."
Alexander's phone chimed and he chuckled after a while, typing fast into it.
"Since when do you text," asked Tadashi.
"Zel just sent me a picture," was his only reply before he got engrossed in his phone again.
He stopped when Tadashi finally stopped the car. "So you'll take it?"
"I probably will," said Tadashi.
"Great, I just need you to be here when I'm back in three days. We'll have a meeting of about ninety minutes then I'll be out of your hair for the rest of the week." Alexander said.
Tadashi nodded. "Fine," he got out of the car. For some reason he was so tempted to mention Eden but he wondered how Alexander would react.
Hey Alexander, you were right during that dinner, you did miss an entire episode and I think Eden is definitely gorgeous. Hey Alexander um... Eden has really soft hands. Uh... hi Alexander... I know he's like your little brother but I think I'm falling for Eden too.
"What are you thinking?" Asked Alexander.
"Good riddance," Tadashi motioned to the jet. "I hate to break it to you but ugly fish don't do well in the air."
Alexander shook his head and chuckled as he walked toward the jet. "Love you too, Tadashi."
On his way back, Tadashi had to pick up a few groceries for Mikhail as Eden had asked. Honestly he'd do anything for the boy, he was too cute to resist anyway.
Eden was fucking amazing. He had to be, if Mikhail could readily tell him such a thing as his favorite food.
It didn't take a long time for him to drive back home. At the corner of his eye, Tadashi saw someone familiar approaching.
It was coupled with an eerie feeling like he was being watched. His gaze quickly snapped to his peripheral.
"Jet?" Tadashi said while getting out.
When he pushed the door open, and finally came out of the car, the person was gone.
There were only a few people on the streets, and none of them were looking his way. He'd definitely imagined it.
With the groceries weighing lightly on his arm, Tadashi opened his door and got inside.
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