Eden's chin rested on his fists as he lay flat on his stomach, gazing at his screen. He'd spent the last ten minutes or so, talking to Rashad.
He was the prince his parents had tried to set him up with, more like pushing him towards him at every chance.
It was a huge party and he'd looked just like anyone else, like he was enjoying it. But Eden noticed his discomfort after a while, and that was the spark that started a whole new conversation and friendship.
He was reluctant at first, but Eden wasn't so easily put down, he told him matter-of-factly that he wasn't pining after him, even if that was what he should have been doing.
It was a failed setup, but the friendship was worth it. There was absolutely nothing Eden could offer him, and there was nothing Eden wanted from him, except what they had.
It was perfect.
"Stop with the denial," said Rashad. "Whoever he is, you're clearly falling in love with him."
Eden's mouth opened, then closed and he blinked. He clearly didn't know what to say.
Rashad was straight forward with his words. He knew what to keep to himself, but when he let anything out, he never faltered.
Eden always appreciated it, but at times like these, the words sounded like they had bite, and it made his stomach churn to listen to them. Because they always hinted at the truth.
"Glad I could be of some help with your discovery, I've got to go now," said his friend.
Eden lay on his side and let one hand support his head while the other subconsciously went to rest on his thigh.
"Why do you have to work all the time, I mean like every minute?" He asked. "I bet you even took this time off reluctantly."
Rashad's eyes narrowed a little. "I didn't realize you wanted the full report," the person on the other side of the screen answered. "I've got people to rule, a reasonably large geogra–"
"Yes yes, your royal highness, yada yada," replied Eden.
He'd wondered about it many times; why Rashad took time off his impossibly busy schedule to talk to him. But then again, friends did the little they could for each other.
"I could have your head, for cutting me off and talking to me like that," he laughed.
"Oh no," said Eden. "Not my head!"
Rashad shook his own head. "I'm not sure why you don't tire of staring at my handsome face."
"Staring?" Eden made a sour face and shifted where he lay on the bed. "Bye!"
"Goodbye," he replied. "I'm rooting for you. That is what you people say I think."
Eden took a moment to understand what he was trying to say. He understood that he was going about it the wrong way.
"I'm not getting invested in him or chasing these feelings," said Eden.
He wouldn't do it to himself. It wasn't worth all the hurt that would come out of it in the end.
"You're not?" Came the question.
Eden shook his head.
His friend was quiet for a while, then let out a breath. Rashad cocked his princely head, looking every bit the royalty he was.
"You're going to learn the hard way," he laughed. "I think."
"Learn what?" Eden asked.
"That the heart can be relentless when it wants something. I assume your feelings aren't dying out like you'd prefer?" He asked.
Would he even prefer that?
"Fuck," said Eden. He'd come to a realization. "I think they are growing," he completed as if he was just finding it out himself.
"Like I said, you're falling in love. You are probably already there, but you won't admit it," said Rashad.
"It's just a crush," replied Eden. He knew Rashad was probably going to say something sarcastic.
"If you insist," he replied, like he knew everything.
Eden stared into the screen with his mind working. When he'd had crushes before, it was no big deal. This was turning out to be bigger than it should be.
Rashad looked a little distracted before speaking. He turned his head to the side like he was listening to someone else before looking back to Eden.
"I've really got to go now," said Rashad. "Take care of yourself yes?"
The first time he'd said this, Eden had shrugged and thought they'd end the call anyway. He hadn't replied.
Rashad had stared at him with such an intensity that sent chills down his spine. He replied after that and only then, did he end the call. Eden didn't forget it.
"Yeah, you too your highness," said Eden.
"Of course," he chuckled and then waved. As he got up, the screen went dark.
Eden continued to stare at the screen even long after that, trying not to think of Tadashi. Failing miserably.
When Tadashi had asked him out, he'd looked genuinely interested in him. How?
Stop thinking about him! Eden turned on his back and looked up.
His door swung open and his mom walked in, she had a smile on her face when his head turned to see who it was. He sat up when he realized it didn't reach her eyes.
"What's wrong mom?" He asked.
She sat down next to him on the bed and took his hand in hers. "E, when will you invite him for dinner again?"
Of all the things he suspected, that wasn't one of the ones he'd been expecting to hear.
"Who?" He asked.
"You know, Tadashi," she said. Was that hope he saw in her eyes?
"I'm not inviting him for anything," he said more sharply than he'd intended.
His mom looked at him with concern. "Did you two fight?"
"I don't even know him mom," Eden lied. She must have seen them talking that night, he knew it deep down.
"Right right. Sorry it's just that there's something not adding up," she said. The conversation would have gone easier if it was his dad. She was so much smarter in this area.
"You're awfully moody lately, what's the matter?" She asked.
Fuck. Eden couldn't think of a lie in time to save his ass.
He was saved by the sound of his ringtone. "I've got to take this mom," he said. He hadn't even looked at the screen.
"Fine," she said while getting up. "I'm here to listen if you need to talk."
He loved her so much. And he felt guilty as she exited the room.
The phone weighed heavily on his hand after he saw who it was. Eden felt hot.
His hand tightened on his pillow then let go before he lay on his back again.
Why was he calling? Answer then you'll know, dumbass. No, don't answer it dumbass.
Eden's finger hovered over the decline option until he couldn't take it anymore.
He accepted the call.
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