(MudkipBrony I'm actually really proud of this one! But still really depressed about Liza..huff, okay, moving on.) (Just..hope she comes back. And that Joey can stop killing all his friends.
And they can have a happy little reuni-I'll stop before I go on a rant again)
Type: Rhyme/Legend/Limerick
Plot: A tribe, more like a family, hidden amongst the vines and lush jungles, told to young pirates on islands, never to be heard from, only in legends...
"You wanna hear the story again?" She asked, pretending exasperation
Little Pirate Captain Jesse giggled
Her mother sighed.
"Okay, just once more, I guess."
She held her tan-skinned daughter
Much like her own
And began
"The jungle is no place
For someone like you or me
Take one step into the jungle
You're done
The jungle is no place
For an explorer, per say
Take one step
You've had your fun
For in the woods
Terra cotta camps
People who hunt and people who dance
Please don't boast and please don't prance
Your days in this world are numbered.
They spend all of their days
Hidden among the ferns
The marshes
The swamplands,
The trees.."
It was a simple eve in Karnione.
The sky was a deep teal
The vines, growing strong
Vibrant and healthy
Moving with spikes
Keeping intruders out..
Glowing orange and yellow mushrooms, mixed together, swaying lightly
With the warm Caer light lime grass.
The vines twisted and turned
Not an inch of soft earth and world not covered in light soft grass
Trodden on by creatures unknown to you and me
Some friendly
Others swift
Some scared
eating away at cliff-sides
White and red speckles along the beautiful sky
Soon, it would turn a darker teal
and a dark navy blue
For these people take great care in their skies
Unlike me and you
They stir it in lakes that move like liquid honey
The clouds warble and move
And are drank by only most worthy of this water that held the very earth within
That tasted like liquid honey
The jungle is no place for you and I
for we will get swallowed whole by the swamps and marshes
That stick to out boots
Lush forests with foxes and birds and the like
Parrots and white wolves and skeletons alike
A never ending wash
Of ponds and lakes and vibrant vegetation
The Ghostlight,
They called themselves
(And little Jesse whimpered,)
A tribe
With paint on their faces
Long, long ago
Only legends preserving this tribe
Where they would fight bravely, and fiercely, and with the most enthusiasm
With tan huts swaying in the trees
Where no zombie dared enter
You see, you're never alone
When you're in this Jungle
Birds call, foxes scamper on by,
You'll feel someone's watching you,
If you're alone in the Jungle
And some people may be listening...
This tribe takes great grace in its bravery
And you could threaten it all
With a bow in your quiver
You'll surely begin to shiver
Your life will abruptly seem savory
And that is why
You can sometimes see
Them poking out of their jungle
To observe you and me.."
Jesse giggled.
"Pretty cool, right?" Her mom replied, tucking her daughter into bed.
Petra gave an admirable smirk.
"Pretty intense."
On the terra cotta ship where a storm brew, Lukas shivered on the crates they were sitting on
They were still working on getting the ship from the sand
And meanwhile, thunder rained down on them
Visible in the windows above
"You think they're actually real?" Petra snorted
The Captain beamed.
"Of course they do-I've been all around the world and still get chills and a wash of gratitude from my time with the Ghostlight tribe," The tan one-eyed crewmate acknowledged.
A sudden thud made them all jump
After a second, the boy smiled.
"Probably nothing," He stated.
But as you remember,
Fair-minded reader
The jungle is no place
For anyone
Not you or I
Or a brave Captain
of a ship
Nothing can prepare you for the jungle
Do you remember where they landed-just a few legends ago?
Yes, a beach, but behind this beach
Was a jungle
They never got wind
Of the figure
With bright teal paint splattered on their cheeks
Running from the boat
Back to where they would
And wait patiently
For you
and I
(based ever-so-kinda creepy poem on Stacyplay's Cat in the Nether Poem, kinda creepy and very rainy-day shivery ^^ okay Imma go cry violently over Liza because my heart's beginning to break -and I KNOW SHE'S ALIVE BUT STILL)
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