may 25th waking up in my castle bedroom at 3:47 am.
"Father it's not like that!" "i'm not meeting with her and that's final!" "it's about Mum!" I can hear heavy breathing then "Fine tomorow 8 pm do not be late we have one hour to discuss you know i'm busy." then fast loud foot falls. And then cold dark silence. Reality slaps me in the face. I'm not a detective and I never will be. Just sad little me who can't do anything people can just snap theif chubby little fingers and i'm dead just like that. Life is so unfair somtimes.
"Good morning Miss Cala." Maggie strolls in with a hot cup of tea. She smiles but theirs a sad glint in her eye. "the king wants to see you tonight I tried to convince him otherwise i'm sorry miss." "No maggie you don't understand I asked!" she looks at me and places a hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling alright miss?" I giggle and move her hand down. "i'm fine I asked Olivander if we could meet with him" "why would you do that?" "to try to make the wedding early." the lie slips out of my mouth so fast I try to catch it and put it back in. Maddie raises an eyebrow "I knew you two would warm up to each other. I've pretty much raised him scince he was a baby. He acts all tough but deep down he just needs a hug" I nod I feel so bad for lying to her. She helps me pick a dress it's not my style at all but I don't want to be rude.
"bye dear tell me how it goes" "I will" I shut the door immediately when she walks out. I feel like ripping my hair out why would I tell her that I run into the bathroom and splash my face with water. Another knock at the door I can't do this today. I open it Olivander is standing there looking anxious and impatient. "What?" I ask after he doesn't say anything. "what did you tell maggie" he says crossing his arms giving me a death stare.
"Nothing" "then why is she skipping around smiling at me." "I don't know!" I say trying to slam the door in his face but he catches it with his foot and walks in. "don't test me Cala especially today." he says his voice is haunting and chills me to the bone. "I um-" I feel my back hit the wall. "you what" he says placing his arm by my head and leaning towards me. "I told her we were trying to decrease the days until the wedding" I say pushing his chest away from me. Somthing flashes on his features and he pulls away from me like he's almost scared of me.
I test it by walking up to him. He just stares down at me. I go to poke him but he grabs my wrist. he leans down into my face "don't test me" then he drops my wrist and spins out the door. I watch him leave and flinch as he slams the door shut. Why is he acting so weird? Sure he's annoying sulky and grumpy alot. But he has never acted like this before.
I feel anxious maybe I don't know like I need to clean or keep getting ready to meet the king. Is he really that bad like everyone says he is. I'm not afraid but it is nerve racking Olivander doesn't like Ravana it seems. It seems he's also not the fondest of his own father if he doesn't want himself or anyone else talking to him. I haven't evan seen the king and I've been here for nine days.
I look over at my desk where a giant stack of paper sits and a quil and ink neatly placed on top. I skip over to it and sit down. I feel like I have so much to wright about that I don't know what to wright. I start with dear mysterious bunny mask guy. Thank you for the letter it's greatly appreciated. I was very bored here but now i'm solving a mystery! I'm sure you heard in the papers i'm marrying the prince but as you know I don't want to. A knock sounds at my door. I start speed wrighting. I have to go wright me soon. sincerely bunny mask girl.
The door opens as soon as I turn in my chair. Olivander rushes in like a soldier. "what are you doing it's" he checks his watch. "7:54!" I jump and run for the door. Olivander looks like he was expecting me to argue but we only have an hour i'm gonna make it count. I run down the stairs with Olivander as fast as I can. I almost trip on my giant dress but Olivander grabs my waist. He drops it like a hot potato and looks ahed not evan glancing at me.
we get to the door. I look at Olivander he doesn't budge. I sigh and open the door. "you should knock" a deep dark voice comes from inside. I almost apologize but I didn't really do anything wronge. An older man sits in a very large dark red chair. He has a large crown resting on his head. And he has a familiar glare plastered on his face.
Olivander sits obediently. And I sit next to him. "So what is it you want to tell me?" He says sounding very impatient "did you know a rose?" "No" he answers sharply. "are you su-" "is that all?!" he stands abruptly. Olivander is staring at the table refusing to look up. I stand up also. "No it's not" "don't talk to me that way girl!" he says girl as if to remind me that I don't get to make my own choices. "please sit back down" I say trying to be calm. "Don't tell me what to do!" "i'm suggesting!" Olivander grabs my wrist then lets go like a warning. I look down at Olivander he's tapping his foot like a maniac. Finally looking at me as if he's trying to tell me somthing. I look back at the king. "Alice wa-" "don't speak of her!" he says and spped walks for the door.
As his hand grabs the handle I say one last thing. "Your son deseres to know who did it!" "No one did it she was cooking." And with that he was gone. As soon as he leaves Olivander jumps up from his seat. "What were you thinking?! He says grabing my shoulders and shaking me. "you can't talk to the king that way!" The giant double doors open and I brace myself for the kings evil voice. "While you two were having a scraming match I was in the kings room" Frank says strutting in like he owns the place. "you did what!" Olivanders says his jaw almost on the floor.
"are you stupid do I really have to repeat myself every time I tell you somthing?" "Am I stupid?! You just said you broke into my fathers room the kings room! Honestly you two can finish this "mystery" without me, i'm going to bed!" Olivander says frantically walking to the door. He slams it shut me and Frank both flinch from the noise. "He doesn't mean it. Does he?" "It seemed like he did." I roll my eyes and head for the door. "Wait!" I spin around sighing. "What now Frank?" I say slaping my arms down at my sides. He holds up a charm bracelet, with one charm, a rose.
Authors note: todays chapter's song is loving you is a losing game. I need some song recommendations please! You guys need to do this 16 personalities quiz and tell me what you are because i'm obsessed! I'm an infp also you should tell me your zodiac signs i'm taurus. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter thank you so much for reading it's so appreciated as always. And I love to hear your advice theories recommendations or anything about you! Bye see you next chapter!!! 🌼🌻😊
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