may 24 Saturday 6:23 am
"I am not talking to my Aunt" Olivander says as we sit in the carriage. "we're not going to see your Aunt" I say. "where are we going then?" "to your piano" "I thought you hated it" "no I just I don't know. It doesn't matter what I think anymore we need to figure this out!" "okay" he says looking out the window. I was not expecting that. I'm in the middle again so I can't look out the window because all I see is a giant dirty beard also known as Frank.
The carriage starts going and surprisingly no one has said a word so far. "why are we going to your boyfriend or wait fiance's piano?" oh wait I spoke to soon because there we have it annoying Franks voice. "I'm trying to play this song" I say playing it on the music box. "Why?" "Because I think it might be a code" "for what?" be says sounding bored. "I don't know" Frank rolls his eyes and sighs exasperatedly. Such a drama queen.
We arive and I dive over Olivander. "ow I could have just gotten out!" he says holding his knee. "your slow as molasses in january come on!" I say running to the piano. I pull out the music box and try to think of the keys that match the song. I try them over and over but they allways sound wrong.
"it's a two person song" Olivander says suddenly. "How do you know?" "I listened all you've been doing is hitting notes you should listen to the song first." I roll my eyes at him. "if your so good why dont you try" "with who Frank?!" "fine we can play it together." I say scooting over. He sits down and it immediately sounds much better. "told you" Olivander whispers it sends chills down my back.
We finally figure it out and I look at the paper with the notes. a b g d a b b g g g e a a b g c a b a. "What does that mean?" I ask feeling my face grow hot with anger and sadness I can't be wronge. "I have no idea" "morse code" Frank says behind us. "what?" Olivander asks his eyebrows almost touching mine do the same. "are you two deaf it's obviously morse code." "I've read a book about that" I say it was one of my 18 books from my grandma. "I have too" Olivander says of course he has probably millions of books just about morse code. I restrain the eye roll that comes instinctively.
"Get on with it then" Frank says sitting back on his stump he's been sitting on for hours. I spin back around to the piano and sit tucking my hair behind my ears. Olivander sits to "somtimes we hold keys longer then others so lets calculate maybe" Olivander suggests I nod in agreement. We get to work scribling. Olivander is better with numbers because he's a phyco. But I'm better with letters so it makes it much easier. One time I remember a group project everyone wanted to do letters and I was the only one nice enough to give up my spot and calculate the numbers and I had to stay late at school everyday for a month to finish it by myself while everyone else worked together and got to finish early. I'm still salty about that eight years later.
We finish the translating and it says. We miss you alice we're sorry so please be hear when they make me go. cala you must find rose because she knows. "who's Alice?!" I say immediately after I read it. "It says Alice?!" Olivander says ripping the paper from my hands. As he reads it his eyes start to sparkle I can feel mine doing the same. "she's my Mum" Olivander says so quietly I almost didn't hear him. handing me the paper he walks away. "Wait Olivander we need to figure this out together!" I say chasing after him.
He walks through the woods and under a black arch. "who's rose?" I ask when I catch up to him. "I don't know." "You've never heard that name before?" he shakes his head "not that I remember. Have you?" "I don't think s- My aunt!" "huh?" "she always talked about her best friend rose she would tell us stories of an adventurer named rose. I always thought she was making them up but maybe." I say drifting off. "Maybe what?!" "Maybe she was giving us clues!" I say smiling up at Olivander. I don't know what takes over me. But I grab his hand and start jumping and dancing like a lunatic. To my astonishment he start doing the same. And that's how Frank found us.
Honestly I think the world wants me to suffer I know life is hard but doesn't this seem a little extreme. Olivander laughs and then trys to cover it with his gloved hand. Oh my god I just said that out loud. "Lovebirds you forgot to show me the paper before you ran off into the woods to" he's moving his hands at us trying to describe this odd situation. "boogie?" he sounds more like he's asking us a question then telling us. Olivander lets out a snortand then i'm done for. I fall on the dirt from laughter and Olivander does the same. "Children children" Frank says clapping at us. "Paper!" "oh yeah here" I say grabing it out of my pocket still giggling a little.
"Rose" Frank whispers. "you know rose?" I say getting excited. "I used to." "where is she?" Olivander asks. "no one knows they haven't scince before you both were born." Frank explains pulling a cigarette out of is shirt pocket and lighting it. "they marked her dead twenty years ago." he says looking almost sad. "this song was made when I was six twelve years ago so my grandma thinks she's still alive!" "She would swear it" Frank says but how-.
"you knew my grandma!" I say my jaw i'm sure is touching the floor at this point. He sighs like this is going to be a long conversation "Not personally" "what?" Me and Olivander say at the same time. "I was a waitor how do you think I know so much about everyone" me and Olivander stare confused. "I eavesdropped!" he says rolling his eyes.
"your grandma would always sit in the back by herself Madam Mince. She always insisted I call her Maryan. She would tell me amazing stories now that I think of it I probably would have left that terrible place sooner if it wasn't for her. she always talked about her daughters Melody and May. and her amazing husband who was in the navy. And how somtimes she would go on adventurers in the sea with him. And she would always talk about her granddaughters now that I think of it she would sit and tell me for hours how she had a minnie beethoven. I never realized she was talking about you.
Frank realizes i'm crying at the same time I do. I never really got to talk about her after her death no one ever wanted to. I just wanted to remember her. it's almost like a wound that you don't pour alcohol on until it's already infected. The alcohol might sting in that moment but overall it helps. I don't expect it at all but suddenly i'm pulled into somones arms. I look up it's Olivander he pushes back almost immediately. "i'm sorry I shouldn't have" he has a horrified look on his face am I really that horible?
The thought makes more tears fall from my eyes. When the most unexpected thing happens "i'm sorry too I-" Frank says stuttering "thank you Frank" he looks like he might die of confusion. "No one ever talks about her anymore" he stares for a second then nods. "the king might know something" Frank says. "Why would he?" Olivander pipes in. "Rose was his maid."
Authors note: todays chapters song is roses I like slowed version alot too. This song matches the chapters name wich I thought was just perfect. I hope you liked this chapter we are finally going to meet the king please tell me your theorys in the comments it would make me so unbelievably happy! I hope you have a wonderful day! Ps while wrighting this I ait a strawberry lemonade ice cup delicious and I thought it was kind of on brand! 🍓💕💗
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