May 25th talking to Frank.
"It could mean nothing" I say holding it out for him to grab again. "Or it could mean everything" he says stuffing it in his pocket. "how poetic Frank" I say sarcastically while heading for the door. "where are you going?!" he says scurrying towards me. I whip my head around. "to talk to Olivander... Is there an issue with that?." "No, just good luck to you" he says obviously holding back a laugh. I roll my eyes and walk out the door.
I rush up the stairs to what i'm guessing is Olivanders room, I see him walking in and out of a door three door's away from my room. I forget my manners and barge in but I don't really care because I know Olivander would do the same. It turns out it's not his room it's his office. It's very much him small simple dark and depressing. This might be my one chance to well snoop. I'm what you could call a master snooper.
When I was younger I always wanted to be a detective. I would sneak around my house and try to find clues. Those were the good days no problems no worries no dying. Dying didn't excist in my tiny mind back then. But oh now it deffinently does. it's almost all I ever think about. Not me dying but the people I love. What if I never get to see them again? That question keeps replaying in my mind.
Theres a pile of mail sitting on his desk. I dig through it quickly when one catches my eye. it's written in gold letters and says Royal emergency society. I grab the letter and stuff it in my gi-normous dress. Who needs pockets when you have so many layers. I'm actually starting to like this dress when I turn and it nocks over a vase.
"I hate you" I whisper yell at it. "Me or the dress?" I jump back feeling as if i'm about to have a heart attack. "Both!" Olivander looks umfazed. "what are you doing in my office" he says leaning on the door frame, blocking my way out. "looking for you!" I say trying to move him out of my way. "why were you in here so long then did you think I was hiding in a desk drawer?" He says tilting his head at me. "Alright I was snooping you caught me now move." I say trying my best to shove him he actually moves a tiny bit I don't know if it was intentional but i'm proud of my self.
"your cute" his eyes widen immediately after the words fall out. I can feel mine do the same. Did I hear him right. I tilt my head. Play it cool Cala. "cute? I mean if you say so Olivander." I say patting his shoulder and easily walking past him now that he's all flustered. "I told you master snooper" I whisper to myself. "what?" whoops I must have said that a little to loudly. "nothing!" I say walking faster.
When I finally get to my room my head feels like it's spinning. Why is my life so complicated? I fall on my silk sheets. Olivander thinks i'm what cute? I tried to play it off like I was unaffected by it. And oh is that a lie. We hate each other right? I think I hate him but maybe I don't. No i'm probably just really tired and hungry. Right yeah that's it.
My door opens and my heart stops. "Miss Cala how is your day going madame wasel!" A giant pile of wedding dresses barge in french accent and all. "uhm hi?" plop the wedding dresses fall all over the floor "oh how rude of me i'm dearly sorry it's me uh t-tod?" "are you asking me your name?" he gives me a wink and I relise who it is.
"Zachary?" "took you long enough!" he says in his normal english voice. He falls on the couch sideways. "I needed away to get in your room without seeming like a creep no one is aloud to visit you, you know." "yeah." I say quietly looking at my feet. "you're early!" Olivander says barging in my room I roll my eyes instinctively. "you always complain about me being late so" Zachary says shrugging. "so you came a day early?" "yep" Zachary says stretching.
"your on the run again aren't you?" he looks like he's contemplating it. "yes-" "Zachary!" "but that's not why i'm here" Olivander sighs. "why are you here then?" I ask they both look over at me like they forgot I was there. "Well I was cleaning for an old lady when I found this." "cleaning more like snooping." Olivander states Zachary rolls his eyes.
he pulls somthing out of his coat pocket dramatically. "an old letter?" I ask scepticaly "It's not just an old letter!" "wait you robbed an old lady?!" Olivander says "that's not the point Olivander!" he says spinning to look at him. Olivander shrugs. Zachary clears his throat flipping to the first page of the tiny taped together notes inside. "So it says dear Alice my love-" "What?!" Me and Olivander both exclaim. Zachary glares at us silently telling us to shut up. I wish I could be there in this time but i'm on my way to america. The world is quiet here. All I ever hear is the oceans waves repeating in my head. It's beutifull at first but as does everything in life it gets old. I miss you, love Oliver.
Zachary looks at us both we just stare back until Olivander snatches the notes out of his grip. "It's not to my Mum." "How do you know that?" I say standing up grabbing the notes. "The date says 1842 my Mum was pregnant with me then." Me and Zachary look at each other knowingly. "no my Mum would never cheat on my father and if that's what you're implying I advise that you stop." "I was thinking more she got pregnant with you then married the king." I say "it is very bizarre how the letter says Alice and Oliver." "And It's the same year she was pregnant with you!" "Yes that's odd but don't you think I would know if my father wasn't my father?!" "It's happened before" I say shrugging. "okay Cala then who is my father?"
"Oliver Marksons from britchester england just a theory." Zachary says randomly "what it says it i'm not a stocker or somthing!" Zachary exclaims after we stare at him for a good minute or two. "Wright Fiona!" I say abruptly running out of my room and almost falling down the stares. "Why!?" Olivander says chasing after me. "Just trust me for once in your life!" "I do trust you."
Authors note: Today chapters song is little talks by monsters and men. Sorry I changed it theres a new one on the rose chapter. Also I changed somthing on sugar chapter It's when Fiona is leaving the last things she says. I hope you liked this chqpter sorry it took forever i've been busy watching outer banks and simping for jj ;) if you haven't seen it what are you doing go watch it. I hope you have a wonderful day tell me who your fav from outer banks is if you watch it! 🌺🌊🍉
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