Chapter Twenty-One
Jane continued working until Danny texted lunch was ready. She ran into Val, who'd finished putting doors on the kitchen's upper cabinets. After glancing several times towards the back bedroom, he signed, Where's P?
"I don't know. He ran off again."
Why? Val signed with a grin.
Jane shrugged. "We discussed religion. And sociology and philosophy. I'm better off asking about his dead dog." Val chuckled, and Jane added, "He said some interesting things about you, though." Val perked up at this, so as they walked across to the apartment, Jane repeated Prett's story about Val's descent into muteness. "He wants to know why you were mad at him." Val signed something Jane didn't understand, so he sent a text.
He's deflecting.
"What do you mean he's deflecting?"
Telling my past tales instead of his own.
"Maybe so, but he still wants to know why you were mad."
Val shook his head.
I was young and stupid.
"That isn't an answer."
It is an answer. Just not the one you want.
"Got that right," she said. "Why did you stop talking?"
I stutter.
"There's more to it than that, according to Prett."
He's deflecting.
Jane sighed. "Fine. What did Danny say to Cadence that made him stop talking?"
Something uncivilized.
"You won't tell me that, either?" Val shook his head. Jane started up the apartment staircase. "You're as obstinate as Prett." She stopped to view him eye-to-eye. "Say, this means, 'I love Prettamin', right?" Val nodded at the signed words with a questioning look. Jane breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. Because I told him you said that, and he dropped and ran. Made me think I-" She stopped short at Val's sudden panicked expression.
U told that
"I signed it. I thought maybe-"
Val squeezed past her and took the stairs three at a time. With confusion, she followed, but her short legs couldn't match his strides. By the time she reached the kitchen, Val and Danny were engaged in an animated conversation. Danny checked his phone, shaking his head. Val started a text just as the front door opened. Relief washed over their faces, and then, as if nothing had been amiss, Val leaned against the counter while Danny pulled glassware out of the cupboard. When Prett entered the kitchen, Jane opened her mouth, but shut it when Val shot her a warning glance. The latter acknowledged Prett with a nod, signing a question.
"Went for a walk. Checked on Aunt Dona." Prett swept his hand at the empty breakfast bar. "You didn't eat it all, did you?"
They helped Danny finish getting lunch on, the younger brothers' concern over Prett's disappearance seemingly forgotten. Once again, the men carried on a signed conversation. "Val has to open the grave this afternoon," Prett explained to Jane. "I'll help him." Val didn't like this arrangement, for he kept pointing to Danny, who nodded in agreement. But Prett shook his head. "No, I'll help you. Vel can work on the cabinets." Danny argued why he couldn't, and Prett replied, "Then you can help Miss Jane paint." Danny disliked that prospect. Prett shrugged. "Suit yourself." He glanced at Jane. "Looks like you're on your own this afternoon."
I think he's punishing me.
Val's scowl showed he didn't like the situation either. He and Prett continued their silent conversation, the former asking long questions but receiving short replies.
I hate being left out. Jane turned to talk to Danny, who'd taken a bite of his BLT sandwich.
At that moment Prett answered Val by voice. "If you must know, Miss Jane and I discussed marriage." He turned to Danny, who'd stopped chewing to stare at Prett wide-eyed. "But she's holding out for love and some sort of score-keeping method to ensure absolute equality in decision-making. I can't abide that." He flicked his eyes to Jane. "And, since she's vowed never to drink again, she's foiled my usual method of landing a wife. So I'll have to forge an alliance elsewhere." He picked up his glass of tea and took a drink, giving Val an inscrutable look. The latter merely smiled his Cheshire-cat smile.
Jane burst into laughter. Take the facts, spin it around, and voila. This is how he comes up with those off-the-wall comments. Crazy. She composed herself. "You're better off without me. I don't have strategic land holdings or relatives you need as allies."
Prett twitched his head. "Could've produced some mighty cute little redheaded heirs, though."
Jane grinned again, the heat rising in her face. "And that's all you think I'm good for. Making babies."
"Not half bad at painting, either. If you can learn to get more on the walls than yourself." He held her gaze several moments before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Danny swallowed his food, his expression still incredulous. He nudged Jane, then swiped his cheek. She did the same, feeling a patch of dried paint on her skin. She touched her hair next, remembering every paint-glued tangle she attempted to comb out each day. And Danny's sweatshirt. She glanced at the splotch on her front. I've ruined it. But she sat straighter, raising her chin. "If I painted slower like Val wants, I wouldn't waste so much on myself."
"Neh, don't do that," Prett answered, his eyes warm with affection. "I'm looking forward to the colored mosaic you'll be by the time you finish the upstairs."
Jane flushed and looked at her plate. Now he's back to being flirtatious. I don't get him at all.
They finished their meal, and Jane worked alone all afternoon, soon wishing for Prett's company. Their conversations, though frustrating, at least distracted her from ruminating on her own past failures. By the time evening rolled around, she found herself depressed again. Danny's homemade lasagna buoyed her spirits, though the men seemed in subdued moods themselves.
"I'll finish the bedroom tomorrow." Jane took a piece of garlic bread before passing the platter to Val. "Should I start on the bathroom next?"
"Tomorrow's Sunday," Prett said. "We don't work as a general rule. We'll go to church, then have dinner at GiGi's. She's invited that new attorney over." He dished lasagna onto his plate. "Found out he's Jill's nephew. She and his mom are sisters. Can't be all bad, then." He passed the spatula to Danny. "Though GiGi's convinced he's a dunce. Apparently fifty years ago his daddy jumped out of a haymow and broke half his bones. GiGi figures if the dad had no sense to stay on solid ground, the son doesn't either. Chip off the old block and all that. We'll see if she's right."
That evening Val and Danny gave Jane more ASL lessons. She was getting better at understanding basic signs and identifying letters though she still struggled to move her fingers into the proper positions. Once again Prett walked her to back to the hotel.
"Did I upset you this morning?" she asked when they arrived at her bedroom door.
"Upset me?"
"Your brothers seemed panicked you'd disappeared."
"Disappeared? When did I do that?"
"Before lunch."
"I checked on Dona."
"But they didn't know that. They didn't know where you were. They thought-well, I don't know what they thought, but they were worried about you."
"Didn't look worried."
"That's because they covered it up. But they were really concerned."
"They probably didn't want to be alone with you."
"Why not?"
"You terrify them."
Jane laughed. "I don't believe that for a second. I don't terrify Val. He's still working on me. He says you're deflecting by telling me about his past instead of yours. I have to agree."
Prett twitched his head, his expression showing amusement. "And yet it'll have the desired effect of getting him to back off."
Jane looked at him a long moment. "You're manipulating him back."
"Sometimes he forgets I had the same teacher. And a four-year head start."
"Who was your teacher?"
Prett shook his head before heading to the stairs. "No one who matters anymore."
Jane rolled out of bed with reluctance. Prett had informed her what time they left for church, and though the prospect didn't appeal to her, she understood from his pronouncement her attendance was expected. When her bare feet padded onto the warm bathroom floor, she smiled, wishing this living arrangement wasn't temporary, for she'd miss this particular luxury. I should propose an alliance. A cute little redheaded heir in exchange for a lifetime of heated floors. She laughed out loud.
When she pulled off her camisole, a tickle on her shoulder prompted her to twist her neck to see the cause. Spider! She shrieked and flailed her arm. The spider flew into the shower stall. Jane ran from the bathroom and gave herself a minute to calm down before debating her options.
Who can I get to kill it? I'll have to call one of the guys. No, they'll make fun of me. She squared her shoulders. I've vacuumed up millions of boxelders. I can handle one teeny little spider.
The arachnid was crawling up the shower wall when Jane peeked past the glass door. She slowly reached toward the spray hose intending to wash the critter down the drain, but the furry black spider charged forward, its front legs splayed in aggression. Jane screamed again and jumped back, slamming the shower door. So much for bravery.
She put on her pajamas and sat on the bed to think. Only one other bathroom was grouted and sealed. But that room wasn't heated. Maybe I won't shower today. She sighed and picked up her cell phone. Prett will never let me live this down. With the vision of Danny collapsing in laughter still fresh in her mind, she typed her text.
Are u awake?
In half a minute she had a reply.
Can u come kill a spider?
Jane didn't have to wait long. Val came bounding up the back stairs as though the place was on fire. "Thanks for coming over," Jane said. She pointed out the menace huddling at the base of the showerhead, its appearance now a barely-there dark blip on the tile. Val ripped a length of toilet paper and reached for it. "Careful!" Jane squealed. "It'll attack you!" Sure enough, the spider charged Val's hand, but the latter closed the toilet paper over it and squished hard. He flushed the crushed tissue down the toilet. Jane's shoulders dropped and she let out a breath of relief. Val grinned, placing his arm across his waist and bowing. Jane smiled. "My dragon-slayer."
Still grinning, Val signed slowly for her benefit. Don't you forget it. He stepped out of the bathroom and Jane followed.
"Why were you so worried about Prett yesterday?"
He replied by text.
Thought he'd run off.
"Why would you think that?"
Keeps talking about joining the circus.
Jane laughed. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" Val shook his head. "You guys never tell me anything."
We tell you what you need to know.
"Whatever. Prett says his deflecting will get you to back off."
Val smirked.
Not back off. Come at a different angle.
Jane shook her head with disbelief. With a chuckle, Val strode to the hallway. "Val?" Jane said before he could run back down the stairs. "Could you do me a favor? Don't tell your brothers about the spider. They'll just make fun of me." Val smiled sheepishly. "Oh. You already told them." Val nodded and apologized. "Okay." Jane sighed. "I'll just prepare myself for the onslaught."
Val shook his head.
If they mock u I'll squish them & flush them down the toilet.
Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Please help me improve my writing by pointing out problems. And if you like what you read, please click the Vote button below. And comment! I love comments! 😊
Fun Fact: I'm not afraid of spiders, but my sister is. Even the teeny tiny ones barely visible to the naked eye. I mean, really. How can anyone scream over those?!?
Phidippus audax (Bold Jumper) spiders, on the other hand, can be scary. They're common where I live, and I've always been wary around them. They're black and fuzzy, and look like miniature tarantulas. Most spiders run when they encounter humans, but Bold Jumpers don't. Hence the bold part. 😁 I'd even say they're aggressive. At least that's been my experience. And the scariest part? They jump.😮
Recently I saw one on a picnic table and pointed at it to show my husband. I wasn't even that close to it, but the spider immediately lifted its front legs and came towards me, like "Bring it on, Human!!" 😈 Freaky scary. And that's what Jane sees--a spider lifting it legs and coming towards her (and later, Val.)
View this video, especially starting at the 4:15 mark. Starting at 6:22 you'll see them jump. 😲
Now that I've seen this video, I'm not as freaked about the little critters. I was always afraid they'd bite because of their attitude. But I guess not. I'm not saying I want them crawling on my fingers, but I killed one the other day and for the first time felt a little sympathy as I flushed it down the toilet...😉
Be sure to vote and comment! ⤵
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