Chapter Thirty-Two
"Making good progress, I see," Prett said as he stepped into the small bedroom.
Jane paused her painting. "I'll finish in here today. I'm trying to decide if I want to start on the honeymoon suite next or leave it till last."
"Either works for me."
"You'd have to move my stuff out."
"No problem. We can put you in the front bedroom."
"Thanks. I think I will do it next, then." She returned to rolling on paint.
Prett stood off to the side, watching her. He scratched his beard. "So why is GiGi leaving you half a million dollars?"
"What!" Jane smeared the paint instead of rolling it. She turned to stare at Prett. A few days had passed since her conversation with Genevieve, and she had hoped the centenarian had forgotten.
But she didn't. And now Prett knows. Wait—
"Half a million?" she asked.
"She added a tidy sum to Cady, too, which is understandable. But she won't tell me why she added you."
Jane couldn't read his expression. "I didn't ask her to," she said in a rush.
"I'm sure you didn't. I'm guessing it has something to do with Vivian Montgomery's letter."
"Yeah. About that." Jane set the roller in the tray. "I think you'd better read it."
Prett followed her to her room, and after perusing the letter, he looked at her with a blank expression. "This is GiGi's handwriting, not Vivian's."
"You know that?"
He ignored her question. "You're Jane Aden's granddaughter?"
"The Jane Aden who pretended to nurse an eloped GiGi?"
"Yeah. I didn't know any of that until Genevieve told me. Grandma Jane died when I was five, so I don't remember her very well. And I never knew my great-aunt, who Genevieve says was married to her dad."
Prett's eyebrows lifted briefly in acknowledgment. "Catherine. The escaped teenage bride."
"So you know all about it?"
"Heard the story a million times. So what did she enclose?" He waved the letter, and Jane handed him the check.
He stared at it a long moment. "Vivian signed this."
"Genevieve says she agreed I should have it. As a thank-you to my grandmother."
Prett gave a nod. "A generous thank-you. But they decided this years ago." He raised his eyes to her. "Why the secrecy now?"
"Um...she said you'd want to know where the money went...since I didn't get it."
Prett grunted. "Oh, I know exactly where it went."
"You do?"
"And there's all kinds of irony attached now that I think on it." He handed back the check. "Anyway, Val sent me to tell you lunch is ready."
Prett informed his brothers of Jane's newly-found heiress status, so she related the entire story, starting when she'd first discovered the letter. Prett added comments here and there.
Why was I scared to tell him about the money? He doesn't seem to mind in the least.
Val and Danny expressed astonishment at the revelations. The latter signed, You're rich.
Jane felt sheepish. "I guess so."
Danny smirked. Marry me?
Jane laughed.
"I'd advise her against it, little brother," Prett said. "The last thing she needs is a lay-about like yourself eating bonbons and watching Oprah." He turned to her. "So, does this mean I've lost my painter-in-chief? You'll likely want to move on now that you have 'great expectations'."
Jane's heart sank. The last thing on her mind was leaving. "No! I mean, I don't have the money yet. I still need this job."
"Genevieve could cut you a check today for the full amount."
"Oh!" Jane stared at him. It was true. Genevieve's reason for waiting till her death had been to keep Prett in the dark. Since it was no longer an issue... Then her eyes narrowed. "She also said something about keeping you to your promise."
"Something about me having to wait awhile till she died, because she wasn't done holding you to your promise."
"Ah. That." He looked away, muttering, "If I'd known she was going to try and best Methuselah..." He pushed back his chair. "Well, if we're still working, I say we get back to it."
Prett and Val were loading Jane's chest of drawers onto a dolly when Danny came storming into the bedroom, his hands flying in rage. Jane understood only two signs; sleep and Jane. She furrowed her brow.
He's mad because I'm moving into the front bedroom?
"Well," Prett replied with a sardonic drawl, "I guess he's decided we're not gay."
No. Not because I'm moving. Something else.
Danny jerked his hands again.
"What?" Jane asked. "What is he saying?"
Danny pointed to Prett then Jane, indicating he should tell her. Prett's face tightened. He shook his head. Danny pulled out his phone, but Prett stopped him with a sigh.
"Jill told him Gavin's been spreading rumors again. She wouldn't have given it no mind, but now some of the church ladies are believing it."
"Oh." Jane blinked. "Rumors about you?"
Prett was silent. Danny again made to pull out his phone.
"Gavin's saying you're sleeping with the three of us," Prett said.
Jane's mouth dropped open.
Prett added, "Whether or not you're getting paid for it depends which would be more shocking to his audience of the moment."
Jane's face burned with outrage and embarrassment. She wanted to sink to the floor and disappear.
Danny pointed to himself then swiped his right hand across his upright left hand.
Prett shook his head. "It's not worth you going to jail for."
Danny disagreed, his hands flying with fury, but Prett was unyielding. Danny slammed his hand against the wall and stomped down the stairs.
Jane ran after him. "Danny!" She followed him outside. "Danny, wait!"
He headed straight to the pickup. Jane jumped into the passenger seat before Danny gunned the engine to back out. He peeled down the street, barreling out of Prairie Creek. Much to Jane's relief he headed in the opposite direction of Gavin's house and business. He drove onto gravel roads unknown to her, and after many turns when she was thoroughly lost, the road ended at the bank of the Platte River. Danny cut the engine and leaned his head back, staring out the window. They sat in utter silence.
He doesn't want to talk yet. So I'll wait.
She crossed her arms and studied the landscape before her. A mile wide and an inch deep, Prett had said of the river dividing the unending flatness of the prairie. An exaggeration, though not entirely undeserved. Water meandered through ice and snow in the waist-deep middle while frozen waves fringed the shallows and numerous sandbars. Amber grasses prickled up from the shoals and amidst the gray trees bordering the bank's shoreline.
Does Danny find this peaceful? I think it's ugly. Dead. Cold.
She watched him in her peripheral vision.
He's going to talk—text—anytime now, right? Sign something? Dazzle me with a smile? No? Fine. I'll talk.
"I appreciate you wanting to defend my honor, but it isn't worth you getting in trouble. Prett's right."
Danny scoffed. He sent her a text, then crossed his arms and scowled at the frozen river.
P's always right.
He doesn't always need to know it.
Jane pursed her lips to keep from smiling. Danny gave her a sidelong glance. He looked away, then at her again, this time with a smirk.
I like you, he signed.
Then he leaned over and kissed her.
Jane pressed backwards into the seat in surprise as his warm lips caressed hers, his beard tickling her chin. He tasted her a moment longer before returning to his original position. Jane flushed, not moving, as she processed the event.
"I think...I'm supposed to slap you for that."
Only if you didn't like it.
He winked when she read the text.
"You are an incorrigible flirt," she admonished, trying and failing to suppress another smile. "And Prett's right again—it is the pretty boys that get away with it." She adjusted her position. "And I have to say, it hurts my ego a little to know you don't mean a bit of it." She wiped her mouth. "You flirt with everyone except the person you claim you love the most. Cady."
Danny's grin faded.
I've given up hope there.
"Why? You say you've tried, but the truth is, all she ever sees is you acting the playboy to every woman in town. Except her. You never flirt with her."
Danny shook his head.
Three years of flirting with her. She almost murdered me.
Jane contemplated this. Cotton candy, Cadence had said of him. All sugar and air.
"That's because you're not real. With her or anyone. Ever." Jane looked at him. "Except...when you showed me your pictures. And told me about your friend, Kyle. And about your brothers. Have you ever done that with Cady? Had a real conversation?"
He shook his head.
She wants nothing to do with me.
He turned to stare out the window again.
And that's it. He's not going to talk to me, either.
They sat in silence a few more minutes until Jane rubbed her arms. In her haste, she hadn't thrown on a coat. "I'm cold."
Danny gave a nod and started the truck. Jane's hope rose when he drove to Genevieve's. But if he meant to take her advice about Cadence, he was out of luck, for the latter was away at class. Holly welcomed them instead. After spending a few minutes being fussed over by Genevieve, Danny disappeared out the back door.
When he didn't soon return, Genevieve answered Jane's inquiry with, "He's just out moping in the cabin again. Those boys spend far too much time alone. Lands! I wish I could be alone." She glanced at Holly. "Everyone has to get into my business."
"Oh, Nana," Holly said with distress. "I told you. If I'd known you wanted to keep your meeting with Alex a secret, I wouldn't have kept him so long. But we're old friends and I hadn't seen him in forever—"
"Yes, yes. It doesn't matter now." Genevieve waved her off before squeezing Jane's hand and whispering, "We've been found out. But I told Prettamin to mind his own business."
Jane smiled. "It's okay. I told him what happened, and he's fine with it."
Genevieve became agitated with this news, so Jane spent several minutes soothing her nerves. Holly was astonished to discover Jane's family connection. She welcomed her as a long-lost cousin.
Later, Holly pulled Jane aside. "At the church meeting the other day, some of the ladies were talking—"
"I heard about it," Jane interrupted. "That's why Danny's so upset. He wants to have it out with Gavin."
Holly let out a breath of relief. "Cady and I didn't know if we should tell you. I'm so sorry you've gotten in Gavin's crosshairs. He hates P.J. so much anyone close to him gets ripped to shreds."
"Why does he hate him?"
Holly shook her head. "Family stuff. Goes back years." She brightened. "But you have a friend in Jill Marquis. She totally stuck up for you. Cady and I didn't need to say anything by the time she said her piece. You'll be invited to the next meeting because of her."
"Do I want to go?"
Holly laughed. "Only if you plan on sticking around. If you're moving on, there's no point."
Danny returned to the house soon after Cadence did, but he didn't take the opportunity to speak to her, for Prett had sent him a text:
Bring Jane home. She has a visitor.
Mystified, they returned to the men's apartment. Prett and Val rose from their seats as soon as Jane entered the living room. Prett motioned with his palm up at a man sitting on the sofa. The latter rose with reluctance. Gavin Turney.
Danny tensed and stopped. Then he took a quick step forward as if to launch himself at Gavin. Jane grabbed his arm while Prett gave a slight head shake, swiping his thumb off his chin, his hand in a fist. Don't.
"Miss Jane," Prett said, "come sit here." He patted the recliner he'd vacated.
As Jane complied, Danny sat beside Gavin, glaring at him. Prett moved to stand in front of his brother until the latter turned his attention upwards. With a scowl, Danny thrust himself to the opposite end of the sofa. Prett settled between the two.
"Gavin has a few things to say to you, Miss Jane." Prett looked at the older man beside him. "Start with the rumors."
Gavin cleared his throat. "There may have been...some miscommunications that—"
"Call it what it is," Prett interrupted.
Gavin shot him an annoyed glance. "I've been lying about your business with these guys, all right? I know all you're doing is painting. Nothing more."
Jane sat in stunned silence. What is going on here?
"What lies were you telling?" Prett asked him.
Gavin flushed and his eyes darted anywhere but at Jane and the brothers.
Prett gave a nod. "We'll skip the details, then. What do you have to say about it?"
"An apology," he muttered.
A moment passed. Jane opened her mouth to speak, but Prett beat her to it.
"That wasn't one."
Gavin's face screwed up in anger and frustration. "I'm sorry," he spat.
"For what, specifically?"
Gavin's face turned redder. "For lying."
"Was that any way to treat Miss Jane?"
Another pause. Prett made a motion with his hand.
Gavin bore his dark eyes at Jane. "You didn't deserve to be treated like that."
"Didn't or don't?"
Gavin scowled at Prett, who merely raised his eyebrows. Gavin turned back to Jane. "Both."
"And what are you going to do about it?"
"Retract my statements. Set the record straight." His face relaxed. He slapped his hands on his knees and made to stand up.
Prett stopped him. "There's another, rather large matter to discuss yet."
Gavin sat back. His face drained of its color as he licked his lips. Prett watched him, his own expression mild.
"I, ah," Gavin's eyes darted at Jane before settling on the coffee table in front of him. "I diverted some funds from an account several years ago. Funds that...apparently belonged to you."
"Politician-speak, but we'll let it go. Tell her what you did with the 'funds you diverted.'"
"Initial investment in building the truck stop."
"How much was that, again?
"Two hundred fifty thousand," Gavin mumbled.
"And how is that ironic all these years later?"
"Because..." Gavin still couldn't look at Jane. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Because when she asked for a job I wouldn't give her one."
"Or?" Prett prompted.
"Or a meal."
Prett waited, and Gavin complied.
"Or five bucks for gas."
Prett nodded. "GiGi has never wanted an investigation into your 'mismanagement' of the trust, but Miss Jane here has no such family loyalties to consider. She may want to pursue prosecution."
Jane felt as stunned at the suggestion as Gavin looked.
"However," Prett added, "GiGi has offered her an inducement to avoid that." He looked at Jane.
Jane's mouth dropped open before she said in a hushed tone, "She added me to her will."
Gavin's eyes grew wide and his nostrils flared, but he said nothing.
"And how much will you get?" Prett prompted.
"Five hundred thousand," Jane murmured.
Gavin's eyes grew even larger.
"Still, Gavin, it seems unfair that GiGi once again covered up for your...mistakes. And at the expense of GiGi's other heirs, no less." He scratched his beard. "If only there was some way you could contribute to Miss Jane's recompense."
Gavin shot daggers at him, growling, "I'm not adding her to my will."
"Of course not. I believe we discussed something much more creative."
Gavin turned back to Jane. "You can eat free at Country Skillet."
"Just once?" Prett questioned.
"For life."
"And what else?"
"Free gas, too. For life."
Prett nodded. "Good deal. I'm glad we had this conversation. Gavin?"
Gavin ignored Prett's proffered hand. "Are we done?"
"Unless you want to sweeten the pot even more."
In response, Gavin stood, grabbed his coat, and stomped out of the apartment.
"He didn't even open his soda," Prett said. He picked up the can from the coffee table.
With incredulity, Danny signed one word. How?
"The fear of prison does wonders for an embezzler's conscience. As does the potential loss of Christmas checks." Prett snapped open the soda's lid and took a sip. "This worked out well. Didn't have to resort to Plan B."
"Plan B?" Jane asked.
"Beat the living crap out of him."
Danny threw up his arms in exasperation before signing something too fast for Jane to understand.
"No, I said it wasn't worth you going to jail for," Prett answered. "I didn't say anything about me." He twitched his head. "But it didn't have to come to that. You might've preferred venting that way, little brother, but I found this method far more satisfying."
Prett took another drink and looked at Jane with his half-smile.
Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Please help me improve my writing by pointing out problems. And if you like what you read, please click the Vote button below. And comment! I love comments!😊
Fun Fact: This was a fun chapter to write. A marriage proposal and kiss from Danny, and Gavin's comeuppance. 😄 Someone else gets their comeuppance in the next chapter, courtesy of Val. Let's just say he uses a combination of Danny and Prett's styles...
Okay, okay, no spoilers!
Instead, I'll post the layout of the hotel's second floor. Jane was painting the small bedroom across from the honeymoon suite:
Be sure to vote and comment! ⤵
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