Chapter 3
A little Author's Note before the chapter starts, this goes a little more into detail about what Amy saw. So it will be a little different from the last chapter. Thank you for your patience with me!
[Amy's P.O.V]
"Come on Joshua, let's go." Amy said holding her head and stomach due to the attacks she had received.
"Okay, but are you alright? That scary man hit you in the belly really hard."
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, after a little rest, my friends and I are going go get you back to your mom."
After a couple of minutes, Amy's communicator went off; "*Amy. Come in Amy! Are you alright? Dammit, Amy!*" It was Knuckles.
"Knuckles! I'm fine, just had a run-in. Bringing a guest with me though."
"*Oh geez. Don't scare me like that! We were calling you non-stop, I even had my "eyes" look for you! What happened?*"
"Well, there were 20 civilians in total, but only 19 were evacuated, I went back and rescued the last one, but I ran into the guy who... um..."
"*Who, what?*"
"He, um is the guy who took down, uh..." she started tearing up.
Amy started to have relapse the memories, which were given to her by Infinite.
Amy looked around; all she could see was red. Red buildings, red streets, red sky, and red moon. Rubble, smoke, and carnage everywhere. "H-Hello?" She started walking towards the Underground-where the Resistance is Headquartered. All around all she could hear was screaming, men, women, and even children.
While walking towards the Underground. she saw came across Chao wings, and a familiar bow. "Oh no." When she looked up, she saw the bodies of her friends and family. Blaze, Cream, Rob, Shadow, and everyone else. "W-what happened here?! Guys?! Guys?!"
Soon enough, she heard evil laughter. "Who's there?"
"Poor little Rose... no friends to help her out."
"The one and only." He took a bow.
Preparing her hammer she screamed; "What have you done?!"
"I didn't do anything. Aren't you the one who loves your famed hero? Maybe if you were here to protect him, none of this would've happened."
Behind her she heard groaning, as she turned around, she saw Sonic battered, bruised, and bleeding; trudging towards her.
"A....mes... Why.. didn't you help m-mee..?"
"Y-you were-..."
"I thought you...loved me...why did you give me up..?"
With tears in her eyes, she told him; "You were with Sally! I wanted you guys to be happy!"
The battered hero gained a sudden amount of strength and grabbed the traumatized rose, covering her mouth so that she couldn't explain anymore.
"*-my! AMY*!"
Amy broke out of her trance to find Joshua shaking her and Knuckles yelling for her attention through the communicator.
"*That's it dammit, I'm sending someone over to help you, what are your coordinates?*"
"Umm... Sector MJ-EA, sorry just a little tired."
"*Got it. It's alright. Just hide, we'll contact you when we get close. You'd better answer*."
"Yes sir." She saluted with a weak smile.
"Shadow, you've been hit by that weird thing that Infinite's got. What is it exactly, and what does it do when one gets hit?" Rouge asked him as they were on their way to G.U.N's former hideout.
"Is this genuine curiosity, or information for your red boyfriend?" Shadow replied.
"Both. And F.Y.I, he is NOT my boyfriend...yet. I just wanted to know, because I'm hoping that Amy is going to be alright."
Shadow looked to the side; "I do as well..." Rouge's ears perked up as she looked over to him in excitement; "What did you say?!"
"Nothing! I said nothing!'
"You can't fool these ears, it sounds to me that you are really worried about Amy."
"Shut up."
"Come on Shadow, it's just me, you can tell me anything, besides it's not like there's anyone to hear you out, it's a barren wasteland."
"Fine. I genuinely care about Rose's well being. That's why I didn't want to be the one to break her out of the trance the Phantom Ruby put her in."
"Phantom Ruby?"
"Yes, it's the Ruby that rests on Infinite's chest. It can makes some sort of alternate world powered by your greatest fears or makes you relive your worst memories. As far as I know, the only way to break out of it's hold is through physical pain."
"Wow. But wait. It seems to work on non-living things as well. We lost contact with Omega when he was facing off with that maniac."
"Yes. With the power of the Phantom Ruby, Infinite is practically unstoppable."
"Wait. Didn't you make mincemeat out him last time you faced off with him?"
"That was before he got to 100%, when I was facing off against him before, it was just me and him. But I can't really go all out, because there are more lives at stake here."
"Like who?"
"Well that kid for one, and..."
"Go on..." She urged.
"Rose..." He confessed as he turned his head away from her sight.
"You're such a softie." She teased.
"Shut up."
They finally made it to G.U.N's former hideout, they came across Omega's deactivated form.
"You think he'll be okay?" Rouge asked Shadow.
"If anything, it's his pride that is the most wounded." He answered.
Rouge went over to the E-Series robot and lightly grabbed his face, with a slight smile, she said; "Omega? I don't know if you can hear me buddy, but we are one step closer to reactivating you. In instances like this, I wish Tails was here, or at least Rotor, but there's no way we can get you to him, or him to you. So just know that we are going to show that lame coyote what for. I'm going to relay information to the Resistance, but wish us luck buddy."
No response...
"*Sigh*... I miss him."
Shadow placed his hand on her shoulder; "It's only a matter of time before we get him back."
"You think so?"
He nodded in response.
"Thanks Shadow. Well, I'm on my way to the Resistance hideout, you coming with?"
"No. I'm going to be wondering around to see if anyone else needs rescuing."
"Suit yourself." She shrugged, and with that she was on her way.
"Amy!!" She turned to see a familiar white hedgehog holding on to her X-Treme Gear.
"Silver! Hey!!" She waved him down.
As he landed, he quickly scanned her for any major injuries. "Knuckles informed me on everything that's been happening.
What were you thinking?! You could've been seriously hurt!" He scolded.
She sweatdropped as she explained the situation that had occurred. "So, yeah that's what happened."
"Hmm... Shadow and Rouge saved you and the kid. Thank goodness they were able to get to you on time. But seriously though, are you ok?"
"Yeah, just a minor headache."
"When's the last time you ate?"
"30 minutes before I headed out. Why?"
" That was four hours ago. We have painkillers, and you're not taking them on an empty stomach. Now here you go." He explained as he handed her her X-Treme Gear.
"Thanks, wait. Why didn't you contact me when you were on the way?"
He showed her his wrist communicator; "Mine died after Knuckles sent me to get you. Forgot to put it on the charger last night."
"Uh-huh. More like you didn't care about the battery because you were too busy talking to someone? Say a pyrokenetic purple feline?"
Suddenly Silver was more red than he was white. "WowlookatthatmoreEggpawnsareontheloose,we'dbettertakecoverifwedon'twanttocaptured! Comeonkidlet'sgetyoucheckedupandbacktoyourfamily." He sputtered as he picked Joshua up.
Amy and Joshua couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassed psychokenetic.
And with that they were on they're way to Resistance HQ.
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