Silver and Blaze
(Before I begin, I just want to say that I want to thank everyone who has been reading this story! I have over 800 views! And JUST in case you haven't noticed, I am a Shadamy fan, so that whole "Who are Silver's parent's?" thing, yeah, I'm pretty sure by now you should know who I think are his parents. Well, thank you and enjoy the chapter. Goodbye!)
Silver's POV
Today is me and Blaze's last day with the remainder of the gang. And as I'm thinking, I never stumbled upon, this "Z" guy in my research of the past. As I was just looking over this apocalyptic mess of a home, but then I thought about how lonely I was and I decided to travel to Blaze's world/time and found she was lonely too. So together we went and decided to join Sonic and the others and enjoyed our lives there until this "Z" guy. There are times when I can't help but think if the arrival of Z is because of me. I NEVER saw records of this guy in my books. This is all my fault...
Blaze's POV
Everything is packed, for us to go. But now all I have to do is to find Silver and say goodbye to the others. I can't help but worry about Amy, Shadow, and Silver. He came to my world and we both traveled here. But when this despicable Z character showed up, Silver was a not himself. We were talking and I feel as if he is not telling me everything. I maybe new at this friend stuff, but I know that if Silver is willing to become my friend, then I am willing to hear, understand, and help with all of his problems, like I do with him.
I walk in and I duck down as a box was chucked to my head. Another came and I burned it. And another came, and another, and another, until I had enough. "ENOUGH!!!" I shouted, burning everything loose he could throw at me. I was angry until I heard Silver's voice, "Blaze?" It sounded so weak that I wasn't sure it was even Silver. His fur was raised as if he saw a ghost, so I used my speed to rush over to his side.
Silver's POV
"Silver...Are you okay?! What's the matter? Was it Z?" Blaze kept asking me questions. I look at her with tears in my eyes. "B-Blaze, it's all my fault." I say. "What's your fault? What happened?" I don't answer her. Suddenly I feel my face being grabbed and I found myself looking into Blaze's beautiful golden orbs. "Silver please, tell me what is troubling you. I promise I will do what I can to help in whatever way I can." Suddenly I feel myself pulling Blaze towards me, and I could feel her breath on my muzzle. I pull her close to me.
Then I stop. "Blaze, I think I'm at fault when it comes to Z's arrival." I told her in a sad tone. "What! Silver why do you think that?" She asked me with worry evident in her voice. "I never saw anything in the research books about Z, then we showed up. Sorry, let me fix that, until I showed up." "Silver you're delusional, I don't think that the arrival of Z is your fault. All of the pressure and stress is taking over you, so please just calm down." She reassured me. Maybe she's right. "Thanks Blaze.", I don't know what I would do without her, she's nee at this friend stuff, but I think she's great at it. "Well I'm going to talk to the girls so I'll let you know when we leave, later Silver." She said leaving the room.
Sonic's POV
It's been two days after Sally made me feel better about Tails leaving. But, Silver and Blaze are leaving today. While I'm just walking around, I see Silver pacing back and forth. "What's eating you?" I ask him. "He looks up and starts blushing then starts pacing again, did I mention that when Silver is "pacing" I really mean that he is levitating back and forth. I leave him alone for a couple of minutes, and later when I come back, I see Shadow glaring at Silver, as he is higher in the air. After two and a half minutes, Shadow gets angry,"What the hell are you doing that for?" He asked impatiently. I decided to answer for him. "Isn't it obvious? He is pacing." "Well he needs to stop, it's annoying and bothersome..." Silver kept going
And going
And going
And going
"NOW!" Shadow yelled. As soon as he said that, Silver dropped to the floor. "What is the matter, Silver old buddy?" I ask him. "I think Blaze used her powers on me." He said. "What? Are you burned or something? If so, why are you here and not getting it checked out?" I ask examining his body (Keep your mind out of the gutter..) "Hey stop that!" He yelled. "Well you said that Blaze burned you so he's just checking." Shadow explained. "Well..." "Wait, you mean that she didn't use her powers on you?" I asked him. "No, I think her used her powers a different way." He explained. "How else can she use her powers?" Shadow asked. "Well, anytime she's near me, my cheeks and my ears heat up, my feel my stomach bubbling up, and my knees get weak." He explained. I look at Shadow and we both smirk at each other. Time for the love doctor to come and teach his glorious ways. I put my arms around his neck and say; "Silver my friend, those feelings you have are totally natural." He seemed confused in that cute younger brother way. "Those feeling that you're experiencing, are the symptoms of love." I said. "What?!" He was confused. But I decided to leave it at that. You know, let him find out on his own. "Silver, are you ready to go?" Blaze asked. I noticed that her eyes were red, probably because she was crying. Me and the others could hear them. "Uh... Yeah let me say goodbye to the girls first." He was headed for their room. I look over to Blaze and say "Take care of him will ya?" "Don't I always?" She said giving me that playful kitty face. Silver came back and got ready to warp him and Blaze out of here. "Gonna miss you guys." He said looking at us. "Seeya Silv-OOF!" I was cut off by a teary eyed Silver hugging me. "See you Iblis." He said. The same went with Blaze. Soon enough they were gone. I see that Shadow was already gone. Probably looking for Amy. Well it's only a matter of time before the girls leave, so I plan on spending as much time with Sally as I possibly can. Looks like Shads was already thinking of that.
No one's POV
Amy was sitting in her room and she was trying to calm herself about Silver and Blaze leaving by taking a nap. But before she could get comfortable, she heard a evil laugh from, well everywhere. She feels a cold breeze on her breath and sees Z right behind her! Before she could respond, he covered her mouth. " beautiful flower, you need not to worry, just letting you know that eventually you will be MINE." He said menacingly, laughing while disappearing into dust. She starts shaking, and eventually she awakens from Shadow looking over her. "Shad-" he places his finger over her mouth to prevent her from talking. "Sorry if I woke you my love." He said. Ever since the two kissed, Shadow's been giving Amy these cute nicknames. "You didn't wake me, is something bothering you?" "No. I just wanted to see you, Rose. Well I'd better get going-" "NO! Please, stay with me." She said. "Only for you my beautiful flower." He said as he kissed her cheek laying on the bed. It was only a matter of time before Amy fell asleep in Shadow's arms.
(Should I write about the others departure, or just start off with them training? Also if you remember in an earlier chapter I said that Manic and Sonia will be making appearances in the story! Sorry if I took last long to update my story.)
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