Amy P.O.V
After that whole fiasco two weeks ago, the gang eventually agreed on separating. Although we didn't like it, we knew it was for the greater good of Mobius. We also decided that we'll go in partners. "Okay guys we need to train hard in these next couple of years, so team up with whom you are most compatible with." Sally explained with hurt in her voice, all of us feeling the same way. So I look around and see that Charmy is packing to go back home to the Hive, Espio and Vector have agreed to train together, we already know that Silver and Blaze are going together, same as Bunnie and Antoine, Rotor and Nicole are going together,Rouge and Knuckles have agreed on going with each other as well. Then I thought of something, " What about Sonic and Shadow? They're the strongest of all of us so they definitely need to go together. I'm just worried that they'll take the training a little to far." "I say Shadow and Sonic should go train together." I said without even knowing I did. "Huh?!" Everyone said. "Well think about it, they're the strongest ones here, and have the best chance of defeating Z right now." I explained. "Amy, we see where you're coming from, but think about it; SONIC and SHADOW TOGETHER for SIX YEARS." Vector explained very thoroughly. "Now hold on, Amy's got a point there." Rotor said taking my side. "Yeah, but I'm worried they'll destroy each other while training." Rouge said in a worried tone. "Well I say, let's do it to it!" Sonic yelled quite excited. "Hmph." Shadow also agreed. "Well since that's taken cared of, we'll have to leave in two weeks. So get your belongings and pack up." Sally looked like she was going to break down crying. I guess Sonic did too, so he took her outside. As I headed to my room, I feel weak and in a flash, my consciousness faded away. As I'm falling, I feel someone catch me and the last thing I remember is feeling warm...
Shadow's P.O.V
Ever since I kissed Rose, I couldn't think straight, so I wanted to get some answers from Rose and if I'm lucky, another lip lock... I hoped that she would want to go and see if we could hang out together. But as I walk down the hallway leading to her room, I see that she was losing consciousness, and I catch her as she falls. "Rose!" I call out. "What the heck is going on here? She's starting to feel cold. And I'm starting to get worried." I thought. But as I start to take her to the infirmary, I see that she has strange markings starting to grow on her beautiful skin. (A/N For those of you who watch Naruto; it's like Sasuke's cursed mark. But without the Sharingan design on her neck.) "What the hell is this?!" I yelled out loud. Silver and Tails must have heard me because they were on their way to us. "Whoa!" "Amy! Shadow what happened?!" Tails asked worriedly. "I honestly have no idea." I said a little shaken. Then I thought of something, Z. What the hell did that bastard do to my Rose?! "Miles, take her to the infirmary, Silver, you're coming with me." I said with nothing but hate my voice. "Where are we going?" He asked worriedly. "I want to have a little chat with Z." I answered as we are leaving the building.
As Silver and Shadow were leaving, Tails and the others tried finding out what's wrong with Amy. "Hold on Amy." They all said with reassuring tones in their voices. After a couple of moments, Tails found out what was wrong, "Oh my gosh...guys!" Tails called for the rest of the gang. "What is it Tails?" Cream asked with tears in her eyes. "I found out what's going on with Amy!" He explained. "Well, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! TELL US!" Everyone said at once. "Amy's body is reacting to Z biting her neck." "Whoa, hold on there a sec bud, you mean to tell me that he bit Ames?" Sonic asked. "Exactly what I'm saying. But not just any old bite mark, he MARKED her.If you catch my drift." Tails explained. At that moment everyone caught on. "You mean-" Sally started, "Amy is Z's mate." Rotor finished.
"WHAT?!" Shadow yelled. "That's right Ultimate Life Form, Amelia Rose is my mate. I marked her." Z said with a smirk on his muzzle. "Why you SON OF A BI-" he was cut off, "Shadow, I know you're pissed, I am too, but that doesn't mean we come up here ready to get our assess handed to us." Silver reasoned. "Yeah but he-" "Do you think Amy wants you attacking blindly?" He questioned. "I *Sigh* no." Shadow growled. "Then, let's go." And with that they left, but not without Z saying something. "Just thought I should let you know, I will take and keep her during our battle." "The only thing you'll be keeping is your defeat." Shadow warned. And with that he walked away. Silver in tow. "Chaos-"
Back at H.Q (With Amy and Tails)
"So I'm Z's mate?" "Unfortunately yes." "W-Where's Shadow?" "He and Silver went after Z." "WHAT?! Why are they going after Z?" "After Shadow found those marks on your body, he went to go interrogate Z why." "Oh..." "Control!" In a blink of an eye, both hedgehogs were in the infirmary with the rose hedgehog and two-tailed kitsune. "So, how'd it go?" Tails remarked sarcastically. "Not what we expected." Silver said. "Well I say we should start packing." Everyone looked in the direction of the blue hedgehog. "Alright" "Okay" "Whatever." "Sure" And with that everyone started heading for their rooms to gather their belongings.
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