Enter Kayden and Sakura, and Tails and Cream
Amy's POV
It's been five years since I've been stuck inside this living hell and I hate every single second I waste being here. Those two torture me mentally and physically everyday, and I can't do anything about it. They barely feed me and experiment on me everyday, using me as a lab rat, and all of these are nothing compared to the fact that they took away my emotions, my will, and my freedom. But I gained only one good thing from them, and the only way how they gave me this precious gift, is by taking something you should only have if one is alright with it. That's right, most precious thing to me are my kids, Kayden and Sakura. The fact that those two are with me and me knowing that Sally is safe is what keeps me going everyday. When it happened, I asked Z why, why did he do it? He simply responded with a cold voice; "Because my Reign of Terror is only the beginning, and my battle with your friends; I know I will be in danger, so in order to keep this going, I will need spawns to take over one day. They will take revenge on their fallen father." Like hell I'm going to allow you to use them for your own selfish uses. Kayden is five and Sakura is one, and I'm using the remaining of my freedom, to keep them safe. Today is a very rare day, he is allowing us to get some fresh air. And, it will be the day I get these two to safety. I packed them lunches and made sure they know where to go, and who to go to. We are at the remains of what used to be Prison Island. The only upside of this situation, is the fact that Kayden has super human intelligence, like Tails, so he knows how to speak properly, can run at full speed (the same as an average teenager), and is stronger than normal children and great endurance. I gave him my photo of everyone and told him that if he sees ANYONE in this photo, tell them that AMY ROSE is at Prison Island. Tonight they are using the underground tunnels in order to reach Mobotropolis, to finally get away from here. I just hope they'll be alright, and that they find the gang.
*12 Hours later*
Kayden's POV
"Alright now, do you remember what to do?" My mama asked me again. "Yes mama." I answered. "Do you have the money I gave you?" "Yes mama." She kisses Sakura's nose and my forehead, "Take care of your sister." She says. "Yes mama." "And remember, if they don't believe you, show them this." It was a really pretty green gem, it was the same color as mama's eyes. Before I know it I see water leaking form my mama's eyes. I've rarely seen her do that, and whenever she does, I don't like it, so I do the only logical thing, I wipe the leaking from her eyes. Saki can't walk very well yet, so I must carry her. As we were leaving, I heard something that moved my little heart, something that only mama says to us, something that makes me feel good, like that I'm more than just a revenge plan, a weapon... "I love you." I love you too mama. And with that we were gone. These underground railroads are not the best place to take shelter, but it's something, Saki is sleeping on my back at I guess that it would be a while before we reach this Mobotropolis. I just hope we hurry because I'm worried about mama.
"Bride-" "Do not call me that." "How are you on this fine day?" Z asked her. "Same as how I was for the past five years, terrible." "Well, I just wanted to check on the male spawn.-" "My son's name is Kayden. Do not call him male spawn when you are around me." She corrected him. "Not that I don't find that tone attractive, my love, but who are you to order me around?" He asked getting in her face. " A loving mother, that's who I am." She spat. "Whatever, where is he?" No answer. "My beloved flower, do not make me ask again. WHERE. IS. HE.?" She flinched at his raised voice. "Why do you need to know?" She questioned. "You do not need to know that information." "Do you want to know where he is or not?" "You drive a hard bargain sweetie. I want him to bear my mark." "What?!" 'Does he mean the same one he gave me?' "I answered your question, now answer mine. Where is the boy?" Amy decided to give him his answer. "Halfway to Mobotropolis by now!" Amy answered triumphantly. "WHAT?!" "Yep. You heard me, in fact I may be wrong he's probably in the city right now!" It took a moment before Z responded. But when he did... it was not something Amy was happy about. "Fine then, he would've been too weak to survive it anyways. And because you are a larger specimen than he, and you have a mark, you will have to do..." He said as he yanked her up and took her to his little project. A machine that was as big as the Eggman Empire itself, was ready for fire and at the top, was the Red Chaos Emerald! "What are you going to do?" "Well since you are the original plan, we'll just use your mark, and this beautiful red gem, to take the remainder of you free will and make you do my bidding with no question." As he began to lock her up, the only things she could think of was 'Kayden...Sakura...Shadow'
Kayden's POV
It's been a couple of days before we finally reached Mobotropolis, and it's just as beautiful as mama said it would be! I've never experienced something so beautiful before. If only mama were here to see this with us. But, that is the least of my problems right now, due to the poor atmosphere in the underground railroad Saki got sick, so now I have to find shelter for her sake. As I walk around, I accidentally bump into furry...tails? A fox with two tails? "Whoa...are you okay there little guy?" "You gotta be careful,huh?" He noticed Saki on my back, and how heavily she was breathing. "Hey is she okay? Where are your parents? I'll take you to them." I didn't answer, I just looked down. But when he reached for her I backed away and growled at him. "Listen, I know you're probably scared, but let me help you okay." He said. He gave me a reassuring look that only mama gives me, so I allowed him to take Saki from my arms. He brought out a strange machine that said 'Cream' on it, then he spoke into it"Cream, you there?" "Yeah" A feminine voice answered. "Good, listen meet me at Central Station, I found two lost kids, the younger one is extremely sick. Hurry please." "Alright I'm on my way." The voice answered. Two minutes later, I look in the sky and see a rabbit flying with her ears?! " She was waving and was calling out the name Tails and the fox replied by waving his hands in the air. "Over here!" He called out. "Are these the children you were telling me about?" She asked. "Yep. Here..." He handed Saki to her and she gasped. "We've got to get her to a hospital, quickly!" "I'll fly her there." He said. She handed Saki back to him and he used his tails and flew at super sonic speed! How?! He-"Hey, there's no need to worry, you're sister is going to be just fine. Now that she is with Tails." "Please take me to her." I said. "Huh? Oh! Of course! Just hang on okay?" "Understood." And with that we were off just as fast as the twin tailed fox. If not than faster.
*Two hours later*
Cream's POV
The young boy, Tails and I waited in the hospital waiting room, when the trusted Dr. Quack came in and said "Sakura." When the boy stood up and walked up to the doctor, Tails and I followed him so we can hear of her condition. "She's going to be fine, just a small case of pneumonia." "Thanks Doc!" Tails said while heading to her little Sakura's room. "Tails, can I talk to you please?" Dr. Quack called out. "Sure." Tails replied. While they were talking, the boy and went to Room 419. Once we reached her room, I saw her laid out and sleeping peacefully. It looked as if this is the first good sleep in a long time. I look over the boy and thought 'He seems worried, better get his mind off the things.' "So, what's you're name?" I ask him. He looks over to me, but doesn't answer. "My name's Cream the Rabbit." He answers, "Kayden Rose." Rose....? Maybe he's related to her. "Do you by any chance know a Amy Rose?" he says "Mama." quietly. What?! Amy's a mother? How? But, what about Shadow? What is going on?! "THE Amy Rose, is your mother?!" I ask him. "A hammer wielding, green eyed, red wearing, pretty pink hedgehog, who was the leader of Team Rose, who later joined the Freedom Fighters, and later Team Heroes. Yes that, Amy Rose, is our mother." "Who's-" "I hate my father, therefore, if it's alright with you, I really don't want to talk about him." Wow... WAIT! "Where is your mother now?" "She's, she's..." He's dozing off. "Well don't worry Kayden, your Auntie Cream is here." "Auntie Cream..." he said before he rested his head on my lap and fell asleep. Soon enough, I find myself dozing off...
I woke up to find we're back in Spagonia in the late Professor Pickle's laboratory. The children are in Tails' room getting some well deserved rest. Tails was going over his latest inventions, but I was thinking about what the boy said to me. As soon as I said Amy, he said "Mama". What did he mean by that? Was he an orphan and Amy took him in? Did someone FORCE her into doing THAT? Did she move on from Shadow? HOW could she move on from Shadow?! What happened to her? I have to find out... This doesn't seem like the Amy I know and love.
Tails' POV
Those kids remind me of Amy. I wonder how she is... But ever since we found those kids, Cream has been out of it, I can understand her concern, Dr. Quack told me that those two kids are indeed related to Amy. I don't believe it, she is their mother. To say that I'm shocked is an understatement. I mean the resemblance is uncanny. But, it's their fathers who surprised me, I'm planning on contacting the gang, so the reunion will be early. In the meantime, I can calm Cream down because she's looking a little shaken up, worrying about Amy. I call out her name, no response, I call out her name again, no response, "She's really cute when she's daydreaming." I think to myself. Soon enough, I start waving my hand in her face to catch her attention. "Earth to Cream." "Huh...?" "Well, it looks like I finally have your attention, how about we get something eat?" "Yeah, while we're out, we can also get those kids out of those rags." She said. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you're sounding a little bit like our bat friend." "Oh hush you." And with that we woke the children and went out to eat.
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