A Christmas Market
The snow crunched under James's feet as he stepped out the back door of the cottage. The sun was barely up, and his skin was still warm from being in bed, snuggled up to Lily. He'd snuck out, sliding across the mattress and getting dressed in the semi-dark of the room.
The sun was still rising over the trees of the woods outback of the Potter house when he transformed into Prongs, springing over the field toward the trees, his hooves much quieter than his Wellies had been. The stag ducked into the trees, shaking off snow that had fallen from low branches and sprayed white across his back. He moved through the trees with purpose, eyes bright and darting about, searching...
"What are you doing?" Lily asked, coming into the kitchen, an hour later, to find James tugging on a rope through the open door, a thin layer of sweat over his brow.
"Getting a Christmas tree for us!" James explained, pulling the rope the last few feet, dragging a tree through the door, branches wet with snow. He bent and stood the tree up, pulling it up by the trunk, a grin of pride on his face. "I got it from the woods. Like a muggle!" He was practically glowing.
Lily stifled the urge to laugh and tell her husband about Christmas tree lots, but instead smiled widely and stepped forward to press a kiss to his face. He looked such a lot like he'd done when they were younger, back in third or fourth year, and she once again appreciated how much of his boastful ego actually hid a desire for acceptance. Lily looked the tree over as she hugged his side. "It's beautiful."
"Innit?" James grinned, then he shrugged out of the hug, gripping the tree firmly, and carried it out of the kitchen to the living room. He'd already rearranged the furniture a bit, moving one of the chairs from around the fireplace to make room for the Christmas tree, and there was an empty tree stand there. Lily watched as he put the tree into the stand, waving his wand to tighten the screws that would hold the evergreen in place. He took a step back and grinned some more at it, looking to Lily for her reaction as she stepped up beside him and hugged him again. "It's perfect." He looked to her. "I wanted to get you the perfect tree and look at that, it's perfect, innit?"
Lily laughed at the enthusiasm. "It is absolutely perfect, James." She kissed his cheek again as he beamed at the tree and she ran a hand over her stomach, wishing the baby could see the tree - and the love shining on his father's face.
Next year, she thought. Harry will see it next year.
The thought sent a thrill through her.
"What a lovely tree!" Dora's voice carried from the stairs, where she was carefully climbing down. She smiled at the evergreen standing in the hall as James danced across the living room, offering up his palm to help her down the last few steps. "Thank you, love," she said to her son as her foot alighted on the floor at last. James held her hand as Lily fluffed the pillows on the couch on the end closest to Dora's knitting basket and readied a blanket. She was due for a flint removal that weekend and a descaling, making her feel very sore and ill, her chest aching. Dora sank into the spot Lily had made for her, pulling the blanket round her as she stared up at the freshly installed tree.
"Like the ones Dad used to bring in," James said proudly.
Dora nodded, "Your father would like the tree very much."
"We need ornaments," James said. He paused, staring at the tree with appraisal.
"I wish we still had all those darling ones you made when you were small," Dora said wistfully.
Lily bit her lips, a wash of guilt sliding over her as she recalled what had happened to the Potter's house, where the ornaments had been when they'd been exploded - along with most of the things that James had grown up with, the things Charlus and Dora had built together.
"One day soon, our baby will be making new ones for the tree, Mum," James said. He glanced at Lily, and reached for her hand, squeezing her fingers, knowing she was thinking about that day at the house, when they'd been watching Doctor Who.
Something prickled in the back of James's mind - ever so fleetingly, like a forgotten memory, at the thought of that particular Doctor Who episode. As though he'd seen it again somewhere, or something ghostly like it, but he couldn't quite draw the memory and the thought slipped away as quiet as a whisper.
"For now," Lily said, "We ought to get some new ornaments. I think this calls for a bit of a walk through some shops." She looked up at James, "Don't you?"
James smiled, then hesitated and looked at Dora, "Mum, are you alright if we --"
"Absolutely!" Dora replied, settling in with her knitting. "Go and have fun!"
James bent to kiss her head. "Thanks Mum."
She patted his cheek and thought, not for the last time, what a wonderful boy she'd raised.
Padfoot trotted alongside James through the Christmas market outside of London, Remus keeping a wary eye on the shaggy black dog as he walked on the other side of Lily from where Sirius walked. Holiday music filled the snowy square, carts smelling of candied nuts and sausages filled every open space, and booths of handmade goods squashed in between them. Lily hugged James's arm as they walked, watching kids rush past the group of them with wide smiles and shouts and laughter.
Remus looked around the market, stealing glances at his watch, a habit which Sirius had quickly marked and begun counting repetitions of. Remus knew he had to save enough time to go and visit the werewolves, but he felt horrid going along empty handed, too. He had nothing to give them, though, nothing to offer, and the thought made him feel weak and inadequate.
He knew, too, that Sirius was waiting to see at what moment Remus would choose to go. He'd call it abandonment if it was at the wrong moment - so Remus was biding his time. Sirius had made plans with Marlene and Em that evening, after all. Perhaps he'd uphold those plans and Remus could simply slip off while Sirius was gone to get what he had to done and return before Sirius had...
James had stopped to purchase some sausages and cups of mulled cider at one of the booths. He held out one of the sausages to Snuffles, who excitedly took the food and settled down on the pavement beside the bench the others were paused at.
"Blimey, I'll tell you what, they upcharge the cost of the sausages something ridiculous," James said. "Could buy a package of sausages for what I paid for just the one." He looked down as Snuffles used his paw to scrape at James's knee. "Oh no you don't, Sirius," James said, shaking his head, "You ate too fast, that doesn't mean you get to eat my sausage."
The dog made a barking laugh.
"Filthy minded mutt," James said. But he also broke off a bit of sausage and chucked it into Snuffles's mouth.
Remus leaned forward and looked at James, then turned back to the Market, a grin crossing his face, then leaned back, scratching his chin in thought.
"I think we should each choose at least one ornament for the tree," Lily said, hands cupped about her cider. "So it has a little bit of us each."
James nodded, "Brilliant; a great idea." He looked down at Sirius, whose tail was wagging as he looked up at James and Lily. "Padfoot agrees."
When they'd finisher the food and drink and stood up, Remus was still sitting, lost in thought, even as James went to throw out the take away containers. Lily poked Remus's shoulder, "Ground control to Major Tom," she sang at him.
Blinking, Remus looked at her. "You're elsewhere," she murmured.
"Sorry," Remus answered.
"How are things with you and Sirius?" Lily asked, glancing at where James was laughing and talking to some people a few steps away, as Snuffles said hi to a little girl who'd asked to pet the doggy.
Remus answered, "I'm definitely still in trouble. Like probation. I don't think we're explicitly fighting anymore, but we've also not really made up, either."
"I'm sorry," Lily said.
Remus sighed, "The hard part is I have to go back to Blackburn - for a few hours at least. They're counting on me, and I feel like I'm already enough of a let down for being - well, for being poor and broken like I am. I can't just leave them, too. If all I have is presence, at least there's that..." he shrugged.
"Did you talk to Sirius about it?"
Remus shook his head.
"The communication is key, Remus."
"I know."
"And you have a lot more to offer than you believe. You're smart and good and kindhearted. Those things are worth so much in a leader."
"So does money and strength," Remus replied. "But I think I have an idea."
"Carl - that's my -- I guess sort of second in command? He mentioned there's a market the muggles put on in the streets round our - er - headquarters. Well, there are loads of people in our... group. Loads of talents and such. There's a woman, Verna, who cooks. Stewie and I are artists. Surely there are others. We could have our own market. Whatever we sell, proceeds would funnel back into the - the group. To help pay for food and supplies and to help support everyone's needs." He got more excited the longer he spoke of it. "It could be quite a good opportunity, really, a way to do it for ourselves. And the muggles already do a market, we'd only be adding onto it, so it oughtn't raise any red flags at the Ministry or what have you..."
Lily was smiling, she could feel his excitement growing in her chest like a blossom blooming. "I think that's a very good idea, Remus," she said supportively.
"What's a good idea?" James asked, appearing at her side.
"A market," Remus said, "In Blackburn. Booths to support my... group."
James grinned, "Hey, yeah that is smart!"
"I think it could really help! I can't wait to see what Carl says."
There was a pop behind them and Sirius emerged from behind the bench they'd been seated at, running a hand through his hair. His eyes were focused on Remus.
"So you're leaving."
Remus turned to look at Sirius. "Only for a couple hours. I promise. And look, I'm telling you this time. And you've got plans and you're out with Lily and James now - you'll barely notice I've gone."
Sirius stared at Remus. "What about picking out an ornament?" demandee Sirius. "What about the fact you're just going off in the middle of family time?"
"Just this once," Remus said.
Sirius stared into his eyes.
Is it? he seemed to be asking.
"One time," Remus answered it.
Sirius shrugged then and turned away. As close to permission as Remus was going to get.
Not that he needed permission.
He was Alpha after all.
He pushed the thought out of his head, guilt in his stomach.
Sirius stayed himself in form but less so in mood after Remus had left. Lily could feel the clouds gathering just under the surface of Sirius's somewhat sullen tone. She laced her fingers through his, channelling better emotions his way, trying to cheer him up. Sometimes it seemed to almost work, and then the moment would pass and he'd be back to being quiet and sluggish.
"Oi look," James was laughing and pointing at a hand-carved wooden Nativity set for sale which featured a holy family, shepherds, and wisemen that were all deer. "A Prongstivity."
Sirius laughed, "Don't go getting your head inflated. There's a dog one just there!" he pointed.
"Oh but look at these ornaments," Lily said, stepping around the boys to look at a wire tree filled with little trinkets on strings. She cupped her palm around a little wooden mouse. "It looks a bit like Peter."
"And look at this fine looking bastard," Sirius twisted a black dog and James laughed.
They bought the mouse and the dog from that seller and a few tables later found deer made from walnut shells that Lily insisted they add to the collection. A blown glass ornament shaped like a bird caught James's eye and Sirius selected one that was a sewn wolf with yellow eyes.
When they'd found a good deal of ornaments - and James had purchased several rolls of the softest yarn from one of the sellers to give to his Mum - the time was crawling into the late afternoon. Sirius was prolonging the end of their time together, insisting on a third lap about the market, and insisting they stop for another round of mulled cider he purchased for them all.
"I don't think Sirius wants to be alone tonight," Lily murmured to James.
"It doesn't seem it," he admitted. "He's supposed to be going out with Marlene and Em tonight." He stared after Sirius, who was on the line for the cider. James looked to Lily, "You go with Sirius and Marlene. Make it like a girls night or something... I'll go home and check on Mum and when Rey gets back we'll join you up."
Lily smiled, "Alright."
Sirius was excited for the proposition, Lily could feel it when they told him the idea and he flourished as they snuck away to disapparate back to the Potter house to get ready for the night out. "Oh Lilith, we have to do a duet."
"A duet?" Lily asked.
"Karaoke, Lilith! It's the rage."
"Oh gods," Lily said, wincing as Sirius was drawing eyeliner under her lashes.
"Stay still unless you wish to be the cutest little raccoon," he threatened.
James was helping Dora with her knitting, holding yarn as her needles worked. The telly aired a program about a crime solving member of the clergy and Dora was laughing - small puffs of smoke escaping her lips as she did. James watched the tendrils rise with a nervous edge.
"Have fun you lot," he said as Lily kissed him goodbye.
"Do that to me one more time, once is never enough with a man like youuuu..." Sirius sang, spinning 'round the sofa.
"We are not singing that," Lily said firmly as Sirius cackled and planted a kiss on James's opposite cheek from her.
"Later Prongsie," Sirius said, then kissed Dora, too. "Love you Mum."
James raised an eyebrow at Lily.
"Rescue me the moment Remus gets home," Lily commanded as James laughed.
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