"So do you think something's going to come of it?"
The day after my first date with Andrew, and I was sitting in my bedroom surrounded by people. It wasn't ideal, but it gave me an outlet to get feedback from.
Over the summer, my friendship with Rachel and Farah had opened up the opportunity to be friends with their entire group of gal pals: five other girls, all of which were pretty similar to both myself and Jess, but with a lot more experience in successful dating than either one of us.
Julia Harden was someone I had been friends with in middle school before we grew apart in high school, so it was nice to have her back in my life; a familiar face in the least.
Emily Rose was practically a spitting image of Jess, from the long blonde hair to the quick wit and sarcastic answers. The two of them were people I expected to never stop being friends at this point.
Cidney Powers was someone I could relate to more than anyone else; her father was a powerful business mogul and she had a few dating stories similar to mine, but far less dramatic.
Karli Cincere was probably my least favorite of the five new girls. She was a bit on the whiny side, and from my personal perspective, I didn't see why anyone should be whining about their problems when I dealt with the things I dealt with.
Amy Turner had joined the group last, and she was nice enough. She didn't really talk much unless she had to, but she was someone I could trust with my secrets.
Not that I had many. I felt like my life was an open book.
"I don't know." I finally answered Cidney's question. "I don't think that I should make a judgement this quickly."
"But he seems so right." Rachel sighed, holding her hands to her heart. "It's like he knows exactly what to say to make you happy in that moment."
"All the guys seemed 'right.'" Jess pointed out from her position on my bed. "And all of them turned out to be complete douchebags."
The girls all nodded together, thinking. I wasn't sure what exactly to think myself; Andrew had been incredible, but he had also been just a bit too incredible.
Yet at the same time, I didn't want to judge him based on everyone who had come before him.
The silence in the room became deafening as Jess shook her head.
"We can't over analyze everything that a guy does. Sometimes they're sweet, sometimes they're terrible. But it's all life experiences." She shrugged, "So in the long run, you're going to end up with a new story to tell."
I nodded.
"You're right. It's just another guy, and eventually, it'll either be happiness or a new tale." I laughed, "Plus it was only one date. Who knows, he might not even call back!"
"Oh, he'll call back." Jess responded, smirking slightly.
"Don't get my hopes up."
"I think she knows something." Karli grinned, looking between Jess and myself. "Look at that face!"
"Do you know something?" I asked Jess, who laughed.
"Of course I do. I know everything."
"She's also dating his cousin." Farah reminded us.
"Don't give it away." Jess rolled her eyes, "But yes. Kevin said that Andrew had a great time and that he was definitely planning on calling you back soon. He just wasn't sure when you were going to be available."
"I don't have a life." I replied, my heart starting to beat faster. "I'm always available."
"I didn't want to make you sound pathetic."
I tried to force my heart to stop pounding, because it was utterly ridiculous to get my hopes up about a guy I had just gone out with the night before. A guy where nothing had really happened besides a quick peck on the cheek from him when he dropped me off at home and a promise to call me.
But men hardly ever kept their promises.
"Samantha! Telephone!"
I had forgotten that we even owned a landline.
I left my room, figuring it was my grandparents calling to wish me luck on the upcoming school year. Senior year was important to say the least.
My mother handed me the phone without a word of who was calling and retreated back into her office, slamming the door shut behind her.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi! Samantha?"
"Yeah!" His voice was loud and energetic. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you." I laughed, "I thought I gave you my cell phone number last night?"
"You did." Andrew replied quickly, "But I thought that a gentleman would call the home of a woman he's interested in, to further become acquainted with her family."
"Well that's very thoughtful." I couldn't help but smile, "But in the future, feel free to call my cell."
"Will do." He paused for a moment before continuing. "So I was just wondering if you would be free tonight for a movie? I think that there's a new superhero movie that looks really great. We could even double with Kevin and Jess if that would make you more comfortable."
"I would love that." I replied without hesitation. "That would be fantastic."
"Great! So I'll be picking you up around six?"
I hung up the phone and put it back in its holder before taking a few deep breaths. My friends had left hours ago, so there was really no one for me to celebrate with. In lieu of a celebration, I ran up to my bedroom to begin searching for something to wear on a second date--since 6:00 would be here in just thirty minutes.
I decided quickly on a bright floral-print romper and white sandals, slinking a few gold bangles around my wrist. I had never been so grateful to myself for curling my hair in the early morning, since I had run a few errands earlier and wanted to look semi-decent. I applied my winged eyeliner flawlessly, used tweezers to stick on my fake lashes, and dusted my cheeks with my favorite MAC blush before flying down the stairs to scarf down a snack.
I didn't want to be eating like a starving pig at the movie.
Vera was downstairs when I ran down.
"Hey." She greeted me, massaging her temples. "I have a massive migraine. Could you run to the store and grab some meds?"
"I'm leaving for a date in like ten minutes Ver."
"Two nights in a row?" She looked me up and down, smirking. "Looks like you're not the most innocent Carter child after all."
"Oh hush." I rolled my eyes, "There's nothing slutty about going out two nights in a row."
Vera laughed.
"I'm just teasing. Have fun kiddo." She winced slightly as I began to head towards the foyer. "Do you know where Mom is?"
"Last I saw, she was in her office." I replied. Vera nodded and headed towards the east side of the house.
I had just enough time to straighten out my romper and check myself in the mirror before the doorbell rang.
I ran to open it and found Andrew standing on the doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers and looking down at his feet.
"Hey." I said, causing him to look up.
"You look stunning." He smiled at me, handing me the flowers. I thanked him before running the flowers to the table in the foyer, hoping someone would see them and put them in a vase while I was gone.
"Shall we be off?"
"Yes sir." I grinned.
I closed the door behind me and Andrew timidly took my hand in his as we walked down the driveway to where his car was parked on the curb. I could see Kevin and Jess enjoying themselves in the backseat.
"Thanks for agreeing to this." He said softly as we neared the car.
"I wouldn't miss it." I replied, smiling like an idiot. He squeezed my hand gently and I felt my heart melt.
Please don't let this one get screwed up, I pleaded with myself, Just give me this one.
A/N: Hey guys! Please read this author's note, if you don't read any of the others, that's okay! Just this one!
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