The Bonfire
You were playing Halo on the PS with Akali when Jinx walked into the house. Despite your distaste for the holidays, the girls had the entire house decorated and honestly, the holiday cheer was in the air. Even Totoro wore a cat sized version of Santa's outfit.
Jinx: Y/N, I need your help.
Y/N: Can't. Gotta beat Akali.
Akali: Is that before or after this game?
You looked at the younger girl as you paused the game.
Y/N: Uh, what?
Akali: Hit me, Mr. Y/N.
You looked at her with eyes of horror before you set down the controller and headed towards the kitchen while Akali burst out laughing. You walked in and saw that Jinx had a heap of groceries on the counter. You followed her to the garage and she began to fill your arms with more bags.
Y/N: Uh, what is all this for?
Jinx: Bonfire. We have a firepit outside and we haven't had a bonfire in ages.
Y/N: Ooooooookay then.
You brought the bags inside and went back out for a second trip. By the end of it, you were completely restocked on booze, marshmallows, chips, hotdogs, and sausages.
Jinx: Could you be a dear and chop some wood?
Y/N: Of course, honey cakes.
You both mocked laughed like fancy people before you headed outside. On your way, you found Akali laying on the couch.
Akali: Hit me!
Y/N: No!
You lifted the ax brought it down onto the wood, splitting it in one hit. You tossed the wood to the side and grabbed another log.
As you cut wood, the four popstars were watching from the back windows.
Eve: Hmmm~
Kai'sa: Is this bad? Cause, I can probably watch this all day.
Ahri: He definitely grew since we were kids.
Akali: Woah! He just destroys those things! How does he even do that?! He all like, "ahhh!" And the wood is like, "no, don't hurt me" and Mr. Y/N is like, "no mercy!"
You let out a yawn and stabbed the ax into the base you were using. You then headed back inside where you found the girls all sitting around pretending they weren't just watching you.
Totoro, meanwhile, was watching the guinea pigs decorate their doll house for the holidays. For having such small brains, those suckers were pretty smart.
Jinx: Is the wood cut?
Y/N: Yep.
Eve: It's cut alright.
Y/N: Hmm?
Eve just smirked out of your sight. You rolled your eyes and looked over to Kai'sa.
Y/N: You wanna help me prepare the food?
Kai'sa: Hmmmmmm....sure!
She got up and followed you to the kitchen.
Jinx: Let this bonfire, begin!
Akali dropped the match into the firepit and you all watched as the orange flames came to life. Everyone cheered before you all took your seats. You already had a beer open so you opted to sit back and relax. It was definitely cold outside so eveeyone was dressed warmly. Even Kai'sa had a blanket draped over her shoulders.
Akali pulled out one of the metal sticks and placed a marshmallow on the end before holding it over the fire. Music played in the background on a speaker and the girls all fell into conversation.
Ahri: So, first tour. You girls excited?
Akali: Yeah! Oh man, how many people do you think we'll be playing for?
Y/N: All the shows sold out.
Akali: Woah!
Kai'sa: I'm sure we'll be good. Hopefully.......I trust you guys.
Eve: That's all that matters in the end.
You nodded in agreement before you took a sip of your beer. As you stared into the fire, Kai'sa watched you. She looked at your eyes and she could almost see that you were spacing out again.
The guinea pigs held little stick of their own. Mini Ahri's marshmallow fell into the fire.
Mini Ahri: <Sad squeak>
Jinx: Why did we let them out here?
There was also a low buzzing noise somewhere in the darkness somewhere in the back ground.
Ahri: Is that the roomba you threw out?
Jinx: That this is still going?
Akali: Roomba-san? Man. The battery life on those things are amazing.
Kai'sa: Y/N?
You looked over at her.
Kai'sa: You good?
The girls looked at you. You shrugged.
Y/N: Yeah? Why?
Kai'sa: You just....nevermind. How was your sister?
Y/N: Good. They got me this jacket.
Eve: I noticed it was new. It's nice.
Jinx: Aww. Your first present from your sister in....God knows how long.
You rolled your eyes.
Akali: When we start dating, I'm totally stealing that jacket.
Jinx/Y/N: Here we go.
Eve: If. Remember your competition.
Ahri: Is that you call yourselves? Huh. Funny.
Kai'sa: Now, girls. Be nice.
Y/N: Or just don't talk about it. Just a suggestion.
You took a sip of your beer and looked back at the fire. Akali brought our her marshmallow, now nearly black, and got to work with making her treat. Eve took one of the drinks from the ice box and popped it open.
Kai'sa: So, you guys used to have bonfires all the time growing up?
Ahri: Here and there.
Jinx: Not much to do in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Mostly driving around but that takes gas and gas costs money.
Y/N: Fuck around but you all grew up with each other so sometimes that was uncomfortable.
Ahri: Fights were pretty common but I never got to see the end of one since the cops always showed up.
Jinx: We had the river.
Y/N: Yeah but the little kids were always there and they didn't need to see the things we did.
Ahri: That is true.
Jinx: I don't care. I could watch kids falling off their bikes all day. I don't give a fuck about your kids.
Y/N: True. Not my farm not my pig.
Ahri: That's a Texas size 10-4.
Jinx: Yee haw.
Y/N/Ahri: Yee haw.
The other three looked at you.
Kai'sa: Wow. They really are from the country.
Eve: For a split second there, you could almost hear his accent slip through.
Akali: I heard it.
You stuck a weiner on a stick and held it over the fire.
Ahri: Oh! Um, can we try something? This is something I learned while I was on tour with Camille.
Jinx/Y/N: Camille Steel~
Eve: Shoot.
Ahri: Okay. So, we go around and we admit something that either worries us, haunts us, or just a secret that no one else knows.
Kai'sa: Uh, why?
Ahri: It's an exercise! Like, we're going to be going on tour soon. So, I figured now would be a good time for us to get this stuff out in the open and grow closer together.
Jinx and you looked at each other.
Jinx: This is a bad idea. But, whatever.
Ahri: You guys in?
Kai'sa: I guess.
Akali: Sure.
Eve: If we have to.
You just whistled as you placed your hotdogs in a bun.
Ahri: Alright. Who wants to go first?
No one answered.
Eve: I say you go first. This was your idea after all.
Ahri: Yeah. That fair. Okay. I'll go first.
She shifted in her seat as you took a bite out of your hotdog. This should be good.
Ahri: Okay. So, as you girls know, I made this group after I decided that I wanted to pursue my own career and move away from being "Pop Star Ahri". But, there was more to it that I never told you about.
Eve: There was?
Ahri nodded.
Ahri: Roy...
Jinx/Y/N: Boy Toy Roy.
Ahri: Was suggesting I do more...risky things. I had started to notice that my wardrobe was getting more and more revealing and in the last few months, I was talking to some more people that seemed very....sleazy.
You did not like where this was going. Not a single bit.
Ahri: Roy wanted to use the cute teen popstar act as a way to, I dunno, put up this more daring front. Some of the songs he had sent me were more adulterous in nature. I wasn't comfortable with doing that stuff.
Y/N: He didn't...try anything, did he?
Ahri shook her head.
Ahri: No. Thankfully. But, at the same time, I didn't feel comfortable being alone with him. I had enough and I decided to leave, even if it costed me all that money.
Oh. That was heavy. A bit too heavy. You didn't think it was going down this road.
Ahri: That's also why I decided to surround myself with you guys. Eve I knew I could trust. Akali and Kai'sa were two gifted women who had the same passion as me. And I knew Y/N would be a honest manager. Jinx came along for the ride but, even she helped out.
Jinx: Any crime, anytime.
Ahri: So, there's my confession. Anyone wanna go next?
Silence. Slowly, Akali raised her hand.
Akali: Uh, hi. I'm Akali.
Y/N/Jinx: Hi, Akali.
Akali: And, well, I have a confession. I, uh, I know that I'm the youngest one here. And that the things I do sometimes make me seem like a child. But, in truth, I kinda had to grow up faster than most. My mom...she kinda abandoned me and my dad when I was still young. My dad was always a strict dude but he fell pretty hard after she left. I had to step up and take care of things around the house while my dad was running the dojo. To him, it was never enough.
She shifted in her seat.
Akali: I started sneaking out at night more and more just to get away from these increasing responsibilities and that started to drive me away from my father too. I love him. Of course I love him. He's my dad. But, I can't help but feel like I'll never be enough. Even now.
You looked at the younger girl for a moment.
Kai'sa: I think you're pretty great. I mean, never met a rapper like you before.
Eve: I can say the same. Akali, you're pretty great.
Akali smiled slightly. Kai'sa sighed.
Kai'sa: I kinda already told Y/N this but, growing up, I never belonged anywhere. I would get used to things and make friends only to get sweeped up by my dad to move somewhere else. I found my solitude in dance but, there was more to the story.
Y/N: There is?
Kai'sa nodded.
Kai'sa: When I was a kid, like, up til I was 6, I was sick. Really sick. I wasn't allowed outside all that much so I never got to play with other kids all that much. The reason my dad took me along everywhere, was too make up for those years where I was alone. He didn't realize that it was actually driving me deeper into solitude. I was alone.
Eve: Is that why you were so eager to join us.
Kai'sa: I always wanted a kind of family. Me and Y/N made a pack to find a family in this group.
Y/N: That we did. And I plan to keep it.
Kai'sa smiled and held up her beer towards you.
Kai'sa: Me too.
You both smiled at each other. Looks like it's Eve's turn. You all looked to her as she looked at the fire.
Eve: I don't know what you want me to say.
Jinx: The truth. Any particular reason you're a diva or maybe there's some tragic backstory?
You shot her a look and turned back to Eve.
Y/N: Just, whatever you're comfortable saying.
Eve gave it some thought before she sighed.
Eve: Alright. This may sound stupid or silly but, I want to be a mother. A kind, caring, supportive mother.
You all looked at each other before you looked at Eve.
Y/N: Uh, cool? I mean, that sounds nice.
Ahri: Yeah! I'd like to eventually have a family sometime in the future.
Eve: Yeah, well, I can't.
Just like that, silence overtook the group.
Kai'sa: What?
Eve: I can't have kids. Not possible. And so that stupid childhood dream was crushed like a snow globe.
Jinx looked at you expecting you to say something. Anything. Instead, you were focused on Eve.
Y/N: Does this have to do with how you were raised?
Eve nodded.
Eve: I was abandon by my birth parents because they looked in my eyes and they didn't see theirs. Growing up, I wanted a child of my own just so I could, I dunno, shower them with love?
Y/N: It's not some stupid dream. Honestly, that's pretty great. And I'm sorry to hear that. I think you would make an amazing mother. You still can be. Adoption is always a thing.
Eve looked at you with a raised brow.
Eve: You...You don't see a problem raising a child that isn't yours?
You smiled softly at her.
Y/N: All kids deserve love. I wouldn't mind raising a kid who needs love.
Eve smiled a bit as she brought the beer to her lips.
Eve: Noted.
Jinx: Welp, that was nice. I bet you all feel much closer to each other.
Akali: Wait, you and Mr. Y/N need to go too!
Y/N: What?
Kai'sa: We did just reveal some things to you all. It's only fair.
Jinx sighed and shrugged.
Jinx: Well, as you all know, I'm gay....
Kai'sa: What?!
Akali: Wait...
Ahri: You are?!
Eve: Since when?!
Jinx looked a hit hurt.
Jinx: Uh, since always. You really think me and Y/N lived together and not hooked up once if I was straight?
The girls all gave it a thought and all seemed to agree.
Jinx: Anyway, my family doesn't know. They're kinda super religious so, I know they would totally disown me if I told them. So, I try to avoid going home. A lot. I'm not comfortable there anymore. Hell, I can't say I ever was, honestly.
The girls all looked at her while you stared into the flames.
Jinx: So, yeah. That's about it for me. Good old Jinx is an open book. Or so I thought. I mean, really? I hit on girls all the time.
Eve: I've never noticed.
Jinx groaned as you chuckled slightly.
Ahri: Y/N? Anything you'd like to share?
You looked up and sighed.
Y/N: I've been estranged from my father for the last five years and have had no contact with anyone from back home. I mean, honestly, I don't think I'd know what to do if I wasn't in the army.
Rell: Really?
You nodded. You felt her arm snake up your neck as her hand rested on your cheek. As you laid there, naked in bed, you could feel yourself relax. Rell muzzled more closer as she listened.
Rell: I think you're pretty great. Not just in combat or bed either.
You laughed a bit as she looked up at you. You were both forced to take your leave for the holidays again but just like every year, you just hung around the closest city until you got the call to head back. At the moment, you were both in room 29 of the hotel Rell had found.
Y/N: Yeah, well, you're kinda obligated to lie at this point.
She smacked your chest as she sat up.
Rell: Hun, you're really amazing. I mean, you were everyone's best friend within a week of getting recruited. And you're so kind and you're handsome and...
Y/N: I get it.
You both laughed as she laid her head back down your chest.
Rell: I really do mean it, Y/N. You're an amazing person. I know you don't think that, but I do.
You smiled as you kissed her head.
Y/N: Hey, I have a stupid question.
Rell: Stupid questions get stupid answers.
Y/N: Wanna get married?
Rell didn't answer right away.
Rell: Is this you proposing?
Y/N: I guess.
Rell:....I know where we can get rings.
Y/N: Right now?
Rell: Right now.
Y/N: I'm sure I can find a place to get married on the way.
Rell: We can invite the others.
Y/N: They'd be here within the hour.
Rell and you laid there for a moment.
Rell: Are we really doing this?
Y/N: If you want to.
Rell: Do you?
You nodded.
Y/N: Yeah. I kinda do.
Rell hummed.
Rell: Okay then. We'll do it next time we go on leave. That way we can give eveeyone a heads up.
Y/N: Sounds like a plan.
Jinx: Y/N?
You looked up from the fire and looked at Jinx. Everyone watched you in anticipation.
Jinx: Are you with us?
You looked down at your bottle and took a drink.
Y/N: Always.
Akali: Super dark secret time?
You looked at the younger girl and sighed. It was only fair.
Y/N: I gave up on one family, lost another. I'm planning on keeping this one close.
You stood up and tossed the empty bottle into the trash bag.
Y/N: Goodnight.
You headed back to the house and entered. The girls looked at the space you were once at. As you entered your room, they wondered why you refused to talk about your team.
As you opened your drawer, they guessed who you lost. As you pulled out the ring that never made it onto the finger, they worried about you.
They had a good reason for it.
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