3. Seijho's new manager
We're finally meeting the 2nd gen team! & sorry in advance but im gonna adopt some guys from the other teams except for Kurasuno. We rooting for Seijo🌚
~A couple months after~
The black haired girl stopped in her tracks. She turned to see her dear friend Ally and Matsukawa waving at her. Tomoe couldn't help but let out a smile.
"Tomoe your glowing! What did you do during the summer to look like that!!" Ally asked throwing herself on to her friend. "She looks the same to me." Mattsun mumbled.
Tomoe laughed embarrassed at the comments.
"I didn't really do much, I just sat through the whole summer watching Oikawa's volleyball matches." she recalled her summer.
After his practices, he would teach her the in and outs of the game. Some tips and tricks to get her to understand the game on a different level. Heck, he even made her play with him a couple of times, to get a feel for the ball. She started to feel as if he was more like a coach than her boyfriend.
"That's so cute Tomoe! I love you guys together!!" Ally fangirled.
"Calm down Ally- not in the middle of the hallway" Tomoe tried shutting her up.
"How is king Oikawa doing?" Mattsun asked, curiosly "Uh? Well to be honest, I think he's been getting better" Tomoe grinned, Mattsun's eyes widened. Was that even possible? He nodded in response looking down.
"What did you guys end up doing for the summer?" Tomoe asked as they all walked to class together.
"Matsu and I went on a well deserved vacation! We went to the beach, a festival, a cool concert! But Matsu ruined it by having his volleyball with him the whole trip!"
Mattsun sighed "I have to practice if I want us to win this year" he stated nonchalantly. "Yeah, but not during our honeymoon!" Ally whinned clinging on to him.
Tomoe laughed at the couple and shock her head heading into class. This was going to be an interesting year.
"Good afternoon coach."
Tomoe greeted poking her head into the volleyball court.
"Tomoe! Welcome, how's Oikawa doing!" The volleyball coach exclaimed as if seeing the black haired girl as a piece of the anterior star setter.
"Great sir, he's really striving at his college" she informed. "That's great to hear!" he said proudly giving her a thumbs up.
"Are you listening to that? Coach is actually being nice to someone" one of the players said pointing at their usually strict coach.
"Well duh look, he's talking to a girl. What a perv~" the other one rolled his eyes but took a double take on her.
"Wow...hold on a minute who's that chick!?-She's so hot!" He blurted out dropping the ball, his mouth wide open.
"Lev. Get it together!" A shorter boy with bangs, Goshiki shouted, serving the ball straight into the younger boys head.
"What are you too fighting about now?" A taller boy with messy black hair and gunmetal eyes entered their conversation.
"Nothing Akaashi, it's just that Lev won't stop drooling over that girl over there! She's a distraction!" Goshiki shouted. Pointing at her, Tomoe noticed and flashed one of her charming smiles their way causing them to blush, and bite their tounge's.
"Everyone gather around now! I want you to meet someone" Coach called out for the players. As the boy's huddled around they couldn't help but keep their eyes on Tomoe.
Her long jet black hair looked so luscious and shiny, her face was so pretty and yet had a hint of mysterious sexiness about it and her button up long sleeve shirt fit so perfectly tight on her and was tucked in a little skirt that would cause nose bloods if she wear to bend down just a bit- and the boys were hypnotized.
"Hello. Im Tomoe Tachibana, a 3rd year here. You might of seen me around school or scoring some killer goals for our soccer team,"
"Aren't you the captain for the girls soccer team!" One of the boys shouted out "Hey! She's not done talking!-"
"No it's fine. Yes I am, actually I've been captain since I was a 1st year" she informed the boys, all of them looking at her in awe.
"Wow~ your so cool & and pretty" Lev called out, receiving punches and pushes from the other boys on the team "Shut up Lev! You perv!"
"Settle down boys," the coach said sternly. "Isn't She Oikawa's girlfriend?" A boy blurted making all of them go quiet and stare at Tomoe.
Well this is a bit uncomfortable.
It's not that she was embarrassed of him or anything, but she liked keeping her private life, well, private.
"I- um-"
"Well yes she is actually!" The coach outed her out startling her "And let me tell you, she's been working extremely hard with him to understand the concept of this game!"
The boys looked at their coach with questionable faces. "Why are you trying to say, Coach." Akaashi asked moving further into the circle.
Oh noo! It looks like he feels threatened and is asserting his dominance like that lion documentary said!
Tomoe shrieked inside her said trying to keep her composure.
"I'm trying to say that you guys are going to have a new manager!" He informed, the boys looked at him still confused.
"But, we've never had a girl on the team before-"
"Well that's about to change! Tomoe here is prepared to take on this responsibility and help make you guys a star team again. Not to mention the results we had last year, we need all the help we can get."
"Yes sir!" The players shouted in unison. "Alright then let's start practicing!"
"Isnt this great! Now we have a real manager on the team! And she's smoking hot!" Lev geeked over the manager to Goshiki as they were passing the ball to each other.
"I guess. I mean she most know what she's talking about if she's Oikawa's girlfriend." he uttered.
"So, who do we have on the team coach?" Tomoe asked sitting on the bench.
"We have some extradonary 3rd years, Matsukawa is an overall solid player."
Matsukawa 3rd year (overall solid/ace)
"and you recall Akaashi" he pointed at the boy with gunmetal eyes and black hair "He is a our best setter, after Oikawa of course. It's just it seems we need someone that can catch up with him." he said staring off in thought.
Akaashi 3rd year (Setter)
Semi 3rd year (blocker/setter)
"Then we just have to find another player that'll be able to do just that," Tomoe assured.
"Right. Then we have our 2nd years, they're a rowdy bunch but they all have their own unique characteristics. Watari our libero, he doesn't let that ball touch the floor"
Watari 2nd year (Libero)
"We have Kunimi he is a staple piece to our team."
Kunimi 2nd year (Wing Spiker)
"Oh yes, I remember him a lot from last years tournament" Tomoe said. "Yes, yes he is quite something. Even though he shows hardly any emotion you can tell he loves what he does. But as you can see he isn't at practice right now so we need to straighten out his priorities a bit more this year" Tomoe nodded her head in response.
"Moving on to our 1st years their quite different but I think they'll really benefit us a lot in the end. We have Goshiki that was dying for the 3rd years to graduate already so he could get more time on the court once he joined the team"
Goshiki 1st year (outside hitter)
"Then we have Lev, he's actually pretty new to this whole volleyball thing & as you may know we don't take any beginners but his height made me reconsider having him on the team"
Tomoe looked over at the silver haired boy not realizing how tall he actually was, her eyes widened "Are you sure he's only a 1st year!?" She exclaimed making the coach chuckle "now you realize why I couldn't say no" she gulped.
Lev 1rd Year (Middle Blocker)
"Lastly we have Aoi, now this kid may be the shortest player in Aoba Josei history but man does he have potential." the coach informed her, Tomoe didn't quite get it since he just seemed like a normal player to her but nodded glancing over at the shorty.
Aoi Himekawa 1st year (Pinch Server/Wing Spiker)
"Uh-but coach aren't you missing somebody?" Tomoe noticed.
"Mmh? What do you mean" Coach questioned the girl.
"Kyotani?" She asked "Oh you mean mad dog? After the lost we had against Karasuno he hasn't shown up to practice since." He sighedd walking over to the players giving them pointers.
Kyotani 2nd year (Wing Spiker)
What? Did he quit? He couldn't of, he had so much potential. Oikawa told me to keep a close eye on him!
As she was sulking, she heard a knock on the court door.
"Kunimi! I see your back!" She exclaimed opening the door reveling the brown haired boy that always wore such an annoying scowl on his face.
"Uh, yeah." he said nonchalantly walking past her but then stopping "and what are you doing here Tomoe?"
AH, a attack!
"Well, Panini today is your lucky day because I'm popping your manager cherry!" She informed him with a wink.
"Popping my what?-"
"Kunimi! Where have you been! Get your ass over here!" Coach yelled. "Oh, coming Coach." he said calmly jogging over to them.
"So what's Tomoe doing here?" Kunimi asked Akaashi as they stretched. "Apparently she's going to be our new manager" he replied.
"So she was telling the true." he uttered glancing at her.
Practice was over, they were beginning to clean up but Kunimi went up to Tomoe. He had a question on his mind all day.
"Why are you doing this anyways? Do you even care about this team." Kunimi asked "or are you doing this because of Oikawa." he said walking past her. Making her throat go dry.
"Kunimi, what did you say." Mattsun called him out.
"I do. I do care!" She shouted causing the whole team to stop what they were doing
"So stop trying to irk me just for being with someone that was one of your strongest players! You don't need him to continue being the best, don't you see!"
Tomoe didn't notice that she was shouting her hands were in the shape of a fist and she was shaking. She was tired of hearing how Oikawa was the one that made her become part of this when truly even if she won't admit it, this decision was on her own.
"Im here because they beat our 3rd years last year and," she looked around the room that was filled with gloomy faces at the memory. It pissed her off "I'm not gonna let it slide! So neither should you!" She shouted closing her eyes, hoping that the players would be on the same page as her.
She slightly opened her eyes, seeing the boys holding in their laughs "Hey! Wh-what are you guys laughing at!" She pouted crossing her arms.
"It's just," one them started "We feel the exact same way" Akaashi said.
"Thats great" she let out a releaved smile and turned pointing at the team"So if you let me," she said glancing at Kunimi "starting today! I'll be Joseis new manager!"
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