At My Place Chilling
Chapter Nine: At My Place Chilling
It was around seven when my first guest arrived. Halina was watching out the window from the kitchen, when she yelled that Sasha was walking up. I went into the room, grabbing a can of beer for my nerves.
Halina seemed anxious. "Is this something you do often? Gather your friends for your own personal counsel? Your own agenda?"
"Not usually something I do. A more rare occurrence." Still, the worry was on her face, making me more curious. "Is something wrong?"
"Do you really want a human to be watching?" Halina fiddled with her hands, messing with the gold rings on her first and third fingers. Never I had really thought about a human's feelings before. I usually am not directly involved with human lives, and have never considered their own opinions on Hidden policies. An interesting notion I must consider.
"This concerns your book, so you are free to do as you please," I said, as I opened the door for the witch. "Whatever you believe is worth witnessing is up to you. Value is a concept, but even a concept has worth."
Sasha la Rose entered with a strong purpose. Oh, I could smell those emotions alright. Powerful, concise, willing. Impressive all around.
"Welcome. May I offer you a drink?"
Sasha said nothing, but I handed her a glass of water anyways. She still said nothing as everyone else arrived, all within twenty minutes. Soon we were all in my study, Sasha, Paul, and Fina on the couch, Buddy leaning on my books, and Halina next to me.
Buddy spoke first. "Have answers finally been given the approval to leave?"
"More or less," I responded, fondling my second journal with care. "Anyone else like to speak before I begin?"
"This better be worth it," said Sasha.
"For once, I agree with the witch." Fina sat back, baring her fangs. "I'm missing my shows."
"Believe me, this will be worth it." I still looked at my journal, knowing what laid inside was more important than they realized. "Halina, like humans, we Hidden have our own myths. Ancient and forbearing. Well, we have laws just as old. And one such law is that none are to become immortal."
Halina simply acknowledged this, as quiet as everyone else. Can't say I'm surprised. A story is only as good as what you can hear from it. "A myth, more fable now really, from long ago is one of a witch. The Hurtful Witch the story is called. And in the story, a witch breaks all the rules by trying to become immortal. And so what happens? Before she can succeed, an army is formed to stop her. A great and bloody battle ensues, because this witch had followers who were promised immortality. Everyone in her army was powerful, and searching for more power. The outcome results in the death of the Hurtful Witch, and the destruction of her forces."
"What?" Sasha must have found some edge, a look of death in her eyes. "A man is dead, and you call us here just to tell a bedtime story told to scare children."
"Yes, I must say I'm disappointed," Buddy said, giving me a sour look. "We aren't idiots you know. Our time is precious. If you must waste it, can't it be on a later date?"
"Whatever," said Paul.
"I'm not finished," I said. "The witch is known by another name if you dig far enough in the old stories. The Sleeping Witch. And she's called this because she's real, succeeded in becoming immortal, and her cult has survived to this day. She didn't die during the war, but instead was forced to slumber. The Cult of the Sleeping Witch's prime duty is to awaken the Witch once again, to let her destroy and rule the Layers."
Opening my journal, I went to the page with the witch's symbol. "This is their insignia." I held it up for everyone to see. "The Cult's only goal is to revive their ancient mistress."
"Wait." Sasha got up and took my book, getting a hard look at the drawing. "This was on Trent's necklace. And so was Dean. And I'm pretty sure Setti has a necklace with this too."
"They are cult members Sasha, seduced and corrupted by the power of the Witch." To think that her influence has gone this far, traveled all the way up to Ohio is unbelievable. And from what the demon said, it must be much worse in the Light Layer.
"Wait, hold on," Fina interjected. "If this cult is real and this witch is real, then why haven't they awaken her yet? And where is this 'Sleeping Witch'?"
"I don't know where the Sleeping Witch lies. I wasn't able to uncover that." Though from what I know, I had a good guess as to where she could be. "Or how to awaken her. Specifically. I know she wants blood, lot's of it. I'm guessing that the best blood is from the caller organ."
"Okay, now I'm confused," Buddy said. "This Witch, if she's sleeping, or whatever, then who's giving commands? Who's in charge?"
"As to who's in charge specifically, I don't know. The organization has been secret for a very long time. But, for the past few years," just thinking about it sent goosebumps down my spine, "the Witches consciousness has been stirring. More now than ever. She is probably making the highest decisions within the cult."
I snatched my journal back, before Sasha could really start to read. There are some things best left unknown for now. Better in the dark than in the light.
Paul finally gave his opinion. "Trust you?"
"Yeah," Fina agreed. "Why should we trust you? Or believe you? A Sleeping Witch, an old fable whose goal was to scare you from trying to become immortal. And what would be the point of gaining all this power from the councils? Nothing makes sense."
Well, these were rather......interesting questions. What way to answer.....
"First off, I'm offended that you'd insinuate that I don't trust you. Or would lie to you. There's no point in either." That's the truth. These are my friends, and I need them now more than ever. As to how I found all this out, another story where I'm not lying completely for another time. "Remember that time I went down to Stone Work City down in Mexico? About three years ago? When foraging around the ancient Scarred Ruins, I found a stone with the diamond and pearl symbol. After staying there a few more days, I was discovered by the Cult, where I did battle with them, and was forced to retreat. But not before gaining what knowledge I could.
"As to why this sudden power grab, well, I'm not quite entirely sure. But if I had to guess, then I'd say some type of war will be started eventually. Bloodshed.....that's what the Witch wants. That's what she needs."
Maybe the wheels in Sasha's head finally started to click. Or maybe the wheels were already clicking and they just came to a complete stop. "War. You think that this Witch will drag the Hidden to war?"
I shrugged. "Try, yes. Succeed? That's yet to be determined."
Sasha threw her head into her large hands, moaning like she had a headache. "War. You believe war is coming. And I just elected a man who's agenda is bloodshed onto the council. Another damn voice."
Fina whistled, a sad low pitch. Always the extravagant one, Fina was. "Fuck. Then our council can't be the only one corrupted. This must spread district to district. Providence to providence. Ditto, is this world wide?"
Now this I could easily speak the truth to. "Honestly, I don't know if it goes into multiple provinces. North, South, and Latin America is probably compromised. After that, it's hard to say." Glancing away, Buddy's heavy breathing made me realize that he was trying to fathom just how big a mess this was. "But that's not all. I have reason to believe that the Light Layer, or more accurately, the Magi are corrupted too. And if they are gone, then our allies are very, very thin."
"Oh no," whispered Buddy, a thought hitting him. "The Angels. Those monsters, if power is what the Witch seeks, and power is what she offers, then the Angels are probably a lost cause."
Everyone except me and Halina cursed then, partly since I already figured that out, and partly because Halina hasn't been told about the Angels yet. Those beasts weren't holy, and I really don't want to fight them if I don't have too.
"What do we do?" Sasha asked. "Ditto, if this is real, then we can't do nothing."
"And we won't. But for now," I sighed, "but for now we must be cautious. I'm going to need information. Gathered by all of you." Looking at my war council, the air was filled with fear and doubt. But never doubt the truth. This is my gift, a way for one to know the truth can't be beaten. "Fina, I need you to watch over our three council members. Be weary, but track their moves, actions, people they meet. Whatever.
"Buddy, I need information on other places. Find out if the college has been corrupted. If other places of knowledge are out of our grasp." My own wheels stirred, horrid yet so rewarding. What's better than good solid plan? "Paul, go to the internet, and see if they have some sort of recruiting website. It'll be tricky I know. Also figure out if any odd anomalies have taken place over the country, like shifter attacks or the likes.
"And Sasha, I need a list of councilors who've turned. Local to start with. Anyone with the diamond insignia is aligned with the Witch. I need to know what goals they are trying to accomplish, if it's obvious or if we need to do more investigating." The next part forced me to give Sasha my most serious voice. "Be careful Sasha. You will be the most exposed. If the Cult figures you out, then you might end up in danger. I will do what I can, but even I am just one man."
Fina extended a hand towards her, with Sasha gently taking it greedily. The councilor said, "Don't worry about me. I'm not a complete powerhouse, but I got my tricks."
I wasn't worried. Not really. Sasha was a witch that if fucked around with, you would not be walking away in a functional condition. Same for the rest of my friends. There wasn't much that could shake them up, that could scare them easily. That being said, it would still be good if confrontation could be avoided by them. Me, it didn't matter if I got into a scuffle. Nobodies are nobodies for a reason. Our presence is forgotten rather quickly.
"And you?" Paul asked, pointing at my face. Damn, why is Paul so good at this shit?
"I'll be trying to figure out the big players. The top dogs in all this. And, if necessary," placing my book down, my heart pounded a little louder, "I'll destroy the ones I can. Otherwise, it's a simple reconnaissance. But blood has already been spilt, so we must be quick to figuring out her plans."
Spinning, I faced my most trusted allies. "We are the forebearers of war. And if there aren't any other questions, that is all for the night."
Buddy grunted in amusement. "Oh, I have a lot of questions. But there will be a time to ask them. I trust you Ditto, and because I trust you is that I believe you."
"Huna be damned, I guess I agree for now," Fina said, giving me a the bird but laughing all the same. "You are a bastard, but it's been awhile since I've gotten to stalk people. Yeah, I'm down."
"As someone who must care for her city, I guess there's no choice but to listen to your annoying mouth, dear." That was my Sasha, never backing down from a challenge. "But I will hunt down Edwards killer all the same."
"Interesting," Paul said. "Do my job."
"Fantastic," I replied. "Meeting adjourned."
Sitting in my study, the silence that echoed all around me made the house feel like it did a week ago: lonely. And maybe in my mind, it was still lonely. There has never been another sentient being living in this place up until recently, and the house might not be adjusting yet. Change for mortals is scary isn't it? Change for a lonely man is even worse, not because a lonely man is afraid of change, but what might happen when change finally affects him.
Halina sat beside me with a beer in hand. That sounded like a good idea, but I couldn't force myself to move. A weird sipping noise, then Halina said, "What's the real myth then?"
"Ya'know, for someone as smart as you, I feel like a book about the Hidden is a waste of talent." Are most humans this smart, or am I just lucky enough to find one who towers above the rest. "I guess whatever makes you happy though. Unless I'm missing something."
"No, you're not missing anything, I just think this is a better use of my talents." Halina reminded me of person who kinda knew what they wanted, but wasn't quite sure if it was the right decision. Hopefully once this research is all said and done, her own questions will be answered. "The real story is much different isn't it."
"Sorta. The real story is this." If only the Hidden cared this much about shit like this. "The Sleeping Witch had already gained immortality, and she initiated the war. Her armies were full of powerful Hidden, many already granted immortality. It wasn't a long war. In fact, it only lasted one battle. Armies of Magi and Warlocks and Witches gathered, the best and the brightest. But the real determinant of the battle, the real reason the Witch lost was because of the Necromancers. They raised a grand army of dead, and weaved so much magic that anything that died joined their ranks. Once her army was destroyed, the Witch knew her time was done. So she took her most powerful warriors, fled, and had them put her to sleep where no one could ever find her."
"And the Cult has lingered on for all this time," she mumbled. "Why is this a myth, when the events were real?"
The couch was starting to rub into my skin, irritating it. Couch, why do you betray me so? "Every story deemed a myth is warped through time at some point. Achilles was real, did a few impressive things, then died. Truth gets twisted, and what do we get? A myth. The seemingly unbelievable is no longer believable, and even for those with magic and ancient abilities start to forget."
Time was an important factor in any battle, no matter how long or old. Timing was everything. Which is why I must commend the Sleeping Witch. She has a patience that can be worthy of me and my efforts. It's not everyday that I get to war with a being who can really make me think. Fuck, it's rare I find any true pleasure anymore. What happiness can death find in the world?
"You plan to do other things then, don't you?"
Oh, wits are something I value. As I said, it's rare to find someone who can make me think. "Yeah. How else can I get anything done? Somethings are just a job for a necromancer."
Halina stretched back, the universal sign for tired. She yawned loudly. "I think it's pretty crazy for you to let a human this far into your problems. You must not care at all."
"Meh. It's good to have a different perspective on things you know? Most humans are boring and not very critical in their thinking. And Hidden are just plain lazy at times."
"So what then is your next plan of attack?" Halina glanced at her phone, checking the time. "Because I feel like going and getting some take out."
"My next move is to figure out if any big players are in this area. And if possible, figure out what they know." While I don't condone violence, it sure is useful when needed. A good beating never hurt anyone. Ha! "Granted, it will take a little manipulation. And take out does sound good."
"If this war does happen, will it spill out to the human side?" Halina sounded a tad scared, which I don't blame. Imagine hearing about war, and then realizing war could come to your relatives front door. And that there's nothing you can do.
"Yes. I'm sure that if war erupts, it will be noticed by the humans."
"When do we make our next move then?"
"Wow, that's a very bold 'we'." Sasha's words, and my own, rang in my head. A hero didn't get others involved if danger would befall upon them. But I'm no hero, I'm no saint. I stand by my words, but extra help never hurt anybody. "For right now I'll do the heavy lifting. It never hurts though to have a second pair of eyes around though, does it?"
My study was a dangerous place for anyone who knew magic, for those wanting to arm themselves with terrible power, extreme and noxious. Hopefully to Halina is seemed more or less normal, minus the weird parts in jars.
"I guess that's fine with me," she said. "I'm not a fighter. More a lover."
In a world where war was a constant, lovers are always welcomed in my opinion.
"Excuse me then Halina, but I have some other business to finish up." She gave a small okay, and I stood, going to the kitchen, where the only way upstairs was at. A nervous double take made sure Halina hadn't followed.
What's up here, I bet you're asking. That's for another time, because to be frank, even what I have up here scares me.
I guess a tool for death.
Or, as of now, for war.
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