Highway 41.
When I woke up, I was in a soft bed with a warm blanket. As I looked around I could see several books. It wasn't until I got out of the bed that I remember what had happened the last night. Memories of me and Sammy flooded my mind, times when we were together, and a family. Going on hunts, and sleeping in the car with dad. But ever since mom left, things were different. No more ballpark games, or home-cooked meals. We were always moving around in dad's car. A black 1967 Chevy Impala.
I sighed as I went to the motel door, the numbers "11-2-1983-2208" as I looked at it, a pain formed in my chest. "Mom...." I still remember the flames, the heat, grabbing Sam and running. Losing everything I once had. But now....It still comes back and haunts me.....When Jess died I did the same thing.....I dragged my baby brother out of his apartment and away from Stanford, away from his normal life! The only thing he had left! and I took it from him...."Dean stop" Cas called out to me from behind me "He was happy Cas.....we both know that" "But with-" "Cas I know.....if it wasn't for us people would be dead....I know." " then be happy" "How?" I said turning around to face him, I didn't know how close he was to me until then.
"Cas....we talked about this.....personal space" he looked down at the ground "My apologies Dean" he backed away. As I walked to the bed to grab my car keys he grabbed my arm where his handprint was. "Dean..." he looked down "I care about you, and so does Sam. We all do. Even your mother, Mary." I pushed him away from me "I know Cas....I care about them also..." I opened the door and got a face full of snow. "Ugh! come on!" Cas only laughed at me, the sound of his voice made me smile. "Cas...do me a favor ok?" "What is it, Dean?" "Never leave us." "I would never do that Dean Winchester" "Good" I nodded at him walking to my car.
As I turned the keys to start the car I realized it was worthless, it was -10 F I sighed "SON OF A-" "Dean!" "WHAT?" Cas glared at me, what did I do wrong?
After some time of us staring at each other sam called my phone asking if everything was ok and if I was going to join him on a case. It was a car crash that happened 15 years ago on Highway 41. "But get this," Sam said through the phone to me. "Every year on the same day, people are reporting a woman by the side of the road telling them that she had a crash, and can't find her husband" I paused for a moment "Did anything else happen there?" "Uhh...yeah, a man named Jonah Greely died that day." "So murder case? Or haunting?" "Dean, people also say that she was being followed, by a man with a chainsaw." "So what are you saying?" "I'm saying it's connected somehow, and we only have until tomorrow's sunrise to figure it out." I looked at Castiel "Looks like we have a case Cas." "We'll be there as soon as we can, I just have to start the car." There was a long pause. "Hurry up Dean." "I know Sam, chat later ok?" "alright." there was a click, I looked over to my car. "Looks like we'll be taking the sky Cas." Cas looked at me in shock, it's true I never enjoyed teleportation, or flying in general, but, it was the fastest way there. "Dean...last time I Zapped you somewhere..." "Yeah...I know Cas, let's just go find Sam alright?" He simply nodded at me. "Do you know where? I can't take us to him unless I know." "He should be in Nevada, Manhattan area." He grabbed onto my arm, and with a whoosh, we were there. "A little more warning buddy?"
After looking for the motel that saw was at, we all went to the closest bar. "Dean, why must we go to a bar?" Cas asked me with a serious tone in his voice. "Because, I've had a long day, and I'm ready to have a few drinks." "I don't think its wise to be drinking on the job Dean Winchester"
"Sams driving, so its fine." "Yeah about that. Where's the car dean?" Sam asked me looking at my beer. "Back at the other place, why? Afraid someone is going to hot-wire it?" "The weapons Dean."
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