" Ollie can I plaseee look at the book , why can't I look at it but Dig can?"
You say as you pick up the book
he says "because dig can take care of himself you barley know how to throw a punch if you read the contents of this you would be in danger" he put his hand on your shoulder sitting you down putting the book in his back pocket."
You roll your eyes " Whatver and I'm not some helpless child anyway so you said you needed my help with something?"
"I know but you appear to be, but yes there's a casino and I need you to go undercover there find out who's the boss. I whould ask Felicty but she's out if town."
"Okay anything else? "
"Yeah one more thing, you kinda need to wear a dress" he walks in front of you hopping you'll say yes
"What no, I'm not wearing a dress"
" Please Y/N you don't have to wear heels"
"Nope no no no no"
-----------time skip------------------------
"thank you Y/N but you need to becareful. I'll be just outside and if anything happens I'll be inside an in instant, oh you look nice by the way"
"Shut up " You grummble
You go in and talk to Oliver in the earring earpiece
"Okay in, not that I'm not happy to help you're not doing this because? "
"well I wouldn't want to be broke. How is it inside the casino?"
"Okay So there's a poker table I see , and other things like a bar, slot machines, other thing casinos have I think you're paranoid nothing bad"
"Okay just wait try playing one if the games and see if you can get caught "
"Alright, it's a good thing I'm good at poker, one time i won 1,000 in just 4 rounds"
"And this is why I don't play cards with you and Felicity "
"What it's not that hard, if you want to talk about hard then go fish is, man i suck at go fish"
"Yeah I think anyone can beat you at go fish I'm pretty sure you have your games flipped. Shouldn't you be good at simple games and not complex ones"
"Hey, whatever don't get me started on Uno"
"Uno is a great game you just stink at it"
"Hey you don't play the right way "
"It's the better way the "street way" "
" Well the "street way" is the wrong way"
Then a drunk guy comes up to you
"Hey, sweet thing why don't you go somewhere more quiet" he grabbes your wrist and pulls you to the bathroom
You pull you away from him and say " sorry not interested "
As you try to get away he stops you And pulls you closer to him you can smell the alcohol in his breath " I didn't say you can go" with his free hand he slides his hand to your side
You you shove him off you and take off the earring earpiece and pin him to the wall and say " look pal I said I'm not interested you have 60 sec to leave me alone and leave this casino or that pretty little face and or nose won't be so pretty got it?"
From the earpiece Oliver says " Y/N is everything okay ?"
"you admit I'm pretty" he smirk turning you so your on the wall "so you want to play rough Don't ya"
"Y/N talk to me did something happen. Y/N goshdangit"
"That is it " you knee him in the gut and shove him off of you, you punch him in the nose causing it to break
"Gaaa" he says he's nose starts to bleed
"Go or I'll do more " You say
The guy runs away from you
From the earpiece Oliver says " Y/N you have 10 sec to answer or I'm coming in"
You pick it up in time and hear what he said " Yeah I'm hear sorry we must have gotten discontent "
"Oh okay what happened back there? "
"Nothing bad just some drunk guy who tried to hit on me don't worry I slapped him then threw his drink at him "
"someone you need me to go after this?" He say slightly Serious "have you started a game"
" No and no I'm going to it now " you walk over to the poker table
You are on you 10th round
you win 90,000
"YESS 90,000 baby"
"Andddd this is why I don't play cards with you and Felicity,also someone should be coming now" a pair of bodyguards come with a floor manager taking you to the main office.
The manager says " in only five minutes how did you make me lose 90,000 dollars, if you can explain it then we may let you go" not with out being harmed he thinks
" Oh ok sorry hey I can just give you the money and just leave it like that "
"NO NEGOTIATING " He slams his fist on his desk
"Okay, I don't know I'm really good at math and I'm smart"
"then how did you win so many times in a row" he slowly walks around the desk in front of you
You shrug " I don't know luck I guess"
"You cheated " he snapps his fingers
The two bodyguards grab you
" I didn't cheat . Let me go"
" Stop lying" he slaps you
Then righ before you where about to fight the man in green... well Oliver, came in from the window he put an arrow in both of the bodyguards heads
The manager elbows Oliver in his plevx and grabs you holding a gun to your head.
Instantly you do a high kick having the gun get knocked off you swing kick the manager he knocks into the wall going unconscious
Oliver turns on the voice modifyer his voice turning deep "hey, your pretty good. Get out of here" he then walk over to the guy loading his arrow before kicking him he being to wake up he says his lines "you have failed this city" he shoots him in the head
As you wait outside the door for him he comes out and says " Y/N come on let's go" you go to him he shoots a zip line arrow and you grab on to him
"I guess I have alot of explaining to do"
"Uh yeah wear did you learn to fight like that? And you shouldn't kick so high in a dress"
"Um I don't know it was adrenaline and I'm not going to wear it anyway "
"adrenaline doesn't teach you to fight, I know you by now y/n I can tell your lying, I know but in case we're in a situation like that again dont kick so high in a dress or skirt just saying"
" It was, I heard that a guy pushed a bolder with his bear hands all by himself"
"that's pushing a bolder not being quicker than guy with a gun to your head, two different things y/n I trust you with my secret we have non between us"
" Hey let's go to big belly burger John and Felicty can come too" you say trying to change the subject
"Yeah and your paying miss. 90,000 dollars. And on the way you can talk about how you learned to fight "
You sigh "if I tell you then you may be mad at me"
"Alright let's makes make a deal you tell me then I'll let you get a sneak peek at the book deal?"
"Okay fine" you tell him what happened when he was on the island all but about Diana and you bring a vigilante you tell him the boxer who used to be a vigilante thought you a few things .And that you loved him
"I'm sorry that I caused that pain to you "
"No it's not your fault i put that on my self yiu didn't make me drink away my pain "
"right I didn't I was trapped in purgatory" I look down Before grabbing you swinging down next to my bike "we'll go to the arrow cave then go to big belly burger from there" I get on waiting for you before going to the arrow cave.
"The arrow cave? That's a stupid name "
"Do you have any better names ?"
"Well it's the arrow cave then"
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