The Man Eating Monsters
Chapter 1
They say that Earth is the greatest place in the galaxy. Well, in my world, there is no such thing as happiness and fun times. This is my story of how a horrible invasion of monsters wiped out half of the Earth.
It was the year 2008. One fourth of the world had already been captured, experimented on, or eaten alive by the deadly monsters roaming the earth. I on the other hand was going to survive. When I was young, my dad would take me to his work at the shooting range. He would teach me all about the ranges of guns and what ammo is right for which gun. Then he would show me how to shoot them. For my tenth birthday my dad got me a combat knife. "With this, you will be able to kill animals, and protect yourself from anyone or anything that tries to hurt you." said my dad. Ten years later, and I still have it with me where ever I go.
Now a days I dress up like a monster and roam the badlands searching for supplies, with a couple of friends of course. My friends all lost their families as well as their humanity. One of them hasn't talked for three whole years. He lost his utility, his family, most of his friends, and his town to the hoard of monsters. His name is Jorge. Then there is Brenda, Barkley, Winston, and Teresa. They all lost a bit of themselves to. Let's just say if I didn't have them by my side, I wouldn't even have tried to survive.
Now here is the story about how my troops and I came to be.
Brenda was wandering around in the open, a feeble little girl, lost and alone, when she saw me. I was hiding behind a building, eating a piece of bread. She hadn't eaten for days, so, reacting on instinct, she charged straight for me. I saw her coming at me and calmly picked up my bread and moved out of the way. Brenda went flying by me and crashed into a building. I walked up to her and gave her some bread. And that's how I met Brenda.
I met Barkley when I was searching the horrid badlands for supplies. I was picking up some ammo and then suddenly, BOOM! BOOM! Two loud shot-gun shots. I ran to cover and pulled out my pocket shot gun and combat knife, ready to attack. I got ready to pounce and then suddenly, Barkley comes around the corner. I tackle him to the ground and hold my knife up to his head. Then I see that he is not a monster, just a normal guy. That's how I met Barkley.
Winston was like me, lost, alone, and trying to survive. He was determined to find some sort of device that could kill every last one of those mutant disaster machines. I found him being attacked by a hoard of monsters. Hunter, Kenzie and I killed them and helped Cole back to safety. And then there were four.
Jorge was a lost cause. Nothing would even make him smirk. The only thing he had left was his last and only photo of his family. I was walking along with my troops when we saw this huge dude sitting in a corner holding tightly onto a photograph. We helped him to our base, gave him some new cloths (sorta new) and gave him the best gun. The UZI.
Now Teresa I didn't find, she found me. Out of all my friends she was the first. I just thought of her last. It was a year before I had found the others. I was fighting off monsters and vultures, when I ran out of ammo. I was about to get eaten, but then she jumps from the building and kills the monsters and vultures. And that was my first recruit.
Chapter 2: The First Mission.
"Okay guys, it's our first mission together. We must get this perfect. Any mishaps and we all die!" explained Bill.
"So, what's the plan?" asked Brenda.
"Yeah how are we going to do this?" asked Winston.
"Well maybe if you let me finish, then you'd figure out!" yelled Bill. "Whats going to go down is we're all going into the facility. Find all and any health packs or pain killers that you can. Any monsters you see, take them down immediately! Do you understand?"explained Bill.
"YES SIR!" exclaimed the troopers
"Good, now move out!" The facility was very dark and gloomy, probably not a very good place for a picnic. The troops followed Bill into the facility.
"Okay, grab anything that may be useful, Then report back here." explained Bill.
"You got it sir!" said the troops.
"If you get into any trouble, fire your gun three times." said Bill. So the recruits headed out in different directions. Some time had passed and no one had found anything. Suddenly, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Someone was in trouble. Everyone ran to the sound of the gun shots. But they were too late.
Chapter 3: The Mourn
The troops all joined at the gun shot sounds. Everyone's okay, thought Bill, I'm going to round this corner and everyone will be there. But Bill was sorely mistaken. He rounded the corner and there, lying on the floor was the dead and half eaten body of Jorge. And in his lifeless hand was a detonator. Engraved on the side said, "Detonate At Your Own Will."
Bill heard fast footsteps coming towards him. He quickly hid behind a support column holding up the ceiling. The steps were getting closer and closer. Bill had his finger on the trigger of his UZI he had picked up from Jorge's corpse. Quietly he looked around the edge of the column. But there were no monsters, just his mourning troops.
"What happened?" asked Winston.
"Gee, I think I'll tell you all about it since I was obviously standing right next to him when he got halfway eaten!" yelled Bill
"Did you guys find anything?"
"How about you?" asked Brenda.
"No, all there was was this little detonator in Jorge's hand." Bill told them.
"It said, Detonate At Your Own Will, and I had no clue what it meant."
"Let me see that." said Winston, reaching for the detonator.
"Whoa, be careful with that, for all we know it could blow up the whole world!" yelled Bill, filled with rage.
"Okay, jeez!" said Winston. So the five troops headed back out to their base. It was one of the four human inhabited bases in the world. The rest were in Africa, Australia , and New York City. They were in what used to be California. Only the monsters with the coldest blood would roam there. To be fair, some of those abominations were smartish. They knew how to climb, run, jump, dodge objects, and worst of all, the knew how to fight like normal humans. They could roundhouse kick a person in the gut so hard they would throw up blood. Then of course they would soon die,... then be eaten by the stupider ones. The ones that would fight never seemed to eat anything big, probably a finger or two. Other then that they would avoid eating at all. The scientists in New York City somehow captured one and filled it's cage with dead bodies and in a span of ten years it had only eaten one fourth of the bodies. But for some reason it had died and the next day it was gone. All that had been left behind was a pile of steaming, dry, green and infected skin.
Chapter 4: The Detonator
The team was now back at their base. Bill was examining the detonator.
"So, what are you going to do with that thing anyway?" asked Winston.
"I don't know, right now I'm studying it and trying to debate on whether to push it or not. There are the chances it could be helpful or very devastating. On one hand, it could activate a chip implanted in the monsters somehow. On the other hand, it could destroy every living and unliving thing on this earth." explained Bill.
"Oh, well if you find anything let me know." said Winston.
"Okay." A couple of days had past and Bill still didn't know what the detonator did or why it said that menacing message. The only thing he knew was that if he pressed the button, it could cause the end of the world. "Dinner is ready!" yelled Teresa. "What are we havin'?" asked Barkley. "Oh, same-old same-old. Dry cornbread and beans from a can." Teresa explained, longing for some different. "Uhh, my stomach can't take any more of that mush!" Complained Barkley. "Hey if you've got anything that is better than this for now, I will gladly take this mush and throw it out, but until then, stop complaining!" yelled Teresa. "Guys, seriously? You do this every day. Will you just give it a rest! It is the apocalypse Barkley. This is all we'll have for a very, very long time. Teresa, just don't listen to him. He doesn't know what he is missing with that cornbread, no matter how dry it is." said Bill. "And besides, Teresa is right, we don't have any real meat or any real bread. So we have to make do with what we've got." said Bill. After dinner, everyone took off to their bunks. It was the end of another day in the apocalypse.
Chapter 5: The End
The next day everyone got up, ate breakfast, loaded up, and took off to what maybe used to have been a small town. They arrived shortly after sunrise. The crisp morning air, full of dust and sorrow. This might of been a pretty nice town, thought Bill. It seemed so familiar to him for some reason. But he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Hey guys, come check this out!" yelled Brenda. Everyone followed Brenda's voice until they reached a quite new looking house. "Wow, this looks like it was built just yesterday. How is this even possible?" wondered Winston. "I don't know but I don't think that we should go in there." said Bill "Hey, who knows, maybe a survivor is in there." said Teresa. "Well maybe there is a crazy ax murderer!" exclaimed Bill. "Well, I'm going in, if you want to come then lets get goin'." said Winston. "Fine, but I'm shooting anything that moves in there." said Bill. So everyone went into to the house. It was very gloomy and humid in the house. It was two stories tall. But something wasn't right. Out of all the things not right about this random house was that the t.v was on. For years there had been no electricity in the northeast. How did this weird house in the middle of nowhere have power. "Hey guys, you need to see this!" yelled Teresa. "What is it?" asked Brenda walking up the stairs. There standing next to the window was the spirit of their friend Jorge.
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